

Alpha channels, 29


changing volume over time, 72

Ken Burns effect, 76

keyframeable inspector parameters, 77

keyframing individual channels of multi-channel clip, 37

keyframing titles, 42

overview of, 75

of titles, 41–42

transform, crop, and distort, 75–76

Video and Audio Animation editors in Timeline, 77–78

Append (E) command, 59–60


creating from tape, 54–55

creating from tapeless media, 48–49

importing from camera, 52–53

managing, 87


adding audio element to project, 24

crossfades, 25, 40

detaching, 73–74

enhancements, 29–30

expanding, 73

filters, 21

levels, 71–73

Match Audio option, 30

overview of, 71

storylines, subframe trimming, and clip synchronization, 74

Audio Animation Editor (Control-A), in Timeline, 77

Audio inspector

audio analysis and equalization, 36

audio enhancements, 36, 45

channel configuration, 37

volume and pan settings, 35, 73

Audio meters, 20, 71

Audio waveforms, 71, 73

Auditions, 69


Background noise, enhancing audio, 45

Background Tasks window, 20, 88

Backgrounds, Generators Browser providing, 28

Backtiming edits, 61

Blade tool, Tool menu options, 19



Create Archive function, 87

creating archive from tape, 54–55

creating archive from tapeless media, 48

file-based import, 49–52

importing from camera archive, 52–53

importing from source media folder, 53–54

overview of, 47–48

Channel configuration, audio options, 37

Clip Appearance, 2


clips, 3

keywords, 6

Smart Collections, 9–10


adjusting secondary color, 33

grading video, 29

Video inspector options, 32–34

Color Adjustment inspector, 43–44

Color Board, 33, 43–44

Command Editor, 84

Command sets, 83–84

Compositing video, 35

Compound clips

options available for, 38

placing in storyline, 63

synchronizing clips, 74

Connect (Q) command, in editing, 59–61


animation, 75–76

Video inspector options, 34

Viewer controls, 16

Cross Dissolve transitions (Command-T), 25

Crossfades, audio, 40, 74

Cube spin transitions, 41

Custom Title option, 42



accessing Background Task window from, 88

features, 20

format used in, 81

Design elements, in Generators Browser, 28


animation, 75–76

Video inspector options, 34

Viewer controls, 16

Drag-to-edit, 60


of clips, 20

Timeline indicators, 15

of transitions (Control-D), 26, 40


Edit menus, 60, 67

Edit Metadata View option, 39


alternative trim methods, 67

append, insert, connect, and overwrite commands, 59–60

Auditions, 69

backtiming edits, 61

compound clips and, 63

deleting selections, 62

enhanced editing, 65

moving selections, 61–62

overview of, 59

Precision Editor, 67–68

preferences, 82

Replace edit function, 68

Retime Editor (Command-R), 69–70

secondary storylines and, 62–63

in Timeline, 13, 60–61

Trim tool, 65–66

Viewer controls, 16


applying, 22

Color panel, 34

customizing, 42

filters for, 21

retiming, 70

visual, 32–33

Effects Browser, 21–22, 32

Enhancements pop-up menu, 29–30, 43

Equalization, audio, 36

Event Browser

changing name of clip in, 38

displaying keywords and ratings, 7

dragging clips to, 86

Filter button, 9

Notes column, 38

overview of, 3–5

Event Library, 3, 6

Event management. See Managing events and projects

Events area, of interface

Event Browser, 3–5

Event Library, 3

keywords for clip organization and retrieval, 5–7

Markers, 10–12

overview of, 2

rating clips, 7–9

Smart Collections, 9–10

Exposure pane, of Color Board, 44

Eyedropper options, Color panel, 43


Fades, audio, 40, 72–73

Favorite rating, clips, 8, 18

File menu, 85–88


file-based export, 79

file-based import, 49–52

file structure for managing events and projects, 85

Import Files approach, 56–57

sharing, 40

Filmstrip view, 3, 5

Filter button and criteria field, 2

Filter Pop-Up menu, 2

Frame rate, matching clip to Timeline frame rate, 34


Generators Browser, 28–29

Generators inspector, 43

Global control, Color Board, 44

Graphics equalizer, 36

Grunge generator, 43


Highlights, Color Board, 44

Hum, enhancing audio, 45



from camera archive, 52–53

creating archive from tape, 54–55

creating archive from tapeless media, 48–49

file-based, 49–52

Import Files approach, 56–57

overview of, 47–48

preferences, 82–83

reimporting clips, 87

from source media folder, 53–54

tape-based and live, 55–56

Toolbar controls, 18

Info inspector

creating proxy media, 86

metadata views and, 39

overview of, 37–38

Insert (W) command, 18, 59–61


Audio Enhancements inspector, 45

Audio inspector, 35–37

Color Adjustment inspector, 43–44

Generators inspector, 43

Info inspector, 37–39

keyframeable parameters of, 77

overview of, 31

Properties inspector, 39

Sharing inspector, 40

Text inspector, 42

Title inspector, 41–42

Transition inspector, 40–41

Video inspector, 31–35


Dashboard, 20

Event Browser, 3–5

Event Library, 3

Events area, 2

keywords for clip organization and retrieval, 5–7

markers, 10–12

overview of, 1

Project Library, 12

rating clips, 7–9

Smart Collections, 9–10

Timeline, 13–14

Timeline Index, 14–15

Tool Menu, 19

Toolbar, 17–18

video scopes, 17

Viewer, 15–16

iPhoto, 22


Ken Burns effect, 76

Keyboard shortcuts, for commands, 83–84

Keyframing. See Animation

Keywords, 5–7, 18


Levels, audio, 71–73

List view, 3

Looping playback (Command-L), 16

Loudness/softness, enhancing audio, 45


Managing events and projects

Background Tasks window, 88

creating proxy media, 86

event management, 85–86

file structure, 85

managing archives, 87

modifying event references, 88

overview of, 85

project management, 87–88

reimporting clips, 87

Markers, 10–12

Mask Shape options, in Color panel, 43

Match Audio, 30, 36

Match Color, 30, 33


proxy media, 38, 86

sorting Timeline Index by media type, 15

storing as Events, 3

Media browsers

Effects Browser, 21–22

Generators Browser, 28–29

Music and Sound Browser, 23–24

overview of, 21

Photos Browser, 22–23

Themes Browser, 29

Titles Browser, 26–28

Transitions Browser, 25–26


adjusting text size of, 2, 4

selecting views, 39

selecting visible fields, 38

Metadata View pop-up menu, 39

Midtones, Color Board, 44

Motion, 29, 42

Move Clip, Dashboard functions, 20

Move Playhead, Dashboard functions, 20

Movies, adding with Photos Browser, 23

Music and Sound Browser, 23–24


Nests. See Compound clips

Notes column, Event Browser, 38


Output, sharing, 79–80

Overwrite (D) command, 59–61


Pan, 35, 73

Photos Browser, 22–23

Placeholders, 29, 42–43


adjusting volume of, 35

preferences, 82

on Timeline, 13

Viewer controls, 16


clip thumbnails and, 4

position of, 15, 20

Position tool, Tool menu options, 19

Precision Editor, 67–68


Editing pane, 82

Import pane, 82–83

overview of, 81

Playback pane, 82

Primary color correction, 33

Project Library, 12, 14, 39

Project management. See Managing events and projects

Project Properties window, 39

Properties inspector, 39

Proxy media, 38, 86


Range selection, 4, 19, 60–61

Rate Conform, matching clip to Timeline frame rate, 34

Ratings, for clips, 7–9

Reject, clip ratings, 8, 18

Remove (U), Toolbar controls, 18

Replace edit function, 68, 69

Retime Editor (Command-R), 69–70

Ripple edits, 20, 65–67

Roll edits, 20, 65–67, 73

Rolling Shutter, 34


Saturation pane, of Color Board, 44

Secondary color correction, 33

Secondary storylines, 62–63, 67

Select tool

deleting selections, 62

moving selections, 61–62

Tool menu options, 19

Shadows, Color Board, 44

Shape mask, in Viewer, 33

Share menu, 79–80

Sharing inspector, 40

Sharing output, 79–80

Show File Status, 38

Skimmer Info (Control-Y), 4


selecting clips with Skimmer, 41

thumbnails and, 4–5, 27

Timeline control for, 13

Slide edits, 20, 65–66

Slip edits, 20, 65–66, 74

Smart Collections, 9–10

Snapping, Timeline control for, 13

Sound effects. See also Audio, 24

Source media

displaying information regarding, 37–38

importing from, 53–54, 87

storing as Events, 3

Toolbar controls for, 18

Spatial Conform, fitting clip frame size to project frame size, 34

Stabilization option, for reducing camera movement, 34

Stereo sound, 35

Stone generator, 29, 43


audio and, 74

placing compound clips in, 63

secondary storylines, 62–63, 67

Toolbar controls, 18

Style pop-up menu, text styles, 42

Subframe trimming, audio, 74

Surround sound, 35

Synchronizing audio clips, 74


Tape media

creating archive from, 54–55

importing from, 55–56

Tapeless media

creating archive from, 48–49

importing from, 49–52


adjusting size of, 2, 4

customizing titles, 27–28

Text boxes, 42

Text generators, 26

Text inspector, 42

Themes Browser, 29

Time display, Dashboard functions, 20


animation editors on, 77–78

matching frame rates, 34

modifying transition parameters, 40

overview of, 13–14

replacing transitions, 26

retiming effects in, 70

selecting frames, 41

selecting range, 60–61

Timeline Index, 14–15

Timeline window, 12–15

Title inspector, 41–42


customizing, 27–28, 42

superimposing over video, 27

themes for, 29

Titles Browser, 26–28

Tool menus, 18–19

Toolbar, 17–20


animation and, 75–76

Video inspector options, 34

Viewer controls, 16

Transition inspector, 40–41


customizing, 42

themes, 29

working with, 25–26

Transitions Browser, 25–26


alternative trim methods, 67

subframe trimming, 74

Tool menu options, 19

Trim tool, 65–66, 73


Unrated, clip ratings, 8



adding transitions, 25

color grading, 29–30

editing, 73–74

filters, 21

Match Color, 30

Video Animation Editor (Control-V), 77–78

Video inspector

color options, 33–34

compositing, 35

effects, 32–33

Stabilization, Rolling Shutter, Spatial Conform, and Rate Conform, 34

transform, crop, and distort, 34

working with effects in, 30

Video scopes, 17

View modes, in Video inspector, 32


Add Keyframe button, 75–76

defining Keyer’s matte, 32

manipulating transitions, 41

shape mask, 33

transform, crop, and distort, 34

typing text in, 42

video scopes, 17

window, 15–17


changing over time and fading, 72–73

clip levels, 72

controls in Audio inspector, 35


Wipe transitions, 41



subframe trimming and, 74

Tool menu options, 19

Viewer options, 16

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