Further Reading

For further study of the XSL initiative and XSLT in particular, the official specification is available at http://www.w3.org/TR/xslt. It refers to XSLT 1.0, which is the version currently supported by the .NET Framework. For a sneak preview of what’s coming next, the working draft of XSLT 1.1 is downloadable from http://www.w3.org/TR/xslt11. In our examination of the XSL technology as a whole, XSL Formatting Objects (XSL-FO) were introduced. To learn more, have a look at the following online tutorial: http://www.dpawson.co.uk/xsl/sect3/bk/index.html. In general, useful links for online material about XSL and related technologies are listed at http://www.w3.org/Style/XSL.

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