This book details the thinking and basic drawing techniques art directors and production designers need and follows the progress of typical projects from script analysis to setup on stage and location. Even though other helpful books are available that communicate techniques, this book, based on the work experience of a film and video art director, relates technique to everyday work experiences every art director encounters.


Film students can make their projects more professional looking by knowing how to realistically ask for help with location and set projects. Producers, directors, and writers can see how an efficient art director can work with them more effectively. Designers such as graphic artists, advertising art directors, layout artists, and painters and sculptors, can learn how to adapt their skills to film and video projects. Anyone considering a career in video and film art direction can see what the profession is really like.

The second edition includes a lot of new material that will enhance the reader’s perception of realistic work experiences and technological advances now available to production designers and art directors.

A new chapter – “Production Designers Use Special Effects” – illustrates how designers utilize digital editing, improved miniatures, and stage and laboratory techniques. Statements from special effects experts and production designers describe concepts and processes they use to accomplish the compelling film effects audiences marvel at today.

Also, chapters detailing the process of design–script analysis, sketching, construction drawing–set decoration, and stage and location work, feature quotes from working designers and craftspeople who share their experiences in solving production problems.

In this book, readers can learn enough basic skills to function as beginning art directors, which are the preamble to using advanced techniques in future careers in the film and video industries.


The author has worked as an art director and set designer at the major motion picture and television facilities in Los Angeles, as well as freelancing for many corporate, entertainment, and cable television producers. Along with professional work, the author created and taught a continuing art direction curriculum for the UCLA Extension program, including several one-day design seminars featuring top Hollywood production designers. Other seminars include a week-long course for the Televisa Mexico design staff in Mexico City, a Stanford University Summer Workshop, and courses at The Art Center College of Design, in Pasadena, California.

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