
Abstract thought, 16

Acrolinx IQ tool, 157

Acronyms, 68

Adaptive targeting, 159

AdSense tool, 157

Advanced Keyword Research tool, 54, 56–57

Advanced Search screen, 47


competition keywords, 65

international keywords, 74

keyword discovery, 53–55, 61

social keyword, 91

Aggregators, link, 10

AI functions, 110

Albertus Magnus, 19

Alerts tool, 5

Alexandrou, Marios, 72

Alta Vista Babel Fish, 72

Alterian SM2 tool, 91–92, 159

Alumni organizations, 122

Analytics tool, 156–157

Anderson, Chris, 82

Aquinas, Thomas, 19

Architecture. See Search-optimized site architecture

“As We May Think” (Bush), 22

At signs (@) for Twitter, 141

Audience. See Target audience

Authoritative information, links from, 113

Automatic translation tools, 72

Autonomy Optimost Adaptive Targeting, 159

Autoping function, 138

Awareness as purpose, 76–78

Babel Fish tool, 72

Back button usage, 25, 35–36, 150

Bacon, Roger, 19

Bad neighborhoods, 118

Baidu search engine, 34

Basic survey module, 80

Berners-Lee, Tim, 23, 125, 135–136

Bing search engine, 34

anchor text, 128

link emphasis, 110–111

PageRank, 10, 12 tool, 141

BladeCenter hardware, 7–8

Blogger site

keyword research, 91

listening tools, 159


for audience analysis, 81

for linking relationships, 123

optimizing, 138–139

overview, 136–140

post headlines in, 131

Boardreader tool, 91

Bolding for emphasis, 70

Bookmarks in social media, 89

Bounce rate as engagement indicator, 150

Bush, Vannevar, 22–23

Cailliau, Robert, 23

Case studies

engagement/relevance relationship, 153

new product releases, 120–122

search effort improvements, 51–53

site redesign, 99–102

CERN, 23, 135

Characteristics, audience, 44–46

Chatting factor in engagement, 160

Class CIP addresses, 118

Cleverness limitations, 26

Clusters, 92–93

Clusty tool, 91–93

Cognitive terms, 36

Collecting factor in engagement, 160

Comments on blogs, 137–138

Commitment for social media, 140, 144


in audience analysis, 82

keyword research, 65

ComputerUser magazine, 115

Concise writing for Twitter, 141

Consideration as purpose, 76–78


behind firewalls, 116

free and open, 116

freshness, 79, 137–138

management systems, 106–107

vs. purpose, 77

relevant. See Relevant content

search-optimized site architecture, 103

transparency, 110, 131–132

Content experiences in design, 100

Content plans, 97–99, 103–104, 106

Content quality metrics tools, 157


keywords, 109

in relevance, 33, 148–149

in translations, 72

Contextual effects, 36–39

Controversy on blogs, 137

Converseon service, 159

Copyright issues, 115–116

Core terms, 61

Coremetrics tools, 156

Covario tool, 53, 157


and Flash content, 100

navigation behavior, 96

and page optimization, 66

page scanning by, 2

site maps, 105–106

CRC (Customer Relationship Management) analysis, 81

Creating factor in engagement, 160

Creative Commons licenses, 116


earning, 26–27

on forums, 134–135

PageRank for, 9–11, 113

Critiquing factor in engagement, 160

Customer Relationship Management (CRC) analysis, 81

deGeyter, Stoney, 84–85

linking relationships, 123

social tagging, 128–129

tagging and bookmarking sites, 91

Density, keywords, 68–69

Description meta tags, 151–152

Descriptive headings in social media, 131

Descriptive link text, 69


navigation, 7, 96–97

redesign, 99–102

visual, 97

tagging and bookmarking sites, 91

user ratings, 129–130

Diggs, 129–130

Discovery, keywords, 4–5, 50–61

Diversity in audience, 45

Donatone, Frank, 142 site, 82

Duplicate content, 106

Dylan, Bob, 16

Edutainment format, 132

Effectiveness measures, 12–13, 147–148

audience semantics and sentiment, 157–161

engagement, 148–157

Effort in contextual effects, 38

80/20 rule, 150

Elements of Style (Strunk and White), 141, 63

Emphasis, bolding for, 70

Encyclopedia Britannica, 116


in audience analysis, 81

as audience characteristic, 45

audience semantics and sentiment, 157–161

measuring, 148–157

page purpose for, 76–79

PostRank for, 160

relevance relationship, 153

targeted search referrals for, 5–6

Engagement rate metric, 152–153

Engelbart, Douglas, 23

epinion site

keyword research, 91

listening tools for, 159

eResponder tool, 159 site, 82

Evergreen content, 79

Exclusions in searches, 47

Extent conditions, 36, 38

External referrals as engagement indicator, 150


for keyword research, 91

linking relationships, 123

listening tools for, 159

overview, 142–144

Failures, search, 35–36

Fiction, 20

Field studies, 81

File sharing sites, 125

Filtrbox tool, 91

Firefox SearchStatus plug-in, 124

Firewalls, content behind, 115–116

Fishkin, Rand, 111–112

Flash content and crawlers, 100, 91

Flow diagrams in task analysis, 97–98

Flow of information, 11–12

Focus groups, 81

Forums, 134–135

Free and open content, 116

Free Keyword List Generator, 53

Fresh content, 79, 137–138

Gaps in subject matter, blogs for, 137

Gender differences in translations, 72–73

Gerund keyword forms, 69


anchor text, 128

keyword indexes, 46–47

PageRank. See PageRank

ranking algorithm, semantics in, 83

relevance on, 34

SERP page listing criteria, 111

site maps, 105–106

Google AdSense tool, 157

Google AdWords tool

competition keywords, 65

international keywords, 74

keyword discovery, 53–55, 61

social keywords, 91

Google Alerts tool, 5

Google Analytics tool, 156–157

Google Blog Search site, 138

Google crawler

and Flash content, 100

navigation behavior, 96

and page optimization, 66

page scanning by, 2

site maps, 105–106

Google Insights, 54–56

Google Knol, 91, 159

Google Sitemap tool, 105

Google Traffic Estimator tool, 74

Governance system for search-optimized information, 106–108

Grice, Paul, 37

Grocery store analogy, 103–105

Hashtags for Twitter, 141

Headings in social media, 131

Headlines for blog posts, 131

Heat maps, 154–155

Hierarchy of pages, 7–9

High-demand keywords, 104

High keyword priority, 65

Homeric epic poems, 15

Homographs, 48–49

Homonyms, 48–49

Homophones, 48–49

Hubs of authority, 10–12

as goal, 27

PageRank for, 113–117

Wikipedia as, 123

Hunt, Bill, 2


development of, 23

hypertext-matching analysis, 111–112

IBM Smarter Planet site

engagement/relevance relationship, 153

flow chart, 97–98

redesign, 99–102

search efforts, 51–53

Ice Rocket tool, 91

IDOL (Intelligent Data Operating Layer), 159

Impatience, user, 2


Google, 46–47

latent semantic indexing, 85–86, 158

Scholastic libraries, 19

Information Architecture (IA)

clear, 96–99

developing, 6–9, 103–106

goal, 8

governance system, 106–108

Smarter Planet Site redesign, 99–102

Information retrieval basics, 24–25

Intellectual property, 115

Intelligence as audience characteristic, 45

Intelligent Data Operating Layer (IDOL), 159

Interest as purpose, 77

Internal links

PageRank effect, 96

search-optimized site architecture, 105

site maps, 105

Internal referrals as engagement indicator, 150

International keyword research, 71–74

JavaScript navigation, 100–102

Keyword clouds, 4, 61–62, 69, 90

Keyword Density and Prominence Analyzer tool, 54, 58

Keyword Discovery Tool, 53–54, 56

Keyword tags, 91, 141


context, 109

density, 68–69

discovery, 4–5, 50–61

as engagement indicator, 151

governance systems, 106

international, 71–74

linguistic considerations, 46–50

for long tails optimization, 82–89

proximity, 69

purpose in, 76

research on, 61–65, 82–89, 91–92

search-optimized site architecture, 103–105

Smarter Planet Site redesign, 100

social media, 91–92, 131

social tags as, 128–129

spamming, 117

for target audience, 43–46

user scanning of, 2

for Web page optimization, 66–71

KingPing site, 138

Kleinberg, Jon, 110

Knol, 91, 159

Latent semantic indexing (LSI), 85–86, 158

“Latest Headlines—Your Vote Counts” study, 132

Lexical FreeNet tool, 88

Libraries, Scholastic, 19

Linguistic considerations

keywords, 46–50

in relevance, 37–40

Link aggregators, 10

Link bait, 114–115, 129, 131

Link farms, 118

Link text for keywords, 69

Linkbacks on blogs, 138

LinkedIn, 142–144

Links and link juice, 10

new product releases, 120–122

obtaining, 113–117

PageRank effect, 96

relationships for, 118–123

search engine attention to, 110–113

search-optimized site architecture, 104–105

site maps, 105

Smarter Planet Site redesign, 100

social media, 123–125, 129

text, 69, 120

in Twitter, 142

warnings, 117–118

Web for, 125–126

Wikipedia, 136

Listening in social media, 133, 158–159

Literacy, 16

Literal translations, 72

Long-tail keywords, 4–5, 46

optimization, 82–89

search-optimized site architecture, 104

Low keyword priority, 65

LSI (latent semantic indexing), 85–86, 158

LSI Insights tool, 157–158

Lurking on forums, 134

Magnolia tool, 91

Maps, site, 105–106

Marketing new product releases, 120–122

Mathewson, James, 115, 134

McGee, Matt, 86–87

McLuhan, Marshall, 15, 127

Meaning as use, 25–26

Measuring effectiveness, 12–13, 147–148

audience semantics and sentiment, 157–161

engagement, 148–157

Media determinism, 15–17

Medium keyword priority, 65

Memex system, 22–23

Message board threads for audience analysis, 81

Meta tags, description, 151


search engine reliance on, 7

spamming, 110

Microblogging sites, 81

Mining social media, 159

Moderated forums, 134

Moran, Mike, 2

Mouse-over navigation, 100–101


design for, 7, 96–97

mouse-over, 100–101

Nelson, Ted, 23

NetInsight tool, 12, 147–148, 157

New product releases, 120–122

New visitors as engagement indicator, 149

Niches, blog, 137

Nielsen, Jakob

relevance, 149

user behavior, 2, 25, 95

Web usability, 96

nofollow links, 123–124

Noise on Twitter, 140

Notes in social media, 89

Notifications, RSS, 5

Noun keyword forms, 69

Offsite engagement measurements, 160

Off-topic forum posts, 134

Omigli tool, 91

Omniture Discover tool, 156

Omniture path capture package, 155

On-page factors

hypertext-matching analysis, 111

limitations, 113

140-character Twitter limit, 140

Ong, Walter, 15

Onsite engagement measurements, 160


blogs for search, 138

long tails, 82–89

site. See Search-optimized site architecture

Web pages, keywords for, 66–71

Oral contexts in relevance, 33

Oral tradition, 15–16

Pace of information, 11–12

Page-level keyword research, 51

Page views metric, 149


credibility through, 9–11

for hubs of authority, 113–117

internal links effect, 96

PageRank (continued)

links for. See links and link juice

overview, 109–113

sitemaps, 105

and social media, 12


audits, 151–152

hierarchy, 7–9

optimizing, 66–71

perpetually unfinished, 27–28

purpose, 76–79

Paid placements, 65

Paper, invention of, 20

Partners, links, 122

Pathing data, 155–156

Pay-per-click (PPC) tool, 61

Permutations of keyword phrases, 49

Perpetually unfinished Web pages, 27–28

Personality for blogs, 137

Phrases, keyword, 4–5

Pike, Walter, 130–131

Ping-o-Matic tool, 138–139

Pingbacks on blogs, 138

Pinging blogs, 138–139

Polarity of threads, 158

Polls for audience analysis, 81

Ponzi schemes, link-equity, 117

Popular discovering, keywords, 4–5

Post-publishing audience analysis, 81–82

PostRank metric, 160

PPC (pay-per-click) tool, 61

Pragmatics, 36

Pre-publishing audience analysis, 81

Present perfect keyword forms, 69

Print media

audiences for, 3

contexts in, 33, 109

evolution from, 1–2

limitations, 22–23

media determinism, 15–17

spaces between words, 17–22

vs. Web content, 23–24

Prioritizing keywords, 65

Professional contacts on LinkedIn, 143

Professional groups, 122

Proximity, keyword, 69

Purchase as purpose, 77


audience engagement, 76–79

considerations, 77–78

in relevance, 6, 75

Qualified visitors, 70

Quintura tool, 87–88, 107

Quotation marks (“) in searches, 47, 58

“Rate This Page” surveys, 76

Raw traffic data metric, 150

Readership studies, 81

Really Simple Syndication (RSS) feeds, 5

for audience analysis, 81

for blogs, 137–139

purpose, 125–126

Reciprocal links, 117–118

ReddIt tool, 91

Redesign of Smarter Planet Site, 99–102

Referral data

audience analysis, 81

as engagement indicator, 150–151

tools for, 159

Related words for keywords, 69


engagement/relevance, 153

link, 118–125

text, 112

Releases, new product, 120–122


for audiences, 79–82

content. See Relevant content

crawlers for, 66

engagement relationship, 153

inferring, 148–157

linguistics of, 37–40

PageRank, 9–11

purpose in, 6, 75

search-optimized site architecture, 103

Relevance (Sperber and Wilson), 36–39

Relevance survey module, 80

Relevant content, 31–32

approach for, 39–40

audience considerations, 32–33

determining, 33–34

for search, 34–39

writing, 3–4

Remix feature, 92

Renaissance, 19

Repeat visitors metric, 149

Reputation on forums, 135

Restrictions on content, 116

Retrievability of social media, 128–129

Retweets, 142

Reverse IP look-up function, 81

Rhetlist forum, 134

Rich media opportunities, 11–12

Root words, 61

RSS (Really Simple Syndication) feeds, 5

for audience analysis, 81

for blogs, 137–139

purpose, 125–126

Saenger, Paul, 18–19

Saleem, Muhammad, 131–132

Scams, link, 117–118

Scanning on Web, 24–25

Scholastic period, 17–19

Scotus, Duns, 19

Search Engine Marketing, Inc. (Moran and Hunt), 2

Search engine results page (SERP), 67–68

description meta tags for, 152

page listing criteria, 111

Search metrics tools, 157

Search-optimized site architecture, 95–96

developing, 6–9, 103–106

governance system, 106–108

information architecture, 96–99

redesign, 99–102

Search referrals

as engagement indicator, 151

targeted. See Targeted search referrals

Search-relevant content, 34–39

SearchStatus plug-in, 124

Seed words, 61–63, 65, 69–70, 72, 90–91

Self reference in Twitter, 142


audience, 157–161

in Google ranking algorithm, 83

Sentence level, keywords at, 5

Sentiment, audience, 157–161

SERP (search engine results page), 67–68

description meta tags for, 152

page listing criteria, 111

Service as purpose, 77

Sessions metric, 149

Signal-to-noise ratio in Twitter, 140

SIGs (Special Interest Groups), 134

Site architecture. See Search-optimized site architecture

Site Catalyst tool, 156

Site maps, 105–106

Site overlays, 154–155

Site traffic

for audience analysis, 81

as engagement indicator, 149–150

Sitemap protocol, 105

Skeptical Web readers, writing for, 26–27

Skepticism, 45

SM2 tool, 91–92, 159

Smarter Planet site

engagement/relevance relationship, 153

flow chart, 97–98

redesign, 99–102

search efforts, 51–53

Social measurements, Webtrends, 156

Social media

for audience analysis, 81

for audience understanding, 89–93

blogs, 136–140

Facebook and LinkedIn, 142–144

file sharing sites, 125

forums, 134–135

linking relationships, 123–125

listening tools, 158–159

opportunities, 11–12, 127–133

retrievability, 128–129

sustainable practices, 144

Social media (continued)

Twitter, 140–142

wikis, 135–136

Spaces between words, 17–22

Spam bots, 138


keywords, 117

metadata, 110

Special Interest Groups (SIGs), 134

Sperber, Dan, 36–39

Spiders and page optimization, 66

Stemming, 69, 72

Stenotype, 22

Strunk, William, Jr., 141

StumbleUpon tool, 91

linking relationships, 123

listening tools, 159

Subscriptions for RSS feeds, 5, 125–126

Success, search, 35–36

Support as purpose, 77

SurfAid Analytics tools, 156


for audience understanding, 80–82, 160

Rate This Page, 76

Swapping links, 117–118


international, 74

keywords, 69

Tag clouds, 87–88, 90–91


for blogs, 139

social, 89–91, 128–129

Target audience

common characteristics, 44–46

defining, 43–46

keyword research, 61–65

keywords used by, 50–61

linguistic considerations, 46–50

page optimization, 66–71

page purpose for, 76–79

relevance for, 32–33, 79–82

semantics and sentiment, 157–161

social media for, 89–93

vocabulary, 133

Targeted search referrals, 5–6, 75

long tails optimization, 82–89

page purpose for audience engagement, 76–79

relevance for audiences, 79–82

social media, 89–93

Targeted traffic

as engagement indicator, 150

vs. traffic volume, 4

Targeting, adaptive, 159

Task analysis

navigation design, 97

page purpose, 76

Technorati tool, 91

Test & Target tool, 157


anchor, 128

links, 69, 120

relationships, 112

TextSTAT tool, 91–92

Themes, 61

Time challenged audiences, 45–46

Time on page metric, 154

Timeliness in Twitter, 142

Topics, 61

Trackbacks on blogs, 138


for audience analysis, 81

as engagement indicator, 149–150

volume vs. targeted, 4

Traffic Estimator tool, 74

Transparency of content, 110, 131–132

Trellian Keyword Discovery tool, 57


earning, 26–27

[EM]in Facebook and LinkedIn, 143

Twing tool, 91


for audience analysis, 81

character limits, 128

Facebook and LinkedIn connections, 143

for keyword research, 91

for linking relationships, 123, 125

listening tools for, 159

overview, 140–142

writing for, 133

UIMA framework, 110

Unica NetInsight tool, 12, 147–148, 157

Unica path capture package, 155

Unicode, 72

Unique visits metric, 149

Uniqueness as audience characteristic, 46

Updates for social media, 144

URL shorteners for Twitter, 141

Usability, Web, 96–97

Use, meaning as, 25–26

Use cases, 76

User groups, 134

User ratings in social media, 129–130

UTF-8 characters, 72

Virtual worlds, 81

Visits metric, 149

Visitstat tool, 157

Visual design, 97

Vocabulary, audience, 133

Votes of confidence

links as, 113–114

social media, 129

Wall, Aaron

Advanced Keyword Research tool, 53, 56–57

Free Keyword List Generator, 53

Google ranking algorithm, 83


architecture, 7

information retrieval basics, 24–25

for links, 125–126

meaning as use on, 25–26

origins, 22–23

pages. See Pages

vs. print media, 23–24

usability, 96–97

Web Analytics Association, 156

Web analytics tools, 156

Web effectiveness, measuring, 12–13

Webmetrics tool, 157

Webtrends social measurements, 156

Weinreich, Harald, 2

Wetpaint tool, 136

White, E. B., 141


article traffic statistics tool, 54, 59–60

free and open content on, 116

integrity, 136

linking to, 116–117, 136

links from, 10

Wikis, 116, 135–136

William of Ockham, 19

Wilson, Deidre, 36–39

Wireframes in task analysis, 97, 99

Word Frequency Calculator, 62


for blogs, 138

LSI Insights plug-in, 158

Words, spaces between, 17–22

Wordtracker tool, 54, 58–59

credibility through PageRank, 9–11

evolution from print, 1–2

keyword discovery, 4–5

optimized site architecture, 6–9

relevant content, 3–4

for skeptical Web readers, 26–27

social media and rich media, 11–12, 127–133

targeted search referrals, 5–6

for Twitter, 141

web effectiveness, 12–13

for wikis, 136

write-for-search-engines-first approach, 2

Writing overview, 1

Writing Quality survey module, 80

XML-based sitemaps, 105

Yahoo, link emphasis by, 110–111

Yahoo Alerts, 5

Yahoo Pipes, 5

YouTube for linking relationships, 123

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