
The system administrator is one of the users of a system, and something more. The administrator wears many hats, as knowledgeable user of UNIX commands, as an operator of system hardware, and as a problem solver. The administrator is also called upon to be an arbitrator in human affairs. A multiuser computer is like a vast imaginary space where many people work and utilize the resources found there. The administrator must be the village elder in this space and settle the disputes that may arise with, hopefully, the wisdom of Solomon.

—Rebecca Thomas and Rik Farrow

(UNIX Administration Guide for System V,

Pearson PTR, 1989)

We find it interesting how little UNIX system administration has changed in the last twenty years. If you substitute "computer network" for "multiuser computer," this description still fits perfectly.

The main difference in UNIX system administration between 1989 and 2008 (besides ubiquitous networking) is the sheer number of systems that the average system administrator deals with. Automation is the primary tool to deal with the chaos that can result from so many systems. With it, you can deploy systems identically every time, restore systems to a known good state, and implement changes reliably across all systems (or only an appropriate subset).

We do not claim that the approaches, procedures, and tools used in this book are the only way to set up and maintain a UNIX-based environment. Instead, we walk you through the creation of an example environment, and during the process, help you gain a solid understanding of the basic principles of system automation. This way, you can decide for yourself how you want to set up your own UNIX-based environment.

This book isn't like most UNIX/Linux administration books, because it illustrates techniques and principles by building a real UNIX/Linux environment from scratch. We demonstrate that you can configure each host at your site, from installation through production service to system retirement, without logging in and making manual changes to the host. Instead, we'll configure the hosts via imaging systems designed for unattended installation, followed by management with an automation framework.

We wrote this book, because we felt that it is important to demonstrate that an entire site can be managed using automation. Our goal is to be able to quickly, easily, and reliably restore hosts to service after complete system failure. The host might have failed due to hardware issues; an entire geographic region might be unreachable due to natural disaster, or you might simply have purchased updated hardware on which to run that particular host and need to upgrade. The point of our approach is to configure a host only once and, from that point on, allow an automation system to do that work for you.

Whether you choose to use our exact setup or something completely different, you'll have gained knowledge and experience by going though the process with us in our example environment. Our promise to you is that if you need to configure a new UNIX-based infrastructure from scratch (and you're able or allowed to use the operating systems and software we demonstrate), you can use this book to create a fully functional and scalable new infrastructure. Every service and piece of architecture that our new environment needs is set up using automation.

This book moves fast and will be best utilized if you follow along with the examples and implement the described steps on systems of your own. In addition, download the code and configuration files from the Source Code page of the Apress web site (

Who This Book Is For

This book is written for the experienced system administrator. We have made every attempt to refer you to appropriate external sources when we weren't able to delve into great detail on a service or protocol that we were automating. In addition, little explanation is given to the usage of basic UNIX/Linux commands and shell scripts. You don't, however, have to be an advanced system administrator. We feel that a system administrator with only one or two years of full-time on-the-job experience is more than ready to utilize the concepts and tools in this book.

How This Book Is Structured

The book begins with four introductory chapters that you should be very familiar with before you move on to later, more detailed chapters. The later chapters, starting with Chapter 5, build a new UNIX environment: we set up an automation system; automate installation systems; and enhance the site with real applications, monitoring, reporting, and security.

Chapter 1, "Introducing the Basics of Automation," covers the reasons for and benefits of automation, as well as the methodology behind it. Also, the sudo utility is introduced and explained.

Chapter 2, "Applying Practical Automation," covers the steps behind automating a common procedure—adding a new user account. During the process, the core tenets of automation are covered.

Chapter 3, "Using SSH to Automate System Administration Securely," covers the basics of using secure shell (SSH), discusses SSH security concerns, describes how to set up public key authentication in SSH, and delves into various other related topics such as SSH log analysis.

Chapter 4, "Configuring Systems with cfengine," explains the concepts behind cfengine, as well as the various cfengine daemons and utilities. A full discussion takes place of the common configuration settings in the main cfengine configuration file. The requirements for a minimal cfengine architecture with two hosts are fully explored.

Chapter 5, "Bootstrapping a New Infrastructure," covers the cfengine configuration for a new, automated UNIX/Linux environment. A "master" cfengine host is set up, with all the required configuration files to manage new Red Hat Linux, Debian Linux, and Solaris hosts. This is the first step in building a UNIX/Linux environment from scratch using automation.

Chapter 6, "Setting Up Automated Installation," demonstrates the automated installation of Red Hat Linux using Kickstart, Debian Linux using Fully Automatic Installation (FAI), and Sun Solaris using Jumpstart. The hosts deployed in this chapter continue to be used in the later development of our example UNIX/Linux infrastructure.

Chapter 7, "Automating a New System Infrastructure," covers the automation of these services and procedures in our new infrastructure: the Network Time Protocol (NTP), Domain Name System (DNS), standardized local account files and new user accounts, mail routing, and home directories mounted with the Network File System (NFS).

Chapter 8, "Deploying Your First Application," covers the deployment and configuration of the Apache web server, demonstrating various ways to automate the distribution of both the web server daemon binaries and the web content. Along the way, you learn about sharing data with NFS, rsync, scp, cfengine data copies, and Subversion.

Chapter 9, "Generating Reports and Analyzing Logs," covers automated syslog and cfengine log analysis and reporting in our new infrastructure.

Chapter 10, "Monitoring," uses cfengine to automate the deployment and configuration of Ganglia and Nagios in our example environment.

Chapter 11, "Infrastructure Enhancement," uses cfengine to manage version control with Subversion, including branching the cfengine configuration tree to create testing and development environments. Also, backups are handled, in a very simple way.

Chapter 12, "Improving System Security," covers the implementation of security enhancements with cfengine. Measures undertaken include removing the SUID bit from root-owned binaries, protecting system accounts, applying UNIX/Linux patches and vendor updates, shutting down unneeded daemons, adding host-based firewalls, and more.

Appendix A, "Introducing the Basic Tools," provides a basic introduction to the tools used throughout this book and provides a good starting point for understanding and utilizing the examples presented in this text. This appendix covers the following tools: bash, Perl, grep, sed, and AWK.

Appendix B, "Writing cfengine Modules," covers extending cfengine through modules. This is a quick but thorough introduction using examples.

Downloading the Code

The source code for this book is available to readers at in the Source Code section of this book's home page. Please feel free to visit the Apress web site and download all the code there. You can also check for errata and find related titles from Apress.

Contacting the Authors

We have gone through several stages of proofreading and error checking during the production of this book in an effort to reduce the number of errors. We have also tried to make the examples and the explanations as clear as possible.

There may, however, still be errors and unclear areas in this book. If you have questions or find any of these errors, please feel free to contact us at [email protected]. You can also visit the Apress web site at to download code from the book and see any available errata.

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