Introducing the Basics of

When one of this book's authors was in high school, he got his first part-time job keeping some of the school's computers running. He loved it. He did everything by hand. And because the school had only two or three computers, doing everything by hand wasn't a big issue. But even then, as the number of systems grew to five, six, and finally more than ten, he realized just how much time you can spend doing the same things over and over again. This is how his love of automation was born.

This book's other author found automation through necessity as well, although later in his career. During the so-called "tech downturn" around the year 2003 in Silicon Valley, he suddenly found himself the sole member of what had been a three-person system-administration team. The number of systems and responsibilities were increasing, while staffing levels had dramatically decreased. This is when he found the cfengine automation framework. Cfengine drastically reduced the amount of time required to implement system changes, allowing him to focus on improving the infrastructure instead.

In this chapter you will learn the basics of automating system administration so that you can begin to make your life easier—as well as the lives of everybody who uses or depends on your systems. The topics covered in this book apply to a wide variety of situations. Whether you have thousands of isolated systems (sold to your customers, for example), a large number of diverse machines (at a large company or university campus), or just a few servers in your home or small business, the techniques we'll cover will save you time and make you a better administrator.

Throughout this book, we will assume the reader has a basic set of UNIX skills and some prior experience as a system administrator (SA). We will use numerous tools throughout the book to provide example automation solutions. These tools include the following:

  • The Bash shell
  • Perl
  • Cfengine
  • Regular expressions
  • The grep command
  • The sed stream editor
  • AWK

If you are not familiar with one or more of these tools, read their introductions in the Appendix before you proceed. See Chapter 4 for an introduction to cfengine.

Do You Need Automation?

If you have one Linux system sitting on your desk at home, you don't need automation. You can take care of everything manually—and many people do. But you might want automation anyway because it will ensure your system has the following characteristics:

  • Routine tasks such as performing backups and applying security updates take place as scheduled: This saves the user time and ensures that important tasks aren't forgotten.
  • The system is consistently set up: You might have one system, but how often is it replaced due to faulty hardware or upgrades? When the system hardware is upgraded or replaced, an automation system will configure the software again in the same manner as before.
  • The system can be expertly configured, even if you're not an expert: If you use automation built by someone more experienced with system configuration and automation, you benefit from his or her expertise. For example, you benefit from the Red Hat Network (RHN) when using a licensed installation of Red Hat Enterprise Linux. RHN regularly supplies automated software updates that are reliable and timely, resulting in a more secure and stable system. Most users don't have the required system configuration and programming skills to implement such a system, so Red Hat developed a solution that any of their software licensees can use freely.
  • The system is in compliance with guidelines and standards: You might be responsible for only one system, but if the system belongs to your employer, it might be subject to regulatory or other legislative requirements around security and configuration. If this is the case, an automation system that enforces those requirements supplies the documentation needed to prove compliance. Even if no laws or credit card–company guidelines apply, your employer might require that all systems on its network meet certain minimal security standards. Usually a one-time manual configuration isn't enough to satisfy these standards; an automated solution is required.
  • The system is reliable: If solutions to occasional problems are automated, the system is more reliable. When a disk fills up with temporary files, for example, the user who employs an automation system can schedule a daily cleanup procedure to prevent failed writes to disk and system crashes from full disks.

Likewise, you might think you don't need automation if you have only one server in your company. However, you might want it because backups and timely security updates are easy tasks for a busy system administrator to neglect, even in this most basic setup. In addition, if your company's server is a file server or mail server, its drives will tend to fill up and cause problems. In fact, any security or stability problem with this type of computer will likely result in expenses for the company, and any loss of data could be disastrous. This is exactly the reason OS vendors rotate the log files for the daemons they install on the system, because they know the end result of unmaintained log files. An automation system can also help out your successor or the person covering for you during your vacation.

When it comes down to it, the number of machines isn't an important factor in the decision to use automation. Think of automation as insurance that the machine is being monitored. A Red Hat Package Manager (RPM) install or security update can undo a manual change to a configuration file, for example. If an automation system enforces the policy that the configuration file contains a particular entry or value, it will reapply the change if necessary.

In addition to log-file rotation, your OS distributor already automates many tasks on a stand-alone system. It makes security checks, updates databases with information on file locations (e.g., slocate), and collects system accounting and performance information. All this and more happens quietly and automatically from within a standard UNIX or Linux system.

Automation is already a core part of UNIX philosophy, and cron jobs have historically been the de facto method for automating UNIX tasks. In this book we favor cfengine for task automation, but for now you can think of cfengine as a next-generation cron daemon.

For the sake of the single system, it's fine to go the simple route. You can add more log-rotation settings to already automated systems such as the "logrotate" utility (standard on all Linux distributions that we can think of). You don't need something complex, but you do need automation if you want to ensure important tasks happen regularly and reliably.

You should do everything you can to prevent problems before they happen. If you can't do that, follow the advice of one of our old managers: make sure the same problem never happens again. If a disk fills, set up a log-rotation script run from cron that deletes unneeded temporary files—whatever addresses the root cause. If a process dies, set up a process monitor to restart it when it exits. In later chapters, we will show you how to accomplish these tasks using cfengine. The automation systems at most sites grow over time in response to new issues that arise.

SAs who respond to all problems with permanent (read: automated) solutions go a long way toward increasing overall availability of their sites' applications and services. Automated solutions also allow them to get some sleep while on call. (The sleep factor alone is reason enough for most SAs to spend a lot of time on automation.)

So, back to the question—do you need automation? We'll introduce a variety of situations that require automation and discuss them further throughout the book.

Large Companies with Many Diverse Systems

The most traditional situation requiring automation involves a large company or organization with hundreds or even thousands of systems. These systems range from web servers to file servers to desktop workstations. In such a situation, you tend to have numerous administrators and thousands of users.

You might treat the systems as several groups of specialized servers (i.e., all workstations in one group, all web servers in another) or you might administer all of them together. Either way, with a large number of different systems, automation is the only option. Cfengine is especially suited to this type of environment. It uses a high-level configuration file and allows each system to pull its configuration from the configuration server. One of cfengine's key strengths: Not only can it configure hundreds or even thousands of systems in exactly the same manner, but it can also configure a single system in a unique way. We'll discuss cfengine thoroughly in later chapters.

Medium-Sized Companies Planning for Growth

Any medium-sized or small company is in just about the same situation as the large companies. You might have only 50 servers now and some basic solutions might work for you, but you probably hope to expand. Automation systems built on cfengine scale from a few systems to many thousands of systems. The example cfengine infrastructure demonstrated in Chapter 5 assists scalability by segmenting the configuration into many files. Sites with more than 25,000 hosts use cfengine.

You might have only one type of a particular system, but if it fails, cfengine can reproduce the original system quickly and reliably. Normally at that point some user or application data needs to be restored, but that's much easier than reproducing a system from a base install.

Internet Service Providers

If you work at an Internet Service Provider (ISP), you probably have more computers than employees. You also (hopefully) have a large number of customers who pay you money for the service you provide. Your systems might offer a wide variety of services, and you need to keep them all running. Other types of companies have some critical servers, but most of their systems are not critical for the companies' success (e.g., individual workstations, testing systems, and so on). At an ISP, almost all of your systems are critical, so you need to create an automation system that promotes system stability and availability.

Application Service Providers

If you're an application service provider (ASP), you might have hundreds of systems that all work together or numerous groups of independent systems. Your system-administration tasks probably include deploying and configuring complex, custom software. You must synchronize such changes among the various systems and make them happen only on demand. Stability is very important, and by minimizing changes you can minimize downtime. You might have a central administration system or a separate administration for each group of systems (or both). When you create your automation system, be sure to keep an eye on scalability—how many systems do you have now, and how many will you have in the future?

Fortunately with cfengine you already have an automation system; what you need to keep in mind is that in such an environment you often need additional capacity in a hurry. Being able to boot new hardware off the network and have cfengine configure it appropriately means that the most time-consuming aspect of adding new systems is the time required to order, rack, and cable up the new systems. This is the ideal situation for an ASP, and the SA staff in such shops should aspire to it.

Web Server Farms

Automation within web clusters is common today. If you have only a couple of load balancers and a farm of web servers behind them, all your systems will be virtually identical. This makes things easier because you can focus your efforts on scalability and reliability without needing to support differing types of systems. In a more advanced situation, you also have database systems, back-end servers, and other systems. In this case, you need a more flexible automation system, such as cfengine. Regardless of the underlying infrastructure, web servers will be plentiful. You need a quick and efficient way to install and configure new systems (for expansion and recovery from failures). Sound familiar? The core needs and considerations are common across different business types. We'll return to these recurring themes at the end of the chapter.

Beowulf Clusters

Beowulf clusters are large groups of Linux systems that can perform certain tasks on par with a traditional supercomputer. Regardless of whether you use a Beowulf cluster or another type of computational cluster, each cluster usually has one control system and hundreds of computational units. To set up and maintain the cluster efficiently, you need the ability to install new systems with little or no interaction. You have a set of identical systems, which makes configuration easy. You also usually have maintenance periods during which you can do what you want on the systems, which is always nice. But when the systems are in use, making changes to them might be disastrous. For this reason, you will usually want to control the times when the systems will accept modifications.

Hosts in such clusters will typically boot off the network and load up a minimal operating system entirely into memory. Any local storage on the system is probably for application data and temporary storage. Many of the network boot schemes like this completely ignore the containment of system drift during the time between boot and shutdown.

In a worst-case scenario, an attacker might access the system and modify running processes, access other parts of your network from there, or launch attacks against other sites. A less extreme problem would be one where certain applications need to be kept running or be restarted if they consume more than a defined amount of memory. An automation system that ignores the need to control a running system is at best only half an automation system. Using a system reboot to restore a known good state is sufficient if the site administrators don't wish to do any investigation or improvement. A reboot is only a temporary solution to a system problem. An attacker will simply come back using the same mechanism as before, or processes will still die or grow too large after a reboot. You need a permanent solution.

A cluster designed to network-boot can just as easily run cfengine and use it to contain system drift. You'll find helpful cfengine features that can checksum security-critical files against a known good copy and alert administrators to modifications. Other cfengine features can kill processes that shouldn't be running or restart daemons that are functioning incorrectly. Systems that are booted from identical boot media don't always have the same runtime behavior, and cfengine allows you to control the runtime characteristics of your systems.

For some of the best documentation on system drift and ways to control it, check out the book Principles of Network and System Administration, Second Edition by Mark Burgess (Wiley, 2004). The author approaches the subject from an academic standpoint, but don't let that scare you away. He uses real-world examples to illustrate his points, which can pay off at your site by helping you understand the reasons behind system drift. The book will help you minimize these negative effects in your system and application design.

Network Appliances

Finally, many companies produce what we call "network appliances," which are systems that run some UNIX variant (often Linux or FreeBSD) and are sold to customers as a "drop-in" solution. Some current examples of these products include load balancers and search engines. The end user administers the systems but might know very little about UNIX. End users also usually do not have root access to the system. For this reason, the system must be able to take care of itself, performing maintenance and fixing problems automatically. It will also need to have a good user interface (usually web-based) that allows the customer to configure its behavior. Such vendors can leverage cfengine so that they can focus on their core competency without worrying about writing new code to keep processes running or file permissions correct.

What Will You Gain?

The day-to-day work of system administration becomes easier with automation. We can promise the following benefits, based on our own experience.

Saving Time

You can measure the time saved by automation in two ways. The first is in the elapsed wall-clock time between the start and end of a task. This is important, but not as important as the amount of actual SA time required. If the only SA time required is in setting up the task to be automated in the first place and occasionally updating the automation from time to time, the benefits are much greater than faster initial completion. This frees the SA to work on automating more tasks, testing out new software, giving security or reliability lectures to the in-house programmers, or simply keeping current with recent technology news.

Reducing Errors

Unfortunately, you'll see a rather large difference between systems built according to documentation and systems configured entirely through automated means. If you were to audit two systems for differences at a site where all systems were configured by cfengine, the differences should—in theory—arise only from errors outside the automation system, such as a full disk. We know from firsthand experience that systems configured according to a written configuration guide invariably differ from one another. After all, humans are fallible. We make mistakes.

You can reduce errors at your site by carefully testing automated changes in a nonproduction environment first. When the testing environment is configured properly, only then do you implement the change in your production environment.

For the sake of this book, the term "production" means the systems upon which the business relies, in any manner. If the company is staffed primarily with nontechnical people, perhaps only the SA staff understands the differentiation when the term is used. Trust us, though: the business people understand when particular hosts are important to the business and will speak out about perceived problems with those systems.

Documenting System Configuration Policies

Whether the automated configuration at a site is done by shell scripts, Perl scripts, or a tool such as cfengine, the automation serves as documentation. It is in fact some of the most usable documentation for a fellow SA, simply because it is authoritative.

If new SAs at a site read some internal documentation about installing and configuring some software, they don't have any assurance that following the documentation will achieve the desired effect. The SA is much better off using a script that has been used all the previous times the software needed to be installed and configured.

Either the script will work and the proper results will emerge, or it'll break because of some change in the environment. The change should be much easier to find based on error output from the script. If the steps on a wiki page or a hard copy of the documentation don't work, on the other hand, the error could be due to typos in the doc, steps omitted, or updates to the procedure not making it back into the docs. Using automation instead helps insulate the SA against these scenarios.

Realizing Other Benefits

This book applies to a wide range of people and situations, so not all the material will be of interest to all readers. If you haven't yet created an automation system or implemented an open source framework (such as cfengine) from scratch, this book will show you how to get started and how to take the system from initial implementation through full site automation. You will also learn the principles that should guide you in your quest for automation. As your skills and experience grow, you will become more interested in some of the more advanced topics the book discusses and find that it points you in the right direction on related subjects.

If you already have an automation system of some sort, this book will provide you with ideas on how to expand it. There are so many ways to perform any given task that you are sure to encounter new possibilities. In many cases, your current system will be advanced enough to leave as is. In other cases, though, you will find new ways to automate old tasks and you'll find new tasks that you might never have considered automating.

Don't write off a complicated manual task as too difficult to automate before carefully evaluating the decisions made during the process. You'll usually find during manual inspection that the decision process is based on attributes of the system that cfengine or a script can collect. The act of documenting a change before making it usually forces the SA to approach the problem in a systematic way. The change process will end up producing better results when the process is planned this way.

Imagine that you often have to restart a web-server process on one of your servers, in a sequence of actions such as this:

  • You check a log file for a commonly recurring error message.
  • You check if CPU utilization is high.
  • You test the web server using a command-line utility, looking for a successful HTTP status message.

You can collect each of these manual checks automatically, and a script or cfengine can make the decision to restart. If this makes you nervous, write the script's collection aspects first, and at the point where a system change would be made, instruct the script to print a message to the screen about the decision it has reached. Run the script, then manually go through your decision process independently of the script. Enhance the script each time its decision differs from yours. You'd be surprised at the complex procedures you can automate this way. You don't have to enable the automated restart itself until you're comfortable that it will do the right thing.

When it comes to computer systems, every environment is different—each has different requirements and many unique situations. Instead of attempting to provide the unattainable "one solution fits all," this book shows how to set up an example environment. As we configure our example environment, we will explain the decision process behind the solutions we have chosen. After you have learned these options, you will be able to make an informed choice about what you should automate in your environment and how you should do it.

What Do System Administrators Do?

Life as a system administrator usually falls into three categories:

  • Tedious, repetitive tasks (a.k.a. boring tasks)
  • New, innovative tasks (a.k.a. why you love the job)
  • Answering users' questions, or otherwise dealing with monitoring alarms, issues or emergencies (a.k.a. pulling your hair out)

The goal of this book is to help you create new and innovative solutions to eliminate those tedious and repetitive tasks. And if you find a way to automate the task of answering users' questions, please let us know! But even if you can't, you can at least create a system that detects and even fixes many problems before they come to the attention of the users, or more important, your monitoring systems. Also, any task you have automated is a task the users could potentially perform on their own.

System administrators spend time on other tasks, of course, but we won't address them here because they aren't pertinent to this discussion. (These might include browsing the Slashdot web site, checking on reservations for the next science-fiction convention, or discussing a ham-radio setup with other geeks around the office.) Suffice it to say that following the guidelines in this book will allow you to spend more time on these other tasks and less time on the tedious tasks and emergencies.

You can classify the tedious tasks into the following categories:

  • Preinstallation: Assigning an IP address, configuring existing servers and network services, and so on
  • Installation: Installing a new operating system and preparing it for automation
  • Configuration: Performing initial configuration and reconfiguration tasks
  • Managing data: Duplicating or sharing data (users' home directories, common scripts, web content, etc.), backups, and restores
  • Maintenance and changes: Rotating logs, adding accounts, and so on
  • Installing/upgrading software: Using package management and/or custom distribution methods
  • System monitoring and security: Performing log analysis and security scans; monitoring system load, disk space, drive failures, and so on

Methodology: Get It Right from the Start!

Automating tasks proves much more useful when you apply a consistent methodology. Not only will you have less direct work (by having code that is easier to maintain and reuse), but you will also save yourself and others time in the future. Whenever possible, we'll include techniques in this book that support these basic methodologies:

  • Activities you have performed must be reproducible.
  • Any system's state must be verifiable.
  • Problems should be detected as they occur.
  • Problems should be repaired automatically, if possible.
  • The automation methods must be secure.
  • The system should be documented and easy to understand.
  • Changes should be testable in a safe environment.
  • Every system change should be examined for side effects that also must be handled automatically.

Perhaps the most important aspect of any automated system is reproducibility. If you have two machines configured just the way you like them, you should be able to add an identically configured third machine to the group with minimal effort. If somebody makes an incorrect change or loses a file, restoring the system to full functionality should be relatively easy. These nice capabilities all require that you can quickly and perfectly reproduce what you have done in the past or to other systems. Even if you don't plan to add more systems, you can bet that at some point one of your systems will fail. It might be the CPU or disk(s), or you might have a fire in your server room. (You do have a disaster recovery plan, right?) The experienced SA protects his systems against their inevitable failure, and automation is a big part of the solution.

You also need to be able to verify a system's status. Does it have the latest security updates? Is it configured correctly? Are the drives being monitored? Is it using your newest automation scripts, or old ones? These are all important questions, and you should be able to easily determine the answers if your automation system is implemented properly.

In many cases, detecting problems is a great step forward in your automation process. But how about automatically fixing problems? This too can be a powerful technique. If systems fix their own problems, you will get more full nights of sleep. But if your auto-repair methods are overzealous, you might end up causing more problems than you solve. We will definitely explore self-repair whenever appropriate.

An administrator always has to consider security. With every solution you implement, you must be certain you are not introducing any new security issues. Ideally, you want to create solutions that minimize or even eliminate existing security concerns. For example, you might find it convenient to set up Secure Shell (SSH) so that it uses private keys without a passphrase, but doing so usually opens up serious security holes.

There will always be people who follow in your footsteps. If you ask them, the most important component of your work is good documentation. We already mentioned that in many cases automation techniques provide automatic documentation. You should take full advantage of this easy documentation whenever possible. Consider, as an example, a web server under your control. You can manually configure the web server and document the process for yourself and others in the future, or you can write a script to configure the web server for you. With a script, you can't neglect anything—if you forget to do something, the web server does not run properly.

As obvious as it might sound, it is important to test out your automation before you deploy it on production servers. One or more staging machines are a must. We will discuss techniques for propagating code across machines and explain how you can use these techniques for pushing code to your staging server(s).

Whenever you automate a task, you must consider dependencies. If you automated the installation of software updates and Apache is automatically upgraded on your systems, that's great. But if the configuration files are replaced in the process, will they be regenerated automatically? You need to ask yourself these kinds of questions when you automate a task.

What do you do about these dependencies? They should be your next project. If you can automatically upgrade but can't automatically configure Apache, you might want to address that task next. Even if you have already automated this task, you need to make sure the automation event is triggered after the software is updated. You might also need to update a binary checksum database or services on your systems. Whether or not these tasks are automated, you need to be sure they will not be forgotten.

Homogenizing Your Systems

Most people reading this book will have a variety of UNIX systems within their network. If you're lucky, they will all run the exact same operating system. In most cases, though, you will have different systems because there are a wide variety of commercial UNIX systems as well as FreeBSD and Linux. Even with one type of UNIX, you might have different varieties (called "distributions" in Linux). Even if all your systems run the same UNIX system, some might run older versions than others.

The more similar your systems, the better. Sure, you can have a script that behaves differently on each type of system. You can also use classes in cfengine to perform different actions on different systems (discussed throughout the book). These approaches will be necessary to some degree, but your first and best option is to minimize these differences among your systems.

Your first step: Provide a certain base set of commands that operate the same way on all systems. The GNU Project ( is helpful because the GNU developers have created open source versions of most standard UNIX commands. You can compile these to run on any system, but most of them are binary programs, so you'll need to compile each program for each platform or find prebuilt packages. You can then distribute these programs using the methods discussed in Chapter 8. Once they reside on all your systems in a standard location (such as /usr/local/), you should use them in all your scripts.

Some operating systems will provide other helpful commands that you might want to have on all your systems. If you're lucky, these commands will be shell or Perl scripts that you can modify to operate on other systems. Even if they are binary commands, they might be open source and therefore usable on commercial UNIX systems.

In addition to consistent commands, a consistent filesystem layout can be helpful. As we already mentioned, placing custom commands in the same location on all systems is a must. But what else is different? Do some of your systems place logs in /var/adm/ and others in /var/log/? If so, you can easily fix this with symbolic links.

We recommend that you consider each difference separately. If it is easy to modify your systems to make them similar, then do so. Otherwise, you might be able to work around the differences, which is what you should do. Finally, if it isn't too difficult to add a specific set of consistent commands to all your systems, try that approach. In most cases, you will have to use some combination of all three of these approaches in your environment.

Deciding on Push vs. Pull

You can take one of two main approaches when configuring, maintaining, and modifying systems: the "push" method or the "pull" method. The "push" method is when you have one or more systems contact the rest of the systems and perform the necessary tasks.

You implement the "pull" method by having the systems contact one or more servers on a regular basis to receive configuration instructions and configure themselves. Both methods have their advantages and disadvantages. As usual, the one you should choose depends on your situation. We personally have a favorite, but read on as we present the options.

The push method gives the SA the feeling of control, because changes are triggered actively by one or more systems. This scenario allows you to automatically configure, update, or modify your systems, but only when you (or some other trigger) cause it to happen.

The push method sounds great, right? Well, not exactly—there are plenty of drawbacks. For instance, what if you have more than 1,000 systems? How long would it take to contact every system when you need to make a change? What happens if some systems are currently unavailable? Are they just forgotten?

This is where the pull method really shines. If you make a change to one or more configuration servers, all your systems will pick up those changes when they can. If a system is a laptop at somebody's home, it might not get the changes until the next day. If a system has hardware problems, it might not get the changes until the next week. But all your systems will eventually have the changes applied—and most almost immediately.

So, does your environment consist of several systems that are intricately related? Do these systems need to be updated and modified together at all times? Does the update process unavoidably cause some amount of service outage? If so, you probably want to push any changes to these systems. If these aren't issues for you, and especially if you have a large number of systems, then the pull method is generally preferable.

Regardless of the method you choose, you still must be aware of the loads that will be placed on your systems, your network, and especially your servers. If you push in series (one system at a time), you are probably okay. But if you push in parallel (all systems at once), the server might suffer. If your clients pull from a server, be sure they don't all pull at the same time. Consider adding a random delay before the task begins. Cfengine, which uses the pull method, provides the SplayTime option that does just this.

Dealing with Users and Administrators

Everyone who uses your systems is either a user or an administrator (where an administrator is usually a user as well). At an ISP, most employees are administrators but the customers are actually the users. At a traditional company, a small number of people are administrators and all other employees are users.

Your more technical users might also be administrators of their own desktop systems. These systems can still be security risks, so you should include them in your automation system. You have to be aware of conflicts that might arise between your automation system and the user's own actions. The user might destroy something your system did, in which case the system should do it again automatically. Similarly, your automation might destroy changes the user wanted to make on his or her system—you would have to work with the user to find a different way to make the change.

What you have to worry about the most are any interactions that might cause problems with the system. If, for example, your automation system assumes that a certain account resides on the system, it might not operate without it. This isn't a problem—unless, of course, somebody manually deletes that user.

Ideally, you would have a list of every assumption your automation system makes about every system. You would then enhance your automation system to check all these assumptions and repair any problems. Realistically, you would have a hard time reaching this ideal, but the more hands you have in the pot (i.e., the more administrators), the harder you should try.

Another concern, if you have more than one or two administrators for a system, is an audit trail. Who has been accessing each system and what have they been doing? Most systems provide process accounting—a log of every executed process, the user who executed it, and the amount of time it was running. You usually have to enable this logging because it can consume quite a bit of drive space.

The problem is that when you see that root executed the command rm -rf /home/*, how do you know who did it? You know that the root user ran it, but who was logged in as root at that time? Did you make an unfortunate typo, or did the pissed-off employee who quit yesterday do it on purpose?

The easiest solution when you have multiple administrators is to give the root password to everybody, but this provides no audit trail at all. A better option is to specify which SSH keys should provide access to the root account. Each user has his or her own private SSH key and, assuming the logging is turned up slightly, the SSH server records the key used for each login. This allows you to determine who was logged in as root at any given time. You can find information on this approach in Chapter 3.

There is still a chance that multiple people will be logged in as root when a problem has occurred. The only way to know exactly who ran which commands is to use Sudo. Sudo is a program that allows specified users (or any user, really) to execute specified commands as root. Using it is easy:

kirk % sudo /etc/init.d/httpd start
Starting httpd:                                        [ OK ]

Note that Sudo prompts you for a password. It wants you to enter the password for your user account, not the root account. This request helps verify that the person using the kirk account is still Kirk. The authentication will last for some period of time (usually five minutes) or until the command sudo -k is executed.

Executing that command as kirk results in the following log entry (sent through syslog, which ends up in /var/log/secure on our system):

kirk : TTY=pts/13 ; PWD=/tmp ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/etc/init.d/httpd start.

Note You can find the code samples for this chapter in the Downloads section of the Apress web site (

None of this will work, however, without the proper permissions in the Sudo configuration file: /etc/sudoers. You can edit this file manually, but if more than one person might edit the file at the same time, you should use the visudo command. This command also checks the file for valid syntax on exit.

Here is the entry that allows kirk to start the web server:

kirk ALL = /etc/init.d/httpd start

This line says that the user kirk is allowed, on any host (ALL), to run the command /etc/init.d/httpd start. You could also allow the web server to be stopped and restarted by allowing any parameter to be specified to this script:

kirk ALL = /etc/init.d/httpd

You can also limit this command so that it can be executed only on the web server:

kirk www = /etc/init.d/httpd

This would allow the same /etc/sudoers file to be used on all of your systems (if this is the way you want it). You can even allow certain users to execute commands as other specific users:

kirk www = (nobody) ls

This allows kirk to list directories as the user nobody. You might find this useful for verifying permissions within web content. If you can list directories with this command, the web server can also get into the directory. You could also apply this rule to all users in a specific group:

%users www = (nobody) ls

This command allows anybody in the group users to execute the command ls (with any arguments) as the user nobody on the host www. You could even remove the password prompt as well:

%users www = (nobody) NOPASSWD: ls

Now the users won't have to enter their passwords at all when they run this command. Because this command isn't that dangerous in most cases, removing the password requirement is a nice option.

With Sudo, you can run certain commands without a password to allow scripts that are running as a user other than root to execute system commands. This is the most beneficial way to use Sudo when it comes to automation.

Warning It might be tempting to provide unlimited root access to certain users through Sudo. Although this will allow the users to execute commands as root with full logging enabled, it is not usually the most secure thing to do. Because each user can run commands as root with his or her user password, you effectively have several root passwords for the system.

Many more options are available to you within the /etc/sudoers file. We're not going to attempt to cover them here, but you can view the sudo and sudoers man pages as well as the web site for more information.

Who Owns the Systems?

The systems and services on your network aren't yours to change at will. Normally your company has established people empowered to make business decisions about when a service can and should go down for maintenance. These staff members understand the established requirements for advance notifications to customers, partners, and users. They usually also understand internal or external factors that would affect whether a scheduled time is a good fit for the business.

You can't decide on your own to make changes in an unannounced window, or perform maintenance that takes down some functionality of your applications or systems without prior approval. You need to schedule downtime and/or changes that affect or might affect production services with your stakeholders. The SA might very well be the person empowered to make the decision, but then the SA needs to communicate the activity with enough advance notice to satisfy any internal or external SLAs (Service Level Agreements).

This information is probably well known to most readers, but a reminder is useful even to advanced SAs. SAs often get very close to their systems and applications, so they might forget that the decisions about what's best for their systems don't start and stop with them.

Defining Policy

We keep mentioning "policy," which might sound like a big document handed down from on high, bound in leather and signed in blood by all executives at your company. This isn't what we mean. The configuration policy is highly technical, and although it's influenced by factors outside the technology team (i.e., legislation, credit card–security guidelines, site security policy, and so on), it is purely a statement of how the SA team believes the systems should be configured.

The problem with most sites (whether running UNIX-like operating systems, Windows, or other OSs) is that many machines will at best only partially comply with policy. All systems might be imaged exactly the same way, but over time user and SA activities make enough changes to each host that the system drifts from the desired state.

Sites that use automation for all aspects of system configuration will still suffer from some drift associated with users and networked applications. Examples of this drift include varying disk utilization based on log files from daemons or files left on the system by users, or stray processes left around by users. This should be the extent of the drift, because the automation system should install and configure all configuration files and programs, as well as keep them in conformance with policy. In addition, as drift is observed, you can update the automation system to rein in its effects.

You already have a system configuration policy, but there's a good chance that it's documented incompletely. There's an even better chance that some or all of it exists only in your head. This book exists so that you can move it from wetware into software.

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