MANY HANDS AND HEARTS CONTRIBUTED to bring this work to fruition. For everyone who participated in our research over the past twenty years, named here or not, a deep bow of thanks. Opening your organizations to us was like opening a window of light.

We owe a magnificent debt of gratitude to the members of the CompassionLab, who have been our constant companions on this journey. CompassionLab began with Peter Frost and Sally Maitlis at one end of a webcam that connected Vancouver with Ann Arbor, while Jane Dutton, Monica Worline, Jason Kanov, and Jacoba Lilius huddled around a computer monitor at the other end. Those were fun days of awakening to the wonder of studying and practicing compassion at work.

CompassionLab has since grown to include many researchers. Thank you to the CoPassion team in Helsinki, and to Ruth Blatt, Oana Branzei, Lindsay Cameron, Ashley Hardin, Suntae Kim, Sarah Konrath, Reut Livne-Tarandach, Laura Madden, Laura McClelland, Mrudula Nujella, Mandy O’Neill, Veronica Rabelo, Ace Simpson, and Kristina Workman. We have touched on some of your work in this book, but your scholarship is far more expansive than the small mentions here. We are honored to be your colleagues.

Many in our field whose support and encouragement has kept us going over the years can’t be named here, but that doesn’t diminish our thanks for your contributions. In particular, we want to recognize Sara Rynes, Jean Bartunek, and Joshua Margolis for their scholarly leadership, and Anne Tsui for focusing the 2012 Academy of Management on the theme Dare to Care. Thank you also to luminaries such as Robert Wuthnow, Martha Nussbaum, and Nel Noddings for developing foundational ideas without which we could not proceed. We are grateful for the light that public figures like Oprah Winfrey, Arianna Huffington, and Krista Tippett shine on the topic of compassion, and are continually renewed and inspired by writer activists like Karen Armstrong and her Charter for Compassion, which has galvanized compassion architects worldwide. We are additionally grateful for the colleagueship of James Doty and Emma Seppälä at Stanford’s Center for Compassion and Altruism Research and Education, which provides a treasured home for the science of compassion. And to our friends and colleagues in the Ross School of Business at the University of Michigan, and the faculty, staff, students, and resident executives at the Center for Positive Organizations, we extend a thousand thanks—you are generous and nurturing colleagues. Special thanks to Chris Murchison, a visiting leader at CPO, for showing us how to be a compassion architect—you inspire us.

We would not have been able to do this work without the support of Jane’s husband and Monica’s mentor, Lloyd (Lance) Sandelands. Lance’s work has challenged us to raise our game for many years now. He is a tireless champion and an appreciative reader. He’s also a wonderful chef and host, and our many dinner conversations are evidenced in every chapter. Our deepest thanks aren’t enough.

The book also would not have come to be without the love of families and friends. True to her name, Clare was a source of light and handled everything with more grace than we can describe. Raleigh was a continuous source of joy, and Cara, Karl, and Emily have been our teachers along the way. Thanks for including Monica as an honorary member of the clan! Monica’s work family pitched in with editing, research support, and patience while she wasn’t available. A thousand petals of appreciation to Dennis, who was our first and deepest reader. To Bob, Tricia, Stephanie, and Jean, overflowing gratitude to have you as coworkers, along with Wendy, Dong, and Jessica. To Sarah Powell, double petals of appreciation for helping us to master the endnotes.

Finally, to Neal Maillet and the Berrett-Koehler family, we are honored that you believed in this idea, even when the going got tough. And to Sheryl Fullerton, who provided encouragement at critical times, as well as thoughtful and careful editing, we’re so grateful to have you on our team. Thank you.

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