Building your own Syapse

Your application might be, like Syapse, a serious tool designed to help with a critical problem such as fighting cancer. Alternatively, your application might be something more fun, like a game or personal project. In either case, Backbone offers everything you need to not just build your site but also continue adding to and maintaining the site over its entire lifetime.

However, no book can possibly explain every possible nuance of a library that is as flexible and as powerful as Backbone. At its core, Backbone strives to do only a few important things well and leaves everything else up to you, the programmer. This not only means a great deal of power and flexibility, but it also means that you have to make a large number of decisions for yourself as to how you want to use Backbone. To make the correct decisions, and truly take advantage of everything Backbone has to offer, you will no doubt want to continue learning as much as you can about both Backbone in particular and web development in general.

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