Methods in place of properties

Many of the properties of Backbone classes have the option of being defined as functions instead of as primitives. In fact, we've already seen one instance of this behavior in the url property of Models and Collections. As we learned in Chapter 3, Accessing Server Data with Models, this property can be a simple string, but if you have a more complex URL that requires logic to generate, you can instead use a function that returns a string.

This same approach can be used with a number of Backbone properties, including the following:

  • For Models:
    • defaults
    • url
    • urlRoot
  • For Views:
    • attributes
    • className
    • events
    • id
    • tagName
  • For Routers:
    • routes

For instance, let's say you wanted to have View that can generate either <input> or <select> based on whether or not it has Collection. By using a function in place of a string for our Views tagName property of the Views, we can do exactly that:

var VariableTagView = Backbone.View.extend({
    tagName: function() {
        if (this.collection) {
            return 'select';
        } else {
            return 'input';

Collection.model as a factory method

The Collection class also has a property that can be replaced with a function, but unlike the other properties, this one isn't normally a primitive… it's a Backbone Model subclass. As discussed in Chapter 4, Organizing Models with Collections, the model property of a Collection class determines what type of Model will be created by that Collection. Normally, each Collection class can have only a single model property and thus, can only create a single type of Model.

However, there is a way around this limitation: If we replace the model property of our Collection with a function that returns new Models, Backbone will cheerfully overlook the fact that the model property isn't actually a Model subclass at all. For example, let's say our server has a "/book" API endpoint that returns JSON for two types of books: fiction and nonfiction. Let's also say that we have two different Model classes, one for each type of book. If we wanted to be able to have a Collection class that fetches the JSON for both types of books from a single end point but uses the appropriate model function to instantiate each type of book, we could use a factory "model" function, as follows:

var FictionBook = Backbone.Model.extend({
    // insert logic for fiction books here});
var NonFictionBook = Backbone.Model.extend({
    // insert logic for non-fiction books here});
var FictionAndNonFictionBooks = Backbone.Collection.extend({
    model: function(attributes, options) {
        if (attributes.isFiction) {
            return new FictionBook(attributes, options);
        } else {
            return new NonFictionBook(attributes, options);
    url: '/book'});
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