Gaussians all the way down

We introduced the main Bayesian notions using the beta-binomial model mainly because of its simplicity. Another very simple model is the Gaussian or normal model. Gaussians are very appealing from a mathematical point of view because working with them is easy; for example, we know that the conjugate prior of the Gaussian mean is the Gaussian itself. Besides, there are many phenomena that can be nicely approximated using Gaussians; essentially, almost every time that we measure the average of something, using a big enough sample size, that average will be distributed as a Gaussian. The details of when this is true, when this is not true, and when this is more or less true, are elaborated in the central limit theorem (CLT); you may want to stop reading now and search about this really central statistical concept (very bad pun intended).

Well, we were saying that many phenomena are indeed averages. Just to follow a cliché, the height (and almost any other trait of a person, for that matter) is the result of many environmental factors and many genetic factors, and hence we get a nice Gaussian distribution for the height of adult people. Well, indeed we get a mixture of two Gaussians, which is the result of overlapping the distribution of heights of women and men, but you get the idea. In summary, Gaussians are easy to work with and they are more or less abundant in nature, and hence many of the statistical methods you may already know, or have at least heard of, are based on normality assumptions. Thus, it is important to learn how to build these models, and then it is also equally important to learn how to relax the normality assumptions, something surprisingly easy in a Bayesian framework and with modern computational tools such as PyMC3.

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