Building the Thomas and Bob classes

Now we get to use inheritance for real. We will build a class for Thomas and a class for Bob. They will both inherit from the PlayableCharacter class we just coded. They will then have all the functionality of the PlayableCharacter class, including direct access to its protected variables. We will also add the definition for the pure virtual function handleInput. You will notice that the handleInput functions for Thomas and Bob will be different.

Coding Thomas.h

Right-click Header Files in the Solution Explorer and select Add | New Item.... In the Add New Item window, highlight (by left-clicking) Header File (.h) and then in the Name field, type Thomas.h. Finally, click the Add button. We are now ready to code the header file for the Thomas class.

Now add this code to the Thomas.h class:

#pragma once 
#include "PlayableCharacter.h" 
class Thomas : public PlayableCharacter 
   // A constructor specific to Thomas 
   // The overridden input handler for Thomas 
   bool virtual handleInput(); 

The previous code is very short and sweet. We can see that we have a constructor and that we are going to implement the pure virtual handleInput function, so let's do that now.

Coding Thomas.cpp

Right-click Source Files in the Solution Explorer and select Add | New Item.... In the Add New Item window, highlight (by left-clicking) C++ File (.cpp) and then in the Name field, type Thomas.cpp. Finally, click the Add button. We are now ready to code the .cpp file for the Thomas class.

Add the Thomas constructor to the Thomas.cpp file, as shown in the following snippet:

#include "stdafx.h" 
#include "Thomas.h" 
#include "TextureHolder.h" 
   // Associate a texture with the sprite 
   m_Sprite = Sprite(TextureHolder::GetTexture( 
   m_JumpDuration = .45; 

All we need to do is load the thomas.png graphic and set the duration of a jump (m_JumpDuration) to .45 (nearly half a second).

Add the definition of the handleInput function, as shown in the following snippet:

// A virtual function 
bool Thomas::handleInput() 
   m_JustJumped = false; 
   if (Keyboard::isKeyPressed(Keyboard::W)) 
      // Start a jump if not already jumping 
      // but only if standing on a block (not falling) 
      if (!m_IsJumping && !m_IsFalling) 
         m_IsJumping = true; 
         m_TimeThisJump = 0; 
         m_JustJumped = true; 
      m_IsJumping = false; 
      m_IsFalling = true; 
   if (Keyboard::isKeyPressed(Keyboard::A)) 
      m_LeftPressed = true; 
      m_LeftPressed = false; 
   if (Keyboard::isKeyPressed(Keyboard::D)) 
      m_RightPressed = true; 
      m_RightPressed = false; 
   return m_JustJumped; 

This code should look quite familiar. We are using the SFML isKeyPressed function to see whether any of the W, A, or D keys are pressed.

When W is pressed, the player is attempting to jump. The code then uses the if(!m_IsJumping && !m_IsFalling) code, which checks that the character is not already jumping and that it is not falling either. When these tests are both true, m_IsJumping is set to true, m_TimeThisJump is set to zero, and m_JustJumped is set to true.

When the previous two tests don't evaluate to true, the else clause is executed and m_Jumping is set to false and m_IsFalling is set to true.

The handling of the A and D keys being pressed is as simple as setting m_LeftPressed and/or m_RightPressed to true or  false. The update function will now be able to handle moving the character.

The last line of code in the function returns the value of m_JustJumped. This will let the calling code know if it needs to play a jumping sound effect.

We will now code the Bob class, although this is nearly identical to the Thomas class, except it has different jumping abilities, a different Texture, and uses different keys on the keyboard.

Coding Bob.h

The Bob class is identical in structure to the Thomas class. It inherits from PlayableCharacter, it has a constructor, and it provides the definition of the handleInput function. The difference compared to Thomas is that we initialize some of Bob's member variables differently and we handle input (in the handleInput function) differently as well. Let's code the class and see the details.

Right-click Header Files in the Solution Explorer and select Add | New Item.... In the Add New Item window, highlight (by left-clicking) Header File ( .h ) and then in the Name field, type Bob.h. Finally, click the Add button. We are now ready to code the header file for the Bob class.

Add the following code to the Bob.h file:

#pragma once 
#include "PlayableCharacter.h" 
class Bob : public PlayableCharacter 
   // A constructor specific to Bob 
   // The overriden input handler for Bob 
   bool virtual handleInput(); 

The previous code is identical to the Thomas.h file apart from the class name, and therefore, the constructor name.

Coding Bob.cpp

Right-click Source Files in the Solution Explorer and select Add | New Item.... In the Add New Item window, highlight (by left-clicking) C++ File ( .cpp ) and then in the Name field, type Thomas.cpp. Finally, click the Add button. We are now ready to code the .cpp file for the Bob class.

Add the code for the Bob constructor to the Bob.cpp file. Notice that the texture is different (bob.png) and that m_JumpDuration is initialized to a significantly smaller value. Bob is now his own, unique self:

#include "stdafx.h" 
#include "Bob.h" 
#include "TextureHolder.h" 
   // Associate a texture with the sprite 
   m_Sprite = Sprite(TextureHolder::GetTexture( 
   m_JumpDuration = .25; 

Add the handleInput code immediately after the Bob constructor:

bool Bob::handleInput() 
   m_JustJumped = false; 
   if (Keyboard::isKeyPressed(Keyboard::Up)) 
      // Start a jump if not already jumping 
      // but only if standing on a block (not falling) 
      if (!m_IsJumping && !m_IsFalling) 
         m_IsJumping = true; 
         m_TimeThisJump = 0; 
         m_JustJumped = true; 
      m_IsJumping = false; 
      m_IsFalling = true; 
   if (Keyboard::isKeyPressed(Keyboard::Left)) 
      m_LeftPressed = true; 
      m_LeftPressed = false; 
   if (Keyboard::isKeyPressed(Keyboard::Right)) 
      m_RightPressed = true;; 
      m_RightPressed = false; 
   return m_JustJumped; 

Notice that the code is nearly identical to the code in the handleInput function of the Thomas class. The only difference is that we respond to different keys (Left arrow key, Right arrow key, and Up arrow key for jump.)

Now we have a PlayableCharacter class that has been extended by Bob and Thomas, we can add a Bob and a Thomas instance to the game.

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