

#include statement, 336-337

<h> tag, 278


absolute values

arguments, 90

abstraction, objects, 346


cookies via document.cookie, 189-190

global variables, 324

properties within a method, 327-328

accumulators, 146-148

totals, 152-153

accuracy, debugging code, 114-119

ActiveX, 289

advanced programming, 187, 198


deleting, 193-198

reading, 192-193

writing, 190-191

JavaScript programming weakness, 187-191

AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML), 210, 285-289, 297

ajaxRequest function, 292

ajaxResponse function, 292

frameworks, 288

JavaScript client, 286

libraries, 288

creating, 291-292

creating quizzes from, 292-296

limitations, 288-289

popular examples of, 287-288

server-side script, 286-287

algorithms, 169

accumulators, 146-148

totals, 152-153

array variables, 149-150

counters, 146-148

nested loops, 169

optimizing functions, 165-169

searching arrays, 158-162

sorting data, 155-158

swapping values, 154-155, 287

ambiguity, programming, 33-34

anchor tag (HTML), 281-282

Andromeda Strain, 114


Java applets, 205-206

API (application programming interface), 209

applets (Java), 203, 255, 265. See also programs

animations, 205-206

appletviewer, 256

Autocrazy, 212

finishing, 257-261

placing in web pages, 261-264

security issues, 211

skeleton, 256-257

viewing inside web page, 264-265

writing, 255-261

appletviewer, 256

application programming interface (API), 209

applications. See also applets (Java); programs

compilation and packaging, 408-409

continuous integration and deployment, 416

distributing, 407, 410

issues, 407-409

open source, distributing, 409

RAD (rapid application development), 47

version control, 410

Visual Basic, creating from scratch, 361-368


absolute values, 90

arithmetic operators

Java, 228-229

PHP, 313-314

Array data type (PHP), 312

array variables, 149-150

arrays, 87-88, 226

elements, 87

parallel, 150

reserving space, 149-150


algorithms, 158-162

binary searches, 161-162

sequential searches, 159

ascending order, sorting data, 155

ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange), 76

nonprinting characters, 87

tables, 76-79, 86-87

assembly language, 334

assigning values, 61-63

assignment operators, PHP, 313

Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJAX). See AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML)

Autocrazy, 212

automated testing, code, 415-416


Backbone.js, 288


web pages, 257

behavior, objects, adding to, 350-352

beta testing programs, 141

binary searches

arrays, 161-162

bits, 76

Boolean data type (PHP), 312

Boolean literals, 222

Boolean variables, 225

bottom-up design, 48

branching programs, 133

breakpoints, setting, 127

bubble sort, 156-158


debugging tools, 113

first ever, 113-114

logic errors, 115

runtime errors, 119

syntax errors, 115-118

built-in functions

C programming language, 339-343

PHP, 320-321

bytecode, 206-208

bytes, 76


C programming language, 333-336, 354-355

#include statement, 336-337

versus C++, 347-348

command keywords, 334

conversion characters, 340

data formats, 337-338

functions, 338

built-in, 339-343

main(), 336

printf(), 339-341

scanf(), 341-343

writing general program, 343-345

operators, 345

requirements, 335

statements, control, 345-346

strings, 342

C# programming language, 375

.NET Framework, 378-387

Visual C#, 383-387

C++ programming language, 333, 346, 354-355

versus C, 347-348

I/O, 347-348

objects, 348-353

accessing members, 350

adding behavior to, 350-352

declaring variables, 349-350

working with class scope, 352-353

OOP (object-oriented programming), 346-347

requirements, 335

versus Java, 202

calculations, JavaScript, 79-83, 92-93

call stacks, 127

call-by-value languages, 249

calling functions, 321

capturing mouse events, 66-71

CASE (Computer-Aided Software Engineering), 417-418

case sensitivity, Java programs, 214

certification, 395-396

CGI (Common Gateway Interface), 206

character literals, 222

character strings, 61

character variables, 225-226

chargeback method, 392-393

charts, flowcharts, 51, 97, 133

check boxes, Java interface, 209

Chrome, debugging tools, 120

CIL (common intermediate language), CLR (common language runtime), 377


Java, 239, 246-248, 251

inheritance, 247

methods, 249-251

.NET Framework, FCL (framework class library), 377-378

objects, 346

working with scope, 352-353

public, 215-216

CLR (common language runtime)

CIL (common intermediate language), 377

CTS (common type system), 377

.NET Framework, 376-377

code. See also programs


first ever, 113-114

logic errors, 115

runtime errors, 119

syntax errors, 115-118

bytecode, 206-208

comments, 14-15

placement, 15

reasons for, 14-15

debugging, 113, 120-129

Java, analyzing, 215-217

JavaScript, packaging into functions, 137-139

leading spaces, 314

printing, for loop, 102-105

profiling, 142

pseudocode, 51-52, 133

source, 12-13

spaghetti, 133

strings, 75-79v

ASCII table, 76-79

merging, 76-77

typing first program, 16-18

Visual Basic

finalizing, 366-368

modules, 360

whitespace, 15, 119-120

writing, 53, 119-120

JavaScript, 13

code listings

Accessing Class Properties within a Method, 327-328

Accessing Global Variables with the global statement, 324

Adding a different interactivity to your web photos with the onmouseover event, 179-180

Adding a photo rotator to your webpage is easy with JavaScript, 174-175

Adding interactivity to your web photos, 177

AJAX Library, 291

Alert sends output of calculations and other data to the screen, 62-63

Binary search can speed searching tremendously, 163-162

Building a simple informational function, 137-138

C is cryptic and requires several elements that other languages do not), 335

C program contains no errors but is extremely difficult to maintain, 119

C program with better spacing is far clearer to understand, 120

Class can have both data members and procedure methods, 246

Class with a Method, 327

Collecting your functions into a .js file, 139-140

Completed version of the Calculator program, 243

Completing the text-based Java applet, 258

Counting down from 10 to 1 is simple with a for loop, 106

Declaring a Function That Requires an Argument, 322

Declaring and Calling a Function, 321

Even a simple program can have an error in it, 116

Examples of setting your own styles using CSS to control font color, size, and typeface, 279-280

Examples of the <h> tag show how to change headline text size, 277-278

Function That Returns a Value, 322

General format for all HTML Web pages, 275-276

HTML File for the Quiz Example, 293

HTML file that carries a Java applet, 261-263

JavaScript calculations follow the order of operator precedence, 81-82

JavaScript File for the Quiz Example, 295-296

JavaScript script that performs a button change when the user points to the button, 71

Machine language is extremely difficult for people to decipher, 12

Merging two strings together is simple, 76

Move away from the text mode into windowed features, 244

NetBeans builds an outline of your code so you have less to type, 241-242

Number-guessing game can use a counter variable, 147-148

Our website for our small store is starting to get a bit robust, 181-182

PHP Script Incorporated into HTML, 304

Printing a message several times in a loop is efficient, 103-104

Printing results of calculations, 59

Printing without a for loop gets tedious, 102-103

Program outline that doesn’t use functions can be hard to maintain, 165-166

Program outline that uses functions is simple, 166-167

Program that uses functions for everything is easier to maintain and understand, 167-168

Proof That Your Object Exists, 326

Sales program stores data in arrays for each month, 150-151

Sales-reporting and averaging program can use an accumulator for sales totals, 152-153

scanf() and printf() for input and output, 343-344

Sequential search can help an inventory application, 161

Showing Object Properties, 327

Simple C# program to calculate the area of a circle when given the radius, 380-381

Simple HTML commands can produce attractive Web pages, 274-275

Simple Java program adds two numbers together, 240

Simple PHP Script, 303

storeinfo2.html, 139-140

Swing-based Java applet uses this program outline, 256-257

Teacher’s grade-printing program is easy to follow when you use a loop, 104-105

Type this to complete the main procedure that Forte began for you, 243

Type your first program into the editor, 16-17

Use an if statement when you want your program to make a decision, 96-97

Use for to control a counting loop, 101

Use main() to control the rest of the program, 343-345

Using if-else to compute an employee’s overtime, 232-233

Using prompt to get the value of a circle’s radius, 64

Using prompts to get a user’s first and last names, 66

Using the for Statement, 310

Variables Defined Outside Functions Are Inaccessible from Within a Function by Default, 323

while Statement, 308

XML File Containing the Quiz Questions and Answers, 294

You can control the grade program with a while loop, 107-108

You can nest several if statements to check a series of conditions, 99-100

You can sort a list of values with the bubble sort, 156-157

You can use prompt to simulate a cash register program for a small store, 67-68

You must supply detailed instructions when you want the computer to do something, 27-28

Your first Java program may look cryptic, 213-214

college degrees, 395

combined assignment operators, PHP, 314-315

command keywords, C programming language, 334

command tags (HTML). See tags (HTML)

comments, 14-15

double slashes (//), 15

Java code, 214

JavaScript, 14

PHP scripts, 305

placement, 15

reasons for, 14-15

Common Gateway Interface (CGI), 206

common intermediate language (CIL), CLR (common language runtime), 377

common language runtime (CLR). See CLR (common language runtime)

common type system (CTS), CLR (common language runtime), 377


chargeback method, 392-393

computer-related jobs, 393-394

data processing departments, 389-393

IT (information technology) departments, 389-393

programmers, job titles, 394-400

programming, 389, 404

consultation, 403-404

ongoing training needs, 419-420

putting program into production, 401-403

structured walkthrough, 400-401

comparison operators

Java, 229

PHP, 316

compilation, applications, 408-409

compilers, 19

JIT (just-in-time compiler), 377

computer programs. See programs

Computer-Aided Software Engineering (CASE), 417-418


mistakes, 8

programming languages, 33

concatenation operators, PHP, 314

conditional operators, Java, 230

constants, PHP, 319

constructs, 133

consultants, 403-404

context, devices, 260

continuous integration and deployment of applications, 416

contract programmers, 132, 393

control statement, C programming language, 345-346

controlling programs, 95, 109-111

comparing data with if statement, 95-98

looping statements, 96-109

relational tests, writing, 96-100

conversion characters, C programming language, 340

cookieName property (cookies), 191

cookies, 188-191

accessing, via document.cookie, 189-190

deleting, 193-198

properties, 190-191

reading, 192-193

setting and reading, PHP, 329

writing, 190-191

cookieValue property (cookies), 191

counters, 146-148

counting loops, controlling, 101

Crichton, Michael, 114

CSS (cascading style sheets), 282

CSS3, 277-281

CTS (common type system), CLR (common language runtime), 377



comparing, if statements, 95-98

hiding, 211

keyboard, obtaining, 62-71

sorting, 59-61

data entry clerks, 396-397

data flows, defining, 43-50

data formats, C programming language, 337-338

data modeling, UML (Unified Modeling Language), 418

data processing, 6, 75

ASCII table, 86-87

methods, 87-91

performing math with JavaScript, 79-83

strings, 75-79

data processing departments, 6, 389-393

data types, PHP, 312-313

databases, interacting with, PHP, 329

debugging code, 113, 126-129

accuracy, 114-119

JavaScript, 120-124

JavaScript console log, 125-126

decision structured-programming construct, 134-135

decision symbols, 97

declaring functions, 321-322

decrement operators, Java, 227-228

defining PHP functions, 321-323

degrees (college), 395

deleting cookies, 193-198

deprecation, 279

descending order, sorting data, 155

designing programs, 39, 41-42

benefits, 39-40

bottom-up design, 48

defining output and data flows, 43-50

logic, 51-53

OOD (object-oriented design), 44

prototyping, 45-47

RAD (rapid application development), 47

top-down, 48-50

user-program agreements, 40-41

desk checking programs, 141

devices, context, 260

digital signatures, 211

distributing applications, 407, 410

issues, 407-409

DLR (dynamic language runtime), .NET Framework, 378

document.cookie, accessing cookies, 189-190

DOM (document object model), 286

domain property (cookies), 191

Donahue, John, 204

double slashes (//), comments, 15

do.while loop, 107-109

drawString() function, 215-217

drawString() method, 257

dynamic language runtime (DLR), .NET Framework, 378


EBCDIC, tables, 78

echo statement, 304

elements, arrays, 87

Ember.js, 288

empty strings, 64

encryption, 211

environment, IDEs (Integrated Development Environments), 415

errors. See bugs

escape sequences, Java, 222-223

events, mouse, capturing, 66-71

executable content, Java, 204-206

expires property (cookies), 191

extraction operators, 347


Facebook, 287

FCL (framework class library), .NET Framework, 377-378

fields, 42

Firefox, debugging tools, 120

first program, typing, 16-18

Float data type (PHP), 312

floating-point numbers, 82

floating-point variables, 225

flow control functions, PHP, 306-308

flowcharts, 51, 97, 133

for loop, 101-105, 234-235

controlling, 105-107

printing, 102-105

form data, processing, PHP, 328

format, Java statements, 230

Forte for Java, 217

FORTRAN programming language, 34

framework class library (FCL), .NET Framework, 377-378

frameworks, AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML), 288


ajaxRequest, 292

ajaxResponse, 292

C programming language, 338

built-in, 339-343

main(), 336

printf(), 339-341

scanf(), 341-343

writing general program, 343-345

case sensitivity, 322

collecting into .js file, 140

creating, 137-139

drawString(), 215-217

JavaScript code, packaging into, 137-139

versus methods, 216

optimizing, 165-169

PHP, 320

built-in, 320-321

calling, 321

declaring, 321-322

defining, 321-323

returning values from user-defined, 322-323

variable scope, 323-324

printBR(), 322

user-defined, 321

returning values from, 322-323


garbage collection, CLR (common language runtime), 377

Git, 410

GitHub, 410

global variables, 224

Gmail (Google), 287

goto statement, 133

graphical user interface (GUI)

Java programs, 244-245

graphics. See images

GUI (graphical user interface)

Java programs, 244-245

Gutmans, Andi, 301


<h> tag, 278

hiding data, 211

Hopper, Grace, 114

horizontal scrolling, websites, 437

Hörnell, Karl, 212

HTML (Hypertext Markup Language), 34, 269, 275-276, 282

combining with PHP, 304-305

CSS3, 277-281

hyperlinks, 281-282

Java, executable content, 204-206

programming, 269-274

standardization, 271


<h>, 278

anchor, 281-282

command, 273-275

text formatting, 276-278

web pages

displaying, 273

including graphics in, 281-282

hyperlinks, 281-282

Hypertext Markup Language (HTML). See HTML (Hypertext Markup Language)


IDEs (Integrated Development Environments), 415

if statements, 231-233

comparing data, 95-98

nesting, 100

relational operators, 99

if-else statements, 231-233


rotating, 173-179

web pages, including in, 281-282

increment operators, Java, 227-228


Java classes, 247

objects, 346

init() method, 216

initialization, Java variables, 224

input, 57, 71-73

inputting, strings, 64-68

insertion operators, 347

instructions, programs, 25-34

JavaScript, 27-28

Integer data type (PHP), 312

integer literals, 222

integer variables, 224-225

PHP, automatically incrementing and decrementing, 315-316

Integrated Development Environments (IDEs), 415


API (application programming interface), 209

CGI (Common Gateway Interface), 206

Java, 209-211

Internet-related jobs, 399-400

interpreters, 19

I/O (input/output), C++ programming language, 347-348

IT (information technology) departments, 389-393


Java, 12, 34, 201-204, 212-218, 221, 230, 235-236

applets, 203, 255, 265

animations, 205-206

appletviewer, 256

finishing, 257-261

placing in web pages, 261-264

skeleton, 256-257

viewing inside web page, 264-265

writing, 255-261

versus C++, 202

call-by-value language, 249

case sensitivity, 214

classes, 239, 246-248, 251

inheritance, 247

methods, 249-251


analyzing, 215-217

comments, 214

development of, 202

example program, 213-214

executable content, 204-206

Forte for Java, 217

interface, 209-211

Java Virtual Machine (JVM), 207-208

versus JavaScript, 210

JVM (Java Virtual Machine), 216-217

literals, 222-223


for, 234-235

while, 233-234

multi-platform executable content, 206-208

NetBeans, 217

OOP (object-oriented programming), 245-246, 248-249

coding, 262

operators, 227-230

arithmetic, 228-229

comparison, 229

conditional, 230

decrement, 227-228

increment, 227-228

primary math, 227

programs, GUI (graphical user interface), 244-245

running programs, NetBeans, 239-244

seamless execution, 206

security issues, 211

standalone, 209-210


format, 230

if, 231-233

if-else, 231-233

Swing, 209

usage, 208-209

variables, 223-226

arrays, 226

Boolean, 225

character, 225-226

floating-point, 225

initialization, 224

integer, 224-225

string, 226

web pages, 255

Java Virtual Machine (JVM), 207-208

JavaScript, 10-13, 34, 173, 183-184, 285, 378. See also AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML)

assigning values, 61-63

calculations, 79-83, 92-93

capturing mouse position, 179

comments, 14

debugging code, 120-124

console log, 125-126

versus Java, 210

jQuery, 288

math operators, 79

packaging code into functions, 137-139

printing screen, 57-58

programming weakness, 187-191

programs, instructions, 27-28

Prototype, 288

repeating news tickers, adding to websites, 179-183

rotating images on page, 173-179

scriptlets, 66

sorting data, 59-61

writing code, 13

XMLHttpRequest object, 289-291

JIT (just-in-time compiler), 377

job titles, programmers, 394-400

jQuery JavaScript library, 288

junior programmers, 397

JVM (Java Virtual Machine), 207-208


keyboard data, obtaining, prompt method, 62-71

keywords, C programming language, 334

languages. See programming languages

LANs (Local Area Networks), 399

leading spaces, 314

Lerdorf, Rasmus, 301


AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML), 288

creating, 291-292

creating quizzes from, 292-296

.NET Framework, FCL (framework class library), 377-378

licenses, software, 10

literals, Java, 222-223

Local Area Networks (LANs), 399

local variables, 323

logic, developing, 51-53

logic errors, 115

logical operators, PHP, 316-318


statements, 96-109

structured-programming construct, 135-137


counting, controlling, 101

do.while, 107-109

for, 101-105

controlling, 105-107


for, 234-235

while, 233-234

nested, 169

nesting, 107

PHP, 308-310

while, 107-109

lowercase strings, 88

Lunar Lander, 204


machine language, 12

main() function, 336

mainframe computers, 78

maintaining programs, 19

Management Information Systems (MIS), 416


computer performance, 81-86

performing with JavaScript, 79-83

math operators

Java, 227

JavaScript, 79

Math.abs() method, 90

media queries, CSS (cascading style sheets), adding to web pages, 432

members, accessing objects, 350

merging strings, 76-77

messages, objects, 346


data processing, 87-91

drawString(), 257

versus functions, 216

init(), 216

Java classes, 249-251

Math.abs(), 90

numeric functions, 89-91

open(), 289-290

paint(), 216-217, 259

PHP objects, 327-328

prompt, obtaining keyboard data, 62-71

resize(), 258

send(), 290

setColor(), 260-262

string, 88-89

MIS (Management Information Systems), 416

mistakes, computers, 8

mobile web applications

distribution, 409

modules, code, 360


capturing position, 179

capturing events, 66-71


names, sorting, 155

naming, PHP variables, 310-312

nested loops, 169


if statements, 100

loops, 107

.NET, 375-376

NetBeans, 217

Java programs, running, 239-244

.NET Framework, 375-376, 387

C# programming language, 378-387

CLR (common language runtime), 376-377

DLR (dynamic language runtime), 378

FCL (framework class library), 377-378

parallel computing platform, 378

network-related jobs, 399-400


LANs (Local Area Networks), 399

WANs (Wide Area Networks), 399

New Project selection screen (Visual Basic), 360

news tickers, websites, adding to, 179-183

nonprinting characters, ASCII codes, 87

NULL data type (PHP), 312

numbers, binary equivalents, 85

numeric functions, 89-91


Object data type (PHP), 312

object-oriented programming (OOP). See OOP (object-oriented programming)

objects, 347

abstraction, 346

behavior, adding to, 350-352

C++, 348-353

classes, 346

working with scope, 352-353

DOM (document object model), 286

inheritance, 346

members, accessing, 350

messages, 346

PHP, 324-325

creating, 325-326

methods, 327-328

properties, 326-327

polymorphism, 347

reuse, 347

variables, declaring, 349-350

XMLHttpRequest, 289-291

OOD (object-oriented design), 44

OOP (object-oriented programming), 44

abstraction, 346

C++ programming language, 346-347

Java, 245-246, 248-249

coding, 262

open() method, 289-290

open source software, distributing, 409


C programming language, 345

extraction, 347

insertion, 347

Java, 227-230

arithmetic, 228-229

comparison, 229

conditional, 230

decrement, 227-228

increment, 227-228

primary math, 227

overloading, 354-355

PHP, 313-319

arithmetic, 313-314

assignment, 313

combined assignment, 314-315

comparison, 316

concatenation, 314

logical, 316-318

precedence, 318-319

relational, if statement, 99

output, 57, 71-73

defining, 43-50

keyboard data, obtaining, 62-71

printing screen, 57-58

programs, 42

sorting data, 59-61

overloading operators, 354-355

ownership, programs, 10


packaging applications, 408-409

paint() method, 216-217, 259

parallel arrays, 150

parallel computing platform, .NET Framework, 378

parallel testing programs, 141-142

parameters, programs, 42

path property (cookies), 191

PHP (PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor), 34, 301, 329

combining with HTML, 304-305

comments, 305

common uses, 328-329

constants, 319

data types, 312-313

echo statement, 304

flow control functions, 306-308

functions, 320

built-in, 320-321

defining, 321-323

returning values from user-defined, 322-323

variable scope, 323-324

loops, 308-310

objects, 324-325

creating, 325-326

methods, 327-328

properties, 326-327

operators, 313-319

arithmetic, 313-314

assignment, 313

combined assignment, 314-315

comparison, 316

concatenation, 314

logical, 316-318

precedence, 318-319

print() statement, 304

requirements, 302-303

structures, 303-308

variables, 310-312

integer, 315-316

placement, comments, 15

polymorphism, objects, 347

practicing debugging, 120-124

precedence, operators, PHP, 318-319

preprocessor directives, 336-337

primary math operators, Java, 227

print() statement, 304

printBR() function, 322

printf() function, 339-341, 344


for loop, 102-105

screen, JavaScript, 57-58

private keys, 211

procedures, Visual Basic, 369-370

profilers, 413-414

profiling code, 142


contract, 132, 393

demand for, 9

job security, 402

job titles, 394-400

ongoing training needs, 419-420

programming, 5, 142-143

advanced, 187, 198

deleting cookies, 193-198

JavaScript programming weakness, 187-191

reading cookies, 192-193

writing cookies, 190-191

algorithms, 145-146, 169

accumulators, 146-148, 152-153

array variables, 149-150

counters, 146-148

nested loops, 169

optimizing functions, 165-169

searching arrays, 158-162

sorting data, 155-158

swapping values, 154-155

ambiguity, 33-34

backlogs, 131-132

companies, 389, 404

consultation, 403-404

putting program into production, 401-403

structured walkthrough, 400-401

difficulty, 8-9

first program, 13

future trends, 413-421

HTML (Hypertext Markup Language), 269-274

math, 7-8

misconceptions, 7-9

OOP (object-oriented programming), 44

profilers, 413-414

resource editors, 414

structured, 131-137

decision structured-programming construct, 134-135

looping structured-programming construct, 135-137

origins, 132

sequence structured-programming construct, 133-134

programming languages, 33-34. See also AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML); C programming language; Java; JavaScript; PHP; Visual Basic

AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML), 285-289

assembly, 334

C, 333-336, 354-355

requirements, 335

C#, 375

C++, 333, 346, 354-355

requirements, 335

call-by-value, 249

compilers, 19


goto statement, 133

interpreters, 19

Java, 34, 201-204, 212-218, 221, 230, 235-236

analyzing code, 215-217

applets, 203

versus C++, 202

development of, 202

example program, 213-214

interface, 209-211

literals, 222-223

multi-platform executable content, 206-208

NetBeans, 217

OOP (object-oriented programming), 245-246, 248-249

operators, 227-230

seamless execution, 206

security issues, 211

standalone, 209-210

usage, 208-209

variables, 223-226

JavaScript, 10-13, 34, 285

writing code, 13

PHP, 34, 301, 329

requirements, 302-303

Visual Basic, 333, 359, 370-371

programs, 95. See also applets (Java); applications; code

branching, 133

comparing data with if statement, 95-98

controlling, 109-111

looping statements, 96-109

debugging, 126-129

designing, 39, 41-42

benefits, 39-40

bottom-up design, 48

defining output and data flows, 43-50

logic, 51-53

OOD (object-oriented design), 44

prototyping, 45-47

RAD (rapid application development), 47

top-down, 48-50

user-program agreements, 40-41

existing, 9

fields, 42

first, typing, 16-18

instructions, 25-34

JavaScript, 27-28


case sensitivity, 214

running with NetBeans, 239-244

maintaining, 19

need for, 21-24

obtaining, 22

output, 42

obtaining keyboard data, 62-71

printing, 57-58

sorting data, 59-61

ownership, 10

parameters, 42

putting into production, 401-403

relational tests, writing, 96-100

saved instructions, 29-31

setting breakpoints, 127

software licenses, 10

source code, 12-13

tasks, 6

testing, 139-142

beta, 141

desk checking, 141

parallel, 141-142

ubiquity, 24-25

value, 9-10

writing, 119-120

prompt method, keyboard data, obtaining, 62-71


cookies, 190-191

PHP objects, 326-327

Prototype JavaScript library, 288

prototyping, 45-47

pseudocode, 51-52, 133

public class, 215-216

purchasing programs, 22

Python, 378


QA (quality assurance) testing, 415-416

RAD (rapid application development), 47

reading cookies, 192-193

relational operators, if statement, 99

relational tests, writing, 96-100

remarks. See comments

repeating news tickers, websites, adding to, 179-183

reserving space, arrays, 149-150

resize() method, 258

Resource data type (PHP), 312

resource editors, 414

reuse, objects, 347

rollover effect, web pages, 66

rotating images on page, 173-179

Ruby, 378

runtime errors, 119


sales totals, accumulators, 152-153

saved instructions, programs, 29-31

scanf() function, 341-343

scope, classes, working with, 352-353

screen, printing, JavaScript, 57-58

scriptlets (JavaScript), 66


JavaScript, scriptlets, 66


comments, 305

Simple PHP Script, 303

structures, 303-308

searching arrays

algorithms, 158-162

binary searches, 161-162

Secure property (cookies), 191

security, Java, 211

send() method, 290

senior programmers, 397

sequence structured-programming construct, 133-134

sequential searches, arrays, 159

setColor() method, 260-262

skeleton, Java applet, 256-257

slashes, comments, 15

software. See applications

sorting data, 59-61

algorithms, 155-158

bubble sort, 156-158

source code, 12-13

space, arrays, reserving, 149-150

spaghetti code, 133

standalone Java, 209-210


#include, 336-337

C programming language, control, 345-346

echo, 304

goto, 133


comparing data, 95-98

Java, 231-233

nesting, 100

relational operators, 99


format, 230

if, 231-233

if-else, 231-233

looping, 96-109

print(), 304

String data type (PHP), 312

string methods, 88-89

string variables, 226

strings, 75-79

ASCII table, 76-79

C programming language, 342

character, 61

empty, 64

inputting, 64-68

making all capital or lowercase, 88

merging, 76-77

replacing parts, 88-89

structured programming, 131-137

constructs, 133

decision structured-programming construct, 134-135

looping structured-programming construct, 135-137

origins, 132

sequence structured-programming construct, 133-134

subroutines. See functions

Subversion, 410

Suraski, Zeev, 301

swapping values, variables, 154-155

Swing, 209, 256-257

syntax errors, 115-118

systems analysts, 398-399


tables, ASCII, 76-79

tags (HTML), 273-275

<h>, 278

anchor, 281-282

tasks, programs, 6

temporary variables, 154, 188


automated, 415-416

programs, 139-142

beta, 141

desk checking, 141

parallel, 141-142

text, formatting in HTML (Hypertext Markup Language), 276-278

text editors, 13

typing first program, 16-18

top-down design, programs, 48-50

totals, accumulators, 152-153

trailing spaces, 314

training, programming, ongoing needs, 419-420

twips, 362


UML (Unified Modeling Language), 418

uppercase strings, 88

user sessions, setting and reading, PHP, 329

user-defined functions, 321

returning values from, 322-323

user-program agreements, programs, 40-41



assigning, 61-63

swapping, 154-155


array, 149-150

global, 224

Java, 223-226

arrays, 226

Boolean, 225

character, 225-226

floating-point, 225

initialization, 224

integer, 224-225

string, 226

local, 323

object, declaring, 349-350

PHP, 310-312

functions, scope, 323-324

integer, 315-316

swapping values, 154-155

temporary, 154, 188

watch, 127

Visual Basic, 333, 359

applications, creating from scratch, 361-368

code, finalizing, 366-368

environment, 359-361

language, 370-371

procedures, 369-370

property values, 367

twips, 362

Visual C#, 383-387


WANs (Wide Area Networks), 399

watch variables, 127

web browsers, Java, usage, 208-209

web pages

bandwidth, 257

displaying, 273

hyperlinks, 281-282

including graphics in, 281-282

placing Java applets in, 261-264

rollover effect, 66

viewing applets inside, 264-265


adding repeating news ticker to, 179-183

while loop, 107-109, 233-234

whitespace, 15, 119-120

Wide Area Networks (WANs), 399

word processors, 13


applets, 255-261

C general program functions, 343-345

code, 53, 119-120

cookies, 190-191

relational tests, 96-100


XML (Extensible Markup Language), 287, 294. See also AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML)

XMLHttpRequest object, 289-291

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