I am blessed with a circle of family, friends, mentors, and colleagues who are always there to provide love, support, and encouragement—too many to name them all here, but I would like to acknowledge some. First, my adult children and their spouses: Dr. Joseph Winters (son), Dr. Kamilah Legette (daughter-in-law), Mareisha Reese (daughter), and Byron Reese (son-in-law). Joseph is a tenured associate professor of religion at Duke University. He specializes in critical race theory, and besides being a loving son, he was a great thought partner in developing the concepts for this book. Kamilah is a research associate at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. She studies the impact of racial bias in educational environments and was also a helpful thought partner. I reference some of her research in the book. Mareisha serves as chief operating officer for The Winters Group and is a daily inspiration, constantly helping me to think more clearly and practically about my ideas. Mareisha’s husband, Byron, is supportive and loving and a wonderful champion of The Winters Group. He is present at all of our events, helping behind the scenes to ensure our success.

I acknowledge my late partner, Kenneth Newby, who passed away on December 8, 2019. He was always there, loving me and supporting my work. My extended family includes his children, Kenton and Cicily Newby, and their children, Olivia and Savannah. We share a special bond of love that I will always cherish. Family is everything, and while I cannot name everyone, I am grateful for the support of my brother, sisters-in-law, nieces, nephews, and cousins.

Every amazing member of The Winters Group team has participated in some way in the production of this book. They reviewed each chapter and provided invaluable feedback. They are the following:

Kevin Carter, principal strategist

Megan Ellinghausen, marketing and branding associate

Brittany J. Harris, vice president, learning and innovation

Travis Jones, principal strategist

Leigh Morrison, manager, learning and innovation

Krystle Nicholas, project and financial analyst

Chevara Orrin, principal strategist

Katelyn Peterson, public relations and events coordinator

Mareisha Reese, chief operating officer

Keley Smith Miller, operations manager

Thamara Subramanian, manager, learning and innovation

Valda Valbrun, principal strategist

Bahiyyah Walker, principal strategist

I give a special shout-out to Katelyn Peterson, who was most intimately involved as research assistant and editor. As with my first Berrett-Koehler book, Steve Piersanti and many others at BK provided me with invaluable insights and kept pushing me (in caring ways) to be more succinct. I acknowledge the support of my special circle of friends, including Marcia Fugate, Tina DaCosta, Gail Livingston, Odaris Jordan, Mildred Campbell, Carmen Brown, Charlotte Downing, Peggy Harvey Lee, Carol Champ, Irene Bradley, Mary Patton, Delores Geter, Marie Rivers, Brenda Caine, and Gabrielle Webster.

Finally, I acknowledge all the diversity and inclusion practitioners who work tirelessly every day in pursuit of justice for all, especially the “Diversity Divas,” with whom I daily share the joys, successes, frustrations, and disappointments that come with this work.

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