
Ella’s life was full with loving, eating and creating!

Edith Hallas

T his is a book for you if, like me, you want to celebrate living a bold life filled with ordinary and extra-ordinary moments. It all starts with those first steps. Bold, for me, means a rich and abundant life, although not in a monetary sense. It means a life full of adventure, full of new experiences, and full of lots of life lessons and risk-taking. It means a life unique to me. Bold is when you feel the fear and don’t always know how it’s going to turn out. Living out of your comfort zone and doing it anyway. Seeing self-doubts as the norm and breaking through that voice in your head that tries to stop you.

As CEO of Ella Baché, and Ella’s great-niece, plus a mum of two young boys, I’d like to help you discover how to own the skin you’re in … how to own your story … and what it takes to show up again and again to fight for something you believe in. Our skin is so much more than how the world sees us: it’s a reflection of our story. And it’s my pleasure to tell the Ella Baché story — the person, the product and the brand — for the first time.

To uncover what it really takes to show up and own your story, to push through in moments of self-doubt and to live a life playing at the highest level, I interviewed some audacious Australian women: women who know that being bold takes passion, courage and focus and means pushing yourself outside your comfort zone, challenging the status quo and breaking down barriers and perceptions.

It doesnt mean you need to see yourself as a bold person, just an ordinary person who wants to follow their passion and make the most out of their life. Youll find these interviews between the chapters of this book, each one its own inspiring story of a bold woman.

I’m not bolder than anyone else. I have learned that making bold moves takes a lot of courage, a lot of focus and a lot of discipline. I dont see myself as a really disciplined person by any means. And I actually don’t see myself as a bold person. I see myself as being like anyone else, but I’m also a person on a mission. I tend to be very stubborn and obsessive when I want to achieve something. In fact ‘stubborn’ is how my mum described me when I was growing up and I believe stubbornness has really helped me stick to the path that I’m on. The more often people have said ‘no’, the more motivated I’ve become. I’m passionate about what I do and have always been very single-minded about it.

Have I bitten off more than I can chew? That’s a question that pops up in my mind every day, as I’m sure it does for anyone having to make daily bold decisions. But going for it anyway and backing yourself is where the magic happens. It’s where the learnings occur, and sharing my doubts, mistakes and challenges with others has helped me along the way.

So this is not a book about how brave or bold I am — or how bold or brave anyone around me is for that matter. Rather, its about what Ive experienced on my journey in life so far and discovering what defined my great-aunt Ella and several equally bold Australian women. Its about what it takes to keep showing up when things gets tough. It’s about the choices we have, how we make decisions based on those choices and the things we focus on. Its also about the people we choose to have in our lives; why the bold moves are frightening, scary and full of risk; and how they present us with such a fear of failing that it can lead to a shift in our mindset and goals.

You see, being paralysed by the fear of failure often prevents you from living your best life and, after all, we only get one crack at it. As women, we have a tendency to feel the need to wait for that perfect moment and to undo a lot of the deep-seated stereotypes we’ve carried with us from when we were young, such as ‘being seen but not heard’. This is why I want to share the story of Ella Baché — what she has taught me and the lessons I learned by making bold decisions — in the hope that it will make it easier for others to do the same. Living a bold life means owning your actions — that’s the good news. The bad news is that there’s no silver bullet.

This is not a business book or even a leadership book; you can be an artist, a writer, an entrepreneur, a business leader, a teacher or a mum to benefit from reading it. Each chapter offers reflections and tips to inspire you to be bold in both your personal and professional life. Bold is a very personal thing: it means living outside your comfort zone, experiencing the lessons, the luck that comes from taking risks, the learnings and the growth. I’ve always tried to push myself out of my comfort zone and stretch myself because I’m passionate about learning and curious about new things. I often question why I put this pressure on myself — why I don’t just take the easy road and play it safe. The answer is ‘Why not?’ You only get one shot at it, so why not make it the best life you possibly can?

While we’re still a long way off a world of gender equality, women have also come a long way and I believe it’s our time to take the bull by the horns, get out there and make changes. Even if it means working twice as hard as men for the same reward or being the only female voice in the room, we are at a tipping point in many countries around the world. Only the other day I came across the term ‘glass cliff’. It’s an expression used to describe situations where women are given leadership positions that no man would take on because they are destined to fail. Yet there are so many amazing examples where women didn’t fall off the cliff; they did the opposite and made it work. And they made it work because they worked harder, sacrificed more, had great networks around them that they had spent years building, and had a belief.

Our skin tells a story. From sun-kissed trips to the beach, to life-defining moments. The story of Ella Baché — a beautiful heritage brand, a product and a woman who recognised that each person’s skin is individual — stretches back to 1936, across the oceans, to the streets of Paris, where Madame Baché had a revolutionary idea to appreciate every woman ( and her skin) as an individual. Nearly 100 years later, with the same passion and desire for teaching women to learn to love the skin they’re in that Ella Baché had all those years ago, I’ll share with you on these pages Ella’s story, my story and those of several remarkably bold Australian women.

Because in the end, it’s about choice. Although we may not always control what happens in life — and yes, we all go through unexpected bad times and wonder how we’ll ever make it through — we can control how we respond. What decisions are you making today? Are you making them boldly? How are you responding to situations?

We all have times in our lives where we need to make decisions: some simple, and some complex. To leave your country, to leave your relationship, to jump or not, to stay or go … and to show up again and again.

When youve had a taste of the excitement, passion and confidence that can come from new experiences and learnings, you find theres only one option and thats the life you choose to lead when you get that fire in your belly. There is no other choice. Not making bold moves means we often play it safe and we miss out on opportunities that come from feeling uncomfortable. Yet its these experiences that teach us the most — and thats where the magic happens!

I’m thrilled to be sharing with you my family’s story and the Ella Baché story, as well as the journeys of other bold women, and the decisions they made along the way that became an integral part of their stories, to help you step out and live a bold life.

Pippa Hallas

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