Creating a Bootstrap Alert Tag Helper

To create a Bootstrap Alert Tag Helper, which will be a little bit more advanced than the previous example, follow these steps:

  1. Create a new class called BootstrapAlertTagHelper in the TagHelpers folder.
  2. Change the class to inherit from TagHelper.
  3. Add a Boolean property called Dismissable and a string property called Color to the class:
             public bool Dismissable { get; set; } 
            public string Color { get; set; } 
  4. Next, override the ProcessAsync method, as illustrated here:
            public override async Task ProcessAsync(TagHelperContext context, 
           TagHelperOutput output) 
                output.TagName = "div"; 
                output.Attributes.Add("class","alert alert-" + Color); 
                output.Attributes.Add("role", "attribute"); 
                if (Dismissable) 
                $"<button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="alert">
                <span aria-hidden="true">&times;</span></button>"); 
                var content = await output.GetChildContentAsync(true); 

The preceding code will create a new <div> element and set its class to alert and alert-*, depending on the value set in the Color property. It will check whether the Dismissable property is set to true, and, if it is, call a <button> element to the end of the content using the PostContent.SetHtmlContent method.

Using the Bootstrap Alert Tag Helper

To use the Bootstrap Alert Tag Helper inside your view, use the following:

<div class="row"> 
   <bootstrap-alert color=" danger" dismissable="true"> 
       <strong>An error occurred</strong> Dismiss me to continue. 

The preceding helper code will generate a red/danger Bootstrap alert that is also dismissible. Any HTML content specified inside the helper will be rendered inside the Bootstrap Alert.

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