About the Author

Pieter van der Westhuizen is a freelance software and web developer specializing in ASP.NET MVC, web technologies, and MS Office development. He started his career in web development using classic ASP, Visual InterDev, HoTMetaL, and FrontPage. Pieter has over 16 years of experience in the IT industry and is also one of the people fortunate enough to have his hobby become his full-time profession.

He is also a technology evangelist for Add-in Express (www.add-in-express.com), which focuses on tools for Microsoft Office integration.

This is Pieter's second book and he has been blogging since 2007 on his personal blog at www.mythicalmanmoth.com and on the Add-in Express blog since 2010. He lives with his wife and two dogs in Pretoria, South Africa.

To everyone who contributed to this book, thank you! A big thanks to the team at Packt Publishing, for their guidance, advice, and professionalism. Thanks to my technical reviewer, Dony Perdana, for patiently reading each chapter, reviewing each line of code, and contributing suggestions. You helped shape this book into what it is. I'd like to express my greatest love and gratitude towards my wife, Andrea, for all her support, impromptu editing sessions, being a soundboard for brainstorming sessions, and the general motivational pep talks during the writing of this book. Lastly, thanks to you for buying this book. I hope this can help you become a better programmer. If you have any questions regarding this book, please visit www.bootstrapforaspnetmvc.com.

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