Creating HTML Helpers using static methods

The simplest way to create a helper in ASP.NET MVC used to be the @helper directive. Unfortunately, the @helper directive was removed from the new ASP.NET MVC Core, since it imposed too many restrictions on the other Razor features.

Fortunately, we're still able to create an HTML Helper using static method by completing the following steps:

  1. Create a new folder called Helpers inside the root folder of your project.
  2. Add a new class to this folder called Enums.cs. This file will contain all the enumerators for our project.
  3. Add the following code to the Enums.cs file:
            public class Enums 
                public enum ButtonStyle 
                public enum ButtonSize 
  4. Create a new static class called ButtonHelper.cs in the Helpers folder.
  5. Add a method called Button to the ButtonHelper class, and add the following code to it:
            public static HtmlString Button(string caption, Enums.ButtonStyle 
            style, Enums.ButtonSize size) 
                if (size != Enums.ButtonSize.Normal) 
                    return new HtmlString( 
                        $"<button type="button" class=
                      "btn btn-{style.ToString().ToLower()} 
                return new HtmlString( 
                    $"<button type="button" class="btn 
  6. Finally, add another method called ToBootstrapSize:
            private static string ToBootstrapSize(Enums.ButtonSize size) 
                string bootstrapSize = string.Empty; 
                switch (size) 
                    case Enums.ButtonSize.Large: 
                        bootstrapSize = "lg"; 
                    case Enums.ButtonSize.Small: 
                        bootstrapSize = "sm"; 
                    case Enums.ButtonSize.ExtraSmall: 
                        bootstrapSize = "xs"; 
                return bootstrapSize; 

The Button method we created earlier accepts three parameters in order to set the button's caption, size, and style. We used the enumerator values declared in the Enums.cs file in order to list the available sizes and styles for the button, this releases the developer from memorizing the exact Bootstrap class names for each.

The Button method returns an HtmlString object that represents an HTML-encoded string, which does not need to be encoded again. If we simply return a normal string object, the actual HTML would be rendered inside the view instead of the button.

The ToBootstrapSize method basically converts the ButtonSize value to a valid Bootstrap class name that represents the size of the button.

Using the static method helper in a view

In order to use the static method helper we created earlier, open the view you intend to use it in, and add the following Razor markup to it:

<div class="row"> 
    @ButtonHelper.Button("Large Danger Button", Enums.ButtonStyle.Danger, Enums.ButtonSize.Large) 
<div class="row"> 
    @ButtonHelper.Button("Normal Info Button", Enums.ButtonStyle.Info, Enums.ButtonSize.Normal) 
<div class="row"> 
    @ButtonHelper.Button("Small Secondary Button", Enums.ButtonStyle.Secondary, Enums.ButtonSize.Small) 

The result will look similar to the following screenshot:

Using the static method helper in a view
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