Facilitator SRDs

  • Know your purpose. Simply put, if you can't clearly identify in verbal and written communication why you're calling this meeting, then don't call the meeting!
  • In advance of the meeting, clearly state and communicate the desired outcomes to all invited parties so they'll have a focused go alin mind when they walk in.
  • As soon as the meeting starts, clearly articulate your purpose again. Identify your desired outcomes and your dream outcomes ahead of time. If you don't know them, then you have nothing to shoot for. Worse, you don't even know when you're finished with the meeting! Here's an example:
    • Meeting purpose: Discuss the options for presenting an updated proposal for client XYZ to meet its cost constraints.
    • Desired outcome: Three solutions. Present one primary solution and, as a backup, prepare two alternative solutions that feature more cost-cutting measures.
    • Dream outcome: Unanimous acceptance of a primary solution, which is then presented to the client and accepted. This calls for a bonus!
  • Communicate to all attendees exactly what you expect from them. Provide any data, reading, or necessary information they'll need ahead of time; don't distribute it when they arrive. Everyone being prepared is the goal!
  • Arrive early and ready the meeting space or conference room. No one wants to see you plug in your laptop and test the audio after the meeting should have started.
  • Plan what you'll need to have in the conference room or meeting space. Does the chart have enough paper? Do you have the proper markers, and do they work well? Is the room temperature set for 2 people or 20? Are there enough chairs? Too many? Too few?
  • If you meet your planned desired outcome sooner than you thought, either go for your dream outcome or end the meeting early. No need to keep it going.
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