Let Your Body Do the Talking

“The most important thing in communication is hearing what isn't said.”

Peter Drucker

Everyone's aware that your non-verbal communication has an effect on how others view you. But what's just as important is the effect it has on you.

The Fake Smile

No one likes a fake smile, but it's better than no smile at all. Frowning, grimacing, and other negative facial expressions send signals to your brain that whatever you are doing is difficult or unpleasant. This leads to your body releasing cortisol in response, which in turn raises your stress levels.

So if you make yourself smile (it doesn't have to be a full on cheesy grin), you'll feel less stressed and with the added bonus, it'll make people around you less stressed too.

Be More Determined – Cross Your Arms

If you're in someone's company and you cross your arms, they may perceive you as being defensive. But if you cross your arms when you're on your own, it can have the powerful effect of making you more determined. When you've got a difficult problem to solve, holding your arms tightly against your chest will unconsciously help you stick at it.

Stand Like Superman, Be Like Superman

It turns out all that positive psychology we often make fun of, actually does work. That doesn't mean that the next time you've got an important meeting, you should pre-empt it by standing in front of the bathroom mirror, roaring and shouting, “I'm a tiger”. But the next time you've got an important meeting, interview or public speaking engagement, try power posing.

Find somewhere private and spend two minutes standing tall with your hands on your hips like Superman or Wonder Woman. You can also vary it by holding your arms out like you're addressing a crowd or holding your arms towards the sky. It seems hard to believe, but this will dramatically increase your level of confidence.

Harvard psychologist Amy Cuddy developed the idea for power posing in 2009 after hearing the former FBI agent Joe Navarro describe how police investigators would sometimes make themselves feel imposing by using a bigger chair during interrogations.

Cuddy's research has proved that if you adopt a ‘power pose' for two minutes you get:

  • 20% increase in testosterone (the hormone linked to dominance)
  • 25% decrease in stress hormone cortisol
  • Power posers were also 25% more likely to take a risk
  • Reported feeling more assertive, optimistic and able to think in more abstract terms.

I think you'll agree, those are pretty good stats for just two minutes spent posing in private.

Blue color writing board on right has three points listed: more testosterone, less stress, more assertive. A person in formal attire with superman trousers on left.
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