identities, Gatekeepers and Gates, Evidence and Security Policy, WindowsPrincipal and WindowsIdentity, WindowsPrincipal and WindowsIdentity, ASP.NET and HttpContext.User, Choose an Authorization Strategy, The Trusted Subsystem Model, Disadvantages of the Trusted Subsystem Model, Role Checking Examples, Create an IPrincipal Object, Passport Authentication, Accessing Network Resources, Identifying Callers, Calling Serviced Components from ASP.NET, Security Concepts, Introducing Data Access Security, Trusted Subsystem vs. Impersonation/Delegation, Connecting to SQL Server Using Windows Authentication, Auditing, Troubleshooting Security Issues, Using Forms Authentication, Determining Identity, Determining Identity in a Web service, Determining Identity in a Web service, Fusion Log Viewer (Fuslogvw.exe), ASP.NET Identity Matrix
.NET Framework security and, Gatekeepers and Gates
ASP.NET, ASP.NET and HttpContext.User, ASP.NET Identity Matrix
authentication and, Role Checking Examples
authorization and, Create an IPrincipal Object
choosing, for resource access, Choose an Authorization Strategy
data access, Introducing Data Access Security, Trusted Subsystem vs. Impersonation/Delegation
determining, in Visual Basic 6 COM objects, Determining Identity in a Web service
determining, in Web pages, Determining Identity
determining, in Web services, Determining Identity in a Web service
Enterprise Services, Identifying Callers, Calling Serviced Components from ASP.NET, Security Concepts
fixed., Connecting to SQL Server Using Windows Authentication (see )
flowing., Disadvantages of the Trusted Subsystem Model (see )
GenericPrincipal objects, WindowsPrincipal and WindowsIdentity
(see also )
multiple trusted, The Trusted Subsystem Model
Passport authentication, Passport Authentication
principals and, Evidence and Security Policy
(see also )
process., Accessing Network Resources (see )
SQL Server process, Auditing
troubleshooting, Troubleshooting Security Issues, Using Forms Authentication, Fusion Log Viewer (Fuslogvw.exe)
WindowsIdentity, WindowsPrincipal and WindowsIdentity
identity flow, Design Principles, Choose the Identities Used for Resource Access, Choose an Authentication Approach, Disadvantages of the Trusted Subsystem Model, Disadvantages of the Trusted Subsystem Model, Choosing an Authentication Mechanism, Using Integrated Windows Authentication at the Web Server, Flowing the Caller’s Identity
.NET remoting and, Flowing the Caller’s Identity
application vs. operating system, Disadvantages of the Trusted Subsystem Model
authentication and, Choosing an Authentication Mechanism
gatekeepers and, Design Principles
impersonation and delegation for, Disadvantages of the Trusted Subsystem Model
(see also )
original caller., Using Integrated Windows Authentication at the Web Server (see )
strategies for, Choose the Identities Used for Resource Access, Choose an Authentication Approach
identity matrix, ASP.NET, ASP.NET Identity Matrix
IIdentity interface, The IPrincipal and IIdentity Interfaces, Choose the Identities Used for Resource Access, .NET Roles with Windows Authentication
IIS (Internet Information Services), Design Principles, Security Across the Tiers, Authentication, More Information, Impersonation, Impersonation, Security Configuration Steps, Security Configuration Steps, Configuring the Web Server (that Hosts the Web Application), Security Configuration Steps, Security Configuration Steps, Security Configuration Steps, The Result, The Result, Configure the Web Server, Configure the Web Server, ASP.NET Security, ASP.NET Security Architecture, Configuring Security, Configure IIS Settings, Creating a Custom IPrincipal class, Development Steps for Forms Authentication, Platform/Transport Security Architecture, Configuring Security, Flowing the Original Caller, Forms Authentication, Configuring the Web Server, Flowing the Caller’s Identity, Configuring the Web Server, ASP.NET and the HTTP Channel, Flowing the Original Caller, Configuring the Web Server, Configuring the Web Server, Configuring the Web Server, Choosing a Host, Configuring the Web Server, Searching for Implementation Solutions, SQL Server Auditing, Windows Task Manager, Configuration Stores and Tools, How Tos, How Does It Work?, ASP.NET Identity Matrix, .NET Web Application Security
ASP.NET processing and, ASP.NET Security, How Does It Work?
authentication settings, ASP.NET Identity Matrix
configuration stores and tools, Configuration Stores and Tools
configuring security, Configuring Security, Configure IIS Settings
configuring, for .NET remoting, Flowing the Original Caller, Configuring the Web Server, Configuring the Web Server, Configuring the Web Server, Choosing a Host, Configuring the Web Server
configuring, for anonymous access, Development Steps for Forms Authentication
configuring, for Web services, Configuring Security, Flowing the Original Caller, Forms Authentication, Configuring the Web Server, Flowing the Caller’s Identity, Configuring the Web Server
delegation, Impersonation
extranet settings, Security Configuration Steps, The Result
gatekeepers and gates, More Information, ASP.NET Security Architecture, Platform/Transport Security Architecture, ASP.NET and the HTTP Channel
Internet settings, The Result, Configure the Web Server, Configure the Web Server
intranet settings, Security Configuration Steps, Security Configuration Steps, Configuring the Web Server (that Hosts the Web Application), Security Configuration Steps, Security Configuration Steps
logging, SQL Server Auditing
reference information, How Tos
security options, Design Principles, Security Across the Tiers, .NET Web Application Security
troubleshooting, Searching for Implementation Solutions, Windows Task Manager
Windows authentication and, Authentication, Impersonation, Creating a Custom IPrincipal class
imperative principal permission demands, Programmatic Security, Configurable Security, Configurable Security, Configurable Security, Configurable Security
imperative role checks, Checking Role Membership
impersonation., Disadvantages of the Trusted Subsystem Model, Disadvantages of the Trusted Subsystem Model, Analysis, Available Authorization Options, Windows Authentication with Impersonation, When to Use, More Information, Configure IIS Settings, More Information, Using the Anonymous Internet User Account, Hosting Multiple Web Applications, Security Architecture, Security for Server and Library Applications, Security for Server and Library Applications, Configure Authentication, Configure Authentication, Calling Serviced Components from ASP.NET, Calling Serviced Components from ASP.NET, Security Concepts, Authentication Level Negotiation, More Information, When to Use, Configure ASP.NET Settings, Connecting to SQL Server Using Windows Authentication, Using the Anonymous Internet User Account, ASP.NET Worker Process Identity
(see also )
ASP.NET security and, More Information
authorization options and, Available Authorization Options
configuring, Configure IIS Settings, Configure Authentication
delegation and, Disadvantages of the Trusted Subsystem Model
(see also )
Enterprise Services, Security Architecture, Security for Server and Library Applications, Configure Authentication, Security Concepts, Authentication Level Negotiation
intranet security and, Analysis
library applications and, Security for Server and Library Applications
of anonymous accounts, Using the Anonymous Internet User Account
of fixed identities, More Information, Connecting to SQL Server Using Windows Authentication, ASP.NET Worker Process Identity
of specific Windows identity using LogonUser API, Hosting Multiple Web Applications, Using the Anonymous Internet User Account
serviced components and, Calling Serviced Components from ASP.NET
Web services, Configure ASP.NET Settings
Windows authentication with, Windows Authentication with Impersonation, Calling Serviced Components from ASP.NET, More Information
Windows authentication without, When to Use, When to Use
impersonation/delegation model, Choose the Identities Used for Resource Access, Choose an Authentication Approach, Using Multiple Trusted Identities, The Impersonation / Delegation Model, Authentication and Authorization Strategies, SQL Server Gatekeepers
(see also , )
.NET remoting and, Authentication and Authorization Strategies
advantages and disadvantages, The Impersonation / Delegation Model
authentication and, Choose the Identities Used for Resource Access
identity flow and, Choose an Authentication Approach
trusted subsystem model vs., SQL Server Gatekeepers
implementation solutions, Process for Troubleshooting
(see also , )
implementation technologies, Implementation Technologies
(see also )
input, user, Design Principles, SQL Injection Attacks, How To: Use Forms Authentication with SQL Server 2000
filtering, Design Principles, SQL Injection Attacks
validating, How To: Use Forms Authentication with SQL Server 2000
installing, Accessing System Resources, Install the Certificate Authority’s Certificate on the Client Computer, Create a Windows Service Host Application, Create a Windows Account to Run the Service, Submit a Certificate Request, Configure the Web Application to Require Client Certificates, Requirements, Verify that the Certificate Has Been Installed, Verify that the Certificate Has Been Installed
applications, Accessing System Resources
client certificates, Install the Certificate Authority’s Certificate on the Client Computer, Configure the Web Application to Require Client Certificates, Verify that the Certificate Has Been Installed
server certificates, Submit a Certificate Request, Requirements, Verify that the Certificate Has Been Installed
Windows services, Create a Windows Service Host Application, Create a Windows Account to Run the Service
InstallUtil.exe tool, Accessing System Resources, Create a Windows Service Application that will Launch the Serviced Component, Create a Windows Service Host Application, Create a Windows Account to Run the Service
Integrated Windows authentication, Authentication, ASP.NET to SQL Server, Searching for Implementation Solutions, ASP.NET Identity Matrix
intranet original caller identity flow and, ASP.NET to SQL Server
troubleshooting, Searching for Implementation Solutions
Web.config settings, ASP.NET Identity Matrix
Windows authentication and, Authentication
integrity, Authorization, Secure Communication, Using Multiple Database Roles, How To: Call a Web Service Using SSL, How To: Use IPSec to Provide Secure Communication Between Two Servers, Certificate Stores
(see also )
interactive user, Enterprise Services and, Identifying Callers
interfaces, The IPrincipal and IIdentity Interfaces, Choose the Identities Used for Resource Access, .NET Roles with Windows Authentication, Security for Server and Library Applications, Adding Roles to an Application, Calling Serviced Components from ASP.NET
adding roles to, Adding Roles to an Application
assigning roles to, Security for Server and Library Applications
configuring proxies for, Calling Serviced Components from ASP.NET
IPrincipal and IIdentity, The IPrincipal and IIdentity Interfaces, Choose the Identities Used for Resource Access, .NET Roles with Windows Authentication
(see also )
Internet Explorer, Authentication, Choosing an Authentication Mechanism, Test the Client Certificate Using a Browser, Configure the Web Service Virtual Directory to Require SSL
(see also )
Internet Information Services., SQL Server Auditing (see )
Internet Protocol Security., How To: Use IPSec to Provide Secure Communication Between Two Servers (see )
Internet security, Introduction, Internet Scenarios, Internet Security, Internet Security, Internet Security, More Information, Programmatic Security, Using a Serviced Component, Using Fixed Identities within ASP.NET
anonymous user account, Using a Serviced Component, Using Fixed Identities within ASP.NET
ASP.NET to Remote Enterprise Services to SQL Server, More Information
ASP.NET to SQL Server, Internet Security
authentication, Internet Scenarios
connected landscape and, Introduction
Forms authentication, Programmatic Security
scenarios, Internet Security
Intranet security, Introduction, Advantages of Passport Authentication, Intranet Security, Intranet Security, Intranet Security, SQL Authentication to the Database, Pitfalls, Related Scenarios, Related Scenarios, Disadvantages
.NET remoting vs. Web services, Disadvantages
ASP.NET to Enterprise Services to SQL Server, SQL Authentication to the Database
ASP.NET to Remoting to SQL Server, Related Scenarios
ASP.NET to SQL Server, Intranet Security
ASP.NET to Web Services to SQL Server, Pitfalls
authentication, Advantages of Passport Authentication
connected landscape and, Introduction
flowing original callers to database, Related Scenarios
scenarios, Intranet Security
IPrincipal interface implementations, The IPrincipal and IIdentity Interfaces, Choose the Identities Used for Resource Access, Delegation, .NET Roles with Windows Authentication, Checking Role Membership, Principal Permission Demands and Explicit Role Checks, Principal Permission Demands and Explicit Role Checks, An Authorization Pattern, Create an IPrincipal Object, More Information, Create an IPrincipal Object, Create an IPrincipal Object, Using the connectiongroupname Property, Hosting in a Windows Service, Check Identity, How To: Implement IPrincipal, How To: Implement IPrincipal, How To: Implement IPrincipal, How To: Implement IPrincipal, Create a Simple Web Application, Generate an Authentication Ticket for Authenticated Users, Generate an Authentication Ticket for Authenticated Users, Create a Class that Implements and Extends IPrincipal, Create the CustomPrincipal Object, ASP.NET Identity Matrix
.NET remoting and, Using the connectiongroupname Property, Hosting in a Windows Service
.NET roles and, Delegation, Checking Role Membership
configuring Forms authentication, Create a Simple Web Application
creating, An Authorization Pattern, Create an IPrincipal Object, Generate an Authentication Ticket for Authenticated Users
creating custom, .NET Roles with Windows Authentication, More Information, Create a Class that Implements and Extends IPrincipal
creating simple Web application, How To: Implement IPrincipal
custom identities and, Choose the Identities Used for Resource Access
generating authentication ticket, Generate an Authentication Ticket for Authenticated Users
identity and, ASP.NET Identity Matrix
IIdentity interface and, The IPrincipal and IIdentity Interfaces
principal permission demands and, Principal Permission Demands and Explicit Role Checks
(see also )
putting, into current HTTP context, Principal Permission Demands and Explicit Role Checks, Create an IPrincipal Object, Create an IPrincipal Object, Check Identity
reasons for, How To: Implement IPrincipal
requirements, How To: Implement IPrincipal
testing, Create the CustomPrincipal Object
IPSec (Internet Protocol Security), Implementation Technologies, Security Architecture, Secure Communication, IPSec, Choosing Between IPSec and SSL, Preventing Files from Being Downloaded, Accessing Non-Windows Network Resources, Secure Communication, SSL, How To: Use IPSec to Provide Secure Communication Between Two Servers, How To: Use IPSec to Provide Secure Communication Between Two Servers, Notes, Notes, Summary, Create Filter Actions, Create Rules, Create Rules, Create Rules, Verify that it Works, How To: Use SSL to Secure Communication with SQL Server 2000
(see also )
as implementation technology, Implementation Technologies, Security Architecture
ASP.NET security and, Accessing Non-Windows Network Resources
assigning policies, Create Rules
configuration for, How To: Use IPSec to Provide Secure Communication Between Two Servers
configuring, Preventing Files from Being Downloaded
creating filter actions, Create Filter Actions
creating IP filter, Summary
creating rules, Create Rules
exporting policy to remote computer, Create Rules
issues, IPSec, Secure Communication, Notes
requirements, Notes
SSL vs., Secure Communication, Choosing Between IPSec and SSL, How To: Use SSL to Secure Communication with SQL Server 2000
troubleshooting, SSL
verifying, Verify that it Works
IPSec Monitor (Ipsecmon.exe), IPSec
ISAPI extension, Configure ASP.NET Settings, Locking Configuration Settings, Using the Default ASPNET Account, Formatter Sinks, How Does It Work?
isolation, application, IIS and ASP.NET Processing
ISQL.exe, Fusion Log Viewer (Fuslogvw.exe)
IUSR_MACHINENAME account, ASP.NET Authentication Modes, ASP.NET and HttpContext.User, IIS Authentication Issues, Check Identity, ASP.NET Worker Process Identity
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