machine store, DPAPI with, Storing Database Connection Strings Securely, Using DPAPI from Enterprise Services, Using DPAPI from Enterprise Services, How To: Create a DPAPI Library, How To: Use DPAPI (Machine Store) from ASP.NET, How To: Use DPAPI (Machine Store) from ASP.NET, Notes, Notes, Create an ASP.NET Client Web Application, Modify the Web Application to Read an Encrypted Connection String from Web.Config
(see also )
ASP.NET and, Using DPAPI from Enterprise Services
creating Web application, Notes
issues, How To: Use DPAPI (Machine Store) from ASP.NET
modifying Web application to read encrypted connection string from Web.config file, Modify the Web Application to Read an Encrypted Connection String from Web.Config
requirements, Notes
testing, Create an ASP.NET Client Web Application
user store vs., Storing Database Connection Strings Securely, How To: Create a DPAPI Library
Machine.config files, Using RPC Encryption, Intranet Security, Extranet Security, Internet Security, Configure IIS Settings, Secure Resources, Secure Resources, Avoid Running as SYSTEM, Accessing Network Resources, Storing Secrets, Options for Storing Secrets in ASP.NET, Securing Session and View State, Securing SQL Session State, Web Farm Considerations, Calling Serviced Components from ASP.NET, Disable HTTP-GET, HTTP-POST, Implementing Mirrored ASPNET Process Identity, Using DPAPI from Enterprise Services, Using DPAPI Directly from ASP.NET, Enable Tracing, Configure ASP.NET to Run Using the New Account
authentication level setting, Using RPC Encryption
default ASPNET account and, Intranet Security, Extranet Security, Internet Security, Avoid Running as SYSTEM, Accessing Network Resources, Implementing Mirrored ASPNET Process Identity
encrypted connection strings, Using DPAPI from Enterprise Services
least privileged accounts, Configure ASP.NET to Run Using the New Account
locking settings, Secure Resources
machine key, Web Farm Considerations
process identity in, Storing Secrets
securing, Secure Resources
serviced component authentication, Calling Serviced Components from ASP.NET
SQL session state, Securing SQL Session State
storing, Options for Storing Secrets in ASP.NET
storing database connection strings in, Using DPAPI Directly from ASP.NET
troubleshooting and, Enable Tracing
view state, Securing Session and View State
MACs (Message Authentication Codes), Authorization, Secure Communication, Securing Session and View State, Using Forms Authentication in a Web Farm
malicious Web users, Accessing Non-Windows Network Resources, Configure ASP.NET Settings
manual role checks, Checking Role Membership
mapping, role, Authorization Approaches
Marshaler role, Adding Roles to an Application, Adding Roles to a Method, Create a Test Client Application
master secrets, Why Use a Serviced Component?
MDAC, Verify that the Certificate Has Been Installed, Base Configuration
Message Authentication Codes (MACs), Authorization, Secure Communication, Securing Session and View State, Using Forms Authentication in a Web Farm
Message Digest 5 (MD5), Securing Session and View State, The decryptionKey Attribute
message encryption, IPSec, IPSec
message integrity and confidentiality, Using Multiple Database Roles, How To: Call a Web Service Using SSL, How To: Use IPSec to Provide Secure Communication Between Two Servers
message level security, Web Server to Remote Application Server, Application Level Security, Transport Level Options, Using a Windows Service Host, Using Multiple Database Roles
methods, The Foundations, Choose an Authentication Approach, Security for Server and Library Applications, Adding Roles to a Method, Flowing the Caller’s Identity, Requirements, Create a Windows Service Application that will Launch the Serviced Component
adding roles to, Adding Roles to a Method
assigning roles to, Security for Server and Library Applications
authorization and, The Foundations
creating encryption and decryption, Requirements
identity flow and, Choose an Authentication Approach, Flowing the Caller’s Identity
testing encryption and decryption, Create a Windows Service Application that will Launch the Serviced Component
Microsoft .NET Framework Configuration Tool, Register Serviced Components
(see also )
Microsoft C#., Notes (see )
Microsoft Certificate Services, Develop the Serviced Component Used to Call the Web Service, Install the Certificate Authority’s Certificate on the Client Computer, Generate a Certificate Request, Configure the Web Application to Require Client Certificates, Requirements
Microsoft Internet Explorer, Authentication, Choosing an Authentication Mechanism, Test the Client Certificate Using a Browser, Configure the Web Service Virtual Directory to Require SSL
(see also )
Microsoft Knowledge Base., Reference Hub (see )
Microsoft Mobile Internet Toolkit, Forms Implementation Guidelines
Microsoft Online Seminars, Reference Hub
(see also )
Microsoft Passport, ASP.NET Authentication Modes
(see also )
Microsoft SQL Server 2000., Connection String Types (see )
Microsoft Support Center, Process for Troubleshooting, Searching for Implementation Solutions
Microsoft Support site, Reference Hub
(see also )
Microsoft Visual Basic .NET objects in COM+, More Information
Microsoft Visual Basic 6 COM objects, Determining Identity in a Web service
Microsoft Visual Studio .NET., How Tos (see )
Microsoft Windows .NET Server 2003, Hosting Multiple Web Applications, Using the Current Process Identity
Microsoft Windows 2000., Call the Managed DPAPI Class Library (see )
Microsoft.com site, Reference Hub
mirrored filters, IPSec, Notes
mirrored local accounts, Using the ASP.NET Process Identity, How To: Create a Custom Account to Run ASP.NET
mirrored policy, IPSec, Notes
mirrored process identity, Accessing Network Resources, Windows Authentication, Using the ASP.NET Process Identity
Mobile Forms authentication, Forms Implementation Guidelines
modules, Design Principles, Secure Resources, Custom Authentication, Implementing a Custom HTTP Module
disabling, Design Principles, Secure Resources
implementing custom HTTP, Custom Authentication, Implementing a Custom HTTP Module
MSDN, Process for Troubleshooting, Reference Hub
(see also )
multiple applications, Forms Implementation Guidelines, Using the Anonymous Internet User Account
Forms authentication and, Forms Implementation Guidelines
hosting, with anonymous access, Using the Anonymous Internet User Account
multiple trusted identities, The Trusted Subsystem Model
(see also )
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