UDL files, connection strings in, Using DPAPI Directly from ASP.NET
UDP (User Data Protocol), Authentication
UNC (Universal Naming Convention) file shares, Secure Resources, Using the Original Caller
unmanaged code, Security for Server and Library Applications
URL authorization, More Information, Gatekeepers and Gates, Using .NET Roles, ASP.NET Security Architecture, ASP.NET Security Architecture, Windows Authentication with Impersonation, Configurable Security, Configurable Security, Configure ASP.NET Settings, Platform/Transport Security Architecture, Configurable Security, Configurable Security, ASP.NET and the HTTP Channel
.NET remoting, ASP.NET and the HTTP Channel
.NET roles and, Using .NET Roles
ASP.NET security, More Information, Gatekeepers and Gates, ASP.NET Security Architecture, ASP.NET Security Architecture, Platform/Transport Security Architecture
configuring, Configure ASP.NET Settings
Forms authentication, Configurable Security
Windows authentication with impersonation, Windows Authentication with Impersonation, Configurable Security
Windows authentication without impersonation, Configurable Security, Configurable Security
User Data Protocol (UDP), Authentication
User Manager, Accessing Network Resources, Using the Anonymous Internet User Account, Using the ASP.NET Process Identity
user names., The Foundations, Authentication, Authorize the User Based on User Name or Role Membership, Avoid Running as SYSTEM
(see also )
authentication and, The Foundations
(see also )
authorization and, Authorize the User Based on User Name or Role Membership
for ASPNET account, Avoid Running as SYSTEM
user profiles, Web Farm Considerations, Advantages, Storing Database Connection Strings Securely, Using DPAPI from Enterprise Services, Notes, Create a Windows Account to Run the Enterprise Services Application and Windows Service
User Services layer, Logical Tiers
user store, DPAPI with, Storing Database Connection Strings Securely, Machine Store vs. User Store, Machine Store vs. User Store, How To: Create a DPAPI Library, How To: Use DPAPI (User Store) from ASP.NET with Enterprise Services, How To: Use DPAPI (User Store) from ASP.NET with Enterprise Services, Notes, Why Use Enterprise Services?, Requirements, Requirements, Create a Serviced Component that Provides Encrypt and Decrypt Methods, Call the Managed DPAPI Class Library, Call the Managed DPAPI Class Library, Create a Windows Account to Run the Enterprise Services Application and Windows Service, Configure, Strong Name, and Register the Serviced Component, Create a Windows Service Application that will Launch the Serviced Component, Create a Windows Service Application that will Launch the Serviced Component, Write a Web Application to Test the Encryption and Decryption Routines
(see also )
calling managed DPAPI class library, Create a Serviced Component that Provides Encrypt and Decrypt Methods
configuring, strong naming, and registering serviced component, Create a Windows Account to Run the Enterprise Services Application and Windows Service
creating dummy class to launch serviced component, Call the Managed DPAPI Class Library
creating serviced components with encryption and decryption methods, Requirements
creating Web application to test encryption and decryption, Create a Windows Service Application that will Launch the Serviced Component
creating Windows account for Enterprise Services application and Windows service, Call the Managed DPAPI Class Library
creating Windows service to launch serviced component, Configure, Strong Name, and Register the Serviced Component
Enterprise Services and, Machine Store vs. User Store
installing and starting Windows service, Create a Windows Service Application that will Launch the Serviced Component
issues, How To: Use DPAPI (User Store) from ASP.NET with Enterprise Services
machine store vs., Storing Database Connection Strings Securely, How To: Create a DPAPI Library
modifying Web application to read encrypted connection string from Web.config file, Write a Web Application to Test the Encryption and Decryption Routines
requirements, Requirements
using Enterprise Services, Notes
using Windows service, Why Use Enterprise Services?
user-defined database roles, Authorization
users, The Foundations, The Foundations, Design Principles, Logical Tiers, Authentication, ASP.NET and HttpContext.User, An Authorization Pattern, Windows Authentication, Using a Serviced Component, Accessing Non-Windows Network Resources, Web Farm Considerations, Identifying Callers, Configure ASP.NET Settings, Advantages, Storing Database Connection Strings Securely, Using DPAPI from Enterprise Services, SQL Injection Attacks, Notes, Create a Windows Account to Run the Enterprise Services Application and Windows Service
(see also , )
accounts., ASP.NET and HttpContext.User (see )
anonymous Internet account, Using a Serviced Component
authenticating and authorizing, The Foundations
(see also )
identifying authenticated, Windows Authentication
input., Design Principles (see )
interactive, and Enterprise Services, Identifying Callers
malicious Web, Accessing Non-Windows Network Resources, Configure ASP.NET Settings
names., Authentication (see )
profiles, Web Farm Considerations, Advantages, Storing Database Connection Strings Securely, Using DPAPI from Enterprise Services, Notes, Create a Windows Account to Run the Enterprise Services Application and Windows Service
putting, into roles, An Authorization Pattern
unfiltered input, SQL Injection Attacks
User Services layer, Logical Tiers
Users and Computers Administration tool, Register Serviced Components
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