Task Manager, Fusion Log Viewer (Fuslogvw.exe)
TCP channel, .NET Remoting Architecture, Anatomy of a Request When Hosting in ASP.NET, Hosting in a Windows Service, Flowing the Caller’s Identity, Advantages, How To: Host a Remote Object in a Windows Service
tcptrace.exe, Windows Task Manager
technologies, Authorization, Implementation Technologies, Security Architecture, More Information, Secure Communication, .NET Web Application Security
gatekeepers, gates, and, More Information
implementation, Implementation Technologies
secure communication, Secure Communication
security, Authorization, Security Architecture, .NET Web Application Security
testing, Test the Application, Test the Application, Construct GenericPrincipal and FormsIdentity Objects, Create the CustomPrincipal Object, Create an ASP.NET Client Web Application, Create a Windows Service Application that will Launch the Serviced Component, Create a Console Test Application, Request and Install a Client Certificate, Verify that it Works, Install a Server Authentication Certificate, Allow Clients to Determine Whether to Use SSL
client certificates, Request and Install a Client Certificate
DPAPI with machine store, Create an ASP.NET Client Web Application
encryption, Allow Clients to Determine Whether to Use SSL
encryption and decryption, Create a Windows Service Application that will Launch the Serviced Component
encryption library, Create a Console Test Application
Forms authentication with Active Directory, Test the Application
Forms authentication with GenericPrincipal objects, Construct GenericPrincipal and FormsIdentity Objects
Forms authentication with IPrincipal implementations, Create the CustomPrincipal Object
Forms authentication with SQL Server, Test the Application
installation of server authentication certificate, Install a Server Authentication Certificate
IPSec security, Verify that it Works
text files, connection strings in custom, Using Custom Text Files
text, plain, Introduction, ASP.NET Authentication Modes
threading, Evidence and Security Policy, Evidence and Security Policy, ASP.NET and HttpContext.User, Checking Role Membership, More Information, Accessing the Registry, Hosting in a Windows Service, ASP.NET Identity Matrix
COM objects and, Accessing the Registry
impersonation and, More Information
principals, identities, and, Evidence and Security Policy
Thread.CurrentPrincipal property, Evidence and Security Policy, ASP.NET and HttpContext.User, Checking Role Membership, Hosting in a Windows Service, ASP.NET Identity Matrix
tickets, Forms authentication, ASP.NET Authentication Modes, Forms Authentication, Retrieve a Role List from the Custom Data Store, Develop LDAP Group Retrieval Code to Look Up the User’s Group Membership, Create a Web Application with a Logon Page, Generate an Authentication Ticket for Authenticated Users
(see also )
tiers, The Foundations, Authorization, Design Principles, Logical Tiers, Physical Deployment Models, Implementation Technologies, Security Across the Tiers
authentication and, The Foundations
logical, Logical Tiers
remote application, Physical Deployment Models, Implementation Technologies
secure communication and, Authorization
security and, Design Principles, Security Across the Tiers
TLS., Secure Communication (see )
tools, IPSec, IPSec, Intranet Security, Extranet Security, The <processModel> Element, Accessing System Resources, Accessing Network Resources, Using the Anonymous Internet User Account, Securing SQL Session State, Development Time vs. Deployment Time Configuration, Register Serviced Components, Register Serviced Components, Register Serviced Components, Use Windows Groups, RPC Encryption, More Information, Passing Credentials for Authentication to Web Services, Proxy Server Authentication, Using the ASP.NET Process Identity, Implementing Mirrored ASPNET Process Identity, Using Custom Text Files, Using Forms Authentication, Troubleshooting Tools, Windows Task Manager, Summary, Configure ASP.NET to Run Using the New Account, Create a C# Class Library, Create a Windows Account to Run the Enterprise Services Application and Windows Service, Create a Windows Account to Run the Enterprise Services Application and Windows Service, Create a Windows Service Application that will Launch the Serviced Component, Write a Web Application to Test the Encryption and Decryption Routines, Configure the Serviced Component, Build the Assembly and Add it to the Global Assembly Cache, Develop the Serviced Component Used to Call the Web Service, Configure and Install the Serviced Component, Configure and Install the Serviced Component, Create a Windows Service Host Application, Create a Windows Account to Run the Service, Summary, Verify that it Works, Verify that Communication is Encrypted, Configuration Stores and Tools
aspnet_setreg.exe tool, Intranet Security, Extranet Security, The <processModel> Element, Securing SQL Session State, Implementing Mirrored ASPNET Process Identity, Configure ASP.NET to Run Using the New Account
Component Services., Use Windows Groups (see )
configuration, Configuration Stores and Tools
DLL locking and, RPC Encryption
Gacutil.exe, Register Serviced Components, Build the Assembly and Add it to the Global Assembly Cache, Configure and Install the Serviced Component
InstallUtil.exe, Accessing System Resources, Create a Windows Service Application that will Launch the Serviced Component, Create a Windows Service Host Application, Create a Windows Account to Run the Service
IPSec Monitor (Ipsecmon.exe), IPSec
Kerberos, Using Forms Authentication
Local Security Policy, IPSec, Summary, Summary
Network Monitor (NetMon.exe), Windows Task Manager, Verify that it Works, Verify that Communication is Encrypted
Regedt32.exe, Using Custom Text Files
Regsvcs.exe, Development Time vs. Deployment Time Configuration, Register Serviced Components, More Information, Create a Windows Account to Run the Enterprise Services Application and Windows Service, Write a Web Application to Test the Encryption and Decryption Routines, Configure and Install the Serviced Component
Sn.exe, Create a C# Class Library, Create a Windows Account to Run the Enterprise Services Application and Windows Service, Configure the Serviced Component, Develop the Serviced Component Used to Call the Web Service
troubleshooting, Troubleshooting Tools
User Manager, Accessing Network Resources, Using the Anonymous Internet User Account, Using the ASP.NET Process Identity
Users and Computers Administration, Register Serviced Components
Wsdl.exe, Passing Credentials for Authentication to Web Services, Proxy Server Authentication
tracing, Enable Tracing, Windows Task Manager
enabling, Enable Tracing
network, Windows Task Manager
transport channel sinks, .NET Remoting Architecture
Transport Layer Security., Secure Communication (see )
transport level security., Secure Communication (see )
Triple DES (3DES), Using Forms Authentication in a Web Farm, How To: Create an Encryption Library
troubleshooting security issues, Troubleshooting Security Issues, Troubleshooting Security Issues, Process for Troubleshooting, Searching for Implementation Solutions, Using Forms Authentication, Enable Tracing, Enable Tracing, Determining Identity, .NET Remoting, SSL, SSL, Windows Security Logs, Troubleshooting Tools
.NET remoting, .NET Remoting
ASP.NET, Enable Tracing
auditing and logging, Windows Security Logs
authentication issues, Searching for Implementation Solutions
authorization issues, Using Forms Authentication
enabling tracing, Enable Tracing
identity determination, Determining Identity
process for, Troubleshooting Security Issues
searching for implementation solutions, Process for Troubleshooting
tools, Troubleshooting Tools
trust, database, Connecting with Least Privilege
trusted identities., Connecting to SQL Server Using Windows Authentication (see )
trusted query parameter approach, Disadvantages of the Trusted Subsystem Model, Flowing the Caller’s Identity
trusted subsystem model, Resource Based Authorization, The Trusted Subsystem Model, The Trusted Subsystem Model, Disadvantages of the Impersonation / Delegation Model, Configuring the Application Server, Authenticating Web Browser Clients with Certificates, Authentication and Authorization Strategies, Configuring the Application Server, SQL Server Gatekeepers
.NET remoting security and, Authentication and Authorization Strategies, Configuring the Application Server
advantages and disadvantages, Disadvantages of the Impersonation / Delegation Model
fixed identities and, The Trusted Subsystem Model
impersonation/delegation model vs., SQL Server Gatekeepers
multiple trusted identities and, The Trusted Subsystem Model
Web services security and, Configuring the Application Server
Web services security with client certificates and, Authenticating Web Browser Clients with Certificates
types, Impersonation, Using Specific Credentials, Request a Specific Authentication Type, Connection String Types
connection string, Connection String Types
IIS authentication, Impersonation
specific authentication, Using Specific Credentials, Request a Specific Authentication Type
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