Chapter 7. Going Native

Our web app can now do many of the things that a native app can do: launch from the home screen, run in full screen mode, store data locally on the iPhone, and operate in offline mode. We’ve formatted it nicely for the device and set up native-looking animations to provide feedback and context to the user.

However, there are still two things that our app cannot do: it can’t access the device features and hardware (e.g., geolocation, accelerometer, sound, and vibration), and it can’t be submitted to the iTunes App Store. In this chapter, you will learn how to use PhoneGap to bridge this, on your, Clever name, that!

Intro to PhoneGap

PhoneGap is an open source development tool created by Nitobi ( to act as a bridge between web applications and mobile devices. iPhone, Google Android, and BlackBerry operating systems are currently supported, and Nokia and Windows Mobile are in development.

In spite of its high profile, the iPhone is not even close to being the most widely used mobile device. The mobile landscape is littered with devices, platforms, and operating systems. If you are a web developer, you might be familiar with the pain of testing 10 or so browser versions across 10 or so operating system versions. Multiply that by 100, and you have mobile. There is simply no cost-effective way to develop and test across all of the possible combinations.


At the time of this writing, Nitobi was working on an easier way to build PhoneGap apps. Instead of modifying an Xcode project that they supply, they will provide an Xcode project template. In this future edition of PhoneGap, you’ll choose File→New Project and choose the PhoneGap project template, then add in your HTML, CSS, and JavaScript as described in this chapter.

Thanks to Apple, it’s now clear that there is a market for devices that offer a full-featured web browsing experience. As more vendors include high-quality browsers on their phones, the work that we’ve done here becomes more valuable. By building a web app, we have effectively skirted much of the complexity of mobile development. We can have one codebase deployed to multiple devices and platforms.

Of course, different devices have different features. Maybe a particular phone doesn’t support multitouch, or doesn’t have an accelerometer. Even when devices do have the same features, each has its own way of exposing these features to the developer.

PhoneGap abstracts the APIs for the most widely available mobile phone features so mobile application developers can use the same code everywhere. You still need to deploy your app manually using the SDK provided by the vendor, but you don’t need to change your application code.


There are other projects and products available that serve the same basic purpose as PhoneGap, such as RhoMobile ( and Titanium Mobile ( I’m not familiar enough with them to compare and contrast, but you might want to check them out in case one suits your needs better than PhoneGap.

Since this is an iPhone book, I’m going to focus on the iPhone portion of PhoneGap. Just be aware that you can also potentially deploy your app to Android, BlackBerry, and Windows Mobile devices with little or no modification.


In the case of the iPhone, this SDK requirement means that you are going to need a Mac with Xcode installed, and you are going to have to pay money to join the iPhone Developer Program. Sorry about that. You can get the SDK by registering as an Apple developer at Registration costs nothing, but you will need to enroll in an iPhone developer program if you want to submit your apps to the App Store or even run them on your own phone. You can, however, use the free SDK to test your apps in the iPhone Simulator, which is included with the iPhone SDK. After you’ve registered as an iPhone developer, return to, log in, and download the iPhone SDK. The iPhone SDK includes Xcode, which is the development environment that you’ll use to test your apps in the simulator, run them on your own iPhone, and submit them to the App Store.

To get started with PhoneGap, you first need to download it. You can do so by visiting and clicking the download button (Figure 7-1). Assuming you’re on a Mac, you’ll probably want to download the ZIP version. When the download completes, unarchive it to your desktop (Figure 7-2).

Download version 0.8.0 of PhoneGap
Figure 7-1. Download version 0.8.0 of PhoneGap
Unzip the PhoneGap archive to your desktop
Figure 7-2. Unzip the PhoneGap archive to your desktop

PhoneGap download contains a bunch of device-specific directories (e.g., android, iphone, blackberry, windows mobile), and some library and utility files and directories (Figure 7-3). The only one we’ll be looking at is the iphone directory.

The top-level PhoneGap directory contains subdirectories for various mobile platforms
Figure 7-3. The top-level PhoneGap directory contains subdirectories for various mobile platforms

The iphone directory contains the starter files for an Xcode project (Figure 7-4). There is nothing magical about these files, other than the fact that they were written for you rather than by you; they’re just the kind of garden-variety source files that you’d find in any Xcode project.

PhoneGap’s iPhone subdirectory contains starter files for an Xcode project
Figure 7-4. PhoneGap’s iPhone subdirectory contains starter files for an Xcode project

Inside the iphone directory, there is a directory named www. You can think of this as the web root of the application. By default, it contains two sample files named index.html and master.css. These are used as the demo PhoneGap application. We don’t need them, so you can delete them both (Figure 7-5).

Delete the two default files from the www directory
Figure 7-5. Delete the two default files from the www directory

Next, copy all of the files from the Kilo app that we’ve been working on into the www directory (on the Mac, hold down Option while dragging files to make a copy). Don’t change your folder structure or naming; just drop everything in there as is (Figure 7-6).


If you have added a manifest link to the html tag in index.html as described in Chapter 6, you must remove it. It’s unnecessary when using PhoneGap and may cause performance problems.

Copy your entire web app into the www directory
Figure 7-6. Copy your entire web app into the www directory

Next, go into your index.html file, add the following line to the <head> section, and save the file:

<script type="text/javascript" src="phonegap.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

You don’t need to copy the phonegap.js file into your www directory. When you build your app, Xcode takes care of this for you.


Make sure the main page for your app is named index.html; otherwise, PhoneGap won’t know what file to launch.

Unbelievably, we’re almost ready to test our app. Open the project in Xcode by double-clicking the PhoneGap.xcodeproj file in the Finder. Once the project window is open, make sure you have the most recent version of the iPhone Simulator (3.1.2 as of this writing) selected as your active SDK and then click the Build and Run button (Figure 7-7). After about 10 seconds, the iPhone Simulator should appear and launch your app.


If the simulator does not launch, it means there is an error in your project. Look for a red number in the bottom right corner of the Xcode window; this is the number of errors encountered. Click the number for details about the error, and then review these steps to figure out where things went wrong. If you run into a problem you can’t resolve, visit the PhoneGap community resources at Search through the wiki and Google Group for answers to your problem before posting a question. If you do post a question, include as much information as possible about the error.

Select iPhone Simulator 3.1.2 as your active SDK
Figure 7-7. Select iPhone Simulator 3.1.2 as your active SDK

Your app should now be running in the iPhone Simulator as a native app. This may seem like no big deal, because the app will look and feel just like the full-screen web app that we had running in Chapter 6. However, there is a profound difference: namely, that we can now start accessing device features that were previously unavailable. Before we get to that, though, we need to do a bit of cleanup.

You’ll notice a 40px gap at the bottom of the screen
Figure 7-8. You’ll notice a 40px gap at the bottom of the screen

Using the Screen’s Full Height

You’ll notice that there is a 40px gap at the bottom of the window (Figure 7-8). This occurs because jQTouch does not realize that we are running in full screen mode, so it’s allowing room for the Safari toolbar. This makes sense from jQTouch’s perspective, because the app technically isn’t running as a full-screen web app. But it is running as a native app, and therefore has access to the whole screen. Fortunately, the fix is easy. Just open kilo.js and add the following code to the document ready function:

if (typeof(PhoneGap) != 'undefined') {
    $('body > *').css({minHeight: '460px !important'});


Now that you’ve opened your PhoneGap project in Xcode, you might want to give Xcode’s built-in editor a try. To edit the kilo.js file in Xcode, make sure the PhoneGap group is open in the Groups & Files panel on the left side of the Xcode window. Expand the www folder and click kilo.js to open it in Xcode’s editor.

This code uses the typeof operator to make sure the PhoneGap object has been defined. If the code is running inside of PhoneGap, this conditional will evaluate to true. If the code is launched as a web app, the PhoneGap object will be undefined and the conditional will evaluate to false.

When the app is launched with PhoneGap, the immediate children of the HTML body element will be given a minimum height of 460px. To make sure that the declaration takes effect, I’ve added the !important directive to override any conflicting instructions elsewhere in the stylesheets. Now the app will completely fill the window when launched (Figure 7-9).

After the body height is changed from 420px to 460px, the app takes up the whole screen
Figure 7-9. After the body height is changed from 420px to 460px, the app takes up the whole screen

Customizing the Title and Icon

Next, we need to change the default name and icon for the app. By default, PhoneGap apps are called “PhoneGap” and have a blue icon with a ladder on it (Figure 7-10).

The default name and icon for our app
Figure 7-10. The default name and icon for our app

To change the app name on the home screen, open the project in Xcode by double-clicking the PhoneGap.xcodeproj file in the Finder. Once it’s open, go to PhoneGapConfigInfo.plist in the Groups & Files panel. The Info.plist file should be displayed in the bottom-right panel of the window.

You should see that the bundle display name is set to PhoneGap (Figure 7-11). Double-click PhoneGap and change it to Kilo (Figure 7-12). Then save the file, clean the project (by clicking BuildClean), and click the Build and Run button. The iPhone Simulator should open and launch the app. Click the home button in the simulator to return to the home screen and note that the app name has been updated from PhoneGap to Kilo (Figure 7-13).

The bundle display name in Xcode is PhoneGap
Figure 7-11. The bundle display name in Xcode is PhoneGap

Next, we need to change the home screen icon from the PhoneGap default (the ladder, pictured in Figure 7-10) to our custom icon. The file format for both the app icon and the Web Clip icon is a 57px × 57px PNG, so you can use the exact same web app icon that you created for the home screen icon in Adding an Icon to the Home Screen.

The bundle display name is now set to the name of our app (Kilo)
Figure 7-12. The bundle display name is now set to the name of our app (Kilo)
The new bundle display name now appears on the iPhone home screen
Figure 7-13. The new bundle display name now appears on the iPhone home screen

The only difference is that with the Web Clip icon, we can prevent the iPhone from adding gloss to the graphic by toggling the addGlossToIcon setting in jQTouch; this setting will have no effect in PhoneGap. To prevent adding gloss to your icon in PhoneGap, select Config/Info.plist in the Groups & Files panel of the main Xcode window and check the box next to UIPrerenderedIcon in Info.plist (you may need to add this to Info.plist; see next for instructions).

Select Config/Info.plist in the Groups & Files panel of the main Xcode window
Figure 7-14. Select Config/Info.plist in the Groups & Files panel of the main Xcode window
Select Add Row from the contextual menu
Figure 7-15. Select Add Row from the contextual menu
Type UIPrerenderedIcon in the key field
Figure 7-16. Type UIPrerenderedIcon in the key field

The default PhoneGap home screen icon is named icon.png and is located in PhoneGap’s iphone directory (Figure 7-20). Replace the default icon file with your custom file (Figures 7-21 and 7-22), clean the project (click BuildClean), and click the Build and Run button. The iPhone Simulator should open and launch the app. Click the home button in the simulator to return to the home screen, and note that the app icon has been updated to a chocolate frosted donut with jimmies on a pink background (Figure 7-23).

Press the Enter key to save your entry in the key field
Figure 7-17. Press the Enter key to save your entry in the key field
Select Boolean from the Value Type submenu
Figure 7-18. Select Boolean from the Value Type submenu
Check the checkbox to tell Xcode not to add gloss to your icon
Figure 7-19. Check the checkbox to tell Xcode not to add gloss to your icon
The default home screen icon is a white ladder on a blue background
Figure 7-20. The default home screen icon is a white ladder on a blue background
The custom home screen icon is a chocolate frosted donut with jimmies on a pink background
Figure 7-21. The custom home screen icon is a chocolate frosted donut with jimmies on a pink background
Replace icon.png in iphone directory with your own custom 57px × 57px png graphic
Figure 7-22. Replace icon.png in iphone directory with your own custom 57px × 57px png graphic
Our custom app icon now appears on the iPhone home screen
Figure 7-23. Our custom app icon now appears on the iPhone home screen

Creating a Startup Screen

Next we need to change the startup screen from the PhoneGap default (Figure 7-24) to our custom startup screen. Back in Providing a Custom Startup Graphic, you created a PNG file to serve as the startup screen when the web app is launched in full screen mode from a Web Clip icon on the home screen.

We need to change the default startup graphic for the app
Figure 7-24. We need to change the default startup graphic for the app

For full-screen web apps that use a gray or black status bar, this graphic needs to be 320px × 460px, and for apps that use a black-translucent status bar, it must be 320px × 480px (20 pixels taller).

With PhoneGap, the startup screen has to be 320px × 480px regardless of what type of status bar is used. So if you created a 320px × 460px full-screen graphic, add 20px to the height.

The default PhoneGap startup graphic is named Default.png and is located in PhoneGap’s iphone directory (Figure 7-25). Replace the default startup graphic with your custom graphic (as shown in Figures 7-26 and 7-27) as shown in Figure 7-27, clean the project, and click the Build and Run button. The iPhone Simulator should open and launch the app, and you should see the custom graphic displayed (Figure 7-28).

The default launch graphic says PhoneGap in gray text on a white background
Figure 7-25. The default launch graphic says PhoneGap in gray text on a white background

Installing Your App on the iPhone

In the next section, we’ll add sound, vibration, alerts, and more to the Kilo example application. Some of these features can’t be tested in the iPhone Simulator, so you need to get Kilo installed on an actual iPhone before you can test any of this.

The custom launch graphic says Kilo in gray text on a black background
Figure 7-26. The custom launch graphic says Kilo in gray text on a black background
Replace Default.png in the iphone directory with the custom 320px × 480px PNG graphic
Figure 7-27. Replace Default.png in the iphone directory with the custom 320px × 480px PNG graphic
Our custom startup graphic now appears when the app is launched
Figure 7-28. Our custom startup graphic now appears when the app is launched

To install an app on the iPhone, Apple requires that the app, the phone, and the developer (you) all be uniquely identified. These three pieces of data are combined in a file called a “provisioning profile” that you will add to Xcode.

In order to generate a provisioning profile, you must first be a member of the iPhone Developer Program. You then run the Development Provisioning Assistant (DPA) found in the iPhone Developer Program Portal section of the iPhone developer site ( You’ll be making a couple of trips into the Keychain Access application (located in /Applications/Utilities) to create certificate signing requests and to install signed certificates that you download from the portal into your own keychain. The DPA does an excellent job walking you through the steps needed to create and install your provisioning profile, so I won’t rehash the instructions here. However, I will give you some pointers:

  • When I first started with iPhone app development, I made a few test App IDs in the Program Portal, assuming that I could later edit or delete them once I figured out how things worked. Well, I was wrong; you can’t edit or delete App IDs. This means that two years later, I’m still staring at “JSC Temp App ID” when I log in to the developer portal. If you are anything like me, this will drive you crazy, so don’t make the same mistake!

  • Keep your input brief but descriptive in the DPA. If your descriptors are too vague, you’ll get confused as you add more items. If descriptors are too long, they’ll be truncated in the online interface. Try to keep things to a max of about 20 characters.

  • When prompted for an App ID description, just use the name of your app (and possibly a version number, if you are planning on having multiple versions active in the App Store at the same time—e.g., Kilo2).

  • When prompted for a device description, include the type of device (iPhone, iPod touch, etc.) and the hardware version (1G, 2G, 3G, 3GS, etc.). Don’t include the OS version, because this can change without invalidating the provisioning profile. Bear in mind that if you end up making beta versions of the app available to testers, you’ll also want to include an owner identifier (for example, you could use initials: ELS iPhone 3GS, JSC iPhone 2G, JSC iPhone 3G, JSC Touch 1G, etc.).

  • When prompted for a profile description, combine the name of the app with the target device (e.g., Kilo2 on JSC iPhone 3GS).

Once you’ve created your provisioning profile, you must download it and drag it onto Xcode’s dock icon to make it available to your device. This brings up the organizer window. If you have multiple apps, multiple devices, or both, you’ll have one provisioning profile for each combination displayed in Xcode (Figure 7-29).

Multiple provisioning profiles loaded in Xcode
Figure 7-29. Multiple provisioning profiles loaded in Xcode

Now that your provisioning profile is available in Xcode, you need to update the bundle identifier for your app. Select the appropriate provisioning profile in the Xcode organizer window and copy the app identifier (Figure 7-30).

Then, click PhoneGapConfigInfo.plist in the Groups & Files panel of the main Xcode window, and paste the app identifier into the bundle identifier field. If your app identifier ends with an asterisk, replace the asterisk with a reverse domain-name–style string such as com.jonathanstark.kilo (Figure 7-31).

Select the provisioning profile for your app/device combination in the Xcode organizer window to locate your app identifier
Figure 7-30. Select the provisioning profile for your app/device combination in the Xcode organizer window to locate your app identifier
Paste your app identifier into the bundle identifier field, replacing the asterisk with a reverse domain-name–style string
Figure 7-31. Paste your app identifier into the bundle identifier field, replacing the asterisk with a reverse domain-name–style string

Now, plug your iPhone into your computer and select the iPhone device option as your active SDK (Figure 7-32). Make sure to choose the iPhone device version that matches the version of iPhone OS you are running on your iPhone (the most recent is 3.1.2 as of this writing). Save the Info.plist file, clean the project (click BuildClean), and click the Build and Run button. After about 20 seconds, the app should launch on your iPhone. The first time you launch it, you’ll be prompted to allow the codesign application access to your keychain, and you’ll also be prompted to install the provisioning profile on your iPhone. If you get any errors, restart Xcode and try again.

Select Device 3.1.2 as your active SDK, and click Build and Run to install and launch your app on your iPhone
Figure 7-32. Select Device 3.1.2 as your active SDK, and click Build and Run to install and launch your app on your iPhone

Now that the app is running on an actual iPhone, we can add some device-specific features.

Controlling the iPhone with JavaScript

The stage is now set for us to start enhancing our application with calls to the native device features. PhoneGap makes this possible by exposing certain functionality via JavaScript. This means that all you have to do to make the phone vibrate is add a bit of JavaScript to your code. For example:


Pretty simple, right?

Beep, Vibrate, and Alert

PhoneGap makes beep, vibrate, and alert functions so simple that I’m going to lump them together into one example. Specifically, we’ll set up the app to beep, vibrate, and display a custom alert when the user creates an entry that puts her over her daily calorie budget. To do this, add the following function to the end of kilo.js:

function checkBudget() {1
    var currentDate = sessionStorage.currentDate;
    var dailyBudget = localStorage.budget;
        function(transaction) {
                'SELECT SUM(calories) AS currentTotal FROM entries WHERE date = ?;',4 
                [currentDate], 5
                function (transaction, result) {6
                    var currentTotal = result.rows.item(0).currentTotal;7
                    if (currentTotal > dailyBudget) {8
                        var overage = currentTotal - dailyBudget;9
                        var message = 'You are '+overage
                        + ' calories over your daily budget. 
                        + ' Better start jogging!';10
                        try {11
                        } catch(e){
                            // No equivalent in web app
                        try {12
                                'Over Budget', 'Dang!'),
                        } catch(e) {

Here’s the blow-by-blow description:


Open the checkBudget() function. Initialize the currentDate variable to the value stored in sessionStorage (i.e., the date tapped on the Dates panel), and the dailyBudget variable to the value stored in localStorage (i.e., the value entered by the user in the Settings panel).


Start a database transaction in preparation for calculating the total calories for the current date.


Run the executeSql() method of the transaction object.

Let’s break down the four parameters of the executeSql() method:


The first parameter is a prepared SQL statement that uses the SUM function to add up all the values in the calories column for the entries that match the current date.


The second parameter is a single-value array that will replace the question mark in the prepared statement on the previous line.


The third parameter is an anonymous function that will be called if the SQL query completes successfully (we’ll look at this in detail momentarily).

And here is what’s going on in the anonymous function that was passed in as the third parameter:


It starts off by grabbing the current total from the first row of the result. Since we are just asking for the sum of a column, the database is only going to return one row (i.e., this query will always return one row). Remember that the records of the result set are accessed with the item() method of the rows property of the result object, and that the rows are 0 based (meaning that the first row is 0).


Check to see if the current calorie total for the day is greater than the daily budget specified on the Settings panel. If so, the block that follows will be executed.


Calculate how far the user is over her calorie budget.


Compose a message to display to the user.


This is a try/catch block that attempts to call the beep() and vibrate() methods of the navigator notification object. These methods only exist in PhoneGap, so if the user is running the app in a browser, the methods will fail and execution will jump to the catch block. Since there is no browser-based equivalent to beep or vibrate, the catch block has been left empty.

The PhoneGap beep() method plays a .wav file when called. The file is named beep.wav and lives in the iphone directory (Figure 7-33). The default file sounds sort of like a cricket and is probably fine for most situations. If you’d prefer your own beep sound, just create a .wav file named beep.wav and replace the default file in the iphone directory.


This is a try/catch block that attempts to call the alert() method of the navigator notification object. This method only exists in PhoneGap, so if the user is running the app in a browser, the method will fail and execution will jump to the catch block. The browser-based equivalent to the PhoneGap alert is a standard JavaScript alert, which is called as a fallback.

There are a couple of differences between the PhoneGap alert and the native JavaScript alert. For example, the PhoneGap alert allows you to control the title and the button name (Figure 7-34); the JavaScript alert does not (Figure 7-35).

There is also a more subtle difference between the two alerts: the native JavaScript alert is modal and the PhoneGap alert is not. In other words, script execution will pause at the point at which you call a native alert, whereas execution will continue with the PhoneGap version. This may or may not be a big deal depending on the nature of your application, so keep this distinction in mind.


The fourth parameter is the name of the generic SQL error handler that will be called in the event of a SQL error.

With our checkBudget() function complete, we can now call it by adding a single line to the success callback of our createEntry() function:

function createEntry() {
    var date = sessionStorage.currentDate;
    var calories = $('#calories').val();
    var food = $('#food').val();
        function(transaction) {
                'INSERT INTO entries (date, calories, food) VALUES (?, ?, ?);', 
                [date, calories, food], 
    return false;

After you’ve made these changes, save the kilo.js file, clean the project (BuildClean), and click Build and Run.

The PhoneGap beep() method plays the beep.wav file from the iphone directory
Figure 7-33. The PhoneGap beep() method plays the beep.wav file from the iphone directory
The PhoneGap alert allows you to specify the title and button label
Figure 7-34. The PhoneGap alert allows you to specify the title and button label
A native JavaScript alert does not allow you to specify the title and button label
Figure 7-35. A native JavaScript alert does not allow you to specify the title and button label


Let’s update Kilo to save the location where entries are created. Once we have that information, we’ll add a “Map Location” button that will open the built-in Maps application and drop a pin at the point where the entry was created.

The first step is to add latitude and longitude columns to the database to store the information. To do so, replace the CREATE TABLE statement in kilo.js with the following:

    function(transaction) {
            'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS entries ' +
            '    date DATE NOT NULL, food TEXT NOT NULL, ' +
            '    calories INTEGER NOT NULL, ' +
            '    longitude TEXT NOT NULL, latitude TEXT NOT NULL);'

Next, we’ll rewrite the createEntry() function that we first saw in Inserting Rows to use the geolocation feature of the phone to determine the current latitude and longitude. Replace the existing createEntry() function in kilo.js with this:

function createEntry() {1
    try {2
                var latitude = position.coords.latitude;5
                var longitude = position.coords.longitude;
                insertEntry(latitude, longitude);6
    } catch(e) {9
    return false;11

Begin the createEntry() function.


Open a try block, because the navigator.geolocation call will fail if this code is run outside of PhoneGap.


Call the getCurrentPosition() function of the geolocation object and pass it two callback functions: one for success and one for errors.


This is the beginning of the success callback. Notice that it accepts a single parameter (position).


These two lines grab the latitude and longitude coordinates out of the position object.


Pass the latitude and longitude coordinates into a function called insertEntry(), which we’ll look at momentarily.


This is the beginning of the error callback.


Because we’re in the error callback, this will only be called if geolocation failed (perhaps the user did not allow the application to access his location when prompted), so call the insertEntry() function without parameters.


Begin the catch block.


Because we’re in the catch block, this means that the navigator.geolocation call failed, so call the insertEntry() function without parameters.


Return false to prevent the default navigation behavior of clicking the form’s submit button.

Wondering where the SQL INSERT statement got to? Let’s take a look at the insertEntry() function. This new function is what creates the entry in the database. Add the following to kilo.js:

function insertEntry(latitude, longitude) {1
    var date = sessionStorage.currentDate;2
    var calories = $('#calories').val();3
    var food = $('#food').val();4
        function(transaction) {6
                'INSERT INTO entries (date, calories, food, latitude, longitude) ' + 
                    'VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?);',8
                [date, calories, food, latitude, longitude],9

The beginning of the insertEntry() function, allowing for latitude and longitude values to be passed in. Although there is no way to explicitly mark a parameter as optional in JavaScript, these values will simply be undefined if they are not passed in.


Get the currentDate out of sessionStorage. Remember that the value will be set when the user taps an item on the Dates panel to navigate to the Date panel. When he taps the + button to reveal the New Entry panel, this value will still be set to the currently selected Date panel item.


Get the calories value out of the createEntry form.


Get the food value out of the createEntry form.


Begin a database transaction.


Pass a callback function into the transaction, with the transaction object as its sole parameter.


Call the executeSql() method of the transaction object.


Define the SQL prepared statement with question marks as data placeholders.


Pass an array of values for the placeholders. If latitude and longitude were not passed into the insertEntry() function, they will be undefined.


Define the success callback function.


Define the error callback function.

In order to confirm that Kilo is actually saving these location values, we’ll want to display them somewhere in the interface. Let’s add an Inspect Entry panel to display the stored values. We’ll include a Map Location button on the panel that will display where the entry was created. Add the following to index.html, right before the closing body tag (</body>):

<div id="inspectEntry">
    <div class="toolbar">
        <h1>Inspect Entry</h1>
        <a class="button cancel" href="#">Cancel</a>
    <form method="post">
        <ul class="rounded">
            <li><input type="text" placeholder="Food" name="food" value="" /></li>
            <li><input type="tel" placeholder="Calories" name="calories" 
                value="" /></li>1
            <li><input type="submit" value="Save Changes" /></li>
        <ul class="rounded">
            <li><input type="text" name="latitude" value="" /></li>2
            <li><input type="text" name="longitude" value="" /></li>
            <li><p class="whiteButton" id="mapLocation">Map Location</p></li>3

This should look very similar to the New Entry panel that we first saw in Example 4-5, so I’ll just call out a couple of things.


The input type has been set to tel to call the telephone keyboard when the cursor is placed in the field. This is a bit of a hack, but I think it’s worth it because that keyboard is much more appropriate for this field.


The latitude and longitude fields are editable and contained within the form, which means that the user is able to edit them. This probably would not make sense in the final application, but it makes it a lot easier to test during development because you can enter location values manually to test the mapping button.


This Map Location button won’t do anything when clicked at this point; we’ll add a click handler to it momentarily.

Now we need to give the user a way to navigate to this Inspect Entry panel, so we’ll modify the behavior of the Date panel such that when the user taps an entry in the list, the Inspect Entry panel will slide up from the bottom of the screen.

The first step is to wire up the click event handler (which we’ll create next), and also to modify the way clicks on the Delete button are processed. Add the three highlighted changes below to the refreshEntries() function in kilo.js:

function refreshEntries() {
    var currentDate = sessionStorage.currentDate;
    $('#date h1').text(currentDate);
    $('#date ul li:gt(0)').remove();
        function(transaction) {
                'SELECT * FROM entries WHERE date = ? ORDER BY food;', 
                function (transaction, result) {
                    for (var i=0; i < result.rows.length; i++) {
                        var row = result.rows.item(i);
                        var newEntryRow = $('#entryTemplate').clone();
                        newEntryRow.appendTo('#date ul'),
                            var clickedEntry = $(this).parent();
                            var clickedEntryId ='entryId'),

Note that we have to add the e parameter (the event) to the function call in order to have access to the stopPropagation() method of the event, used shortly. If we didn’t add the e parameter, e.stopPropagation() would be undefined.


The e.stopPropagation(); added to the Delete button click handler tells the browser not to let the click event bubble up the DOM (Document Object Model) to parent elements. This is important because we’ve now added a click handler to the row itself, and the entry row is the parent of the Delete button. If we didn’t call stopPropagation(), both the Delete button handler and the entryClickHandler would fire when the user tapped the Delete button.


The; tells the browser to call the entryClickHandler function when the entry is tapped.

Now let’s add the entryClickHandler() function to kilo.js:

function entryClickHandler(e){
    sessionStorage.entryId = $(this).data('entryId'),1
        function(transaction) {3
                'SELECT * FROM entries WHERE id = ?;', 5
                [sessionStorage.entryId], 6
                function (transaction, result) {7
                    var row = result.rows.item(0);8
                    var food =;9
                    var calories = row.calories;
                    var latitude = row.latitude;
                    var longitude = row.longitude;
                    $('#inspectEntry input[name="food"]').val(food);10
                    $('#inspectEntry input[name="calories"]').val(calories);
                    $('#inspectEntry input[name="latitude"]').val(latitude);
                    $('#inspectEntry input[name="longitude"]').val(longitude);
                        window.location = ''+
                    jQT.goTo('#inspectEntry', 'slideup'),12

Get the entryId from the entry that the user tapped and store it in session storage.


Begin a database transaction.


Pass a callback function into the transaction, with the transaction object as its sole parameter.


Call the executeSql() method of the transaction object.


Define the SQL prepared statement with a question mark as data placeholder.


Pass a single-element array for the placeholder.


Begin the success callback function.


Get the first (and only, since we’re just querying for one entry) row of the result.


Set some variables based on the values from the row.


Set values of the form fields based on the variables.


Attach a click handler to the #mapLocation button. The function sets the window location to a standard Google Maps URL. If the Maps application is available, it will launch. Otherwise, the URL will load in a browser. The z value sets the initial zoom level; the string before the @ symbol will be used as the label for the pin that is dropped at the location. Note that the latitude and longitude values must appear in the order shown here, separated by a comma.


Call the goTo() method of the jQTouch object to make the Inspect Entry panel slide up into view.


Define the error callback function.

Before you try running the app, be sure to delete it from the phone (or the simulator). That’s because the database won’t be created if it already exists, and an easy way to remove the database is to remove the app. To remove the app, tap and hold on its home screen icon until the icons start wobbling, then click the X to remove it. Press the home button to stop the wobbling. Then, clean the project (BuildClean) and click “Build and Run” to try it out.


Next, let’s set up Kilo to duplicate the last entry in the list by shaking the phone. Add the following function to the end of kilo.js:

function dupeEntryById(entryId) {
    if (entryId == undefined) {1
        alert('You have to have at least one entry in the list to shake a dupe.'),
    } else {
            function(transaction) {
                    ' INSERT INTO entries (date, food, calories, latitude, longitude)'
                    + ' SELECT date, food, calories, latitude, longitude'3
                    + ' FROM entries WHERE id = ?;', 
                    [entryId], 4
                    function() {5

This line makes sure that an entryId was passed to the function. If not, the user is notified.


Begin the usual database transaction steps.


Define an INSERT statement that copies the values from the specified entryId. This is a type of query you haven’t seen before. Instead of using a list of values for the INSERT, this takes the values from a SELECT query for the specified entryId.


Pass the entryId into the prepared statement, replacing the ? in the SELECT query with the value of the entryId.


On success, call refreshEntries(), which will display the newly copied entry.


On error, call the standard SQL error handler.

Now we need to tell the application when to start and stop watching the accelerometer. We’ll set it up to start watching when the Date panel finishes sliding into view, and to stop when it starts sliding out. To do this, we just need to add the following lines to the document ready function in kilo.js:

$('#date').bind('pageAnimationEnd', function(e, info){1
    if (info.direction == 'in') {2
$('#date').bind('pageAnimationStart', function(e, info){3
    if (info.direction == 'out') {4

Bind an anonymous handler to the pageAnimationEnd event of the #date panel. Pass the event and the additional info in as parameters.


Check to see if the direction property of the info object equals in. If it does, call the startWatchingShake() function, which we’ll look at shortly.


Bind an anonymous handler to the pageAnimationBegin event of the #date panel. Pass the event and the additional info in as parameters.


Check to see if the direction property of the info object equals out. If it does, call the stopWatchingShake() function, which we’ll look at shortly.


Technically, we could have bound to just one of the page animation events, like so:

$('#date').bind('pageAnimationEnd', function(e, info){
    if (info.direction == 'in') {
    } else {

The reason I didn’t do this is that stopWatchingShake() would not get called until after the page animation was complete. Therefore, the accelerometer would be actively watched during the page transition, which can sometimes result in choppy animation.

All that’s left for us to do is write the startWatchingShake() and stopWatchingShake() functions. Add the following functions to the end of kilo.js:

function startWatchingShake() {1
    var success = function(coords){2
        var max = 2;3
        if (Math.abs(coords.x) > max 
        || Math.abs(coords.y) > max 
        || Math.abs(coords.z) > max) {4
            var entryId = $('#date ul li:last').data('entryId'),5
    var error = function(){};7
    var options = {};8
    options.frequency = 100;9
    sessionStorage.watchId = navigator.accelerometer.watchAcceleration(success, 
        error, options);10
function stopWatchingShake() {11

Begin the startWatchingShake() function. This function will be called when the #date panel finishes animating into view.


Begin defining the success handler. Note that it accepts a coordinates object as its sole parameter.


Define the threshold for the shake. The higher the number, the harder the user will have to shake.


Check to see if any of the coordinates has exceeded the threshold.


Get the entryId of the last entry on the #date panel.


Call the dupeEntryById() function.


Define an empty error handler.


Define an options object to pass into the watchAcceleration() method of the accelerometer object.


The frequency property of the options object allows you to specify (in milliseconds) how often you want your app to check the accelerometer.


Call the watchAcceleration() method of the accelerometer object, passing in the success handler, the error handler, and the options object as parameters. Store the result in sessionStorage.watchId, which we’ll need for the stopWatchingShake() function.


Begin the stopWatchingShake() function. This function will be called when the #date panel starts animating out of view.


Call the clearWatch() method of the accelerometer object, passing it the watchId from session storage.

And with that, we are ready to test. Save all your files, clean all targets, and build and run Kilo on your device. Navigate to the Date panel, add an entry if none exists, and shake the phone. You should see the page reload with an additional entry. Unfortunately, you’ll probably also see an Undo confirmation dialog (Figure 7-36). To disable the undo manager so we can watch the accelerometer without being interrupted, we need to add a setting to Info.plist. Follow the steps described in Adding Settings to Info.plist to add a setting for UIApplicationSupportsShakeToEdit, and set it to false (Figure 7-37).

We need to deactivate the undo manager to watch the accelerometer in peace
Figure 7-36. We need to deactivate the undo manager to watch the accelerometer in peace
Add the UIApplicationSupportsShakeToEdit setting to Info.plist and leave it unchecked to disable “shake to undo” in your app
Figure 7-37. Add the UIApplicationSupportsShakeToEdit setting to Info.plist and leave it unchecked to disable “shake to undo” in your app

What You’ve Learned

In this chapter, you’ve learned how to load your web app into PhoneGap, how to install your app on your iPhone, and how to access five device features that are unavailable to browser-based web apps (beep, alert, vibrate, geolocation, and accelerometer).

In the next chapter, you’ll learn how to package your app as an executable and submit it to the iTunes App Store.

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