Chapter 5


1. James E. Post, Anne T. Lawrence, and James Weber, Business and SocietyCorporate Strategy Public Policy, Ethics, 9th ed. (New York: McGraw Hill, 1999).

2. Ibid.

3. Ibid.

4. Ibid.

5. Ibid.

6. Sarah Anderson and John Cavanagh, “Top 200: The Rise of Global Corporate Power,” Corporate Watch 2000. Global Policy Forum—Social and Economic Policy, available at

7. Susan J. Lacey, “International Business and Multinational Corporations,” April 1994,

8. Hyundai: Drive Your Way, 2006, available at

9. Kala Vijayraghavan, “Wipro, Coke, Danone in the race for Bisleri,” Economic Times, 26 July 2007

10. Frederick Bird, “The Globalisation of Business Ethics,” 2007, available at

11. Ibid.

12. Ibid.

13. Kavaljit Singh, “Corporate Accountability: Is Self-Regulation the Answer?,” Mainstream (Vol. XLV No. 25, 9 June 2007), available at

14. Ibid.

15. Ingrid Shafer, “The Caux Round Table: An Introduction”, Caux Round Table, 22 April 1999, available at

16. Amberish K. Diwanji, ‘Good Governance in Corporates Is Essential for Globalisation, Say Experts,” 10 December 1999, Rediff Business, available at

17. United Nations: Global Impact, “Note on Integrity Measures,” The Global Compact, 2007, available at

1. “Vision and Mission,” Sterlite Industries, available at

2. Monahar D. Devadoss, K. S. Nandakumar and P. Ramesh, “Unethical Practices by Sterlite Industries (India) Ltd,” 2006, unpublished (Chennai: LIBA).

3. News Bureau, “Blast in Sterlite Unit,” Frontline, Vol. 14, No. 19, 1997.

4. MoEF Okays Vedanta/Sterlite’s Violate-First, Regularise- Later Mantra, Sterlite workers and ex-workers, 2005, available at

5. Sterlite, available at

6. Nostromo Research and India Resource Center, “Ravages Through India,” Vedanta Resources plc Counter Report, 2005, available at

7. See Note 4

8. Ibid.

9. See Note 5.

10. Ibid.

11. Ibid.

12. Ibid.

13. See Note 2.

14. Ibid.

15. Praful Bidwai, “Poisonous Smelter Emissions,” 12–25 May 2001, Frontline.

16. V Sridhar, “Battle Over Balco,” Cover Story, 17–30 March 2001, Frontline.

17. Rakesh Kalshian, “India Brings Darkness to India’s Indigenous Peoples,” India Resource Center, 16 June 2004, available at

18. A London calling special, 10 January 2004, available at

19. Ibid

20. Business India, 13 March 2005, cited in Nostromo Research and India Resource Center, “Ravages Through India,” Vedanta Resources plc Counter Report 2005, available at

21. Infochange news and features, “How Big Businesses Get Away With Environmental Violations,” October 2005, available at press766.htm

22. Sucheta Dalal, “How Harshad Mehta Did it Again?” 24 April 2001, available at

23. Sucheta Dalal, “Sterlite and Videocon: The Harshad Link,” 26 April 2001, available at

24. Nityanand Jayaraman, “Vedanta Undermines Indian Communities,” Corpwatch, 15 November 2001, available at

25. See Note 20.

26. S. Kumar, “BALCO After Privatisation,” People’s Democracy (Vol. XXVIII, No. 39), 26 September 2004, available at

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