The world-famous magnum opus Thirukkural says that there can never be salvation to anyone who is ungrateful. With such ennobling thought, I have to acknowledge with gratitude scores of people who have been instrumental in getting this book published in the present form.

First and foremost, my gratitude is due in no small measure to the various original writers, thinkers, and authorities on the subject of Business Ethics, from many of whom I have borrowed generously ideas, concepts and theories to make this book more credible and acceptable. I have acknowledged the sources wherever it is required. If by any chance I have omitted to give the credit where it is due, it is purely accidental, and the error would definitely be rectified in future editions, if pointed out.

I am grateful to Fr P. Christie S. J., Director of LIBA, for giving me the encouragement and opportunity to write the book, for writing the foreword and granting me the permission to quote extensively from his survey on managers of India, Korea and the USA. One of my students, K. Elisha Madhu Kumar, who is the Chief Technology Officer (CTO) of Amada Soft India Pvt. Ltd., my learned and highly popular colleague, Professor Jayaram K. Iyer, and my daughter Ameeta Ananth have all contributed to this volume a chapter each on their respective disciplines. I express my heart-felt gratitude to them for their generosity. I have acknowledged their contributions at appropriate places. My daughter-in-law Reshama Rex Fernando has provided the initial input to the Chapter on Finance. I express my thanks to her.

I have quoted extensively from newspapers and journals to lend credibility and authenticity to what I have stated in the book. I am grateful to the editors of the New Indian Express, The Hindu, the Press Trust of India, The Economic Times, Business Standard and Jaico Publishing House for letting me reproduce their news items and articles. I am particularly much obliged to Ninan Thariyan for securing us the required permission from the Times of India Group. I am also thankful to my advocate friend Mahimai Raj, banker Radhakrishnan and my ex-colleague Mary Rajasekaran for providing me some inputs on various subjects. I am happy to acknowledge the time and effort put in by Dr T. A. Sivasubramanian and Professor Dwarakanathan to review the chapters on Human Resources and Finance respectively. I am grateful to various international and national organizations such as The United Nations, the Caux Round Table, SEBI, Reserve Bank of India, Centre for Science and Environment, New Delhi and All India Management Association, New Delhi for granting permission to reproduce material owned by them. Biocon Industries, Bangalore, Johnson & Johnson and Dr Reddy’s Laboratories Ltd., Hyderabad graciously offered permission to reproduce their company’s data. I am thankful to them also. I sincerely acknowledge Dr Ingrid H. Shafer from The University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma, Archie B. Carroll from The University of Georgia, Mallen Baker, Founding Director of Business Respect, Dilip Kumar Sen from Tata Tea Ltd, Ganesh Prabhu from Wipro, Bennet Emmanuel from the Christian Manager, Fr Denzil Fernandes S. J. of the Indian Social Institute, Vishal Arora, D. E. Vijay, and Professor T. Pilvendran who have provided permission to use their material in my book. I also thank V Mathiyazhagan, management student, who gave a very detailed student feedback, and J. Jayaprakash and Ashi Paintal for providing their observations.

I owe a debt of gratitude to Alagusundaram who painstakingly typed my manuscript several times. I thank librarians Surya and Venkatesh, and other colleagues at LIBA who were helpful to me in various ways. My daughter, Sweta Maghesh also gave me some secretarial assistance. I sincerely acknowledge her help.

I will be failing in my duty if I do not acknowledge the tremendous contribution of Alpana William and M. R. Ramesh, editors at Pearson Education who handled the project. They were extremely sincere, committed and meticulous in executing their assignment. They were hard task masters who left no stone unturned to ensure the book is as perfect as humanly possible. If the volume has several appreciable pedagogical features, it is in no small measure due to their relentless efforts and single minded pursuit of excellence in what is essentially “my” book! I feel I will not be able to thank them adequately. I wish to place on record my thankfulness to several others at Pearson, especially Raza Khan, Nagaraja and Rajesh Shetty.

Last, but not the least, I am externally thankful to God for granting me the perseverance, patience and commitment to ensure the successful completion of the book.


A. C. Fernando

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