
Writing this book took a long time and required much effort. We could not have done it without the help and support of our family, friends, and colleagues. First we must recognize the patient understanding and support from our wives, Rose Ijaz and Susan Zahavi, and from our children, Miranda, Isabel, and Alexandra Bridgeland and David, Claire, and Benjamin Zahavi.

Many people reviewed this book in various stages of disorder. Jacques Rollet, Ben Corlett, Paul Harmon, Marshall Bigelow, Patrick McGovern, Don Baisley, Randy Gimblett, Susan Martin, Donald Chapin, Laura McQuade, and Al Carvalho all provided comments and insights on individual chapters. These comments and insights improved both the ideas and their exposition. George Townshend, George Thomas, and Bill Cantor read the book in its entirety and provided a wealth of thoughtful suggestions and improvements. John Butler, Ralph Welborn, Vince Kasten, Derek Miers, and Alan Leong helped us early on with the concept for the book.

Over the years we have modeled many businesses with many colleagues. These collaborative experiences influenced the approaches and techniques described here. We would like to thank Ralph Welborn, Vince Kasten, Brian Seagrave, John Butler, Jeff Pappin, Peter Bricknell, ToniAnn Thomas, Jeff Silver, Fred Dillman, Venkatapathi Puvvada, Steve Vinsik, Tom Conaway, Mike Glaser, Ken Hickok, Varun Panchapakesan, Hari Chaturvedi, Doug Humphreys, Cathy vonUnwerth, Vadim Pevzner, Vitaly Khusidman, Marc Shapiro, Ashima Munjal, Turab Mehdi, Imrana Umar, Senthil Natchimuthu, Forrest Snowden, Brian Otis, Nadine Carroll, Sonu Aggarwal, Sandy Snyder, Isaac Levy, Stephen A. White, Dorothy Yu, Henrik Sandell, Ron Strout, Andy Hoskinson, Neelam Kadam, Walcelio Melo, Michael Bean, Will Glass, and Helen Ojha.

We want to acknowledge the generous support from industry vendors Powersim Corporation, Powersim Solutions, Forio, Mega International, Artisan Software, KnowGravity, and KAISHA-Tec. And we must acknowledge the help of Terry Otsubo and Bill Bridgeland in providing a bit of realism around the restaurant business examples.

We would also like to thank Bob Costello, Kimberly Schwartz, Pat Morrin, Diane Moura, Naren Patel, Laura McQuade, Michael Hunt, Peter Archer, Brian Goebel, and Josh Kussman, who worked with us on some of the case studies described throughout the book.

We would like to thank our publisher, Morgan Kaufmann, and the Object Management Group, in particular Richard Soley, Denise Penrose, and Mary James.

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