Chapter 7

Creating a Good Model

There is no simple formula for creating a good business model. In fact there are lots of ways to fail—many different methods of creating a bad model. These bad modeling methods cross all four model disciplines. For example, one can build an overly complex motivation model, an overly complex organizational model, an overly complex process model, or an overly complex rules model. Similarly, model elements can be given bad names in any of the four model disciplines. Creating a good model involves avoiding all the paths of failure. This chapter explains the different paths of failures and some techniques for avoiding those paths.

Business modeling can deliver significant value. As we described in Chapter 1, there are eight different kinds of purposes that a business model can achieve. Often a business model will accomplish several of these purposes at the same time.

But in some organizations, business modeling has a bad reputation. “We tried that ten years ago,” the old timers say. “There was a team of business modelers on the fifth floor. Lots of models were built, but nothing useful happened.” The old timers described how the models became increasingly elaborate and complex until no one could understand them. “Finally, we axed the group.”

So why is there a discrepancy between the promise of business modeling and the actual experience of business modeling? What gave business modeling its bad reputation in some organizations?

Leo Tolstoy begins his epic novel Anna Karenina with the sentence, “All happy families are alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.” By this he means that to achieve happiness a family must avoid a host of dangers: alcohol abuse, infidelity, overspending, depression, and so on. An unhappy family of drunks is different from an unhappy family of spendthrifts. But the happy families have avoided all the dangers and for that reason are somewhat alike.

Business modeling is like the situation Tolstoy describes. There are many dangers to business modeling. Each danger can contribute to a bad reputation for business modeling. These dangers include model value destruction, scope failures, straight-through modeling, creeping complexity, ugly models, and incompetent modelers. Only by avoiding all these dangers can business modeling succeed.

Fortunately it is possible to avoid all these dangers. With some careful attention and governance, you can build a good model rather than a bad one.

Model Value Destruction

Not every model should be built. Sometimes the costs of creating and using a model are greater than the benefits that are gained from its use. In finance the term value destruction is used for situations in which a company takes an action that has a smaller economic benefit than the cost of the action. For example, a company that continues to sell a money-losing product line is said to be destroying value. Some models destroy value in exactly that way and should not be built at all. Model value destruction is one reason for the bad reputation of business modeling.

Creating a model always takes time: time interacting with the subject matter experts, time spent constructing the model with modeling tools, time spent making the model simpler and more understandable, time spent finding and fixing problems with the model, and time spent verifying a model with subject matter experts. Further time is spent using the model: time spent analyzing the model for business implications, time spent explaining the model to others, time spent maintaining the model when things change, and so on.

The act of modeling sometimes adds value on its own, when the modeling leads to greater understanding of a business situation. More often, the mere act of modeling adds no value. The value of modeling comes from the benefits that the model delivers, one or more of the eight purposes described in Chapter 1: communication, training, persuasion, analysis, compliance checking, requirements for software development, direct execution, or knowledge management and reuse. And some models do not deliver enough of these benefits to make up for the time and effort of creating the model.

The decision about whether to create a model is ultimately an economic decision: Do the anticipated benefits outweigh the anticipated costs? Are we going to deliver more value using this model than we will spend creating it?

Model Value Analysis

For small models, ones that can be built in an hour or four, we typically make a quick informal analysis. Do we expect to realize enough benefits to offset the time and trouble of creating the model? If it looks like it will add value, we build the model. In any case, the risks are low. At worst we have wasted half a day.

For larger models, we create a more formal analysis. We employ a simple technique to decide whether the model is worth building: We create a model value analysis before modeling. A model value analysis is just a summary of the expected costs and the expected benefits, and a comparison of the two. A model value analysis is typically created as a spreadsheet. One sheet of the spreadsheet estimates the costs of creating the model, another estimates the expected benefits, and a summary sheet compares the two.

Consider an example. Like all companies, Mykonos has to pay invoices. The payment process involves receiving invoices from bakeries, restaurant supply companies, and vineyards; checking the invoices; resolving issues with them; paying them; and managing the funds to cover the payments. Mykonos provides this process as a shared service to all the individual restaurants. Portia and Adelina and all the other restaurants that are part of Mykonos Corporation do not have to pay invoices on their own. Instead the payments work is done by a team of seven Mykonos personnel in the Chicago headquarters, and the individual restaurants interact with this headquarters team to answer questions and resolve issues.

Bill Mayo, Mykonos’s controller, manages the accounts payable team. Bill is considering creating a business process model of the payments process. One reason for modeling the process is that the accounts payable team suffers from personnel turnover: Bill loses three or four people every year to transfers or departures. This turnover means significant training for the new people, and Bill believes that a process model will make the training easier and faster.

Bill also thinks a payments process model will make it easier to explain the process to the individual restaurants. They are often confused about their role in the process, and time is spent explaining the process to them. Finally, Bill thinks that a process model will reduce the time spent auditing the process every year.

Figure 7.1 shows Bill’s estimates of the benefits of having a business process model of the payments process. The benefits are expressed in hours that Bill or his team will save every year in each of the eight different categories of business modeling benefit. Bill thinks he will save 80 hours a year in training with the model and another 80 hours each year in communicating with the restaurants. He thinks he will save a couple of days each year—16 hours—working with the auditors.


Figure 7.1 A model value analysis

Many of these categories show nothing—no benefit. For example, Bill does not intend to analyze the model to make improvements to the process, so the analysis row shows nothing. Similarly, Bill does not intend to use the model as the basis for software requirements, so there is nothing in that row of the benefits table.

Figure 7.1 also shows estimates of the costs of building, using, and maintaining the business process model. These costs include both the time spent by a modeler and the time spent by people who know the accounts payable process, the subject matter experts who need to work with the modeler to build an accurate model. Building the model is a one-time expense, whereas maintaining the model is something that must be done every year, as the process changes. Socializing the model is both an expense while the model is built and an ongoing expense to explain it to new people.

The model value analysis shows a total one-time cost of 120 hours and an ongoing annual cost of 60 hours each year. The benefits to Bill and his team are 176 hours per year. The model will almost pay for itself in the first year and will deliver 116 hours of net benefits each year thereafter.

Building a model of the payments process seems to be a good investment on the whole, but it is something of a close call. Often business models deliver significant net value within six or nine months, but this model is not expected to deliver net value until the second year. The benefits are rather modest for this model since the scale of the modeled enterprise is so small: only seven people.

The benefits that Bill expects from the model are all cost savings—hours that he and his team can avoid spending if they have a good model of the payments process. Cost savings are one example of the benefits that can be achieved by a model, but there are many others. In a different situation, a model can lead to additional revenue by persuading a customer to make a purchase. A model can lead to a business process change that results in higher customer satisfaction. A model can lead to better business controls that reduce risk.

Making a Decision Based on Model Value Analysis

Once Bill examines the model value analysis, he must decide what to do. If Bill is cautious, he may decide to forgo modeling his process, since the benefits are small. Or Bill could refine the rather coarse detail of the model value analysis, perhaps translating the hours into dollars. If the analysis was expressed in dollars, Bill could better compare dollars to dollars instead of hours to hours, since hours represent the time of different people who have different salaries. Or the model value analysis could prompt Bill to look for additional benefits—for additional ways to leverage the model, such as implementing a business process management system solution to connect his team with the individual restaurants. (Chapter 12 describes BPMS solutions.) And of course if Mykonos continues to acquire restaurants, the benefits of the model could increase substantially: Bill’s payment team will grow and more time will be saved with a business process model.

Note that a model value analysis does not make a decision for Bill. Rather it informs his decision, providing additional information that helps him better understand the costs and benefits of creating a model. A model value analysis frames the decision of whether to build a model in the terms of a business decision, in costs and benefits, in hours or dollars.

The payments process value analysis shows no (estimated) value for reuse. This is typical. Most business models cannot be used beyond their original scope and purpose. When reuse is possible, it is usually hard to anticipate.

A model value analysis is a useful tool for deciding whether to create a business model. A model value analysis can also help guide the development of a model. A model should be built in ways that help achieve the estimated benefits. For example, the Mykonos payments model will be used for communication, training, and (to some extent) compliance checking.

The simple model value analysis in Figure 7.1 took Bill perhaps an hour to construct and use. That small investment is appropriate for the scale of the decision to be made, since Bill is deciding to invest about 120 hours. Suppose you are considering creating a bigger model—for example, a business process model of all the accounting and finance processes at Mykonos, not just the payments process. In considering a larger model, more time should be spent on the model value analysis. A good rule of thumb is 1 percent: spend 1 percent of the total anticipated modeling time on the model value analysis, to decide whether the other 99 percent makes economic sense.

Scope Failures

Some people find modeling to be very consuming, almost addictive. Modelers grow to like the models they build, and spend more and more time tinkering with them, refining them, making them more accurate and of higher fidelity. Clients of a modeling effort also like the models that are built for them, encouraging further refinement. More and more time is spent modeling. This is another path to model value destruction: spending too much time building and refining a model, more time than the value that can be delivered from the model you are building.

You cannot model everything, and you should not try. To avert model value destruction, you must manage the scope of the models you build. Managing the scope of a model means managing the breadth of the model—what the model includes and what the model does not include. Managing the scope also means managing the depth of the model: for the elements that are included, how detailed should the model be?

For example, suppose you are creating an organization model of the Mykonos Corporation and you want to manage the scope of the model. You decide to model only the internal functions of Mykonos, such as accounting and procurement, not the hundreds of individual restaurants that are managed individually. That is your model breadth: internal functions are in, individual restaurants are out. You also decide to only model organizations down to a certain size—five full-time people, ignoring smaller organizations and functions. That is your model depth: everything down to those that have five full-time people or the equivalent.

Figure 7.2 shows a scope table for the modeling Mykonos’s organization. The scope table shows what is in and what is out for the breadth: you intend to model only internal functions, not individual restaurants or organizations outside Mykonos. The scope table also shows what is in and what is out for the depth: You intend to model only organizations of at least five full-time equivalents (FTEs).


Figure 7.2 A scope table

Model scope is not something you decide once, when planning the model, and then blindly execute. Instead scope is something that you reexamine periodically. Does the scope still make sense? Did we overlook some line items in the breadth, items that are neither in-scope nor out-of-scope? Do some aspects that were once out of scope need to be moved in?

For example, once you have built part of the Mykonos organizational model, you might decide to augment it with the interactions between the organizations. But which interactions are important enough to warrant modeling? You decide to include only those interactions that occur monthly or more often and that involve at least 10 hours of work monthly, either directly or indirectly. You refine your scope table.

How do you decide what should be in scope? The scope should be driven by the reasons you are building the model. If you are building your model to better communicate to the individual restaurants how the Mykonos shared services work, then that purpose of communicating with the restaurants should determine what is in and what is out. The restaurants need to see the shared functions they will be using and how a typical restaurant within Mykonos Corp. will interact with those shared services. The individual restaurants will be out of scope—the model does not need to differentiate between Adelina and Zona—but a typical restaurant should be in scope so that there can be interactions between it and accounting, between it and procurement, and between it and the rest of the shared services. Figure 7.3 shows a refined scope table, reflecting the purpose of the model. The increasing complexity from Figure 7.2 to Figure 7.3 is very typical: as the model is built and new issues are examined, the once simple scope table itself becomes increasingly complex.


Figure 7.3 A further refined scope table

Managing scope requires both business judgment and some ruthlessness. Everyone—modelers, clients, and subject matter experts—will want to expand your model. Each person will want to include new items in the breadth, and more detail in the depth, to include the model elements that are important to them and to make the model a closer fit to the world they see. You must be firm in rejecting these well-meaning desires, increasing the scope of the model only when it makes business sense, not when someone wants it. Models are by their nature never correct. Your job when managing scope is to make models useful on a budget of limited time and effort.

Straight-Through Modeling

Some models are small, requiring an hour or four to build. A modeler works with a single subject matter expert for an hour and creates a small model. Or perhaps a modeler works with a team in a half-day facilitated session (as described in Chapters 8 and 9) and creates a model. These one-session models can be created with a simple straight-through process, shown in Figure 7.4. First decide the purpose of the model. Then determine the scope. Then create the model elements and associations. Finally, check the model, make corrections, and clean the model up. After a few hours, your model is done.


Figure 7.4 A straight-through process for creating a small model

Some models are larger, requiring 50 hours or even 500 hours to create. Many novices attempt to use the same straight-through process of Figure 7.4 for creating larger models. They spend 10 hours determining the purpose of the model, 8 hours on its scope, 22 hours creating elements and associations, and then another 10 hours checking, making corrections, and cleaning.

But the straight-through process in Figure 7.4 does not scale. Novices discover that they learn more about the real purpose later, as they are creating model elements, and they need to change their initial understanding. They discover that they learn more about the appropriate scope later, as they are checking and correcting their model. For a 500-hour model, the purpose, scope, and model value analysis must be reexamined again and again as more is learned about what the model needs to accomplish and how it needs to work. In the same vein, when the novices wait to check a large model until they are done modeling, they discover more problems than they can hope to fix. For building a larger model, an iterative process is needed.

Iterative Modeling

Figure 7.5 shows an iterative process for creating a business model.1 The iterative process performs all the activities of the straight-through process (Figure 7.4) many times, once each iteration. Each iteration is a small amount of work, perhaps 8–40 hours in total across all the activities.


Figure 7.5 An iterative process for creating a larger model

Each iteration should leave the model in a deliverable state. The gateway Model Complete? asks whether the model is complete enough against your planned scope and purpose. Most of the time it will not be complete and you will cycle back for more. But even if it is not complete, it should be ready to deliver at the point of the gateway. Why be ready for delivery at the end of each iteration? In essence the process of modeling means delivery all the time. You will need to show the model to others: to subject matter experts, to stakeholders, to other modelers. They do not want to see a model that is in a state of disrepair. They want to see a model that is finished, albeit incomplete. So at the end of every iterative, you should leave the model in a presentable state.

There is another reason for leaving the model deliverable at the end of each iteration: situations change. The modeler might be pulled off the model for a while, onto a more pressing need. The model itself might no longer be important, or the work could be postponed to a later date. If the model is deliverable at the end of each iteration, it can be delivered at the end of any iteration.

At the end of every iteration, your model should deliver some value. Consider Bill’s model of the payments process, described earlier. After two iterations, he has a model that shows how an invoice is checked and paid, as long as there are no problems or issues. The model does not deliver all the value estimated in his model value analysis from Figure 7.1. The model is not useful for communicating with the restaurants since most of their issues are with the exceptions and problems. And the model does nothing for the auditors, who are mostly concerned with how problems are handled. But the model, even in its incomplete state, would help him train new payments employees. It delivers value—not all the value he anticipates from the final model, but some of the value.

Model Complexity

Business models must be kept simple so that they can be easily understood by others. A simple model is easier to understand than a complex one, easier to communicate to others, and easier to maintain. Because it is easier on all dimensions, a simple model is much more valuable than a complex model. Simple is better—often much better.

Creating simple models takes skill. Novice modelers create overly complex, incomprehensible models because the world they are modeling is always complex. There is a fundamental tension between the natural complexity of the world and the need for model simplicity. Without the skills to craft simplicity, novices resort to modeling everything and creating complexity.

In addition to skills, keeping models simple requires effort. It is much easier to build a complex model than to build a simple one. This is a bit like Cicero’s “I didn’t have time to write you a short letter, so I wrote a long one.”

But how do you create simple business models? There are three simplifying techniques:

Model element omission

Selective revelation

Hierarchy and decomposition

Model Element Omission

A model with fewer model elements is naturally simpler, and so one way to build a simple model is just to omit unnecessary model elements. Leave them out. Focus on the seven or nine most important elements and ignore everything else. Then once you have created the best simple model you can, ask whether the fidelity is high enough for the task at hand. Often it is; often, less is indeed more.

Consider the motivation model shown in Figure 7.6. The restaurant Adelina has six influencers, including its small space (limiting its success, as described in Chapter 3), its neighborhood becoming more important as a restaurant destination, and the concern in recent national media coverage about bacteria spread in restaurants. These six influencers are not the only things that influence Adelina’s goals and strategies. There are many other influencers that could have been modeled. We could have easily created a model with 20 influencers, but these six are the most important ones. The other, less important ones are omitted because they can be ignored. Figure 7.6 is a better model than the 20-influencer version.


Figure 7.6 Six influencers

Selective Revelation

Omitting model elements is usually not enough by itself. Even after omitting the less important model elements, you might need to keep many model elements, more than can be easily understood in a single diagram. Selective revelation is one approach to the problem. The model might be large, but the model is shown in several diagrams, each one of which is simple enough to understand on its own. The model is selectively revealed, one diagram at a time.

Consider Figures 7.7 and 7.8, both first shown in Chapter 3. They show two alternative strategies for Adelina: a move to another location and an expansion to a different customer base. Each strategy has its own consequences. If Adelina moves (Figure 7.7), some existing customers might be stranded. If Adelina expands its customer base (Figure 7.8), it will need to change its décor and close for business events, both risking the loss of disappointed existing customers. These two diagrams are from the same model and could be combined into a single diagram, but the result would be too big and complex, and might lead to misinterpretation. It is better to show the two alternatives in separate diagrams, selectively revealing the model elements.


Figure 7.7 One alternative strategy


Figure 7.8 A second alternative strategy

Note that Figure 7.7 and 7.8 share a model element. Both diagrams include the objective Double Revenues by Next December. That model element sharing diagrams is typical of good selective revelation because it lets the reader of the models understand how the different diagrams relate to each other.

With selective revelation, the model can be big and complex with hundreds or even thousands of model elements as long as each diagram from the model is simple, with no more than 9 or 10 elements. You need multiple diagrams to show the whole model, but each one is comprehensible on its own. By understanding each diagram in the model, a reader can understand the whole model.

Selective revelation can be done well or it can be done poorly. Figure 7.9 shows another approach to the same Adelina strategy alternatives. Instead of showing each alternative in a separate diagram, Figure 7.9 has the two alternatives together, along with the two threats that may result. The influencers and tactics that connect each strategy to its threat are not shown, to keep the diagram simpler. But Figure 7.9 is hard to understand because it is not clear which strategy leads to which threat, or why. Does moving to a new location lead to the threat May Lose Disappointed Regulars to Competitors? Figure 7.9 does not say. It is an example of selective revelation performed poorly.


Figure 7.9 Selective revelation performed poorly

What is the real difference between Figure 7.8 and Figure 7.9, between selective revelation done well and done poorly? Both Figure 7.8 and 7.9 are subsets of the same underlying Adelina strategy model. But Figure 7.8 supports a clear and compelling narrative. Using Figure 7.8 you could tell a story about Adelina pursing a strategy of supporting business events. By contrast, there is no good story in Figure 7.9. It shows the two strategies, but because it does not link the strategies to the threats, the story is not clear, not complete, and not compelling. Good model diagrams tell a story. Figure 7.9 does not.

Model Hierarchy and Decomposition

A third approach to the complexity-comprehension tension is to use hierarchy. Some model elements are aggregated together into a composite model element. The details are underneath.

Consider the business process shown in Figure 7.10, the process for customer dining at Portia that we first explored in Chapter 5. A restaurant party arrives, is greeted, seated, orders, dines, and then settles his bill. All five activities are subprocesses, with more detail not shown in Figure 7.10. Figure 7.11 shows the expansion of the subprocess Seat Party. The other four subprocesses from Figure 7.11 are not shown, but they are similarly complex. Figure 7.10 could have included all the detail of all five subprocesses, but it would be horribly complex, with too many model elements to be easily understood. Instead that detail is pushed down into a hierarchy, and Figure 7.10 is quite simple.


Figure 7.10 The upper level of the restaurant dining process


Figure 7.11 Inside one subprocess of the customer dining process

Note that the lower-level business process in Figure 7.11 has two lanes, whereas the upper-level process has only a single lane for the restaurant as a whole. The subprocess is not just a decomposition of the activity Seat Party but also a selective revelation of the organizations that perform the activities.

When you explain a hierarchical model to someone else, you must explain more of the model mechanics. You must explain that the activity Seat Party has more detail and that the detail is in another diagram, and that everything shown in Figure 7.11 is inside the single Seat Party activity in Figure 7.10. Despite your best explanation, some businesspeople will have trouble understanding hierarchically organized models. Our experience is that model decomposition is fundamentally more difficult for businesspeople to understand than the other two simplifying techniques. Be patient and be willing to explain every time you talk about your model.

Refactoring Your Model

As you build a model, it gets more complex. New model elements are added; new associations are made between existing elements. Unless you maintain the simplicity along the way, your model will naturally become too complex. Furthermore, you might become responsible for someone else’s model, a model that is already too complex.

Making a model simpler and easier to understand without changing the meaning of the model is called model refactoring.2 Refactoring involves applying one or more of the simplification techniques described earlier: omitting model elements, using selective revelation, or creating model hierarchy. Often a single refactoring will include several applications of the techniques: e.g., omitting three model elements, creating two new hierarchies, and transforming one diagram into three via selective revelation. Refactoring a model leaves its semantics unchanged; it merely makes the model easier to understand.

For example, consider Viola, one of the restaurants that was originally part of Cora Group. Viola was started two years ago, but it has struggled to find a large enough clientele and has not yet reached financial breakeven. Some in the Cora Group attribute Viola’s difficulties to the unusual focus of its cuisine: food of the Visegrád region of Eastern Europe. Others blame the high rent Viola pays and think the restaurant could have been a financial success in another part of town with cheaper rent.

The general manager of Viola convenes a strategy session to discuss Viola’s situation, to consider the issues and strategic alternatives and decide what Viola should do. The result is the model shown in Figure 7.12. There are three alternative strategies to reach the restaurant’s goals: Grow Via Word of Mouth, Grow Via Restaurant Reviews, and Close and Reopen with New Name and Menu.


Figure 7.12 An overly complex motivation model

But Figure 7.12 is a complex jumble. There are too many model elements to understand what is modeled. There is little logic in the arrangement of model elements—in what element is placed where. It is hard to understand what is missing: Are there missing influencers or perhaps missing connections between the assessments and the strategies It is difficult to tell.

Figure 7.12 should be refactored. One approach is to refactor into three diagrams using selective revelation, one for each of the three strategies. Figure 7.13 shows one of the resulting diagrams, with the strategy Grow Via Word of Mouth and the model elements that are related to it.


Figure 7.13 A single strategy

The nine elements in Figure 7.13 tell an interesting story. Viola has a small customer base, but those customers return often to dine there. Typically, intensely loyal customers of a restaurant tell the people they know, and the loyalty translates into many new customers via word of mouth. But that is not happening at Viola. Somehow their existing customers are failing to convince others to try the restaurant.

The workshop participants explored the theory that Viola’s cuisine was preventing good word of mouth. Visegrád food—the food of Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, and the Czech Republic—is inherently a niche market. Few people know Visegrád food or want to try it. This unusualness of the food limits the effectiveness of word of mouth.

All the model elements in Figure 7.13 are present in Figure 7.12. Figure 7.13 is a pure selective revelation refactoring. But Figure 7.13 tells a clear story that is buried within all the detail of Figure 7.12.

The other two strategies within Figure 7.12 deserve their own diagrams as well. There is some overlap among the three diagrams; some model elements are appropriately in more than one diagram. The weakness Visegrád Cuisine Inherently Niche plays a role in both Figure 7.13 and in the diagram showing the strategy Close and Reopen with New Name and Menu. The organization Viola itself is in all three diagrams.

There also needs to be a diagram that shows the goals, objectives, and all three strategies together, without any of the influencers or assessments. The influencer High Rent can be omitted altogether since it seems to have no impact on any of the strategy alternatives.

We refactored Figure 7.12 by employing selective revelation, creating a new diagram for each of three strategies. But selective revelation by strategy is only one of many different ways that an overly complex model diagram can be refactored. Each overly complex model is different and deserves its own creative approach to make it simple.

Novices often try to build a model first, let it become complex, and then refactor at the end to make it simple. This approach can work for small models, but it does not work for larger ones. The model gets too complex to easily make changes. Even the people who built it become confused. And if the model happens to be delivered early—for example, if the modeling effort is cut short because the modelers are called away on another activity—the model will be too complex for anyone else to understand. A better practice is to periodically refactor along the way, to spend an hour simplifying every day or two. Refactoring wants to be an iterative activity, folded into the rest of the iterative construction of a model.

It is tempting to combine refactoring with other changes. For example, you might want to refactor a business process model as you add some activities. But it is better to separate refactoring from changes in the meaning of the model, to first refactor and then change the semantics later, after the refactoring is done. The refactoring itself should leave the meaning of the model unchanged and just make it simpler to understand. Refactoring without introducing an unintended change is difficult enough. If you are not careful with your refactoring, you might inadvertently change the logic of a business process or disconnect a goal from a strategy. It is better to focus on refactoring by itself, without the added challenge of intentionally making semantic changes at the same time.

Bad Names

Most model elements are named. An activity in a business process might have a name like Inspect Produce. An objective in a business motivation model might be named Double Revenues by December. A business rule might be named Employee Theft Notification.

Model elements can be named poorly and often are. Consider the following names we have seen in models:

ent CAC. This is an organizational unit in a business interaction model. Six months later, will anyone remember what the acronym stands for?

ent Inquire MPI and Initiate ‘Register Once’, Local Eligibility Verified, and if eligible, Initiate Patient ICN creation. This is a single activity in a business process, albeit one that sounds like a whole process itself.

ent Receive/Send New/Updated Enrollment/Registration data from system. This is another business process activity, something about updating a system. Rather than using the slash character as an all-purpose conjunction, the modeler needs to pick some appropriate words for the name.

Good names are important. Models are used for communication with other people, and model elements with bad names make that communication unnecessarily difficult. People refer to model elements by name, and a bad name makes it tough to refer to the element you mean.

What are the characteristics of a good name for a model element? A good name is short: two, three, or four words are best. Longer names make it harder to understand the meaning of the model element and harder to refer to the model element when you’re talking with other people. If you are tempted to write a long model element name to explain details, you should instead describe those details in the model element description.

The name should describe the intent of a model element, not the implementation. The implementation might change over time, even as the intent stays the same. “Validate Customer” is better than “Run search for customer name in CRM system.” You may later validate the customer using another system.

Slashes, punctuation, and acronyms should be avoided in a name. Slashes and punctuation just make model element names awkward. An acronym is acceptable if it is already universally understood among the readers of the model. But if it is not universally understood—and many acronyms are not—some readers must decode the acronym every time they see it. Decoding slows down their comprehension of the model.

Overloaded words should be avoided. For example, “Process Exceptions” is a bad name for a business process activity because the word “process” already has too many meanings.

Capitalization should be handled consistently across your model. We prefer model elements with initial capitals, e.g., “Validate Customer,” but other standards are also common. Inconsistent letter casing is confusing; readers of the model will wonder whether you mean something different by your inadvertent differences in capitalization.

Model element names should generally be unique—different from the name of any other model elements. If there are different model elements with the same name, confusion can result when someone refers to a model element. But uniqueness of model element naming can be difficult, particularly for larger models. If you have a model of 1,000 model elements, it can be tough to enforce uniqueness: You might not be aware that there is already a “Validate Customer” activity somewhere else. (Some modeling tools support the enforcement of name uniqueness by identifying when a name is not unique.) Furthermore, in a large model, you might be able to create unique names only by resorting to numeric suffixes, e.g., “Validate Customer 23.” So we regard model name uniqueness as good but not absolutely required.

The characteristics of a good name of a model element also apply to names of lanes and pools in business process models. A short name is better than a long name. A name with no acronyms is better than one with acronyms. A unique name is better than a duplicated one. And so on. Since a lane is named by the organization that performs the work and the organization may be a model element in an organization model, the guidelines for naming are the same. Similarly, a pool is named by the organization that is responsible for the pool’s process, and that organization may be a model element in an organization model. The naming guidelines apply.

Weak Descriptions

A model element can have a description, a paragraph or two that explains the details of the model element. For example, earlier in this chapter we introduced the challenges faced by the restaurant Viola and its failure to grow despite winning a loyal clientele. One of the model elements in the motivation model is the influencer Declining Significance of Newspaper Reviews. Someone reading the model might wonder about this influencer. Is Viola not getting the restaurant reviews it once did? Are newspapers reviewing more restaurants and so watering down the effect of each review? The description explains:

Traditionally, newspaper reviews were significant for restaurants. A good review could triple a restaurant’s business overnight and leave it popular for as long as two years after the review was published. But over the last few years, newspaper reviews have gradually lost much of their former influence. Customers are less likely to read local newspapers at all and much less likely to read the reviews of restaurants. Now customers typically find good restaurants via the Internet reviews of other customers, by local dining blogs, or by professional review books like Zagat or Michelinguides.

This description explains what the influencer means and the richer context behind it. The description includes the most important things a model reader needs to know about the model element.

In practice, many modelers write weak descriptions—a sentence fragment that explains a bit more than the name of the model element but not much more. But descriptions are important because they are read on several different occasions. Model element descriptions are read when a modeler is exploring a model she created some weeks earlier, trying to recall what the different model elements mean and how they are related. Descriptions are read when a modeler is modifying a model created by someone else. She tries to understand what the previous modeler has done and how the model works. Model element descriptions are read by subject matter experts, who check a model to determine whether it matches their understanding of the situation. Descriptions are read by other non-modelers who are learning the content that the model represents. These people are learning a new business process or learning the new policies.

To serve these different purposes, every named model element should have a written description. The description of a model element should be a paragraph or two that is easy to read and easy to understand by someone who is not a modeler. Any model element should be a good starting point for a model; someone should be able to start his tour of a model by examining any model element, reading its description, and working out across its associations to other model elements.

A model element description should be about the model element, not how the model element is associated with other elements. For example, suppose you are describing a business process activity, Take Dinner Order, an activity that follows the activity Serve Drinks. The description of Take Dinner Order should describe how the server takes the order, how long it takes, and some of the common scenarios that happen. The description should not describe how Take Dinner Order follows Serve Drinks since that following is represented by the sequence flow between the two activities. A modeler should be able to change the process by rearranging the sequence flow—e.g., by having the server take the dinner order first, before serving drinks—without changing the descriptions of individual activities. The model element description describes the model element itself, not how it is used in the model.

Model elements have associations between them, such as a sequence flow between two activities in a process model or a quantifies association between a goal and an objective that provides more detail about the goal. The associations between model elements can also be described. The same guidelines that apply to a model element description also apply to the description of an association between model elements: The description should be understandable, well written, and long enough to explain the association.

Ugly Models

In Chapter 2, we explained why model aesthetics matter—that attractive models are more readily accepted by people than ugly models. As humans, our neural wiring causes us to have emotional responses to the models we see, independently of cognitive questions such as whether the model is accurate or whether it is relevant for our problem.

There are no scientific studies to back up our claim that attractive models are more effective. To our knowledge, no one has looked carefully at this question. Our claim is based on personal experience and some speculation. But the experience is powerful. In one situation, subject matter experts rejected a particularly ugly model as inaccurate. The model was given a “makeover”: Model elements were rearranged, and fonts and font sizes were changed. All substantive matters stayed the same. After the makeover, the same subject matter experts who rejected the ugly model accepted as plausible the new one. The subject matter experts moved beyond their initial repulsion and started to look carefully at the actual semantics of the model, objecting to individual model elements or individual associations between model elements, rather than rejecting the model as a whole.

Improving Model Aesthetics

What actions can you take to make a model attractive? You can:

Change the size of model elements. For example, a business process model looks better when all the activities are the same size.

Rearrange model elements. A model looks better when related model elements are close to each other, making the associations or flows between them short and straight.

Draw the associations without kinks or crossing lines. For example, an interaction model with simple straight lines that do not cross looks better than one with intersecting interactions.

Draw sequence flows in business process models from left to right. By convention, activities in business process models are generally arranged such that earlier activities are to the left of later activities.3 Most sequence flows start on the left and finish pointing to the right, showing time flowing from left to right.

Align and distribute model elements. For example, a motivation model that has a goal and three subgoals underneath looks better when the subgoals are vertically aligned and evenly distributed.

Change the font size. A model looks better when it has uniform font size that is large enough to read.

Arrange the names of model elements. The names of the model elements are displayed as text on the diagram. Text looks better when it does not overlap with model elements, associations, or other text.

Use a complementary color palette. Color is often used in a motivation model, with goals, strategies, influencers, and assessments distinguished by different colors. Colored models look better when the colors complement each other rather than clash.

These actions are intended as guidance rather than rules. Sometimes it is better to have subgoals that do not align. Sometimes fonts of different size are useful. You must use your judgment to improve the look of your model.

Iterative Aesthetics

Some modeling novices accept the importance of model aesthetics but approach it by performing a one-time model makeover at the end of modeling. They build an ugly model, work with subject matter experts through many work sessions without considering the model aesthetics, and then clean up the model as a last step before they deliver it. If they follow an iterative approach at all, the iterations are performed without any aesthetic improvements to the model, as shown in Figure 7.14.


Figure 7.14 Improving model aesthetics at the end

The novices reason that they are saving time—that it will be faster to work on the aesthetics once at the end rather than continually messing with fonts and colors and other aesthetic matters through the whole model development process. But like many novice modeling approaches, cleaning a model at the end does not work. It is a false economy; it wastes time rather than saving it. The ugly model is used along the way. It must be explained and justified to the subject matter experts as it is built. Much more time is spent on these explanations and justifications than would be spent if the model looked better. Even with the explanations, the subject matter experts might not accept the ugly model. Model aesthetics matter not just to the end users of the model after it is delivered but also when you work with the subject matter experts in the process of constructing the model.

A better approach is to improve and maintain the aesthetics of the model on every iteration, to make your model look good every time you deliver it. Of course, if you are in the midst of building a model on the fly with a subject matter expert in a live modeling workshop (as described in Chapters 8 and 9), you will not spend time improving the aesthetics during the workshop. But after the workshop, before you deliver the results, you should clean it up.

You should not only model iteratively, you should iteratively maintain and improve the look of your model. Figure 7.5 shows that process, with the activity Clean Model performed repeatedly, once every iteration. Yes, sometimes that aesthetic improvement work will be wasted. Sometimes you will carefully arrange and align model elements only to delete them in your next meeting with a subject matter expert. But usually the time spent improving the look of the model will be a good investment in improving its understandability and acceptance.

Improving the look of a model is a kind of refactoring—an aesthetic refactoring instead of a semantic refactoring. Just as semantic refactoring should be done iteratively to keep the model well organized and understandable, aesthetic refactoring should be done iteratively to keep the model attractive.

Failures of Quality

Model quality is important. A high-quality model is a reasonably accurate representation of the understanding of your subject matter experts. An as-is model needs to match their understanding of today’s situation, and a to-be model should match how they think the future should be designed.

A model also needs to be accepted by subject matter experts. They need to put their stamp of approval on the model, to signal to others that they believe it to match their understanding. If the subject matter experts do not accept a model, even a high-quality model, others will not take it seriously. It will fail to persuade, its analysis results will be dismissed, and people will create obstacles to its deployment.

Model Verification

Model verification is a technique for achieving both model quality and model acceptance. When you verify a model, you ask the subject matter expert about the model, whether it is consistent with her understanding. You ask her about every model element and about every relationship between model elements, diagram by diagram. When she questions a model element or a relationship, you either explain it and try to convince her, or you change it until she is satisfied.

Depending on the corporate culture, it can be useful to formalize the subject matter expert’s acceptance with a signoff. For example, the simple statement

This model reflects my understanding of the situation.

can be placed on each model diagram, with a line for her signature underneath.

Of course, there is no legal significance to signing a model (at least in most circumstances). But the mere presence of a signature by a recognized expert will lead to acceptance of the model by others. And by asking her to sign, you focus her attention on the model and how important it is that the model reflects her understanding.

Readers with a background in software development might see model verification as similar to user acceptance testing of a new software application. In fact, both model verification and user acceptance testing seek confirmation by a subject matter expert. Of course, the two processes aim at the acceptance of different things. User acceptance testing is about the acceptance of a software application, whereas model verification is about the acceptance of a business model. But there is also a deeper and more fundamental difference between the two processes. Subject matter experts are first-class members of the team that creates a business model. A modeler and a subject matter expert work together to create a model. They are partners in the creation. The model verification is only a confirmation at the end, a last chance for the subject matter expert (SME) to change his mind about some details.

User acceptance testing is different. The SME does not create the software; he is not a first-class member of the team. Rather he is asked after the software has been created to verify that it does the right thing.4 The subject matter expert accepts the work of the team rather than being part of the team himself.

Model verification is more complex when multiple SMEs are used to create a model. Sometimes SMEs disagree, and you need to facilitate consensus among them. The workshop techniques described in Chapters 8 and 9 are useful for creating that agreement. Sometimes there is no overlap among the fields of expertise, and you can organize the model so that each diagram reflects only a single SME’s view.

While you are verifying your model, you might want to solicit comments and advice from other modelers. Your modeling colleagues are (likely) not subject matter experts in the domain you are modeling, and they cannot help you make the model a better reflection of the SME’s understanding. But other modelers often have suggestions for improving a model in other ways: designs to better organize the model elements, ideas for what is missing or what can be omitted, and thoughts for better presentation of the model elements you have. Model improvement fits naturally with the process of model verification.

Model verification is a laborious process. It takes time to work with each SME, to check that each model element reflects her understanding, and to make the model changes needed. But the time is usually well spent, and the results of model verification are valuable. The results are a higher-quality model, one that is officially approved by your SMEs and accepted by the rest of your stakeholders.

Model Validation

Model verification is improving the quality of a model by working with SMEs to check every model element in a model. Model validation also aims at improving the quality of a model but does so through simulation or analysis instead of static model checking. The idea is that a model is simulated and the resulting simulation statistics are used to find problems with the model. The problems are fixed, and the model is simulated again.

For example, suppose you simulate your business process model of diners eating at Portia and discover an ever-increasing line of people waiting for tables. The longer you simulate, the longer the line. Ultimately in your simulation, people wait several days for a table. Clearly this is not occurring in the real world; no one camps out in front of Portia, waiting for days. You need to change the model to remove the ever-increasing line. Chapter 11 describes the details of how to use simulation to validate a model.

Not every model discipline supports simulation; we are aware of no modeling tool that simulates business rules, and it is not even clear in principle how business rules could be simulated. But every model can be analyzed, and analysis results can also be used to validate a model. For example, suppose you have a business motivation model and a business rule model, with each individual rule traced to the goals it achieves and traced to the strategies that it is based on. Are there business rules that are not traced to any goals or strategies? What are these disconnected rules trying to achieve? Are they really needed? Do they indicate missing strategies or missing goals? Many of the model analysis techniques described in Chapter 10 can be used for validating a model.

Verification, Validation, and Model Fidelity

All models are wrong, as we discussed in Chapter 2. A model can be of high fidelity or of low fidelity, but it is never of perfect fidelity. No model ever reflects all the complexity of the business situation being modeled.

The intended fidelity of your model provides a natural limit to verification. When verifying a model, your SME needs to understand and accept the fidelity you intend and not try to make the model more accurate than that intent. Her approval that the model is an accurate reflection of her understanding is always within the limits of fidelity. Managing the level of fidelity of the model is part of your responsibility, not hers. You might need to adopt the modeling stance (as described in Chapter 8) and remind her that managing the level of fidelity is part of your expertise.

There are also fidelity limits to validation. When you simulate a business process model, the simulation will produce very detailed results. You need to determine how close is close enough, when to regard the differences between the simulation and the world as significant, and when to regard them as within the limits of your intended fidelity.

Consider again the line for tables at Portia. Suppose you refine the model and it no longer simulates an ever-increasing wait. Instead the line for tables rises and falls over the course of a Friday evening, sometimes reaching seven or eight parties. Your SME objects, saying that there are never more than five parties waiting for a table, even on a busy Friday night; that people go elsewhere rather than wait. Should you change the model? It depends on your intended level of fidelity. If you want a model that reflects the actual activity counts to within 2, you should tune this model, figuring out why there are sometimes too many people waiting. Perhaps you need logic about when potential customers give up and eat elsewhere.

Verification, Validation, and Iteration

Verification and validation are better when performed iteratively. Verification and validation can be done just once, after a model is completed, but if you wait until the end you might discover big problems in your model. It is better to perform verification and validation periodically through the construction of a model, so that you can discover the problems and correct them before they are big.

Your first verification should be as soon as it is possible, as soon as you have enough of the model built that it will stand on its own and make sense to a subject matter expert. Similarly, you should validate a business process model as soon as you can simulate part of it, and you should validate other models as soon as you can create useful analysis. As a rule of thumb, you should never go more than two days without verification and never more than a week without validation.

Of course, the best approach depends on the size of the model you are building. If you build a small model in a few days, you might need only a single round of verification and validation at the end. If you build an even smaller model in a few hours, you might be able to skip verification and validation altogether.

Some models are maintained for months or years and are changed from time to time as the world they model changes. When you make changes to maintain a model, you will need to periodically reverify and revalidate.

Team Challenges

A small model can be created by one modeler, a single person working with SMEs. A larger model can only be built by a team of modelers. Once a model is big enough, it is too large for a single person to create in the time required. But modeling teams have their own challenges and their own failures. The team must be organized to work on different sections of the model. When different modelers work on different sections of a model, they can end up creating inconsistencies, making one section of the model look different than another section, and function differently as well.

Model Design

A team of modelers cannot all work on the same section of a model at once. The model must be divided up in some way, to let multiple people work on different parts. The design of a model describes the way the model is organized into those parts that can be developed independently. For example, a natural design for a business process model is to divide it into separate end-to-end processes. Suppose there are four end-to-end processes. Then a team of four can divide the work by process, with each modeler working on one of the four processes. Another natural design for a business process model is to divide a single large end-to-end process into sections, with an upstream activity that is performed first, a midstream activity that is performed second, and a downstream activity that is performed last. Then a team of three can divide up the work by sequence, with one modeler working the upstream, one the middle stream, and one the downstream.

To divide the work effectively, the modelers must first agree on the model design, and then the modelers can work more or less independently. But there are risks with any up-front design. Often a better design—the “right design”—becomes apparent only after some work has been done. The team learns by building the model, and one thing that is learned is the best design.

The emergence of a better design introduces a hard decision: Do you change the design and reorganize the team, or do you stick with the original inferior design so each member of the team can continue working on his or her part of the model, as originally architected? There are costs with either approach, but usually the better approach is to embrace the change and refactor the model, rather than patching the legacy design.

Modeling Conventions

Different parts of the same model should look the same. They should look like they are parts of the same model rather than parts of different models. For example, color is often used as a visual indicator of model element type. If strategies are blue in one part of a model and green in another part of the same model, people will be confused. They will wonder if the green strategies mean something different than the blue ones. Strategies should be either blue everywhere or green everywhere.

One way to achieve consistency in the look of a model is for the modeling team to agree on conventions before the model is built. The team might agree that goals are red, strategies are dark blue, tactics are sky blue, and so on. Then everyone on the team needs to adhere to the conventions.

What aspects of a model should the conventions address? In our experience, the following are important:

ent Model element naming (i.e., maximum length, form of name, capitalization, etc.)

ent Model element color

ent Model element size

ent Model element shape (for situations in which shape could vary)

ent Maximum number of model elements on a diagram

ent Font sizes

ent Association shape (e.g., rectilinear, rounded corners, etc.)

ent Model element arrangement and spacing

As with an up-front model design, often the conventions agreed to up-front prove to be insufficient. Often the team learns about what the conventions really need to be as they create the model. In our experience, it is not uncommon for a team to change model conventions and spend an hour or an afternoon modifying the model to make it compliant with the new conventions.

Incompetent Modelers

Not everyone who tries to create a business model can create a good one. Over the years we have worked with many bad modelers—individuals who had other skills and strengths but created truly awful business models.

What does it take to become a good modeler? All good modelers we know share three key characteristics:

ent An interest in business problems

ent Logical or mathematical rigor

ent Good communication skills

Our experience is that all three qualities are necessary. Someone who has an interest in business problems and good communication skills, but is not mathematical will not become a good modeler.

Business modeling requires immersing oneself in business problems. You do not need an MBA to become a good modeler, but you do need to be intensely interested in everyday business problems, the problems of supply chains and merger integration and policies with unintended consequences. Someone who finds The Wall Street Journal to be dull reading is not a good candidate for becoming a business modeler.

Business modeling requires some logical or mathematical rigor. There is no higher mathematics in business modeling—no calculus or topology is required, at least not with the four modeling disciplines described in this book. But business modeling is fundamentally about creating abstractions of the messy world of business. Creating abstractions requires logical or mathematical rigor. Some people are simply not good at this activity.

Business modeling requires good communications skills. Building a model involves talking with subject matter experts, asking questions and listening carefully to their answers. Building a model involves reading background documents. Facilitating a model-based workshop requires on-the-fly facilitation skills, as described in Chapters 8 and 9. And most important, building a model involves creating a visual artifact—a model—that will communicate to others on its own, without explanation. Modeling is a communication-intensive activity, using both verbal and spatial communication. Some people simply do not have the communication skills needed to create good models.

These three characteristics—business interest, mathematical rigor, and good communication—are all necessary for a person to become a business modeler. But these qualities are not sufficient. Business modeling requires knowledge of the business modeling disciplines. Someone who has all three characteristics but does not understand business processes will not be a good business modeler, not until she has studied more, using resources such as Chapter 5 of this book.

Business modeling also requires practice and experience. Someone with all three characteristics and knowledge of the four disciplines is a good candidate for becoming a business modeler, but she will only become a good business modeler once she has two years or five years of experience actually building business models. Like practicing law or developing software or cooking gourmet meals, experience is critical to developing business models.

In our experience, fewer than 25 percent of the people who want to create business models have the three necessary characteristics. Of those people who have the three characteristics, most know only one or two of the business modeling disciplines, and some know none at all. And of the people who have the characteristics and know the disciplines, most are beginning modelers, eager but with little experience. A good business modeler is hard to find.

It is a good time to become a good business modeler, to learn the disciplines and grow your skills. There are far more opportunities for business modeling today than people qualified to create the models.

Creating a good model is a matter of employing several techniques to avoid the dangers. Before you create a model, a model value analysis will help you avoid destroying economic value with your model. Managing the scope will help you avoid modeling too widely or too deeply. An iterative process will help you adjust your purpose and scope as you learn more. Model element omission, selective revelation, decomposition, and refactoring will help you create a simple model. Good names and descriptions will make your models easier to understand. Some attention to size, arrangement, fonts, and colors will make your models presentable. Verification and validation will improve the quality of the models and improve their organizational acceptance. Managing the model design and modeling conventions will help a modeling team work together effectively. And good hiring, screening, training, and mentoring will improve the quality of modelers, ultimately improving the quality of the models they build.

In practice, one of the best ways to create a good model is to host a model-based workshop. Chapters 8 and 9 describe model-based workshops.

1Readers with a background in software development may recognize this need for iterative development [Larman 2004] [Cockburn 2001]. Business modeling has some of the same drivers as software development and the same risks of straight-through processes.

2Some readers with a background in software development might be familiar with software refactoring—changing the design of working software [Fowler 1999]. The concept of model refactoring was originally borrowed from software, and the intent and practice are similar, even if the techniques of changing a business model are quite different from the techniques of changing software.

3This left-to-right convention is common in cultures that read left to right. Other cultures may have different conventions.

4In some agile software development processes, the SME is a first-class member of the software development team [Beck 1999]. But most software is created with more traditional processes, with a SME in a supporting role.

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