Return types of asynchronous functions

In asynchronous programming, the async methods can have three possible return types. These are:

  • void
  • Task
  • Task<TResult>

We will have a look at each return type in the following recipe.

Getting ready

What could be the use of a void return type in asynchronous methods? Generally, void is used with event handlers. Just bear in mind that void returns nothing, so you can't wait for it. Therefore, if you call a void return type asynchronous method, your calling code should be able to continue executing code without having to wait for the asynchronous method to complete.

With asynchronous methods that have a return type of Task, you can utilize the await operator to pause the execution of the current thread until the called asynchronous method has completed. Keep in mind that an asynchronous method that returns a type of Task basically does not return an operand. Therefore, if it was written as a synchronous method, it would be a void return type method. This statement might be confusing, but it will become clear in the following recipes.

Finally, asynchronous methods that have a return statement have a return type of TResult. In other words, if the asynchronous method returns a Boolean, you would create an asynchronous method with a return type of Task<bool>.

Let's start with the void return type asynchronous method.

How to do it…

  1. Create a new class library by right-clicking on your solution and selecting Add and then New Project from the context menu:
    How to do it…
  2. From the Add New Project dialog screen, select Class Library from the installed templates and call your class Chapter6:
    How to do it…
  3. Your new class library will be added to your solution with a default name of Class1.cs, which we renamed to Recipes.cs in order to distinguish the code properly. You can, however, rename your class to whatever you like, if it makes more sense to you.
  4. To rename your class, simply click on the class name in Solution Explorer and select Rename from the context menu:
    How to do it…
  5. Visual Studio will ask you to confirm the new names of all references to the code element Class1 in the project. Just click on Yes:
    How to do it…
  6. The next step is to add another new project. Right-click on the solution and select Add and then New Project from the context menu:
    How to do it…
  7. This time, you will be creating a new Windows Forms application for your solution. We need to do this so that we can create a button click event. We called our project winformAsync:
    How to do it…
  8. Your Solution Explorer will now look similar to the following screenshot, with the Winforms application added:
    How to do it…
  9. After you have added your Winforms application, add a reference to the Chapter6 class you created earlier. To do this, right-click on References under the winformAsync project and click on the Add Reference menu item from the context menu:
    How to do it…
  10. From the Reference Manager screen, select the Chapter6 class, which is found under the Projects | Solution node in the tree view to the left. Then, click on the OK button:
    How to do it…
  11. Another important step is to set the winformAsync project as the startup project in the solution. To do this, right-click the winformAsync project and select the Set as StartUp Project menu item from the context menu:
    How to do it…
  12. On the winformAsync form designer, open Toolbox and select the Button control, which is found under the All Windows Forms node:
    How to do it…
  13. Drag the button control onto the Form1 designer:
    How to do it…
  14. With the button control selected, double-click on the control to create the click event in the code behind. Visual Studio will insert the event code for you:
    namespace winformAsync
        public partial class Form1 : Form
            public Form1()
            private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
  15. Change the button1_Click event and add the async keyword to the click event. This is an example of a void returning an asynchronous method:
    private async void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
  16. In the Chapter6 class library, add a new class called AsyncDemo:
    public class AsyncDemo
  17. The next method to add to the AsyncDemo class is the asynchronous method that returns TResult (in this case, a Boolean). This method simply checks whether the current year is a leap year. It then returns a Boolean to the calling code:
    async Task<bool> TaskOfTResultReturning_AsyncMethod()
        return await Task.FromResult<bool> (DateTime.IsLeapYear(DateTime.Now.Year));
  18. The next method to add is the void returning method that returns a Task type so that it allows you to await the method. The method itself does not return any result, making it a void returning method. However, in order to use the await keyword, you return the Task type from this asynchronous method:
    async Task TaskReturning_AsyncMethod()
        await Task.Delay(5000);
        Console.WriteLine("5 second delay");
  19. Finally, add a method that will call the previous asynchronous methods and display the result of the leap year check. You will notice that we are using the await keyword with both method calls:
    public async Task LongTask()
        bool isLeapYear = await TaskOfTResultReturning_AsyncMethod();
        Console.WriteLine($"{DateTime.Now.Year} {(isLeapYear ? " is " : "  is not  ")} a leap year");
        await TaskReturning_AsyncMethod();
  20. In the button click, add the following code that calls the long-running task asynchronously:
    private async void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        Console.WriteLine("Button Clicked");
        Chapter6.AsyncDemo oAsync = new Chapter6.AsyncDemo();
        await oAsync.LongTask();
        Console.WriteLine("Button Click Ended");
  21. Running your application will display the Windows Forms application:
    How to do it…
  22. Before clicking on the button1 button, ensure that the Output window is visible:
    How to do it…
  23. From the View menu, click on the Output menu item or type Ctrl + Alt + O to display the Output window. This will allow us to see the Console.Writeline() outputs as we have added them to the code in the Chapter6 class and in the Windows application.
  24. Clicking on the button1 button will display the outputs to our Output window. Throughout this code execution, the form remains responsive:
    How to do it…
  25. Finally, you can also use the await operator in separate calls. Modify the code in the LongTask() method as follows:
    public async Task LongTask()
        Task<bool> blnIsLeapYear = TaskOfTResultReturning_AsyncMethod();
        for (int i = 0; i <= 10000; i++)
            // Do other work that does not rely on blnIsLeapYear before awaiting
        bool isLeapYear = await TaskOfTResultReturning_AsyncMethod();
        Console.WriteLine($"{DateTime.Now.Year} {(isLeapYear ? " is " : "  is not  ")} a leap year");
        Task taskReturnMethhod = TaskReturning_AsyncMethod();
        for (int i = 0; i <= 10000; i++)
            // Do other work that does not rely on taskReturnMethhod before awaiting
        await taskReturnMethhod;

How it works…

In the preceding code, we have seen the void returning type asynchronous method that was used in the button1_Click event. We also created a Task returning method that returns nothing (that would be a void if used in synchronous programming), but returning Task type allows us to await the method. Finally, we created a Task<TResult> returning method that performs some task and returns the result to the calling code.

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