Installing Code::Blocks on Linux

Code::Blocks runs numerous Linux distributions. In this section we'll learn about installation of Code::Blocks on CentOS linux. CentOS is a Linux distro based on Red Hat Enterprise Linux and is a freely available, enterprise grade Linux distribution. Perform the following steps to install Code::Blocks on Linux OS:

  1. Navigate to Settings | Administration | Add/Remove Software menu option. Enter wxGTK in the Search box and hit the Enter key. As of writing wxGTK-2.8.12 is the latest wxWidgets stable release available. Select it and click on the Apply button to install wxGTK package via the package manager, as shown in the following screenshot.
    Installing Code::Blocks on Linux
  2. Download packages for CentOS 6 from this URL—

    Unpack the .tar.bz2 file by issuing the following command in shell:

    tar xvjf codeblocks-12.11-1.el6.i686.tar.bz2
  3. Right-click on the codeblocks-12.11-1.el6.i686.rpm file as shown in the following screenshot and choose the Open with Package Installer option.
    Installing Code::Blocks on Linux
  4. The following window will be displayed. Click on the Install button to begin installation, as shown in the following screenshot:
    Installing Code::Blocks on Linux
  5. You may be asked to enter the root password if you are installing it from a user account. Enter the root password and click on the Authenticate button. Code::Blocks will now be installed.
  6. Repeat steps 4 to 6 to install other rpm files.

We have now learned to install Code::Blocks on the Windows and Linux platforms. We are now ready for C++ development. Before doing that we'll learn about the Code::Blocks user interface.

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