Chapter 1. Getting Started with Code::Blocks

While writing this book, Code::Blocks—12.11 was the latest stable release available. This release comes with GCC 4.7.1 compiler for Windows. We'll use this release for C++ development throughout this book. In this chapter, we'll download Code::Blocks, install and learn more about it.

Why Code::Blocks?

Before we go on learning more about Code::Blocks let us understand why we shall use Code::Blocks over other IDEs.

  • It is a cross-platform Integrated Development Environment (IDE). It supports Windows, Linux, and Mac operating system.
  • It supports GCC compiler and GNU debugger on all supported platforms completely.
  • It supports numerous other compilers to various degrees on multiple platforms.
  • It is scriptable and extendable. It comes with several plugins that extend its core functionality.
  • It is lightweight on resources and doesn't require a powerful computer to run it.
  • Finally, it is free and open source.
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