Introduction to important toolbars

Toolbars provide easier access to different functions of Code::Blocks. Amongst the several toolbars following ones are most important.

Main toolbar

The main toolbar holds core component commands. From left to right there are new file, open file, save, save all, undo, redo, cut, copy, paste, find, and replace buttons.

Main toolbar

Compiler toolbar

The compiler toolbar holds commonly used compiler related commands. From left to right there are build, run, build and run, rebuild, stop build, build target buttons. Compilation of C++ source code is also called a build and this terminology will be used throughout the book.

Compiler toolbar

Debugger toolbar

The debugger toolbar holds commonly used debugger related commands. From left to right there are debug/continue, run to cursor, next line, step into, step out, next instruction, step into instruction, break debugger, stop debugger, debugging windows, and various info buttons.

Debugger toolbar
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