Solution of exercise problem

Let us solve it step-by-step by performing the following steps:

  1. Create a new wxWidgets project and set the project name to MyPaint. Choose wxSmith as the Preferred GUI Builder.
  2. Click on the wxFrame in the Management pane as shown in the following screenshot:
    Solution of exercise problem
  3. Set the Title property to MyPaint.
  4. Click on the Layout tab and click on the wxBoxSizer button as shown in the following screenshot. Then click on the frame shown inside wxSmith window:
    Solution of exercise problem
  5. Next add a wxGridSizer to the newly added wxBoxSizer in a similar manner. Refer to the following screenshot for the wxGridSizer button. After wxGridSizer is added set the Cols property to 1.
    Solution of exercise problem
  6. Click on the Standard tab and add a wxScrolledWindow to the wxGridSizer as per the following screenshot:
    Solution of exercise problem
  7. Set the following properties for wxScrolledWindow:
    • Var name to MyPaintWindow
    • Min Width to 640 and Min Height to 480
    • Border Width to 5.
  8. At this step the Management pane shall look similar to the following screenshot:
    Solution of exercise problem
  9. Click on the Dialogs tab and click on the wxFileDialog button. Set the following properties according to the bullet list:
    • Message to Select file
    • Wildcard to *.bmp;*.jpg;*.png
    • Var name to MyPaintFileDialog
  10. Click on the Tools in the Management pane can click on the wxStatusBar item. Set the following properties:
    • Var name to StatusBarMain
    • Fields to 2
    • In Field 1, Width to 5
    • In Field 2, Width to 10.
  11. Next open the MenuBar Editor and add menu items as per the next screenshot:

    Menu item




    Help item

    &File | &Open Image


    &Open Image

    Ctrl + O

    Opens an Image file...

    &View | Zoom &In


    Zoom &In


    Zooms +10%

    &View | Zoom &Out


    Zoom &Out


    Zooms -10%

    The final menu bar editor window shall look similar to the following screenshot:

    Solution of exercise problem
  12. We'll now add a wxToolBar to our app. Click on the Tools tab as shown in the following screenshot and click on the wxToolBar button to add a wxToolBar to our app.
    Solution of exercise problem
  13. Double-click on the wxToolBar icon in the wxSmith window and add the following items.




    Tooltip/Help text

    Open an image…


    Image from wxArtProvider—wxART_FILE_OPEN

    Opens an image file


    Zoom in


    zoom_in.png file from the project folder

    Zoom in by 10%

    Zoom out


    zoom_out.png file from the project folder

    Zoom out by 10%

    The final ToolBar editor window will look similar to the following screenshot.

    Solution of exercise problem

    We have completed addition of most GUI elements. We need to write code to complete our app. Before doing that please note that wxSmith generated code remains inside the matching //(* and //*) block. Do not write your code inside this block as wxSmith will delete any custom code within this block while regenerating code.

  14. Add the following code inside the MyPaintFrame class declaration in the MyPaintFrame.h file as a private member variable and function.
        wxImage* m_Image; //  To store loaded image
        double m_zoomFactor; // To store current zoom factor
        void RefreshPaintWindow(void); // To paint image
  15. Add the following code inside the MyPaintFrame() constructor function. We will be creating a new image class and assign it to m_Image variable. We'll use SetScrollbars() and ShowScrollbars() function to assign scroll bar related properties. We'll assign initial zoom factor of 100 percent and use the wxInitAllImageHandlers() function to initialize image processing engine for our app. Finally we'll use the SetStatusText() function to set status bar text.
        m_Image = new wxImage(640, 480);
        MyPaintWindow->SetScrollbars(10, 10, 10, 10);
        MyPaintWindow->ShowScrollbars(wxSHOW_SB_ALWAYS, wxSHOW_SB_ALWAYS);
        m_zoomFactor = 1.0;
        StatusBarMain->SetStatusText(_T("Ready!"), 0);
        wxString msg;
        msg.Printf(_T("%d %%"), static_cast<int>(m_zoomFactor*100));
        StatusBarMain->SetStatusText(msg, 1);
  16. Click on the resources tree and navigate to &File | &Open Image menu option. Go to the Events tab (identified by {}), click on the dropdown menu next to EVT_MENU and select the --- Add new handler --- menu option. Enter OnFileOpen as the name of the event handler. Then enter the following code inside the MyPaintFrame::OnFileOpen() function:
        int result;
        result = MyPaintFileDialog->ShowModal();
        if (result == wxID_OK) {
            m_zoomFactor = 1.0;
  17. Next add the OnViewZoomIn and OnViewZoomOut event handler function to Zoom &In and Zoom &Out by navigating to &View | Zoom &In and &View | Zoom &Out menu options respectively. Refer completed exercise for the code to be added to each handler.
  18. Select MyPaintWindow from the resources tree and click on the Events tab. Add the OnMyPaintWindowPaint event handler to EVT_PAINT and paste the following code. This code paints loaded image on wxScrolledWindow:
        wxPaintDC paintDC(MyPaintWindow);
        wxRect rect;
        const wxBitmap bitmap(m_Image->Scale(m_Image->GetWidth() * m_zoomFactor,
                                             m_Image->GetHeight()* m_zoomFactor));
        rect.SetSize(m_Image->GetSize() * m_zoomFactor);
        MyPaintWindow->SetVirtualSize(m_Image->GetSize() * m_zoomFactor);
        if ( (rect.GetWidth() < MyPaintWindow->GetVirtualSize().GetWidth()) ||
            (rect.GetHeight() < MyPaintWindow->GetVirtualSize().GetHeight()) ) {
            rect = rect.CenterIn(MyPaintWindow->GetVirtualSize());
        paintDC.DrawBitmap(bitmap, rect.GetTopLeft());
  19. Add OnResize event handler to MyPaintWindow and add the following line of code:
  20. Next add RefreshPaintWindow() function to the MyPaintFrame class and add the following code inside that function:
        wxString msg;
        msg.Printf(_T("%d %%"), static_cast<int>(m_zoomFactor*100));
        StatusBarMain->SetStatusText(msg, 1);
  21. Now we'll add code to our toolbar buttons. Select the Item: Open an image… item in the resource tree and go to the Events tab. Add the existing OnFileOpen event handler to EVT_TOOL. This will connect the existing OnFileOpen() function to this toolbar button. So clicking on this toolbar button will emulate navigating to the File | Open menu options.
  22. Follow previous steps and connect the Zoom in and Zoom out toolbar buttons to OnViewZoomIn and OnViewZoomOut event handlers respectively.
  23. Our app is now complete. Hit F9 key to build and run. Upon successful build app will be run and we'll be presented with app window. Now open any image file and enjoy viewing it inside your freshly written app. Our app will now look as per the following screenshot:
    Solution of exercise problem
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