Mastering bit shifting

There are two bit shift operators in C++:

  • << is the left shift operator
  • >> is the right shift operator

These can be very useful especially in SRAM memory, and can often optimize your code. << can be understood as a multiplication of the left operand by 2 raised to the right operand power.

>> is the same but is similar to a division. The ability to manipulate bits is often very useful and can make your code faster in many situations.

Multiplying/dividing by multiples of 2

Let's multiply a variable using bit shifting.

int a = 4;
int b = a << 3;

The second row multiplies the variable a by 2 to the third power, so b now contains 32. On the same lines, division can be carried out as follows:

int a = 12 ;
int b = a >> 2;

b contains 3 because >> 2 equals division by 4. The code can be faster using these operators because they are a direct access to binary operations without using any function of the Arduino core like pow() or even the other operators.

Packing multiple data items into bytes

Instead of using a big, two-dimensional table to store, for instance, a bitmap shown as follows:

const prog_uint8_t BitMap[5][7] = {   
// store in program memory to save RAM         
{1,1,0,0,0,1,1}     }; 

We can use use the following code:

const prog_uint8_t BitMap[5] = {   
// store in program memory to save RAM         
B1100011     }; 

In the first case, it takes 7 x 5 = 35 bytes per bitmap. In the second one, it takes only 5 bytes. I guess you've just figured out something huge, haven't you?

Turning on/off individual bits in a control and port register

The following is a direct consequence of the previous tip. If we want to set up pins 8 to 13 as output, we could do it like this:

void setup()     {         
  int pin;         
  for (pin=8; pin <= 13; ++pin) {             
    pinMode (pin, LOW);         

But this would be better:

void setup()     {         
 DDRB = B00111111 ; // DDRB are pins from 8 to 15

In one pass, we've configured the whole package into one variable directly in memory, and no pinMode function, structure, or variable name needs to be compiled.

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