The Great Pratfall

I was once invited to deliver a lecture to several thousand people in Tokyo. I prepared the speech carefully, toning down the English, and eliminating all colloquialisms to make it easier for my audience to understand me. But as I gave the lecture, it was obvious that I wasn't getting through to my audience. I rely heavily on establishing a rapport with my listeners, but I just couldn't seem to break down the cultural barrier between myself and my audience. They would not laugh at even the most blatant jokes.

But then, halfway into the speech, I failed to take into account Japanese cleanliness as I pounced like a cat during a demonstration. The floor was waxed perfectly smooth and my feet whisked out from underneath me. My butt hit the floor with a heavy thud and I sat there stunned, flat on my butt in front of three thousand horrified Japanese.


There are some cultural universals, and falling on your butt is one of them.

After recovering from the initial shock of the impact, I remember thinking, “What do I do now?” I couldn't help myself—a smile crept across my face and widened into a grin. After all, it was a genuinely funny predicament. Seeing my grin, the audience burst into uproarious laughter and applause.

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