Chapter 11

Analyzing Material Lifecycle Processes


Bullet Exploring material lifecycle processes

Bullet Recognizing the improvement opportunities within lifecycle processes

Bullet Investigating technical and biological lifecycle processes can be optimized

Material choices play a fundamental role in designing for a circular economy. By choosing only materials that flow through a circular lifecycle, not only can you ensure safety for both humans and the environment, but you also make sure that the materials used to make your products can be reused without causing waste or toxicity. The good news is that a wide palette of such materials exists.

An important consideration when it comes to selecting circular materials is determining where they come from — how they’re sourced, in other words. (The technical term for this process is feedstock selection.) Because of the possible negative impact on the environment and local communities from raw material extraction, the preferred feedstock selection method should be to recycle and reuse materials while also relying on renewable resources.

If your material is part of a technical cycle — material that cannot be broken down and returned to the earth as a result of biological processes — you have a number of areas to explore to ensure that the material flows within a circular lifecycle. These considerations include determining whether the material can be derived from waste from another industrial process or whether it’s possible to derive it from waste sourced from the consumer. For both these options, you have to determine whether the waste stream has been properly defined so that you avoid the risk of future harm.

If your material can in fact be broken down and returned to the earth as a result of biological processes, there are also a number of different areas to explore to ensure that the material can be sourced in an ecologically responsible and renewable manner. These considerations include determining whether the material can also be derived from waste, such as agricultural byproducts or food waste, and whether resource extraction can occur while maintaining biodiversity and supporting critical ecosystems. In addition, it’s important to determine whether the consumption of the material occurs at a slower or faster rate than the resource can regenerate. Within a circular economy system, the resource should always regenerate quicker than the resource is harvested, to ensure sustainable resource management and environmental regeneration.

Remember Claims are one thing — facts are another. With all these considerations, you must ensure that there’s proof that these materials are responsibly managed for environmental, social, and economic benefits. A number of certification programs out there verify industry claims about the ecological impact of their products. Examples here are the Forest Stewardship Council (, the Program for the Endorsement of Forest Certification, ( and the Sustainable Agriculture Standard (

When you have selected a safe material and considered its lifecycle impacts, it’s important to explore how the product containing the material would fit in a circular design. These considerations apply to both biological and technical materials. Start by asking these questions:

  • Will this material be combined with other materials or chemicals in the product? Can these materials be easily separated?
  • How durable is the material for the expected uses of the product?
  • What is the expected lifetime of use of the product containing the material? Will it require repair or maintenance?
  • How can the value of the material be recovered after the use phase of the product?

When you have selected a safe material and considered its circular design, you can then reflect on what will happen to the product after its use phase.

Beyond the questions listed here, you have to consider some additional variables. These areas in question differ depending on which type of material you’re focused on:

  • Technical: With technical materials, recovery at the end of a lifecycle is a key element to ensuring that a lifecycle holds the opportunity to be circular. Here, it’s important to determine what is needed to recover the product, component, and/or material. Exploring this area of a product’s lifecycle may include communicating with the customer and coordinating and collaborating with partners involved in the process. Once the product is recovered, you still need to incorporate further steps in order to make the process fully circular. You need to ask yourself how you could better design the product so that it’s easier to recycle its constituent elements. One example is designing the product for ease of disassembly.
  • Biological materials: In this regard, biological materials are the same as technical materials: Recovery at the end of a lifecycle is the key to ensuring that a lifecycle can be made circular. Beyond its capture, however, biological materials lack the option to be recycled, so you need to determine whether the material has been designed in such a way that it can biodegrade safely. Does the material need some special process (such as composting fermentation or wastewater treatment), technology, or infrastructure before it can return to the biological cycle?

Looking at Material Processes

The ecological impact of material processes used in the production of goods — cars, clothes, computers, whatever — poses a serious issue around the world. Many of the common materials used in the production of these goods are eventually thrown away and wasted during the production process. These materials are lost from the economy, and it would be extremely costly to reintroduce them to the global market after they arrive at the landfill. It has been calculated and estimated that roughly one-fifth of the materials extracted from the planet around the world are eventually discarded as waste. This, in terms of weight, is roughly 12 billion tons of waste material per year.

The level of economic progress and the astronomical rise in human population worldwide over the past 100 years has run parallel to extreme environment degeneration of the very resources that life itself depends on — not only the life of animals in the wild but human life as well. That means you. Around the world, humans are continuing to use more and more natural resources to fuel what Wall Street movers and shakers like to call “economic growth.” In the grand scheme of things, not much has truly changed in the way humans produce materials. We have the potential to be smart, but it turns out that we can be pretty dumb as well. (Maybe it’s that whole yin and yang balance at play?) As smart as we humans are, we continue to waste much of the raw materials we extract. One pound of every three pounds of food produced for human use is either allowed to rot before it’s consumed or is wasted altogether. To no surprise, this situation is most common in the developed nations, where wasted food doesn’t equal starvation. This continuous demand for raw materials — due to a lack of circular processes — is causing overextraction and environmental degeneration.

Over the years, the amount of material used in order to supply human needs has increased at an alarming rate. In the United States alone, in 2018, 292 million tons of waste was generated. That’s just under five pounds of waste generated per person. Although roughly a third of it was properly recycled or composted, the United State is still miles away from managing its waste in a circular fashion.

The amount of material actually used by high-income countries is greater than their own domestic material generation, indicating that consumption in those countries relies on materials from other countries through international supply chains. On a per capita basis, high-income countries rely on 9.8 metric tons of primary materials extracted elsewhere in the world.

As higher-grade reserves are depleted, the quality of the remaining raw materials is degraded, leading to increases in energy and chemicals required to fill the gap. These additional requirements lead to larger releases of greenhouse gases, which then contribute to climate change. The kinds of chemicals and materials humans choose to use throughout the product lifecycle matter because they can pose risks to humans and the environment. Developing an awareness of the risks that stem from these material choices is the first step toward designing in a different way.

Remember When optimizing material processes for a circular system, it’s critical that the implications of material choices are assessed within each phase of its lifecycle. From production and the use phase to the after-use phase and from the recapturing of materials to when materials are reintroduced into the system again, understanding how material choices impact the lifecycle is essential.

Tip You can take a number of different approaches to ensure safer material choices. Mapping the product lifecycle can help you spot where the product’s hazards may pose a clear risk to humans or the environment. Start by drawing a circle and listing every step along the materials progression around it. Sourcing, manufacturing, delivery, and recapture may be a few elements of the lifecycle you’ll want to include.

After drawing a circle, identify where in the circle you foresee the potential for risks at each stage of the lifecycle. Here are some questions that may help you identify some areas of concern and potential improvement:

  • Where are your materials sourced from? And how?
  • Which chemicals may be used in the processes of sourcing, manufacturing, production, use, and after-use?
  • Which chemicals may be released as waste into our air and water during manufacturing? What happens to manufacturing wastewater?
  • Who will interact with the material at each lifecycle stage? Consider workers, communities, wildlife, users, and maintenance workers, for example.
  • What are the pathways to exposure? Are they through air, water, soil, ingestion, inhalation, or skin contact?
  • Are there aspects of the product design that may reduce hazards in the product to humans or the environment?

You have now identified where material and chemical risks can occur within your lifecycle. From here, take a look at where the potential risks fall. Cam any patterns be identified? Maybe the major risks occur during the production of the material rather than during the recycling, for example. Taking a deep dive to identify these patterns helps in adjusting the lifecycle at a systems level rather than at a surface level. Once the key areas of concern have been identified, fixing these areas of concern is a different ballgame. Mitigating these risks begins with three different approaches: transparency, chemical management, and innovation.

Fostering transparency

Material transparency, historically, has been a lot like a game show, if you think about it. You know, the old series where a helpless contestant would tremble aimlessly in front of three different doors and be directed to “pick one.” Material transparency can often feel the same way. How can the consumer be expected to make the right decision when they can see the doors, but not what’s behind them? Material transparency aims to open the door for customers and allow them to make an informed decision about the materials they want to interact with, build with, and even sell.

In the context of material health, exploring the lifecycle process allows the user to create an inventory of the materials and chemicals used in a product’s manufacturing process. Compiling accurate and transparent information on the chemicals and materials used in a product is the first step toward ensuring that they comply with your standards. Activities related to the inventory approach include engaging with raw materials suppliers and creating a materials inventory or bill of materials (BOM).

Instituting chemical management

The screening and eventual denial or acceptance of chemicals takes place in a number of ways. If a chemical has been identified by a governing body as safe, it’s free to circulate through an open market. If a chemical is found to be hazardous — to various degrees — that material is either removed from the market completely or its use is limited. From regulatory compliance and restricted substances lists to proactive toxicological assessments, data is used to eliminate known or suspected hazardous substances and move toward safer chemistry.

Rewarding innovation

As the demand for various materials continues to evolve as new problems arise, innovation steps in to offer a solution. When suitable substitutes don’t currently exist from a chemistry perspective, design innovation can help eliminate the need for chemicals of concern while also ensuring that a product continues to meet its function, quality, performance, value, and aesthetic requirements. These innovations rarely stem from inside the system itself. The United States post office didn’t invent email, and a candle maker didn’t invent the light bulb. So, when innovation is required to solve a problem, look outside the current system for influence elsewhere.

The Lifecycle Principles: Identifying Where Change Can Happen

Knowing when and where change should be implemented in a material lifecycle is difficult. That’s why things aren’t as peachy as they should be. When considering alternative lifecycle processes — for any material — it helps to know where change can actually occur. Within a circular economy framework, these three key principles break up a material lifecycle:

  • Focus on material sourcing: The goal here is to preserve and enhance natural capital — both renewable and finite materials — by controlling finite stocks and balancing renewable resource flows. This principle, which applies to both biological and technical material flows, is considered the first opportunity for change to occur within a material lifecycle.
  • Optimize resource yields: Here, you want to optimize yields by keeping resources in circulation and increasing the rate of usage. Although addressed differently, this principle also applies to both biological and technical materials. For biological materials, the material’s end of life is delayed through cascading and the extraction of biochemical feedstock before eventually being returned to the earth. For technical materials, the material’s end of life is delayed by way of sharing, maintenance, reuse, and remanufacturing before eventually being recycled. See Chapter 12 for more detail on this principle.
  • Focus on minimizing systematic leakage and negative externalities (cost): Essentially, the goal of this principle is to eliminate waste of all types — monetary waste, physical waste, labor waste, and so on. By optimizing the first two principles first, the amount of waste seen in a system should gradually diminish.

Remember By knowing how to address alternative lifecycle processes by referencing the circular economy framework principles just listed, process managers can more easily identify where change can actually occur.

Preserving natural capital

Let's take another look at the Ellen MacArthur Foundation Butterfly Diagram of the circular economy system — this time, in light of the three principles for creating alternative materials processes. (See Figure 11-1. For more on the foundation's Butterfly Diagram, see Chapter 10.) At the top of the diagram, you’ll find Principle 1. In this area of the Butterfly Diagram — Renewable Flows Management and Stock Management — we are addressing the source of materials. Here, there’s a separation between renewable feedstocks (called biological nutrients) and finite materials (technical nutrients, in other words). Clear features distinguish these two cycles: biological nutrients (wood, paper, cork, or cotton, for example) have the ability to decompose when returned to nature; whereas the technical nutrients (aluminum, iron, or plastic, for example) do not decompose, which is why their useful life must be prolonged by design.

Schematic illustration of the Ellen MacArthur Foundation butterfly diagram of the circular economy system.

FIGURE 11-1: The Ellen MacArthur Foundation Butterfly Diagram of the circular economy system.

Remember Products must be redesigned to facilitate the separation of each product’s components so that at end of life it can be easily disassembled and the parts reused. Designing highly intricate products with an array of materials to perform amazing services is great and all, but if it can’t be used for very long or it can't be recycled to create another product with a similar level of performance, is it truly valuable?

Enhancing the usefulness of products, components, and raw materials

Slotted in the middle of the Butterfly Diagram, you’ll find Principle 2. Within this area of the diagram, you see the meat of the lifecycle and the processes involved. When analyzing the process steps between the extraction of resources and the use of the final product, you see a number of steps. Each uses energy to accomplish its task. And each step produces waste.

On the technical side of the Butterfly Diagram (refer to Figure 11-1), note that the component parts of any product are designed and manufactured to be uniform so that they can be reused after they've been safely and easily disassembled. Allowing this to take place facilitates their continuous reintroduction into the production system. Doing so eliminates unnecessary waste and keeps down the demand for raw materials. Looking at this through a business lens, rather than have product sellers, we have service providers that optimize the use of resources through a wide range of strategies, such as modular design, durability, and repairability. Decreasing the amount of raw materials required eliminates the cost of extraction, resulting in a competitive advantage. By reducing the need to produce new components, we also reduce our dependence on virgin resources.

On the biological nutrients side, the first opportunity for the user to eliminate waste and maximize the value of a resource is called cascading. This creates a platform for products to be cyclically reused for several purposes. For example, clothes made of organic cotton can be reused to produce new articles of clothing, which in turn can be reused to produce insulation material for construction or for filling pillows or beanbags. The same statement applies to materials such as cork or wood. Once a material has reached the end of its life, value remains in the material, in the form of energy. Through various biochemical extraction techniques, the same energy that was required to grow the original product can be extracted once more for further use. Finally, the remaining biological nutrients can be safely returned to the biosphere in the form of compost, thus regenerating the soil and its fertility and closing the nutrient cycle.

Developing effective systems that minimize negative externalities

At the bottom of the Butterfly Diagram (refer to Figure 11-1), you find Principle 3. Within this area of the diagram, the goal is to eliminate negative externalities — waste from the system, in other words. It’s possible to not only minimize the volume of resources that end up in a landfill but also recapture the waste generated within lifecycle processes.

Remember For a long time, organizations have been attempting to do less harm by focusing on the efficiency of processes rather than on the process itself. It’s like trying to sharpen the corners of a square tire to make it run more smoothly. The problem is that “less harm” is still doing harm. Efficiency doesn’t eliminate the opportunity for waste; it only reduces the amount produced. If you have the outlook that “the glass is half-full,” I’m sure you’re eager to explain why efficiency is still important, and it is. Please don’t get the wrong idea. But the focus of Principle 3 isn’t efficiency. The focus should be on doing well via effectiveness and building resilient systems. Doing well involves creating value for all parties involved, including organizations, communities, living beings, and the environment.

Looking at Opportunities for Optimization

The first opportunity for optimization is through potential sharing services. By sharing certain materials and products, the use rate of whatever it is that’s being shared is optimized, at no additional cost. Those willing to share gain more freedom to live their lives unencumbered — and some extra cash as well. Share what you own and what others own. Share almost anything, including cars, extra rooms, tools, books, kitchen utensils — anything that’s used only occasionally. It’s probably best to shy away from sharing underwear, spouses, and other intimate items, though. But other than that, go for it!

Remember The circular economy depends on you sharing with others and on others sharing with you. More often than not, it makes a great deal of sense to share. Imagine an alternative history where Henry Ford developed the Model T under a community sharing program instead of selling them outright to individual owners. Even during the initial explosion of the automobile, the car wasn’t something that was used nonstop. Today, the average American uses their car 4 percent of the time. During the other 96 percent of the time, that car — which suits your personality perfectly, by the way — is just sitting there, losing value. You’re sitting on your rear in an office so that you can pay to not sit in that car you bought.

Aside from cars, others have discovered opportunities for optimization by sharing. By utilizing accommodations that would otherwise be sitting empty, Airbnb and the other accommodation services reduce the need for new construction of hotels and motels. With companies like Uber and Lyft, you can hail a ride from drivers in their personal vehicles. With services like Turo and Zipcar, you can rent a vehicle, owned by a for-profit or nonprofit organization, and pay only for the time you drive it. And with newer companies like GetAround, you can rent privately owned cars by the hour or day when their owners don’t need them.

We can see the confusing look on some of your faces. Where’s the opportunity for optimization in Uber and Lyft? Anyone who has been to New York City in the past decade has seen the wave of yellow taxicabs crash down Broadway to provide rides to the ever-expanding population of the Big Apple. Though taxis and rentals aren’t new concepts and have made successful business models for quite some time, sharing these personal vehicles offers a lot of additional incentives and can cost close to half as much as a traditional taxi ride. Knowing that some people won’t want to rent a car for an entire day — maybe they just need a car for a quick grocery run — companies like Zipcar instead charge only for the time and the distance driven. This allows companies like these to increase their competitive edge by charging their customers much less than a conventional rental car company. I’m sure it hurts some business’s bottom line, but sharing is the future. Got to catch up or get left behind.

Remember Because sharing greatly increases the hours of use for any product, the total number of products needed to meet the needs of a community are greatly reduced. The total time of usage is unaffected, but there’s a decreased demand for new products, and therefore the amount of mineral extraction and emissions from the manufacturing process are also reduced.

Tip Look back at that product lifecycle map you developed earlier and see where there may be opportunities for sharing. What else can be shared? Where are there other opportunities for optimization?

Refusing the new: Reusing the old

Say goodbye to the endless and repetitive purchase of things. Now that companies are providing a product as a service, you pay for the performance of a product rather than for the privilege of owning it. Rather than be responsible for the purchase, maintenance, repair, and replacement of a product, companies are now providing the full use of an item but without the costs and hassle of owning them — and at a much lower cost and at higher rates of efficiency.

For example, HP realized that selling ink cartridges created a high product-to-waste ratio and ended up costing both the company and end user a lot of money in the end by constantly requiring the input of new, raw materials. HP realized the opportunity for optimization via reuse and changed their operations in response. Now, HP’s new printers are able to notify the company when its user’s ink cartridge is running low and automatically order them a new one. Once the user receives their new cartridge, they can send back their old cartridge via a prepaid envelope. This process allows HP to reuse its plastic cartridges multiple times, which reduces its supply costs and optimizes its profits through reuse.

HP is not the only company that has realized the opportunity for optimization via reuse. eBay and Craigslist are built for reuse! They allow you to buy, sell, and trade new and used goods with little or no face-to-face interaction. You can pretty much find anything you’re looking for on these websites, which has led to their continued use and popularity. Though you can find almost anything you want on these platforms, others — like Kidizen (, an online marketplace exclusively for children’s toys and clothing — successfully focus on specific niches.

Buying anything new is rough because you will, without a doubt, be paying more than what the product is actually worth. Online and in-person retail centers will always charge extra to keep their services up and running. When you buy a previously used item on eBay, Craigslist, or other reuse sites, however, those costs are avoided.

Employing the remaining factor: Remanufacturing

Machines of all types are spread out across the globe. Before they were constructed, thousands of man-hours, as well as large sums of money and time, were invested to create these extremely detailed machines. The advantage of machines is that tedious work can be eliminated to focus instead on creative and organizational activities. The disadvantage of machines is that they have a limited lifespan and can often be difficult and/or expensive to repair and maintain.

When a machine stops working, traditionally it has often been more economical to replace the machine completely rather than hire someone to troubleshoot and repair it, with little to no certainty that something else won't go wrong with the machine the following day! Having one machine down can cost a company thousands, if not millions, of dollars, as its rate of production drops. This understanding results in a high level of technical waste.

This doesn’t have to be the case, however. There’s an opportunity for optimization via the remanufacturing of these machines. If machinery is remanufactured rather than built from scratch with virgin materials, components could be cheaper to make — at the same time saving large amounts of money in material inputs and reducing emissions. Guangzhou Huadu Worldwide Transmission, a Chinese auto parts supplier, acts as a useful case study to illustrate the value of remanufacturing as a service. This company not only creates effective channels for the collection and distribution of used and remanufactured transmissions but has also been authorized by more than 30 major auto companies to provide maintenance services.

Remember Machines are heavy and pricey, and the potential for remanufacturing machines makes this opportunity for optimization a hopeful opportunity for businesses. Not only will customers be able to obtain remanufactured — yet still high-quality — products at a better price, but the producers of those remanufactured items are also able to receive a higher profit margin. Remanufacturing is a no-brainer when you consider how you can improve your material lifecycle. Remanufacturing requires next to no virgin materials, keeps products and materials in use for longer periods, and eliminates the majority of waste commonly found in machine lifecycles.

Biochemical extraction for the win

Once a natural material can no longer be used, it’s often immediately considered waste and thrown out. There are, however, numerous opportunities to extract the very energy that was used to grow that material to begin with. Bioenergy is energy derived from any fuel that originated from biomass — timber, for example. Biomass is a renewable resource, just like wind and solar — even if it often isn’t recognized as such by the general public — and therefore is an alternative (and resilient) source of sustainable energy. Historically, biomass in the form of firewood has been used to provide energy through direct combustion.

The value of biochemical extraction is that biomass residues and waste resources are able to be converted into new resources. (Keep in mind that this is waste that would otherwise have been left to decompose.) Although some biomass is specifically grown to be used as fuel, biochemical extraction allows additional energy to be extracted from residue as well as waste resulting from resources that were grown for other purposes, like food or fiber. Though this conversion of biowaste to a new energy source involves many complex processes that don’t need to be addressed in this book, the main takeaway is that additional value can be extracted from waste material.

Remember Opportunity for optimization is not only available within the technical lifecycle — biological waste also often still holds value at the end of its useful life. Technology and processes are available to fully extract the value of a resource before it’s returned to the earth to support the growth of further resources. For biological materials, the essence of value creation lies in the opportunity to extract additional value from products and materials by cascading them through other applications. In biological decomposition, whether it’s natural or in controlled fermentation processes, material is broken down in stages by microorganisms, like bacteria and fungi, that extract energy and nutrients from the carbohydrates, fats, and proteins found in the material.

Examples of extending the value of a biological material through biochemical extraction are described in this list:

  • Food fermentation: This is a creative (and ancient) way to process and preserve food. The processing strategy involved here utilizes the growth and metabolic activity of microorganisms — real, living creatures — for the transportation of food in one form into a completely different form. Fermentation was originally crafted as a way to preserve perishable agriculture food items. This built-in a certain level of seasonal resilience, allowing people to survive on leftovers from last year’s harvest during times of drought and low crop yield. Since its origins, though, the technology involved in the process of fermentation has evolved dramatically to serve as more than just a backup plan. Fermentation is now a tool for creating desirable organoleptic, nutritional, and functional attributes in food products.
  • Livestock waste: This type of waste can be an alternative energy source for livestock farmers through the use of a biodigester. An anaerobic digester partially converts livestock waste into energy, in the form of biogas. This biogas — made up of mostly methane — can be used to run farm operations or be sold to local distributors. Manure is easily collected on dairy and hog farms where cows are routinely confined. Biogas is most efficient when used directly for heating, and dairy farms have a year-round demand for hot water. You can see how a closed loop system, developed to manage livestock waste while also generating and utilizing a renewable energy source, would fit well into a circular economy model.
  • Biodigesters: As difficult as they are to build and develop, biodigesters are fairly simple to understand. Organic materials that are decomposed by bacteria in an airless environment release biogas, as part of the respiratory process of these microorganisms. As long as farmers continue to funnel continuous amounts of livestock waste into the digesters, the living organisms within the system that produce the natural gas will continue to feed on the organic waste and maintain a consistent flow of renewable energy. (That’s a pretty good deal, if you ask us!)

    The best part about the closed loop process of biodigesters is that it is truly a closed loop. After all the gas is extracted, the slurry within the digester can also be extracted and sprayed onto fields as a form of fertilizer. This fertilizer then helps to grow the same crops that will feed the cows, who then generate the livestock waste that will again be funneled into the digester and circle back to the beginning again.

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