
Rob Shimonski ( is an experienced entrepreneur and an active participant in the business community. Rob is a best-selling author and editor with over 15 years experience developing, producing and distributing print media in the form of books, magazines and periodicals. To date, Rob has successfully created over 100 books that are currently in circulation. Rob has worked for countless companies to include Elsevier, CompTIA, Microsoft, McGraw Hill Education, Cisco and the National Security Agency. Rob has an extremely diverse background in technology and is an expert in virtualization, network engineering, storage, desktop and security. Rob has been working in the security field for over 20 years and is a veteran of the United States Marine Corps.

Sean is a veteran of the IT field who has worked with many clients both large and small across many industries from defense to manufacturing. During his long time in the industry he has trained and consulted with many companies and individuals to improve and enhance their security and infrastructure. Among the organizations Sean has worked are Northrop-Grumman, Microsoft, SAIC and IBM as well as working with the US Government and military and the Canadian Government

When not consulting or instructing he is often found volunteering his time to the community and nation in different capacities. He is a member of the California State Military Reserve (CSMR) where he specializes in Signals. He also is involved with tactical support, range safety, OpFor training, communications, command/control, search & rescue and more. Additionally as a member of Civil Air Patrol Sean is a Homeland Security Officer where he keeps his squadron up-to-date on various security issues.

Sean holds many certifications and qualifications that demonstrate his knowledge and experience in the IT field such as the CISSP, CNDA, SCNP, MCT, MCITP and Security+. Additionally Sean is a Certified Combat Lifesaver and licensed pilot.

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