Chapter 3. Getting Kubernetes

Perplexity is the beginning of knowledge.

Kahlil Gibran

Kubernetes is the operating system of the cloud native world, providing a reliable and scalable platform for running containerized workloads. But how should you run Kubernetes? Should you host it yourself? On cloud instances? On bare-metal servers? Or should you use a managed Kubernetes service? Or a managed platform that’s based on Kubernetes, but extends it with workflow tools, dashboards, and web interfaces?

That’s a lot of questions for one chapter to answer, but we’ll try.

It’s worth noting that we won’t be particularly concerned here with the technical details of operating Kubernetes itself, such as building, tuning, and troubleshooting clusters. There are many excellent resources to help you with that, of which we particularly recommend Kubernetes cofounder Brendan Burns’s book Managing Kubernetes: Operating Kubernetes Clusters in the Real World (O’Reilly).

Instead, we’ll focus on helping you understand the basic architecture of a cluster, and give you the information you need to decide how to run Kubernetes. We’ll outline the pros and cons of managed services, and look at some of the popular vendors.

If you want to run your own Kubernetes cluster, we list some of the best installation tools available to help you set up and manage clusters.

Cluster Architecture

You know that Kubernetes connects multiple servers into a cluster, but what is a cluster, and how does it work? The technical details don’t matter for the purposes of this book, but you should understand the basic components of Kubernetes and how they fit together, in order to understand what your options are when it comes to building or buying Kubernetes clusters.

The Control Plane

The cluster’s brain is called the control plane, and it runs all the tasks required for Kubernetes to do its job: scheduling containers, managing Services, serving API requests, and so on (see Figure 3-1).

Diagram of a Kubernetes cluster
Figure 3-1. How a Kubernetes cluster works

The control plane is actually made up of several components:


This is the frontend server for the control plane, handling API requests.


This is the database where Kubernetes stores all its information: what nodes exist, what resources exist on the cluster, and so on.


This decides where to run newly created Pods.


This is responsible for running resource controllers, such as Deployments.


This interacts with the cloud provider (in cloud-based clusters), managing resources such as load balancers and disk volumes.

The members of the cluster which run the control plane components are called master nodes.

Node Components

Cluster members that run user workloads are called worker nodes (Figure 3-2).

Each worker node in a Kubernetes cluster runs these components:


This is responsible for driving the container runtime to start workloads that are scheduled on the node, and monitoring their status.


This does the networking magic that routes requests between Pods on different nodes, and between Pods and the internet.

Container runtime

This actually starts and stops containers and handles their communications. Usually Docker, but Kubernetes supports other container runtimes, such as rkt and CRI-O.

Other than running different software components, there’s no intrinsic difference between master nodes and worker nodes. Master nodes don’t usually run user workloads, though, except in very small clusters (like Docker Desktop or Minikube).

Detailed diagram of Kubernetes components
Figure 3-2. How the Kubernetes components fit together

High Availability

A correctly configured Kubernetes control plane has multiple master nodes, making it highly available; that is, if any individual master node fails or is shut down, or one of the control plane components on it stops running, the cluster will still work properly. A highly available control plane will also handle the situation where the master nodes are working properly, but some of them cannot communicate with the others, due to a network failure (known as a network partition).

The etcd database is replicated across multiple nodes, and can survive the failure of individual nodes, so long as a quorum of over half the original number of etcd replicas is still available.

If all of this is configured correctly, the control plane can survive a reboot or temporary failure of individual master nodes.

Control plane failure

A damaged control plane doesn’t necessarily mean that your applications will go down, although it might well cause strange and errant behavior.

For example, if you were to stop all the master nodes in your cluster, the Pods on the worker nodes would keep on running—at least for a while. But you would be unable to deploy any new containers or change any Kubernetes resources, and controllers such as Deployments would stop working.

Therefore, high availability of the control plane is critical to a properly functioning cluster. You need to have enough master nodes available that the cluster can maintain a quorum even if one fails; for production clusters, the workable minimum is three (see “The smallest cluster”).

Worker node failure

By contrast, the failure of any worker node doesn’t really matter. Kubernetes will detect the failure and reschedule the node’s Pods somewhere else, so long as the control plane is still working.

If a large number of nodes fail at once, this might mean that the cluster no longer has enough resources to run all the workloads you need. Fortunately, this doesn’t happen often, and even if it does, Kubernetes will keep as many of your Pods running as it can while you replace the missing nodes.

It’s worth bearing in mind, though, that the fewer worker nodes you have, the greater the proportion of the cluster’s capacity each one represents. You should assume that a single node failure will happen at any time, especially in the cloud, and two simultaneous failures are not unheard of.

A rare, but entirely possible, kind of failure is losing a whole cloud availability zone. Cloud vendors like AWS and Google Cloud provide multiple availability zones in each region, each corresponding roughly to a single data center. For this reason, rather than having all your worker nodes in the same zone, it’s a good idea to distribute them across two or even three zones.

Trust, but verify

Although high availability should enable your cluster to survive losing one master, or a few worker nodes, it’s always wise to actually test this. During a scheduled maintenance window, or outside of peak hours, try rebooting a worker and see what happens. (Hopefully, nothing, or nothing that’s visible to users of your applications.)

For a more demanding test, reboot one of the master nodes. (Managed services such as Google Kubernetes Engine, which we’ll discuss later in the chapter, don’t allow you to do this, for obvious reasons.) Still, a production-grade cluster should survive this with no problems whatsoever.

The Costs of Self-Hosting Kubernetes

The most important decision facing anyone who’s considering running production workloads in Kubernetes is buy or build? Should you run your own clusters, or pay someone else to run them? Let’s look at some of the options.

The most basic choice of all is self-hosted Kubernetes. By self-hosted we mean that you, personally, or a team in your organization, install and configure Kubernetes, on machines that you own or control, just as you might do with any other software that you use, such as Redis, PostgreSQL, or Nginx.

This is the option that gives you the maximum flexibility and control. You can decide what versions of Kubernetes to run, what options and features are enabled, when and whether to upgrade clusters, and so on. But there are some significant downsides, as we’ll see in the next section.

It’s More Work Than You Think

The self-hosted option also requires the maximum resources, in terms of people, skills, engineering time, maintenance, and troubleshooting. Just setting up a working Kubernetes cluster is pretty simple, but that’s a long way from a cluster that’s ready for production. You need to consider at least the following questions:

  • Is the control plane highly available? That is, if a master node goes down or becomes unresponsive, does your cluster still work? Can you still deploy or update apps? Will your running applications still be fault-tolerant without the control plane? (See “High Availability”.)

  • Is your pool of worker nodes highly available? That is, if an outage should take down several worker nodes, or even a whole cloud availability zone, will your workloads stop running? Will your cluster keep working? Will it be able to automatically provision new nodes to heal itself, or will it require manual intervention?

  • Is your cluster set up securely? Do its internal components communicate using TLS encryption and trusted certificates? Do users and applications have minimal rights and permissions for cluster operations? Are container security defaults set properly? Do nodes have unnecessary access to control plane components? Is access to the underlying etcd database properly controlled and authenticated?

  • Are all services in your cluster secure? If they’re accessible from the internet, are they properly authenticated and authorized? Is access to the cluster API strictly limited?

  • Is your cluster conformant? Does it meet the standards for Kubernetes clusters defined by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation? (See “Conformance Checking” for details.)

  • Are your cluster nodes fully config-managed, rather than being set up by imperative shell scripts and then left alone? The operating system and kernel on each node needs to be updated, have security patches applied, and so on.

  • Is the data in your cluster properly backed up, including any persistent storage? What is your restore process? How often do you test restores?

  • Once you have a working cluster, how do you maintain it over time? How do you provision new nodes? Roll out config changes to existing nodes? Roll out Kubernetes updates? Scale in response to demand? Enforce policies?

Distributed systems engineer and writer Cindy Sridharan has estimated that it takes around a million dollars in engineer salary to get Kubernetes up and running in a production configuration from scratch (“And you still might not get there”). That figure should give any technical leader food for thought when considering self-hosted Kubernetes.

It’s Not Just About the Initial Setup

Now bear in mind that you need to pay attention to these factors not just when setting up the first cluster for the first time, but for all your clusters for all time. When you make changes or upgrades to your Kubernetes infrastructure, you need to consider the impact on high availability, security, and so on.

You’ll need to have monitoring in place to make sure the cluster nodes and all the Kubernetes components are working properly, and an alerting system so that staff can be paged to deal with any problems, day or night.

Kubernetes is still in rapid development, and new features and updates are being released all the time. You’ll need to keep your cluster up to date with those, and understand how the changes affect your existing setup. You may need to reprovision your cluster to get the full benefit of the latest Kubernetes functionality.

It’s also not enough to read a few books or articles, configure the cluster the right way, and leave it at that. You need to test and verify the configuration on a regular basis—by killing a master node and making sure everything still works, for example.

Automated resilience testing tools such as Netflix’s Chaos Monkey can help with this, by randomly killing nodes, Pods, or network connections every so often. Depending on the reliability of your cloud provider, you may find that Chaos Monkey is unnecessary, as regular real-world failures will also test the resilience of your cluster and the services running on it (see “Chaos Testing”).

Tools Don’t Do All the Work for You

There are tools—lots and lots of tools—to help you set up and configure Kubernetes clusters, and many of them advertise themselves as being more or less point-and-click, zero-effort, instant solutions. The sad fact is that in our opinion, the large majority of these tools solve only the easy problems, and ignore the hard ones.

On the other hand, powerful, flexible, enterprise-grade commercial tools tend to be very expensive, or not even available to the public, since there’s more money to be made selling a managed service than there is selling a general-purpose cluster management tool.

Kubernetes Is Hard

Despite the widespread notion that it’s simple to set up and manage, the truth is that Kubernetes is hard. Considering what it does, it’s remarkably simple and well-designed, but it has to deal with very complex situations, and that leads to complex software.

Make no mistake, there is a significant investment of time and energy involved in both learning how to manage your own clusters properly, and actually doing it from day to day, month to month. We don’t want to discourage you from using Kubernetes, but we want you to have a clear understanding of what’s involved in running Kubernetes yourself. This will help you to make an informed decision about the costs and benefits of self-hosting, as opposed to using managed services.

Administration Overhead

If your organization is large, with resources to spare for a dedicated Kubernetes cluster operations team, this may not be such a big problem. But for small to medium enterprises, or even startups with a handful of engineers, the administration overhead of running your own Kubernetes clusters may be prohibitive.


Given a limited budget and number of staff available for IT operations, what proportion of your resources do you want to spend on administering Kubernetes itself? Would those resources be better used to support your business’s workloads instead? Can you operate Kubernetes more cost-effectively with your own staff, or by using a managed service?

Start with Managed Services

You might be a little surprised that, in a Kubernetes book, we recommend that you don’t run Kubernetes! At least, don’t run it yourself. For the reasons we’ve outlined in the previous sections, we think that using managed services is likely to be far more cost-effective than self-hosting Kubernetes clusters. Unless you want to do something strange and experimental with Kubernetes that isn’t supported by any managed provider, there are basically no good reasons to go the self-hosted route.


In our experience, and that of many of the people we interviewed for this book, a managed service is the best way to run Kubernetes, period.

If you’re considering whether Kubernetes is even an option for you, using a managed service is a great way to try it out. You can get a fully working, secure, highly available, production-grade cluster in a few minutes, for a few dollars a day. (Most cloud providers even offer a free tier that lets you run a Kubernetes cluster for weeks or months without incurring any charges.) Even if you decide, after a trial period, that you’d prefer to run your own Kubernetes cluster, the managed services will show you how it should be done.

On the other hand, if you’ve already experimented with setting up Kubernetes yourself, you’ll be delighted with how much easier managed services make the process. You probably didn’t build your own house; why build your own cluster, when it’s cheaper and quicker to have someone else do it, and the results are better?

In the next section, we’ll outline some of the most popular managed Kubernetes services, tell you what we think of them, and recommend our favorite. If you’re still not convinced, the second half of the chapter will explore Kubernetes installers you can use to build your own clusters (see “Kubernetes Installers”).

We should say at this point that neither of the authors is affiliated with any cloud provider or commercial Kubernetes vendor. Nobody’s paying us to recommend their product or service. The opinions here are our own, based on personal experience, and the views of hundreds of Kubernetes users we spoke to while writing this book.

Naturally, things move quickly in the Kubernetes world, and the managed services marketplace is especially competitive. Expect the features and services described here to change rapidly. The list presented here is not complete, but we’ve tried to include the services we feel are the best, the most widely used, or otherwise important.

Managed Kubernetes Services

Managed Kubernetes services relieve you of almost all the administration overhead of setting up and running Kubernetes clusters, particularly the control plane. Effectively, a managed service means you pay for someone else (such as Google) to run the cluster for you.

Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE)

As you’d expect from the originators of Kubernetes, Google offers a fully managed Kubernetes service that is completely integrated with the Google Cloud Platform. Just choose the number of worker nodes, and click a button in the GCP web console to create a cluster, or use the Deployment Manager tool to provision one. Within a few minutes, your cluster will be ready to use.

Google takes care of monitoring and replacing failed nodes, auto-applying security patches, and high availability for the control plane and etcd. You can set your nodes to auto-upgrade to the latest version of Kubernetes, during a maintenance window of your choice.

High availability

GKE gives you a production-grade, highly available Kubernetes cluster with none of the setup and maintenance overhead associated with self-hosted infrastructure. Everything is controllable via the Google Cloud API, using Deployment Manager,1 Terraform, or other tools, or you can use the GCP web console. Naturally, GKE is fully integrated with all the other services in Google Cloud.

For extended high availability, you can create multizone clusters, which spread worker nodes across multiple failure zones (roughly equivalent to individual data centers). Your workloads will keep on running, even if a whole failure zone is affected by an outage.

Regional clusters take this idea even further, by distributing multiple master nodes across failure zones, as well as workers.

Cluster Autoscaling

GKE also offers an attractive cluster autoscaling option (see “Autoscaling”). With autoscaling enabled, if there are pending workloads that are waiting for a node to become available, the system will add new nodes automatically to accommodate the demand.

Conversely, if there is spare capacity, the autoscaler will consolidate Pods onto a smaller number of nodes and remove the unused nodes. Since billing for GKE is based on the number of worker nodes, this helps you control costs.

GKE is best-of-breed

Google has been in the Kubernetes business longer than anybody else, and it shows. GKE is, in our opinion, the best managed Kubernetes service available. If you already have infrastructure in Google Cloud, it makes sense to use GKE to run Kubernetes. If you’re already established on another cloud, it needn’t stop you using GKE if you want to, but you should look first at managed options within your existing cloud provider.

If you haven’t made a cloud provider decision yet, GKE is a persuasive argument in favor of choosing Google Cloud.

Amazon Elastic Container Service for Kubernetes (EKS)

Amazon has also been providing managed container cluster services for a long time, but until very recently the only option was Elastic Container Service (ECS), Amazon’s proprietary technology.

While perfectly usable, ECS is not as powerful or flexible as Kubernetes, and evidently even Amazon has decided that the future is Kubernetes, with the launch of Elastic Container Service for Kubernetes (EKS). (Yes, EKS ought to stand for Elastic Kubernetes Service, but it doesn’t.)

It’s not quite as seamless an experience as Google Kubernetes Engine, so be prepared to do more of the setup work yourself. Also, unlike some competitors, EKS charges you for the master nodes as well as the other cluster infrastructure. This makes it more expensive, for a given cluster size, than either Google or Microsoft’s managed Kubernetes service.

If you already have infrastructure in AWS, or run containerized workloads in the older ECS service that you want to move to Kubernetes, then EKS is a sensible choice. As the newest entry into the managed Kubernetes marketplace, though, it has some distance to go to catch up to the Google and Microsoft offerings.

Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)

Although Microsoft came a little later to the cloud business than Amazon or Google, they’re catching up fast. Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) offers most of the features of its competitors, such as Google’s GKE. You can create clusters from the web interface or using the Azure az command-line tool.

As with GKE and EKS, you have no access to the master nodes, which are managed internally, and your billing is based on the number of worker nodes in your cluster.


OpenShift is more than just a managed Kubernetes service: it’s a full Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) product, which aims to manage the whole software development life cycle, including continuous integration and build tools, test runner, application deployment, monitoring, and orchestration.

OpenShift can be deployed to bare-metal servers, virtual machines, private clouds, and public clouds, so you can create a single Kubernetes cluster that spans all these environments. This makes it a good choice for very large organizations, or those with very heterogeneous infrastructure.

IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service

Naturally, the venerable IBM is not to be left out in the field of managed Kubernetes services. IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service is pretty simple and straightforward, allowing you to set up a vanilla Kubernetes cluster in IBM Cloud.

You can access and manage your IBM Cloud cluster through the default Kubernetes CLI and the provided command-line tool, or a basic GUI. There are no real killer features that differentiate IBM’s offering from the other major cloud providers, but it’s a logical option if you’re already using IBM Cloud.

Heptio Kubernetes Subscription (HKS)

For large enterprises that want the security and flexibility of running clusters across multiple public clouds, Heptio Kubernetes Subscription (HKS) aims to provide just that.

Heptio has a solid brand in the Kubernetes world: it’s run by two of the cofounders of the Kubernetes project, Craig McLuckie and Joe Beda, and has produced many important open source tools, such as Velero (see “Velero”), and Sonobuoy (see “Conformance Testing with Sonobuoy”).

Turnkey Kubernetes Solutions

While managed Kubernetes services are a good fit for most business requirements, there may be some circumstances in which using managed services isn’t an option. There is a growing class of turnkey offerings, which aim to give you a ready-to-use, production-grade Kubernetes cluster by just clicking a button in a web browser.

Turnkey Kubernetes solutions are attractive both to large enterprises (because they can have a commercial relationship with the vendor) and small companies with scarce engineering and operations resources. Here are a few of the options in the turnkey space.


Stackpoint is advertised as “The simplest way to deploy a Kubernetes cluster to the public cloud,” in as few as three clicks. There are various price points available, starting from $50 a month, and Stackpoint offers unlimited-node clusters, high availability for master nodes and for etcd, and support for federated clusters, which can span multiple clouds (see “Federated clusters”).

As a compromise between self-hosted Kubernetes and fully managed services, Stackpoint is an attractive option for companies that want to be able to provision and manage Kubernetes from a web portal, but still run worker nodes on their own public cloud infrastructure.

Containership Kubernetes Engine (CKE)

CKE is another web-based interface for provisioning Kubernetes in the public cloud. It lets you get a cluster up and running with sensible defaults, or customize almost every aspect of the cluster for more demanding requirements.

Kubernetes Installers

If managed or turnkey clusters won’t work for you, then you’ll need to consider some level of Kubernetes self-hosting: that is, setting up and running Kubernetes yourself on your own machines.

It’s very unlikely that you’ll deploy and run Kubernetes completely from scratch, except for learning and demo purposes. The vast majority of people use one or more of the available Kubernetes installer tools or services to set up and manage their clusters.


kops is a command-line tool for automated provisioning of Kubernetes clusters. It’s part of the Kubernetes project, and has been around a long time as an AWS-specific tool, but is now adding beta support for Google Cloud, and support for other providers is planned.

kops supports building high-availability clusters, which makes it suitable for production Kubernetes deployments. It uses declarative configuration, just like Kubernetes resources themselves, and it can not only provision the necessary cloud resources and set up a cluster, but also scale it up and down, resize nodes, perform upgrades, and do other useful admin tasks.

Like everything in the Kubernetes world, kops is under rapid development, but it’s a relatively mature and sophisticated tool that is widely used. If you’re planning to run self-hosted Kubernetes in AWS, kops is a good choice.


Kubespray (formerly known as Kargo), a project under the Kubernetes umbrella, is a tool for easily deploying production-ready clusters. It offers lots of options, including high availability, and support for multiple platforms.

Kubespray is focused on installing Kubernetes on existing machines, especially on-premise and bare-metal servers. However, it’s also suitable for any cloud environment, including private cloud (virtual machines that run on your own servers).


TK8 is a command-line tool for provisioning Kubernetes clusters that leverages both Terraform (for creating cloud servers) and Kubespray (for installing Kubernetes on them). Written in Go (of course), it supports installation on AWS, OpenStack, and bare-metal servers, with support for Azure and Google Cloud in the pipeline.

TK8 not only builds a Kubernetes cluster, but will also install optional add-ons for you, including Jmeter Cluster for load testing, Prometheus for monitoring, Jaeger, Linkerd or Zipkin for tracing, Ambassador API Gateway with Envoy for ingress and load balancing, Istio for service mesh support, Jenkins-X for CI/CD, and Helm or Kedge for packaging on Kubernetes.

Kubernetes The Hard Way

Kelsey Hightower’s Kubernetes The Hard Way tutorial is perhaps best considered not as a Kubernetes setup tool or installation guide, but an opinionated walkthrough of the process of building a Kubernetes cluster which illustrates the complexity of the moving parts involved. Nonetheless, it’s very instructive, and it’s an exercise worth doing for anyone considering running Kubernetes, even as a managed service, just to get a sense of how it all works under the hood.


kubeadm is part of the Kubernetes distribution, and it aims to help you install and maintain a Kubernetes cluster according to best practices. kubeadm does not provision the infrastructure for the cluster itself, so it’s suitable for installing Kubernetes on bare-metal servers or cloud instances of any flavor.

Many of the other tools and services we’ll mention in this chapter use kubeadm internally to handle cluster admin operations, but there’s nothing to stop you using it directly, if you want to.


Tarmak is a Kubernetes cluster life cycle management tool that is focused on making it easy and reliable to modify and upgrade cluster nodes. While many tools deal with this by simply replacing the node, this can take a long time and often involves moving a lot of data around between nodes during the rebuild process. Instead, Tarmak can repair or upgrade the node in place.

Tarmak uses Terraform under the hood to provision the cluster nodes, and Puppet to manage configuration on the nodes themselves. This makes it quicker and safer to roll out changes to node configuration.

Rancher Kubernetes Engine (RKE)

RKE aims to be a simple, fast Kubernetes installer. It doesn’t provision the nodes for you, and you have to install Docker on the nodes yourself before you can use RKE to install the cluster. RKE supports high availability of the Kubernetes control plane.

Puppet Kubernetes Module

Puppet is a powerful, mature, and sophisticated general configuration management tool that is very widely used, and has a large open source module ecosystem. The officially supported Kubernetes module installs and configures Kubernetes on existing nodes, including high availability support for both the control plane and etcd.


Kubeformation is an online Kubernetes configurator that lets you choose the options for your cluster using a web interface, and will then generate configuration templates for your particular cloud provider’s automation API (for example, Deployment Manager for Google Cloud, or Azure Resource Manager for Azure). Support for other cloud providers is in the pipeline.

Using Kubeformation is perhaps not as simple as some other tools, but because it is a wrapper around existing automation tools such as Deployment Manager, it is very flexible. If you already manage your Google Cloud infrastructure using Deployment Manager, for example, Kubeformation will fit into your existing workflow perfectly.

Buy or Build: Our Recommendations

This has necessarily been a quick tour of some of the options available for managing Kubernetes clusters, because the range of offerings is large and varied, and growing all the time. However, we can make a few recommendations based on commonsense principles. One of these is the philosophy of run less software.

Run Less Software

There are three pillars of the Run Less Software philosophy, all of which will help you manipulate time and defeat your enemies.

  1. Choose standard technology

  2. Outsource undifferentiated heavy lifting

  3. Create enduring competitive advantage

Rich Archbold

While using innovative new technologies is fun and exciting, it doesn’t always make sense from a business point of view. Using boring software that everybody else is using is generally a good bet. It probably works, it’s probably well-supported, and you’re not going to be the one taking the risks and dealing with the inevitable bugs.

If you’re running containerized workloads and cloud native applications, Kubernetes is the boring choice, in the best possible way. Given that, you should opt for the most mature, stable, and widely used Kubernetes tools and services.

Undifferentiated heavy lifting is a term coined at Amazon to denote all the hard work and effort that goes into things like installing and managing software, maintaining infrastructure, and so on. There’s nothing special about this work; it’s the same for you as it is for every other company out there. It costs you money, instead of making you money.

The run less software philosophy says that you should outsource undifferentiated heavy lifting, because it’ll be cheaper in the long run, and it frees up resources you can use to work on your core business.

Use Managed Kubernetes if You Can

With the run less software principles in mind, we recommend that you outsource your Kubernetes cluster operations to a managed service. Installing, configuring, maintaining, securing, upgrading, and making your Kubernetes cluster reliable is undifferentiated heavy lifting, so it makes sense for almost all businesses not to do it themselves:

Cloud native is not a cloud provider, it’s not Kubernetes, it’s not containers, it’s not a technology. It’s the practice of accelerating your business by not running stuff that doesn’t differentiate you.

Justin Garrison

In the managed Kubernetes space, Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) is the clear winner. While other cloud providers may catch up in a year or two, Google is still way ahead and will remain so for some time to come.

For companies that need to be independent of a single cloud provider, and want 24-hour-a-day technical support from a trusted brand, Heptio Kubernetes Subscription is worth looking at.

If you want managed high availability for your cluster control plane, but need the flexibility of running your own worker nodes, consider Stackpoint.

But What About Vendor Lock-in?

If you commit to a managed Kubernetes service from a particular vendor, such as Google Cloud, will that lock you in to the vendor and reduce your options in the future? Not necessarily. Kubernetes is a standard platform, so any applications and services you build to run on Google Kubernetes Engine will also work on any other certified Kubernetes provider’s system. Just using Kubernetes in the first place is a big step toward escaping vendor lock-in.

Does managed Kubernetes make you more prone to lock-in than running your own Kubernetes cluster? We think it’s the other way around. Self-hosting Kubernetes involves a lot of machinery and configuration to maintain, all of which is intimately tied in to a specific cloud provider’s API. Provisioning AWS virtual machines to run Kubernetes, for example, requires completely different code than the same operation on Google Cloud. Some Kubernetes setup assistants, like the ones we’ve mentioned in this chapter, support multiple cloud providers, but many don’t.

Part of the point of Kubernetes is to abstract away the technical details of the cloud platform, and present developers with a standard, familiar interface that works the same way whether it happens to be running on Azure or Google Cloud. As long as you design your applications and automation to target Kubernetes itself, rather than the underlying cloud infrastructure, you’re as free from vendor lock-in as you can reasonably be.

Use Standard Kubernetes Self-Hosting Tools if You Must

If you have special requirements which mean that managed Kubernetes offerings won’t work for you, only then should you consider running Kubernetes yourself.

If that’s the case, you should go with the most mature, powerful, and widely used tools available. We recommend kops or Kubespray, depending on your requirements.

If you know that you’ll be staying with a single cloud provider long-term, especially if it’s AWS, use kops.

On the other hand, if you need your cluster to span multiple clouds or platforms, including bare-metal servers, and you want to keep your options open, you should use Kubespray.

When Your Choices Are Limited

There may be business, rather than technical, reasons, why fully managed Kubernetes services aren’t an option for you. If you have an existing business relationship with a hosting company or cloud provider that doesn’t offer a managed Kubernetes service, that will necessarily limit your choices.

However, it may be possible for you to use a turnkey solution instead, such as Stackpoint or Containership. These options provide a managed service for your Kubernetes master nodes, but connect them to worker nodes running on your own infrastructure. Since most of the administration overhead of Kubernetes is in setting up and maintaining the master nodes, this is a good compromise.

Bare-Metal and On-Prem

It may come as a surprise to you that being cloud native doesn’t actually require being in the cloud, in the sense of outsourcing your infrastructure to a public cloud provider such as Azure or AWS.

Many organizations run part or all of their infrastructure on bare-metal hardware, whether colocated in data centers or on-premises. Everything we’ve said in this book about Kubernetes and containers applies just as well to in-house infrastructure as it does to the cloud.

You can run Kubernetes on your own hardware machines; if your budget is limited, you can even run it on a stack of Raspberry Pis (Figure 3-3). Some businesses run a private cloud, consisting of virtual machines hosted by on-prem hardware.

A stack of Raspberry Pis running Kubernetes
Figure 3-3. Kubernetes on a budget: a Raspberry Pi cluster (photo by David Merrick)

Clusterless Container Services

If you really want to minimize the overhead of running container workloads, there’s yet another level above fully managed Kubernetes services. These are so-called clusterless services, such as Azure Container Instances or Amazon’s Fargate. Although there really is a cluster under the hood, you don’t have access to it via tools like kubectl. Instead, you specify a container image to run, and a few parameters like the CPU and memory requirements of your application, and the service does the rest.

Amazon Fargate

According to Amazon, “Fargate is like EC2, but instead of a virtual machine, you get a container.” Unlike ECS, there’s no need to provision cluster nodes yourself and then connect them to a control plane. You just define a task, which is essentially a set of instructions for how to run your container image, and launch it. Pricing is per-second based on the amount of CPU and memory resources that the task consumes.

It’s probably fair to say that Fargate makes sense for simple, self-contained, long-running compute tasks or batch jobs (such as data crunching) that don’t require much customization or integration with other services. It’s also ideal for build containers, which tend to be short-lived, and for any situation where the overhead of managing worker nodes isn’t justified.

If you’re already using ECS with EC2 worker nodes, switching to Fargate will relieve you of the need to provision and manage those nodes. Fargate is available now in some regions for running ECS tasks, and is scheduled to support EKS by 2019.

Azure Container Instances (ACI)

Microsoft’s Azure Container Instances (ACI) service is similar to Fargate, but also offers integration with the Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS). For example, you can configure your AKS cluster to provision temporary extra Pods inside ACI to handle spikes or bursts in demand.

Similarly, you can run batch jobs in ACI in an ad hoc way, without having to keep idle nodes around when there’s no work for them to do. Microsoft calls this idea serverless containers, but we find that terminology both confusing (serverless usually refers to cloud functions, or functions-as-a-service) and inaccurate (there are servers; you just can’t access them).

ACI is also integrated with Azure Event Grid, Microsoft’s managed event routing service. Using Event Grid, ACI containers can communicate with cloud services, cloud functions, or Kubernetes applications running in AKS.

You can create, run, or pass data to ACI containers using Azure Functions. The advantage of this is that you can run any workload from a cloud function, not just those using the officially supported (blessed) languages, such as Python or JavaScript.

If you can containerize your workload, you can run it as a cloud function, with all the associated tooling. For example, Microsoft Flow allows even nonprogrammers to build up workflows graphically, connecting containers, functions, and events.


Kubernetes is everywhere! Our journey through the extensive landscape of Kubernetes tools, services, and products has been necessarily brief, but we hope you found it useful.

While our coverage of specific products and features is as up to date as we can make it, the world moves pretty fast, and we expect a lot will have changed even by the time you read this.

However, we think the basic point stands: it’s not worth managing Kubernetes clusters yourself if a service provider can do it better and cheaper.

In our experience of consulting for companies migrating to Kubernetes, this is often a surprising idea, or at least not one that occurs to a lot of people. We often find that organizations have taken their first steps with self-hosted clusters, using tools like kops, and hadn’t really thought about using a managed service such as GKE. It’s well worth thinking about.

More things to bear in mind:

  • Kubernetes clusters are made up of master nodes, which run the control plane, and worker nodes, which run your workloads.

  • Production clusters must be highly available, meaning that the failure of a master node won’t lose data or affect the operation of the cluster.

  • It’s a long way from a simple demo cluster to one that’s ready for critical production workloads. High availability, security, and node management are just some of the issues involved.

  • Managing your own clusters requires a significant investment of time, effort, and expertise. Even then, you can still get it wrong.

  • Managed services like Google Kubernetes Engine do all the heavy lifting for you, at much lower cost than self-hosting.

  • Turnkey services are a good compromise between self-hosted and fully managed Kubernetes. Turnkey providers like Stackpoint manage the master nodes for you, while you run worker nodes on your own machines.

  • If you have to host your own cluster, kops is a mature and widely used tool that can provision and manage production-grade clusters on AWS and Google Cloud.

  • You should use managed Kubernetes if you can. This is the best option for most businesses in terms of cost, overhead, and quality.

  • If managed services aren’t an option, consider using turnkey services as a good compromise.

  • Don’t self-host your cluster without sound business reasons. If you do self-host, don’t underestimate the engineering time involved for the initial setup and ongoing maintenance overhead.

1 Deployment Manager is Google’s command-line tool for managing cloud resources; not to be confused with Kubernetes Deployments.

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