A Note from the Artist,
Jeff Barnum


I am grateful to Adam for our many collaborations over the years, including this latest project, the artwork for this book. I find our collaboration remarkable because he and I are so very different. We see the world differently; we have different priorities, different experiences, and different life goals. But what should divide us we choose to see as complementary.

In 2007, we and other colleagues cofounded Reos Partners and started working together around the world. As we supported leaders facing complex, seemingly insurmountable challenges, I repeatedly found myself teaching them about creativity, self-transformation, and other “inner” aspects of rising to the enormous task of changing paradigms and systems. At the same time, another set of questions arose for me. How is healthy society possible? If you study great art, you can get a sense of what makes it great, but what about creating social realities? Is it possible, and what is required, for many individuals to cocreate healthier, more functional societies?

I left Reos in 2014 to focus on these questions full time with Magenta Studios (www.magenta.fm).


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