
Anthropological, Sociological, and Other Academic Works

  1. Becker, Howard S. Outsiders: Studies in the Sociology of Deviance. New York: The Free Press, 1963.
  2. Geertz, Clifford. The Interpretation of Cultures; Selected Essays. New York: Basic Books, 1973.
  3. Mauss, Marcel. The Gift: Forms and Functions of Exchange in Archaic Societies. New York: W.W. Norton & Company, 2000.
  4. Rappaport, Harold A. Pigs for the Ancestors: Ritual in the Ecology of a New Guinea People. Long Grove, IL: Waveland Press, 2000.

Business Books, Biographies, and Industry Studies

  1. Boyd, Drew, and Jacob Goldenberg. Inside the Box: A Proven System of Creativity for Breakthrough Results. New York: Simon & Schuster, 2014.
  2. Briody, Elizabeth K. “Experiencing the Resistance First Hand: Guiding Change as President of the Board of Trustees.” Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association. Chicago, 2013.
  3. Briody, Elizabeth K, Robert T. Trotter, and Tracy L. Meerwarth. Transforming Culture: Creating and Sustaining a Better Manufacturing Organization. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2010.
  4. Brooks, John. Business Adventures: Twelve Classic Tales from the World of Wall Street. New York: Open Road Integrated Media, 2014.
  5. Charan, Ram, et al. Boards That Lead: When to Take Charge, When to Partner, and When to Stay Out of the Way. Boston: Harvard Business School Publishing, 2014.
  6. Collins, Jim, and Morten T. Hansen. Great by Choice: Uncertainty, Chaos, and Luck—Why Some Thrive Despite Them All. New York: HarperCollins, 2011.
  7. Fried, Jason, and David Heinemeier Hansson. Remote: Office Not Required. New York: Crown Publishing Group, 2013.
  8. Grant, Adam M. Give and Take: Why Helping Others Drives Our Success. New York: Penguin Books, 2011.
  9. Hansen, Morten. Collaboration: How Leaders Avoid the Traps, Build Common Ground, and Reap Big Results. Boston: Harvard Business Review Press, 2009.
  10. Livingston, Jessica. Founders at Work: Stories of Startups' Early Days. Berkeley, CA: Apress, 2009.
  11. Marcinko, Richard. Rogue Warrior. New York: Simon & Schuster, 2009.
  12. McChrystal, General Stanley, et al. Team of Teams: New Rules of Engagement for a Complex World. New York: Portfolio, 2015.
  13. Oliver, Thomas. The Real Coke, the Real Story. New York: Penguin Books, 1987.
  14. Ries, Eric. The Lean Startup: How Today's Entrepreneurs Use Continuous Innovation to Create Radically Successful Businesses. New York: Crown Business, 2011.
  15. Schwaber, Ken, and Jeff Sutherland. Scrum: The Art of Doing Twice the Work in Half the Time. New York: Crown Business, 2014.
  16. Schwarz, Roger M. The Skilled Facilitator: A Comprehensive Resource for Consultants, Facilitators, Managers, Trainers, and Coaches. 2nd edition. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2002.
  17. Sutton, Robert I., and Huggy Rao. Scaling Up Excellence: Getting to More Without Settling for Less. New York: Crown Publishing Group, 2014.
  18. Terwiesch, Christian, and Karl Ulrich. Innovation Tournaments: Creating and Selecting Exceptional Opportunities. Boston: Harvard Business Review Press, 2009.
  19. Thaler, Richard H., and Cass R. Sunstein. Nudge: Improving Decisions About Health, Wealth, and Happiness. New York: Penguin Group, 2008.
  20. Vogelstein, Fred. Dogfight: How Apple and Google Went to War and Started a Revolution. New York: Sarah Crichton Books, 2013.
  21. Wiseman, Liz, and Greg Mckeown. Multipliers: How the Best Leaders Make Everyone Smarter. New York: HarperBusiness, 2010.

Teamwork and Dynamics

  1. Boynton, Andy, and Bill Fischer. Virtuoso Teams: Lessons from Teams that Changed Their Worlds. London: Financial Times–Prentice Hall, 2005.
  2. Edmondson, Amy C. Teaming: How Organizations Learn, Innovate, and Compete in the Knowledge Economy. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2012.
  3. Gawande, Atul. The Checklist Manifesto: How to Get Things Right. New York: Metropolitan Books, 2009.
  4. Hackman, J. Richard. Leading Teams: Setting the Stage for Great Performances. Boston: Harvard Business School Publishing Corporation, 2002.
  5. Thompson, Leigh. Creative Conspiracy: The New Rules of Breakthrough Collaboration. Boston: Harvard Business Review Press, 2013.

Personal Psychology and Personal Effectiveness

  1. Allen, David. Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity. New York: The Penguin Group, 2001.
  2. Arnold, Caroline L. Small Move, Big Change: Using Microresolutions to Transform Your Life Permanently. New York: Penguin Group, 2014.
  3. Bloom, Jeremy. Fueled By Failure: Using Detours and Defeats to Power Progress. Irvine, CA: Entrepreneur Press, 2015.
  4. Cain, Susan. Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World that Can't Stop Talking. New York: Broadway Books, 2013.
  5. Covey, Stephen. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons of Personal Change. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1989.
  6. Duhigg, Charles. The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business. New York: Random House, 2014.
  7. Epley, Nicholas. Mindwise: Why We Misunderstand What Others Think, Believe, Feel, and Want. New York: Vintage Books, 2014.
  8. Halvorson, Heidi Grant. Nine Things Successful People Do Differently. Boston: Harvard Business Review Press, 2011.
  9. Johnson, Steve. Where Good Ideas Come from. New York: Riverhead Books, 2011.
  10. Kahneman, Daniel. Thinking, Fast and Slow. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2013.
  11. Kohlrieser, George, Susan Goldsworthy, and Duncan Coombe. Care to Dare: Unleashing Astonishing Potential Through Secure Base Leadership. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2012.
  12. McClusky, Mark. Faster, Higher, Stronger: How Sports Science Is Creating a New Generation of Superathletes—and What We Can Learn from Them. New York: Hudson Street Press, 2014.
  13. Nussbaum, Bruce. Creative Intelligence: Harnessing the Power to Create, Connect, and Inspire. New York: HarperBusiness, 2013.
  14. Shell, G. Richard, and Mario Moussa. The Art of Woo: Using Strategic Persuasion to Sell Your Ideas. New York: The Penguin Group, 2008.
  15. Shell, G. Richard. Bargaining for Advantage: Negotiation Strategies for Reasonable People. New York: Penguin Books, 2000.

History and Popular Culture

  1. Apatow, Judd. Sick in the Head: Conversations about Life and Comedy. New York: Random House, 2015.
  2. Bonsall, Thomas. Disaster in Dearborn: The Story of the Edsel. Redwood City, CA: Stanford University Press, 2002.
  3. Hodges, Andrew, and Douglas Hofstadter. Alan Turing: The Enigma: The Book That Inspired the Film The Imitation Game. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2014.
  4. Krakauer, Jon. Into Thin Air: A Personal Account of the Mt. Everest Disaster. Princeton, NJ: Anchor Books, 1999.
  5. Martin, Steve. Born Standing Up: A Comic's Life. New York: Scribner, 2007.
  6. McDougall, Walter A. The Heavens and the Earth: A Political History of the Space Age. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1985.
  7. McNamee, Thomas. Alice Waters and Chez Panisse New York: Penguin Books, 2008.
  8. Morsey, Chase, Jr. The Man Who Saved the V-8: The Untold Stories of Some of the Most Important Product Decisions in the History of Ford Motor Company. North Charleston, SC: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2014.
  9. Richards, Keith, and James Fox. Life. New York: Back Bay Books, 2011.
  10. Sinclair, Upton. I, Candidate for Governor: And How I Got Licked. Oakland: University of California Press, 1935 (1994).
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