
8 Mile (film) 208, 21113, 216

8 Mile (road) 20817

50 Cent 209

abstract space 123

activities 184, 186

actor-network theory 23

advenience 251

advertising 280, 2823, 2846

aeromobility 233

affect 256

Afghanistan 806

afterlife 37, 49

Agamben, Giorgio 196, 197, 198203

agencements 14, 256, 152, 15960, 180n3; in social space model 184, 188; see also arrangements; assemblages

agency 1415, 235; corporeal 160; documentary 173, 174, 1756; incorporeal 160; objective 58; sociospatial 186; of things 175, 177

air power 2356

air space 2367

airplane 72

airports 23340

Aisne-Marne American Cemetery 1012

allegory 2603

ambient (distributed) computing 161, 1678

American Battle Monuments Commission (ABMC) 97100

American Expeditionary Force 95

animality 198, 200, 204

animation 262

antelope 1734, 175, 178, 180

anthropological machine 198200, 201

Antietam 96

antihumanism 198, 2004

apparatuses 198, 2004

area studies 79

Arendt, Hannah 38, 46

Aristotle 39, 49

arrangements 173, 180n3, 184, 188; spatial 128; see also agencements; assemblages

articulations 1778; multiple 190

assemblage converters 205

assemblages 8, 1415, 1525, 15970, 2045; approach 144; collective (of enunciation) 1545; concept 15960; constellation of 1889, 190; critique of usage of term 1819, 246; dimensions 152; of distributed attention 1679; as dynamic 189; entering into new 159; human–machine 11; machinic 154, 160; nations as 188; privileging of 198; in social space model 1869, 192; as stratified 160, 170; subjectivity and 24; surveillant 1689, 170; see also agencements; arrangements; clickable world

attention 18, 161, 16270, 283; continuous partial 163; deep 163; distributed 1679; executive 165, 167; hyper 1634; rethinking 1647; sustained 164; visual 165

attention economy 162, 164

attenuation 167

augmented reality systems 161

Australia 86, 87

automobiles 278; error-free 252

avatars 2613

Aviation and Transportation Security Act (2001) 237

awareness 168

Bangs, Lester 214, 215

bare life 199202, 203

base–superstructure model 45, 7

Basra 87

Battle Monuments Board 956, 97

behavioral modernity 35

Berelson, Bernard 143

bio-graph 263

biomedia 149

biopolitical enhancement 286

biopower 13

biotechnology 144, 145, 1479

blasé attitude 267, 270

BMPE 2203, 2245

body(ies) 1315, 212, 1489; altered materiality of 249, 251; of animals 199; documentality of 176; mediation and 247; online moving 25763; see also corporeal; cyborgs; embodiment; signs

books: reading in public 2678

bounded rationality 213

BP bridge 111, 11516

brains 150; information processing model 165

Brest 95, 1012, 103

Briet, Suzanne 173, 178

broadcasting 277, 2789

Brookwood 95

brown stagemaker 2045

Bruns, Alex 210

Bureau of Motion Pictures and Exhibits (BMPE) 2203, 2245

capability 217

capital: consumer 278; global 67, 69, 74; mobility 238, 239, 240

capital mobility 234, 237

capitalism 125, 1845, 202; welfare 221

captivation 200, 202

Carey, James 39, 412, 1445, 146, 184, 2334, 235

Caribbean: mobilities 23440; offshore economies 236; tourism 238; transnational migration 235

carriers of significance 199, 200, 201

causation 40

Central Park 107

centralization 67

Chateau-Thierry 95

Chicago: Millennium Park see Millennium Park; radio broadcasting 132; urban planning 12931

Chicago Plan 129, 1301

Chomsky, Noam 197

Chow, Rey 789

Christian, William 63

Christianity 99100

chronometers: new 69, 70

chronopolitics 70

cinema city 1289, 1345, 137

citizenship: criteria of 116; mobile 2489; promotion 228; truth telling and 227

City Beautiful 108, 129

civic education films 130

Clark, Andy 150, 151, 1656, 167

class conflict 220, 221, 225

classes: economic 114; fast 69; lower 267; in object-oriented databases 20; slow 69

Clemens, Paul 208

clickable world 159, 161, 162, 163

Cloud Gate 11213

co-constitutive relationships 1512

Cochran, Barbara 845

code 201

codes 148

cognition 11, 1657; distributed 29, 1656

cognitive ergonomics 545, 62

color memory 612, 64

commemorative space 93105

communication: phases 277; political economy of 156n9; rethinking 147; as ritual 145; and transportation 132, 233, 236, 238; see also assemblages; modes of communication

communication-about 170

communication infrastructure 12, 79, 183, 234, 240; destruction 804, 89

communication-with 170

communicative cities 107, 109, 111, 115, 116; disqualifying features 117

communicative spaces 107, 108, 109, 116, 118; maximizing cities as 132

companion species 1512

comparative media studies 301

complexity 174

compulsion: habitual 24951

concresences of entities 589, 63

congestion: urban 131, 132

consciousness 21, 245, 57, 64n9, 166; absolute 57; privileging of 56; transcendental 57, 65n11

consumer capital 278

consumerism 38

consumption 38

content: and expression 1545

context: of meaning construction 7

continuous partial attention 163

control 1213, 161, 162, 2012, 234; airports as technologies of 235; culture of 246, 252; see also shutter control

control society 13, 162, 245, 252

control state 237

Cooley, Charles H. 1112

coordination 234; airports as technologies of 235

corporeal 8, 12, 1502, 154, 160, 198, 206; see also body(ies); incorporeal

correlationalism 23

Crary, Jonathan 162, 164, 165, 169

creative labor 286

Creem magazine 21415, 216

Cret, Paul 98, 100

critical theory 3, 4

critique: culture of 312

Crown Fountain 111, 11314

Cuba 236

culture: mediation and 247; as representation 147

curative fiction 216

cyborgs 14951, 166

Daley, Richard M. 111

databases: object-oriented 19, 20; relational 19, 20

daydreaming 169

de Quincey, Christian 61

dead letters 478

Dean, Jodi 245, 250

decentralization 67

decision making 20814; good enough 21314, 217; payoffs 21213

deconstructuralism 7

DeLanda, Manuel 1789, 188

Deleuze, Gilles: on assemblage converters 205; on assemblages 24, 256, 152, 1545, 170n1, 186, 1878, 189, 198, 204, 205; on communication 156n10, 170n2; on control 162; on daydream moments 169; and “hydraulic” approach to research 191; and immaterial/material 198; on milieus 190; on molecular/molar 148; on movement-images 2578, 263–4n4; on networks 189; on plane of immanence 15960; on real virtuality 179; on rhetoric 206; on subjects 1856; on traces 263–4n4

Dellis Cay 238

democracy: crisis of 163

democratic subject 224

depresencing 567

depth model see base–superstructure model desire 26

desubjectification 2012

determinism: economic 3940; technological 3941

deterritorialization 144, 1534, 155, 161, 204; see also reterritorialization; territorialization

Detroit 20817

devices 159

di Suvero, Mark 113

diegesis 21617

digital 10, 1456, 265

digital culture 30, 210

digital diagesis 216

digital era 145

Digital Globe (DG) 856; see also Google Earth

digital materiality 257

digital media 11

digital mobilities 252

digital possessives 270

digital subjectivity 256

digital technologies 31

digital zoom 78

digitization 276, 281

disappearance 1612

disciplinary society 245, 248, 250

discourse 69; “absorption of embodiment” into 17; as cognition and information processing 89; facticity of 43; of freedom 248, 249, 254; of market 69; materiality of 3, 78, 219; of mobility 233, 237, 238, 248, 262; about neoliberalism 125, 136; and subjectivity 201; of transportation 248; of urban renewal 1323, 136

distraction 1624

distributed (ambient) computing 161, 1678

do it yourself culture 21114

documentality 8, 17380; features 174; of things 17880

documentary agency 173, 1756

dogs 1512

dualist ontology 67

duration 18

ecology 199200

economic determinism 3940

economy 46

ectoplasm 49

Ehrsson, H. Henrik 258

Eight Mile Boulevard Association 209

electron 145

electronic revolution 210

Eliasson, Olafur 612, 64, 65n18

embodiment: definitions 14; experience of 258; materialist understanding 18, 212; see also body(ies); corporeal

emergence 206

Eminem 208

empire 235

empiricism 323

emplacement 184, 186, 187, 189, 190

Empowerment Zones 137

enactments: Millennium Park 11216; urban parks 1089

energy: conservation of 197

enlightenment 1279, 132

Enterprise Communities 137

enterprise society 126

enunciation 1545

environmental hygiene 126

equality 99100

ergonomics: cognitive 545, 62; visual 54

Eriksson, Kai 216

eroticism 36

eternal objects 63

Etherington, Philip 1920

ethics 25

events 19

exception: state of 199

exchange value 38

experience 20; production of 14

exploitation 202, 203

expression: content and 1545

expressivity 181n7

extermination 176

extraterritorial domains 89

FAC 978, 100

Facebook 272

fan participation 210

fast classes 69

Ferrarotti, Franco 192

fetishism 257

fidelity 35

film: and space 20817

film criticism 2247

film education movement 226

financial crisis 1389

Fine Arts Commission (FAC) 978, 100

finitude 36

Fink, Eugen 567

FiOS 2845

fixity 278

flow 27686; future 2846; new economies of 2824

flow analysis 278, 2801

flow-states 276

FlowTV 276

Fordism 223

Foreman, Henry James 2256

Fort du Mont Valérien 102

Foucault, Michel: on apparatuses 201; on biopower 13; on disciplinary society 245; and Heidegger 43; on liberalism 1246; on life 199; and lists 45; on neoliberalism 1256; on pastoral power 2223; on “self-discipline” 252; on statements 8; on subjects 186; on technology 910, 219

fountains 11415

Foursquare 27, 269

freedom: discourse of 248, 249, 254; ideology of 2489, 250, 251

functionality 174

Gallagher, V.J. 1089

garden design 107

Geens, Stefan 87

Gehry, Frank 111, 115

geographical networks 184, 186, 189, 190

geography 1718; humanistic 28

geotagging 265

GIS 19

global capital 67, 69, 74

Global Positioning System (GPS) units 283

globalization 28, 78, 183, 185, 234

Google Earth 78, 80, 859

Google Goggles 283

governance: international 235, 236, 238; “privatization” of 134; technologies of 125, 219, 224, 281, 285; of time 73; of urban space 10; see also government

governing at a distance 134, 239

government 10, 12530, 1369, 228; technologies of 121, 124; see also governance

governmental rationalities 6, 10, 124

governmentality 125, 162

Goya, Francisco 180

Gramsci, Antonio 223

Grant Park 111, 112, 115

Great Lawn 111, 115

Gregg, Able 2256, 227

Griffin, David Ray 5960

group discussion 2267

Guattari, Felix 26; see also Deleuze, Gilles

guest books 102, 104

Haiti 236, 240

Haraway, Donna 1512

Hardt, Antonio 245

Hayles, N. Katherine 163

Heidegger, Martin 39, 43, 179, 199200

hermeneutics 32

hierarchical binding 61, 62

historical materialism 4, 123

historicity 174

history: as communication problem 46; spatial 1920, 123

homo faber 256

horizontal binding 61

Housing Acts 134

human–computer interaction 29

human–human interface 109

human–nature interface 109

human–urban interface 109

humanism 197, 198200

humanistic geography 28

Hunter, Ian 224

Husserl, Edmund 567, 60, 62

hybrid spaces 265

hydrological approach 1856, 191

icons 17980

idealism 412

idealist cultural studies 41

immanence: plane of 15960

immobilities 12, 235, 23940

Imperial War Graves Commission (IWGC) 97, 101

impersonal sensibility 556

inattention 170

incommunicability 47

incorporeal 8, 12, 1502, 154, 160, 198, 206; see also corporeal

India 74, 867

indices 1767, 2579, 263n3

infinitude 37

influence: theory of 63

information: conflation of 210; organization 212

information city 137

infrastructure: of communication and information see communication infrastructure; located 289; temporal 1011, 72

Innis, Harold Adam 67, 70, 76n6

inside/outside enactments 109, 11216

intensity 59

interactive media 137

Internet: age of 89, 245; architecture 276; personalized spaces on 270; transformation 78

Internet Addiction 250

interpretivism 32

interrelationality 28

intimacy 36

invention 94

iPad 282

iPods 1601, 268

Iraq 806, 87

IWGC 97, 101

James, William 35, 37, 40, 412

Jenkins, Henry 210

Jones, Judith 59

Joyce, Patrick 127, 128

Kalam, A.P.J. Abdul 867

Kapur, Anish 112

Kennedy, George 1967

Kittler, Friedrich 8, 10, 1718, 23, 39, 41, 43, 44, 478, 49

Kramer, Sybille 1819

Lacan, Jacques 43

lactic acid ferment 1778

Lake Michigan 111, 115

language: in antihumanism 2034

Latour, B. 175, 1778, 179, 217

LBA 265, 269, 271

LBS 269, 270, 272, 273

LBSNs 265, 269, 270, 271, 272

leafleting 801

Lefebvre, Henri 6, 12, 1224, 1845, 192, 192–3n1

liberal city: birth 1278; historical geography 12736; importance of history now 1369

liberalism 1247; advancing through urban renewal 12736; and capitalist economy 125; as governmental rationality 124

libraries 127

lieux de mémoire 94

life: bare 199202, 203; concept of 196, 1978; as emergent 206; ontology of 149; as open 204

life history sociology 192

lifelogging 168

lists 456, 4950

literacy 145

literary studies 301

little statements 153

living present 56

located infrastructure 289

location-aware technologies 2656, 26973; uniqueness 266

location-based advertising (LBA) 265, 269, 271

location-based services (LBS) 269, 270, 272, 273

location-based social networks (LBSNs) 265, 269, 270, 271, 272

locative media 66, 67

logistical media 10, 434

longdistance nationalism 235

LooptMix 270

M-102 see 8

Mile machine analysis 33

machine–machine communication 30

MacIver, Robert 3940

McLuhan, Marshall 21011, 213

makeover 1378

Mann, Steve 168, 170

mapping 123

market: discourse of 69

Massey, Doreen 71, 94

material rhetoric 78, 93, 11617, 21920, of criticism; see also rhetorical criticism

material spaces 116

materialism 1113, 378; historical 4, 123; spatial 6, 1223, 184

materiality(ies) 122; rethinking 204; understandings of 17, 93; will to 49

mathematics: and music 39, 43, 48

media: definition 66, 147; digital convergence across 145; materiality of 1719; rearticulation of notion 149; temporality 54; transparent ubiquity 53; in urban renewal 12739

media inscription 8

Media Mapping 86

media networks 191

media-technologies 667

mediation 63; and body 247; and culture 247

Memorial Day 102, 103, 104

memorials: materiality of 117

memory 18; territorialization of 94

memory place 934, 1045

memory sites 104

mergings 1512

methodological individualism 185, 1912

Meuse-Argonne 104

Michigan Theater 211

microagencies 59

Microsoft 284

Mile Road System 209

milieus (milieux) 94, 160, 18990; geographical 190; social 189; technological 190

Millennium Park 10818; inside/outside enactments 11216

Mirzoeff, Nicholas 823

Mitchell, William 214

mobile citizenship 2489

mobile media 10, 14, 137, 2478, 2657; see also location-aware technologies

mobile phones 268

mobile privatization 12, 1334, 135, 246, 2779

mobile social networking 267

mobile technologies 279, 2489; see also mobile media

mobility(ies) 12, 278, 192, 23340; capital 234, 237; culture of 68; discourses of 233, 237, 238, 248, 262; practices of 190; privatized 2467; tourism 2378; see also virtual mobility mobility capital 238, 239, 240

Modernity 122, 123, 125, 126

modes of communication 1457

modes of performance 108

molar lines 148, 153

molecular lines 1489, 153

mollusks 445

monism 7

Montfaucon 95, 1045

Montsec 95

Moore, Charles 98

Mormonism 378, 48

Moses, Robert 1323

motility 234, 238, 239

movies: as material rhetoric 220; use by YMCA 2203

multiuser virtual environments (MUVEs) 25763

Mumbai 87

museums 127

music: mathematics and 39, 43, 48

nanotechnology 145

narrowcasting 137, 283

National Geospatial Intelligence Agency 85

naturalization: of city center 127

NCMA 10810

Negri, Michael 245

Neidich, Warren 545

neoliberal city 136

neoliberalism 6, 1256, 136

neomarxists 5

net-localities 271

network security 286

networks 186, 189, 191; boundaries within 211, 214, 216; geographical 184, 186, 189, 190; rhetoric of 208, 213, 215, 217; of technical media 184, 186, 189, 190; virtual 190; see also social networks

New Materialisms 160

new media 137, 145, 211, 21314

“new media” city 121, 127, 137

new urban frontier 137

New Urbanism 137

New York City: radio broadcasting 132; television 136; transportation 1323

Noë, Alva 166, 167

noise: politics of 251, 254

nomadic theory 239

North Carolina Museum of Art (NCMA) 10810

North Korea 87

Obama, Barack 163

objects: eternal 63; in humanities 223

offshore economies 236

Oise-Aisne 103

on-demand model 283

online moving images 2578

Open, the 200, 201, 204, 206

Open Skies agreements 237

operational communication 277

operationality 601

orality 145

Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development 236

overhead imagery 7884; see also Google Earth; shutter control

Ownership Society 137, 138

Packer, Jeremy 252

Paglen, Trevor 84

Pakistan 867, 88

Panagia, David 251, 254

Paris Renovation 129, 131

Parks & Recreation 138

Parnet, Claire 152

passive sensing 534

Pasteur, Louis 177

pastoral exhibition 225

pastoral power 220, 222, 2279; modernization of 2223, 229

Payne Studies 2256

payoffs 21213

Peirce, Charles Sanders 1767, 17980, 257, 263n3

perception 26, 165

perfectibility: individual 2478

performance: modes of 108

performative spaces 109

performative tradition 208

perpetual contact 162

Pershing, General John J. 97

Personal Digital Assistants 280

personalized digital spaces 270

phenomenology 6, 14

photo intelligence 82

physicality 3, 13

pilgrimages 101, 105

Piwonski, Jan 176, 177

place 278; action and 216; sense of 186, 190, 192, 269; understandings of 934; see also emplacement; memory place; space

placings 278

plane of immanence 15960

plasticity 36

Plensa, Jaume 111, 114

political economy 123; and governmental rationalities 6; as realpolitik of communication 7

politics 251, 254

positivism 41

posthumanism 7, 13, 198, 2046

postmodern theory 6

poststructuralist theory 6

power: documentary 173, 176; networks of 125; practices of 789; relations of 186, 189, 216, 239; of sensibility 53; social motto of 252; space and 6870; of technologies 162; of telepresence 258, 261; of users 265; see also air power; biopower; pastoral power

power-chronography 66, 714

power-geometry 71

pragmatism 41

prehension 589

primary qualities 175

priming 245

Pritzker Pavilion 111, 115

privacy: concerns about 272

privatization 270

privatized mobility 2467

production: social relations of 184

profanations 2024

Proof 210

prosthetics: new media 249, 250, 251

prosumers 210

protocols 148

public art 107

public libraries 127

public–private partnerships 137, 138

Public Service Broadcasting (PBS) 135

public space: controlling 267, 2689, 270; see also social space

public uplift 129

publicity: convenient 2513

publicized privacy 246, 247, 252, 2534

publics 104

puppetry 2623

qualculation 21213

radio city 1313, 135

radio transmission 1313

railway literature 267

Rancière, Jacques 251, 252

rational action theory 25

real-time: dictates of 69

real virtuality 1789

Reality TV 138

reduction 161

refrains 198, 2046

regenerative/transformative enactments 109

reimagining 1434

reinvention 101

relationality 58

relationships 263

relativism 7

relief maps 967

religious ritual 42

representation 144, 179, 196, 200

resettlement: of urban core 137

retentionality 62

reterritorialization 161, 198, 206, 252; see also deterritorialization; territorialization

rhetoric: in antihumanism 2034; as interpretive art 219; materiality 93, 21920; of network 208, 213, 215, 217; place in 94; in posthumanism 206; as practical art 219; and vitalism 1967; see also material rhetoric

rhetorical criticism 2279

rhetorical enactments see enactments

rhetorical landscapes 108

rhetorical materialism 21920

ritual 42, 257, 259

“Running Fence” 118

Saddam Hussein 81

Saddam International Airport 81

St. Mihiel 102, 104

Samsung 2856

Sartre, Jean-Paul 57

satellites 79, 834, 89

satisficing 213, 214, 215, 217

scaffolding 165, 167, 168

scene footprints 85

screening technologies 278, 2812, 2846

Second Life 25960

secondary qualities 175

secondary repertoire 62

Security Management Systems 237

selective sociality 268

self: central 166; temporalizing 73

self-control 245, 250, 252

semiotics 257

sensation 20

sensibility 9; expansion of 53; impersonal 556; phenomenological 55

sensory commons: intensifying 624

sequencing 278

Serres, Michel 180

Shamsi 88

shared space see social space

Shazam 283

Shoppes at Gateway 209

shutter control 80, 845, 87, 88

signification 259

signs 1767, 25763

silence 176, 177

Simon, Herbert 212, 213

singularity 37

slow classes 69

smart borders 233, 237, 240n1

smart phones 247

Sobibór 176, 177

social: syntheses of 192

social atomization 268

social class see classes

social interactions 189

social networking: mobile 267

social networks 184, 186, 18990, 191, 24953

social relations 189; overdetermination 123

social space 18, 689, 71, 18393, 214; conceptual model 18691; as non-Euclidean 184; as rhizomatic 184; see also public space

societies (Whiteheadian) 58, 5960, 63

society 183

sociospatial agency 186

songs 198

soundscape 268

South Korea 86, 87

sovereignty: issues of 89

space 1113; abstract 123; air 2367; commemorative 93105; film and 20817; hybrid 265; material 116; material changes in 246; negation of 210; performative 109; personalized digital 270; and power 6870; privileging of 66, 68; production of 56, 12, 1224; sense of 1901; time and 1820, 66, 75, 116, 216; vertical 89; virtual 25660; see also communicative spaces; mobility(ies); public space; social space

space-binding media 67

Space Imaging Corporation 85

spatial arrangement 128

spatial history 1920, 123

spatial materialism 6, 1223, 184

spatialization 20, 268

speculative realism 4, 23

speed theory 6870

spiders 199

Spigel, Lynn 2467, 248

statements 7, 8

states of things 1523

structuralism 6, 123

subjectivity 179, 1901, 2012; and assemblages 24; changing 249; digital 256; temporal 71

subjects 186, 1901; production of 5, 6, 22

suburbanization: as liberal ideal 1336

suffering 42

superjects 59

suppression 25

Suresnes 95, 99, 102, 103

surveillance 1689; at borders 237; collateral 272; olfactory 176; top-down 272

survival 26

Taliban 81, 85, 86

target: world as 7980, 89

technical networks 184, 186, 189, 190

techno-metaphysics 256

technological determinism 3941

technology(ies) 911; digital 31; of governance 125, 219, 224, 281, 285; of government 121, 124; media 667; screening 278, 2812, 2846; see also biotechnology; location-aware technologies; mobile technologies; nanotechnology

tekhne 910

telecocooning 268

telegraph 233, 234, 235

teleplasm 49

telepresence 11, 2568

television 1338, 169, 2457, 253, 27682

television studies 281

televisual city 1338

temporal binding 61, 62

temporal infrastructure 1011, 72

temporal labor 745

temporal normalization 74

temporal politics 67, 6871

temporal shielding 5861

temporal subjectivity 71

temporality 212, 54, 56

temporalization 28, 56, 60

territorialization 153, 155, 189, 2046; of money 94; see also deterritorialization; reterritorialization

territories 153; sense of 1901

terrorism 867

texting 250; addictive nature 250; while driving 24950

Thacker, Eugene 148, 149, 151

Thiepval 97, 99

“Third Border” 2367, 238, 239

Thrift, Nigel 212

ticks 199, 201

Tikrit 81

time: axis of 18; governance of 73; politics of 67, 6871; and space 1820, 66, 75, 116, 216; see also real-time; world-time

time binding 545

time-binding media 67

time-consciousness 56, 61

time-starvation 724

TiVo 280

touch 35, 36

tourism mobility 2378

tourism 238

Towson, Charles 220

traces 174, 1756

trajectories 94, 100, 104, 105

Trans-Caribbean region 235

transmedia storytelling 281

transmission: critique 145; transport and 2334

transnational families 235

transport: and transmission 2334

transportation: and communication 132, 233, 236, 238; discourses concerning 248; importance 110; networks/grids 1301, 191, 234

Twitter 27

ubiquitous computing see ambient (distributed) computing

ubiquity: transparent 53

Uexküll, Jakob von 199201, 206n2

Ulmer, Gregory 216

unconscious 21, 245

unit binding 61, 62

urban blight 1367

urban landscape architecture 107

urban obsolescence 137

urban park movement 108

urban planning: as liberal reform 12830

urban problematic 123

urban renewal 10, 121, 123, 12439; advancing liberalism through 12736; modern history of 1247

urban revolution 1234

Urry, John 2478, 252

US–Caribbean border 23440

US Civil War 96

US Western Front commemoration 93105

use value 38

Veblem, Thorstein 40

Verizon 2845

Virilio, Paul 69, 162, 210

virtual mobility 25663

virtual networks 190

virtual reality 36, 179, 258

virtual space 25660

virtual vs. actual 186, 18990, 193n3, 198

virtuality: real 1789

visual allegory 2603

visual ergonomics 54

vitalism 1968, 206

Wacker, Charles 12930

Walkman 268

Ware, Sir Fabian 101

watching: work of 279

Wayne State University 215

weaponized image 823

wearable computing 168

webcam sites 257, 259

Weeks, John 96

welfare capitalism 221

Western Front commemoration 93105

Whitehead, Alfred North 5861, 623, 175

Williams, Raymond: on advertising 38, 282; on flow 276, 27880; on media 434; on mobile privatization 12, 1334; on television 1334, 2456, 253, 276, 27780; on “whole way of life” 191

witnessing 356

women’s movement 248

Woodward (Detroit) 209

work–life balance 70

world picture 17980

world target 7980, 89

world-time 57

World War I (WWI) 93, 94, 96, 1001, 1035; see also Western Front commemoration

World War II (WWII) 1013, 105

worldviews 223, 191

wren 205

Y secretaries 2213, 225, 226, 227, 228

YMCA 2209; BMPE 2203, 2245; Industrial Department 220, 225

Young, Coleman 210

Young Men’s Christian Association see YMCA

Ypres 97, 99

Yugoslavia 84

Zagacki, K.S. 1089

Zehrung, George 2245

Zeki, Samuel 55

zeroing in 7889; definition 78

Zion 38

zoos 127

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