Account creation

Multinational corporations will make hundreds of accounts annually and need to have a standardized format; this is called a standard naming convention. Account templates are copied and modified with the details of new employees. Some examples of standard naming conventions are:

  • First name, last name: John.Smith
  • Last name, first name: Smith.John
  • First initial, last name: J.Smith

If you have John Smith and Jack Smith you would have two J Smiths, therefore you may also use a middle initial—J A Smith—or a number at the end—J Smith1—to make them unique.

All user accounts need to be unique so that each person is responsible for their own account. If you leave your computer logged on to the network whilst you go for a coffee and someone deletes data using your account then you are held responsible. A good practice would be to lock your screen while you are not at your desk to prevent this.

Without a standard naming convention, accounts would be created differently and cause chaos when you tried to find users in your directory service.

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