Answer and explanations

  1. Elasticity allows you to increase and decrease cloud resources as you need them.
  2. Infrastructure as a service (IaaS) requires you to install the operating systems and patch the machines. The CSP provides bare-metal computers.
  3. Office 365 is a software as a service (SaaS) that provides email, Skype, and Office applications.
  4. The major benefit of a public cloud is that there is no capital expenditure.
  5. A private cloud is a single-tenant setup where you own the hardware.
  6. Public cloud is multitenant.
  7. A community cloud is where people from the same industry, such as a group of lawyers, design and share the cost of a bespoke application and its hosting, making it cost-effective.
  8. A CSP must store the data within regions. It cannot even more backup data to another region for resiliency.
  9. The CSP is responsible for the hardware fails.
  10. The CASB ensures that the policies between the on-premises and the cloud are enforced.
  11. On-premises is where you own the building and work solely from there.
  12. A hybrid cloud is where a company is using a mixture of on-premises and cloud.
  13. Distributive allocation is where the load is spread evenly across a number of resources, ensuring no one resource is overutilized. An example of this is using a load balancer.
  14. Security as a service (SECaaS) provides secure identity management.
  15. RAID 5 has a minimum of three disks and you can afford to lose one disk without losing data.
  16. RAID 6 and RAID 10 both have a minimum of four disks.
  17. RAID 5 has single parity and can lose one disk, where RAID 6 has double parity and can lose two disks.
  18. A diskless virtual host will get its disk space from a SAN.
  19. A VLAN on a SAN will use an iSCSI connector.
  20. A SAN will use fast disks, such as SSDs.
  1. Hyper V, VMware, and Zen are all Type 1 hypervisors.
  2. Type 1 hypervisors can be installed on bare-metal machines.
  3. A host holds a number of virtual machines—it needs fast disks, memory, and CPU cores.
  4. A guest is a virtual machine, for example a Windows 10 virtual machine, and if it is isolated it is called containers.
  5. Sandboxing is where you isolate an application for patching, testing, or because it is dangerous. A chroot jail is for sandboxing in a Linux environment.
  6. A snapshot is faster at recovering than any other backup solution.
  7. HVAC keeps the servers cool by importing cold air and exporting hot air. If a server's CPU overheats, it will cause the server to crash.
  8. Salesforce is an online sales package, this is software as a service (SaaS).
  9. A community cloud is where people from the same industry share resources.
  10. Cloud storage for personal users could be iCloud, Google Drive, Microsoft Onedrive, or Dropbox.
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