Chapter 1

The Need for Computer Forensics

  • Defining computer forensics
  • Understanding corporate forensic needs
  • Understanding law enforcement forensic
  • Training forensic practitioners
  • Training end users
  • Assessing your organization’s needs

Computer forensics is a fascinating field. As enterprises become more complex and exchange more information online, high-tech crimes are increasing at a rapid rate. The computer forensic industry has taken off in recent years, and it’s no surprise that a profession once regarded as a vague counterpart of network security has grown into a science all its own. In addition, numerous companies and professionals now offer computer forensic services as a main line of business.

A computer forensic technician is a combination of a private eye and a computer scientist. Although the ideal background for this field includes legal, technical, and law enforcement experience, many industries as well as government and military organizations use professionals with investigative intelligence and technology proficiency. A computer forensic professional can fill a variety of roles such as private investigator, corporate compliance professional, or law enforcement official.

This chapter introduces you to the concept of computer forensics, while addressing computer forensic needs from two views—corporate policy and law enforcement. It will present some real-life examples of computer crime. It will help you assess your organization’s needs and discuss various training methods used for practitioners and end users.

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