Certified Forensic Computer Examiner (CFCE)

The Certified Forensic Computer Examiner (CFCE) program is open to active law enforcement officers and others who qualify for membership in the International Association of Computer Investigative Specialists (IACIS). The external CFCE process can be particularly helpful to qualified examiners who cannot attend the annual IACIS training conference. You must submit an application, along with a fee, to be allowed to participate in the process. IACIS reviews each application carefully, and is the sole decision maker in its acceptance or rejection, as it deems appropriate.

Earning this credential requires completing a rigorous two-step testing process that includes both CFCE Peer Review and CFCE Certification phases. During the Peer Review phase, candidates are assigned four “problems” based on core competencies which must be solved. A mentor is assigned to each candidate to monitor their progress. Before proceeding to the CFCE Certification phase, candidates must successfully pass the Peer Review phase.

Candidates are required to enter the Certification phase within three months of completing the Peer Review phase. During the Certification phase, candidates work independently to assess a forensic image of a hard drive. Candidates are required to prepare a report documenting their activities (based on instructions provided) on that image. The report and evidence must be presented to IACIS in a way that demonstrates sound forensic procedures were used to conduct the examination and that the applicant understands the technical issues.

Candidates take a thorough written examination at the conclusion of this process. To earn the CFCE credential, candidates must score at least 80 percent on both practical and written exams. This process and these disk problems are the same problems that must be completed by IACIS-trained examiners. The cost of the certification process is about $750 and is nonrefundable after the application is accepted. Additional information about the CFCE is available online at http://www.iacis.com.

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