Appearance Matters

Although we often hear that we shouldn’t judge a book by its cover, everyone does so anyway, and that includes judges and juries. Your appearance strongly influences your credibility in the courtroom. As unfair as this may seem, you really do need to attend carefully to what you wear and how you carry yourself. Your knowledge and the weight of your testimony will mean little if you do not appear credible and believable. Let’s look at a few aspects of your courtroom appearance.


First and foremost, dress appropriately. Wear clothes that you would wear to a conservative office. If you are a man, you should wear a suit. Darker colors (such as blue, black, and dark green) tend to exude confidence and authority. Ties should be conservative and shirts tucked in. Do not wear a hat to court. Although you may make a fashion statement with more vibrant colors, conservative colors create an aura of credibility. If you are a woman, a business suit or dress will give the court the impression that you should be taken seriously. Women should wear a brassiere, hose or dress socks, and closed-toed shoes. Avoid wearing high-heeled shoes. Both men and women should remove outerwear or overcoats before testifying.

Even though you may work wearing jeans and a T-shirt, you should never wear them to court. The way you dress gives the judge and jury an impression of how trustworthy you are. When you walk into a courtroom, you will be judged by what clothes you wear. Remember, we’re not talking about fairness here—we’re talking about making the most of your courtroom appearance. No matter how you dress the rest of the time, always dress to impress the court. It will serve you well.

When choosing clothing for a court appearance, don’t overdo it. Women should keep jewelry to a minimum, and wear only tasteful items. Men should avoid jewelry. All in all, dress conservatively and soberly. Many courts, particularly federal courts, have rules regarding acceptable attire within the courtroom. It’s always a good idea to ask your legal team if there are any rules regarding appearance that you need to be aware of before you go to court.


Grooming is as important as clothing. Your clothes should be pressed and clean. Your physical appearance should match your crisp, clean clothes. Don’t show up to court looking disheveled. You are going to testify that you seized evidence, or accepted seized evidence, and handled it in a responsible manner. Responsible people comb their hair. If you are disheveled, you will have a difficult time convincing a jury that you are responsible.

Men, a 5-o’clock shadow gives the impression that you are sloppy. It doesn’t matter if you rarely shave before going to the lab; in court, you must impress a judge and jury. Your job is to present yourself as credible and responsible. The way you present yourself says a lot about your ability to be responsible. Women, use neutral colors in your make-up and avoid flamboyant (sorry, no green or pink or purple hair colors) hairstyles. Do not bring a purse or handbag to the witness stand.


When you take the stand, remember that the judge and jury are watching and listening to you. Getting them on your side is imperative. A poor attitude can hurt your testimony. It can actually turn a jury against you. When you alienate people, you make it very difficult for them to believe in you and your testimony.

body language

Communication using body movements, gestures, and facial expressions.

While you testify, remain aware of your attitude. A jury will read your emotions and your body language. They will watch you to decide if you are sincere. Look at the judge and jury as you speak. Ignoring the jury may appear as if you are being untruthful. Watch your body language as well. When you cross your arms, you become “closed off” and unapproachable. This action gives many people a feeling of inferiority, which is not the best way to convince a jury.

Avoid being sarcastic or overly confident. Such attitudes tend to alienate jurors. You must strive to be sincere, but not overly confident. Avoid swear words, common slang and common and colloquial phrases such as:

  • Um
  • You know
  • Sure
  • Wow

As you deliver your testimony, be willing to help the judge and jury understand what you are saying. You are as much a teacher as a witness. Avoid being rude or condescending; instead, be as helpful and respectful as possible. Remember that you are an expert who is trying to present evidence in layman’s terms to make it understandable. Let’s look at how you can get your message across to make the evidence understandable.

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