
In writing this book, I have so many people to thank: all the clients over the years who have allowed me to assist them with their challenges, and my children, Jennifer, Eli and Jake, who taught me so much about myself and conflict resolution.

Thank you to good friends and colleagues who encouraged me along the way: Chuck Appleby, Jeffery Davis, Samantha Edwards, Jennifer Graves, Anne Loehr, Bob Mauer, and Pete Swanson. To the Sisters of the Bodhicitta Hula Hoop, who were unflagging in their encouragement: Robin Carnes, Sally Craig, Betty Deen, Laura Delaney, Laura DiCurcio, Antoinette Kranenburg, Allison Porter, Sandra VanFossen, and Lisa Zoppetti. I am grateful to Richard Alper, Ramona Buck, Will Edwards, Bob Mauer, Jim Meditz, Allison Porter, John Settle, Sue Warrick, Michael West, and Deborah Woodward, for their wise advice and editing. Chrystine Gaffney worked tirelessly tracking down permissions; Allison Shearouse translated my humble drawings to clear graphics; and Eli Stull provided technical skill so that the text finally emerged from my computer. Thanks to the patience and guidance of my agent, Grace Freedson, and the editors at Amacom, Christine Parisi, Michael Sivilli, and Carole Berglie.

For incredible support of all kinds, from believing in me all the way to spending endless hours listening to me and editing my words, I thank my husband, Tom Colosi.

The author gratefully acknowledges permission from these sources to reprint the following:

Reference to The Thin Book of Trust, An Essential Primer for Building Trust at Work by Charles C. Feldman. Copyright Feltman, 2009, Published by Thin Book Publishing.

Quote from radio program titled Speaking of Faith, Getting Revenge and Forgiveness, March 25, 2010, by M. McCullough. Reprinted with M. McCullough’s permission.

Selection reprinted from The Unlucky 13: Early Warning Signs of Potential Violence at Work, W. B. Nixon, National Institute for the Prevention of Workplace Violence.

Quote from Larry Miller, comedian, reprinted by special permission from Mr. Miller.

Quote from Steven Gaffney reprinted by special permission from Mr. Gaffney.

Statement Based on Assumptions reprinted by special permission from Thomas R. Colosi.

Definitions of conflict and culture from Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary, reprinted from Web site with special permission from Merriam-Webster, Inc.

Excerpt from Wherever You Go, There You Are: Mindfulness Meditations in Everyday Life, reprinted by permission of Hyperion.

Quote from Daniel Dana, PhD, President, Mediation Training Institute International, Managing Differences, Copyright 1988. Reprinted with special permission from Dr. Daniel Dana.

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