

About dialog box, 463–464

Absolute positioning, 445

Absolute resource name, 498

Abstract classes, 186–191, 691–692

and interfaces, 248–249, 189–191

Abstract methods, 187–188

AbstractAction class, 343, 346, 407, 409

AbstractButton class, 408–409, 410, 414

AbstractCollection superclass, LinkedList class, 664


Accelerators, 413–414

Access control, 259

Access order, 687

Action interface, methods, 342

actionCommand property, ButtonModel interface, 367


ActionEvent objects, 324

ActionListener interface, 325–327, 332, 339, 342, 359

ActionMap class, 345

actionPerformed method, 256, 325, 335, 343, 359, 806

Actions, 324

defined, 342

predefined action table names, 343, 346–348

activeCaption, 308

activeCaptionBorder, 308

activeCaptionText, 308

ActiveX controls, 13

Adapter classes, 338–341

add method, 765

Set interface, 691

addActionListener method, JButton class, 600

addAll method, TreeSet class, 674

addBall method, 716

addChangeListener method, JSlider class, 600

addItem method, 397

addWindowListener method, 341

AdjustmentEvent, 359

AdjustmentListener interface, 359

adjustmentValueChanged method, 359

Advanced logging, 576–577

Aggregation, UML connector, 110, 789–792

Algorithms, 700–707

binary search, 704–705

collections, 700–707

merge sort algorithm, 702, 703

simple, 705–706

sorting and shuffling, 701–704

writing, 706–707

Algorithms + Data Structures = Programs (Wirth), 106

Algorithms in C++ (Sedgewick), 702

Andreessen, Mark, 9–10

Animation, pausing/resuming (example), 788–793

Anonymous arrays, 92

Anonymous inner classes, 258–259, 269–271, 332, 270–271

defined, 269

Applet class, 520–521, 529–530, 538–539

play method, 530

AppletContext class, 531, 539, 535–538

Applets, 7–8, 516–539

applet HTML tag, 521–524

AppletContext interface, 531, 534–535, 535–538

AppletStub interface, 534–535

building and running, 31–34, 527–529

context, 531–539

converting applications to, 520

defined, 516

image and audio files, accessing, 530

inheritance diagram, 517

inter-applet communication, 523, 531

Java Plug-in, 32, 516

“Not Hello World” applet, 516–518, 518

object tag, 524

serialized applet object, 522

showStatus method, 531–532

using parameters to pass information to, 524–529

viewing in a browser, 519–520

viewing in applet viewer, 519

WelcomeApplet.html, 32–33, 33–34

Application preferences, 539

Preferences class, 544–546, 546–549, 541–543

property maps, 539–544

Application Programming Interface (API), 58

reading on-line documentation, 59–62

ArgoUML (software), 110

args parameter, 93–94

Arguments, 39

Arithmetic operators, 46–47

Array class, 231

Array list elements:

accessing, 206–209, 208–209

Array lists, 91, 668

raw, compatibility between typed array lists and, 210–211

Array variables, defining, 90

ArrayBlockingQueue, 766

arraycopy method, 231

ArrayDeque class, as concrete collection type, 658, 232–234

ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException, 554, 794

ArrayList class, 204, 614, 659, 691

as concrete collection type, 658

Arrays, 90–104

anonymous, 92

array entries, numbering of, 91

array lists, 204–211

clone method, 253

command-line parameters, 95

copying, 93–94

declaring, 90

defined, 90

“for each” loop, 91–92

initializers, 92–93

multidimensional, 99–102

ragged, 102–104

sorting, 95–97, 96–97

Arrays class, 698

asList method, 694

Ascender, 312–313

Ascent, 312–313


asList method, Arrays class, 694

Assertions, 571–575

defined, 571

enabling/disabling, 572–573

using for documenting assumptions, 574

using for parameter checking, 573–574

Association, UML connector, 110

AtomicBoolean, 757

Autoboxing, defined, 211

await method, 761

awaitUninterruptibly method, 761

AWT event hierarchy, 357–360

AWT events:

EventTracer class, 599, 600–601, 602

tracing, 598–602

AWTEvent class, 357


Background color, specifying, 308

Backslash, escape sequence, 43

Backspace, escape sequence, 42

BadCastException, 641, 721–722, 720–721, 738–739, 748–750, 752–753

Barriers, 787–788

Baseline, 312–313

Basic logging, 575

Basic multilingual planes, 43

BasicButtonUI, 368

BasicService interface, 509, 514

Beans, 494

Behavior, objects, 108

BIG-5, 43

BigDecimal class, 88, 90

BigInteger class, 88, 90, 89

Binary search, 704–705

binarySearch method:

Arrays class, 277

Collections class, 704–705

Bit sets, 710–713

BitSet class, 707, 710–711

“Sieve of Eratosthenes” benchmark, 711–713

Sieve.cpp, 712–713, 711–712

BitSet interface, 650

Bitwise operators, 49

Black box behavior, objects, 107

Blank final variable, 268

Block scope, 71–72

Block statements, 72

Blocked threads, 731–732

Blocking queues, 764–771

defined, 764

methods, 765

BlockingQueue, 770, 766–769

Blocks, 38

defined, 73

boolean operators, 48–49

boolean type, 44

conversion character, 66

Border layout manager, 371–373

BorderFactory method, 392

Borderlayout, 373

Borders, 392–396, 393–394, 718–720, 725–727

Bounded collections, 653

Braces styles, 38

break statements, 86–87

Bridge methods, 623–624

brighter() method, Color class, 308

BrokenBarrierException, 787

Bucket, 669–670, 607–608

Bulk operations, 699

Button click:, 329–331

handling, 326–331

ButtonModel interface, properties of, 367

ButtonTest program, 607

ButtonUIListener class, 368

byte type, 40


C/C++/C#, 12

C++ bitset template, 710, 374–377, 118–120

Callable interface, 774–778

Callbacks, and interfaces, 255–258

Camel case (CamelCase), 37

Carriage return, escape sequence, 42

Casting, 184–186

Casts, 51–52

Catching exceptions, 219–221

char type, 42–44

Character class:

isJavaIdentifierPart method, 44

isJavaIdentifierStart method, 44

Character, conversion character, 66, 527–529

Checkbox menu items, 409–410

Checkboxes, 385–387, 388, 386–387

Checked exceptions, 218–219, 554

declaring, 555–557

Checked views, 696–697

Child classes, 171

Choice components, 385–406

borders, 392–396

checkboxes, 385–387

combo boxes, 396–399

radio buttons, 388–392

sliders, 400–406, 447–450

Clark, Arthur C., 440

Clark, Jim, 9

Class class, 204, 217–218, 220, 225, 230, 500, 640, 642, 646

forName method, 219

parameterization of, 218

Class constants, 46

Class diagrams, 109–110

Class files, 160

Class loaders, 276

defined, 572–574

Class path, 160–162

setting, 161–162

Class relationships, UML notation for, 110

ClassCastException, 697

Classes, 36–38, 105–169, 171–192

abstract, 186–191

adapter, 338–341

class-based access privileges, 131

class path, 160–162

setting, 161–162

constructors, 126–127

defined, 107

defining your own, 122–132

design hints, 167–169

Employee class, 122–123

dissecting, 125–126, 124–125

encapsulation, 107

benefits of, 129–131

final instance fields, 132

identifying, 108–109

immutable, 132

implicit and explicit parameters, 127–128

multiple source files, use of, 125

names, 36–37

nested, 259

predefined, 111–121

private methods, 132

protected access, 191–192

relationships between, 109–110

ClassLoader, 574–575

CLASSPATH environment variable, 162

Client-side locking, 754

clone method, 238, 251–252

Cloneable interface, 251–253

CloneNotSupportedException, 253, 254–255

Code errors, 553

Code planes, 43

Code point, 43

Code units, 43–44

Collection interface, 653–657, 664, 689690, 693

“for each” loop, 654

generic utility methods, 656–657

methods, 653

Collections, 649–713, See also Collections framework

algorithms, 700–707

bounded, 653

concrete, 658–689

framework, 681, 689–700

fundamental interfaces, 689

inserting elements into, 689

interfaces, 650–658

separating implementation and, 650–653

legacy, 707–713

ordered collection, 690

thread-safe, 771–774

Collections class, 697–698, 703–706

binarySearch method, 704–705

synchronizedMap method, 696

Collections framework, 681, 689–700

bulk operations, 699

classes in, 692

converting between collections and arrays, 700

optional operations, 697–699

views and wrappers, 693–697

Color, 307–310

background, 308

custom color, specifying, 307

system colors, 308

Color choosers, 485–491, 487–490

HSB pane of, 486

RGB pane of, 486

“swatches” pane of, 485

Color class, 307, 309

brighter() method, 308

darker() method, 308

Color dialogs, 452

ColorAction class, 343–344, 487–490

Combo boxes, 396–399, 398–399, 398–399

Comma-separated list of expressions, 52

Command-line tools, using, 21–25

Comments, 39–40

marking, 39

Comparable interface, 246, 619, 673–678, 702

Comparator interface, 674

compare method, Comparable interface, 673

compareTo method, Comparable interface, 243–244, 673–674

Compilation errors, locating, 27–28

Compiler, 45, 264, 756

Component class, 288–289, 293, 299, 310, 357, 379, 446

inheritance hierarchy for, 370

Components, 298, 369

displaying information in, 294–299, 297–298

ComponentTreeUI method, 335

Compound statement, 73, 101–102

Concrete classes, 692

Concrete collections, 658–689

Concurrent hash map, 771

Concurrent modification detection, 664

ConcurrentHashMap class, 771–772

ConcurrentLinkedQueue class, 771–772

ConcurrentModificationException, 663, 771, 773

ConcurrentSkipListMap class, 771–772

ConcurrentSkipListSet class, 771–772

Condition objects, 745–750, 748–750

defined, 745

Condition variables, 745

Conditional statements, 72–75

Console class, 65

ConsoleHandler class, 579, 583, 590

ConsoleWindow class, 597–598

const keyword, 46

Constants, 46

Construction, overloading, 144–145

Constructor class, 641

Constructors, 126–127, 135

calling another constructor, 148, 150–152

default constructors, 145–146

default field initialization, 145

explicit field initialization, 146–147

initialization blocks, 148–150

parameter names, 147, 150–152

Container class, 331, 370

Containers, 297, 369

Content pane, 295

continue statement, 87–88

control, 309

Control flow, 71–88

block scope, 71–72

conditional statements, 72–75

determinate loops, 80–83

loops, 76–83

controlDkShadow, 309

controlHighlight, 309

controlLtHighlight, 309

controlShadow, 309

controlText, 309

Conversion character, 66

Copying arrays, 93–94

CopyOnWriteArrayList, 773

CopyOnWriteArraySet, 773

Core Java program examples, installing, 20–21

Countdown latches, 786–787

CountDownLatch class, 785, 786–787

createCustomCursor method, Toolkit class, 352


Cursor shapes, 351

Custom color, specifying, 307

Custom layout management, 446–450, 447–450

CyclicBarrier class, 785, 787–788


Daemon threads, 734

darker() method, Color class, 308

Data exchange, 467–474, 469–473

Data types, 40–44

boolean type, 44

char type, 42–44

floating-point types, 41–42

integer types, 40–41

Date and time, conversion character, 66–68

DateInterval class, 623–624

Deadlocks, 757–760

Debuggers, 7, 591–611

AWT events:

tracing, 598–602

using the AWT robot, 603–606, 607–608

console window, using, 597–598, 597–598

using, 607–611

Decimal integer, conversion character, 66

Declaration of variable, 45

Decrement operators, 47–48

Deep copy, 251


DefaultButtonModel, 368


Definition of variable, 45

DelayQueue, 766, 770

Delegates, 234

Dependency, UML connector, 110

Derived classes, 171

deriveFont method, 312

Descender, 312–313

Descent, 312–313

Design patterns, 362–363

Design Patterns—Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software (Gamma et al.), 363

desktop, 308

Determinate loops, 80–83

Development environment, choosing, 21–22

Device errors, 553

Dialogs, 452–491

color choosers, 485–491

creating, 462–467

data exchange, 467–474

default button, 468–469, 464–466

file dialogs, 474–485

option dialogs, 453–462

password dialog box, 467

Digitally signed JAR file, 505–506

Dijkstra, Edsger, 786

Directed association, UML connector, 110

do/while loop, 77–78

DocCheck, 167

Doclets, 166

Documentation comments, 162–166

Double-precision numbers, 41

Double quote, escape sequence, 43

double type, 41, 51

Doubly linked lists, 660

drawImage method, Graphics class, 318, 304–306

Dynamic binding, 181–182


Echo character, 381

Eclipse, 25–28, 591

configuring a project, 26

editing a source file, 26

error messages in, 28

error report, 27

running a program in, 27

ECMA-262, 13

element method, 765

Ellipse2D class, 302

Ellipse2D.Double, 307

Ellipses, constructing, 302–304

Employee class, 122–123, 171–172

dissecting, 125–126, 245–246, 124–125

enabled property, ButtonModel interface, 367

Encapsulation, 107

benefits of, 129–131

Enterprise Edition (EE), 17

Enum class, 216, 216–217

Enumerated types, 53

Enumeration classes, 215–217, 216–217

Enumeration interface, 650, 708–709

Enumeration objects, 531

Enumeration sets and maps, 687–688

Enumerations, 708–709

EnumMap class, 687

as concrete collection type, 659

EnumSet class, 687–688

as concrete collection type, 658, 216–217

Equality testing, and inheritance, 194–196

equals method:

Object class, 193–194

Set interface, 691, 200–203


Error hierarchy, 553


code, 553

dealing with, 552–553

device, 553

input, 552

physical limitations, 553

Escape sequences, special characters, 42–43

Event delegation model, 324

Event dispatch thread, 286–287

Event handling, 323–360

basics of, 324–341

defined, 324

summary, 359–360

Event listeners, 324

Event notification, 325–326

Event object, 324

Event procedure, 324

Event source, 324–325

relationship between listeners and, 325

EventObject class, 357

Exception, 568

Exception handler, 218, 220

Exception handling, 552

Exception hierarchy, 553–554


ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException, 554

BadCastException, 641

catching, 559–568

checked, 554

declaring, 555–557

classcastexception, 697

classification of, 553–555

ConcurrentModificationException, 663, 771

exception classes, creating, 558–559

finally clause, 563–565

InterruptedException, 760–761

IOException, 560, 565

multiple, catching, 561

NoSuchElementException, 653

rethrowing and chaining, 562

RuntimeException, 553–555

stack trace:

defined, 566

StackTraceElement class, 566, 567

throwing, 557–558

TimeoutException, 774

tips for using, 568–571

uncaught exceptions, handlers for, 735–736

unchecked, 554

UnsupportedOperationException, 694, 697

Exchanger class, 785, 787

Exchangers, 787

Executable JAR files, 496–497

Execution path, setting, 18–20

ExecutorCompletionService, 784–785

Executors, 778–785

groups of tasks, controlling, 784–785

scheduled execution, 783–784

thread pools, 779–784

purpose of, 778

Executors class, 778–785

newCachedThreadPool method, 779

newFixedThreadPool method, 779

newScheduledThreadPool method, 779, 783

newSingleThreadExecutor method, 779

newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor method, 779, 783

ExecutorService interface, 779, 780, 783

Expected behavior, 239

Explicit parameters, 127–128

Exponential floating-point, conversion character, 66

ExtendedService class, 509


Factory methods, 135

Field width, 65

File access warning, 509

File dialogs, 452, 474–485, 479–483

File filter, 475

File handler configuration parameters, 581

FileContents class, 515

FileFilter interface, 476, 484

FileHandler class, 583, 590

FileNameExtensionFilter, 484

FileOpenService class, 515

openFileDialog method, 509

FileSaveService class, 515

FileView class, 477, 484–485

Filter class, 591

final keyword, 46

finally clause, 563–565

First Person, Inc., 9, 39

Fixed-point floating-point, conversion character, 66

float type, 41, 41–42, 51

Floating-point overflow, 47

Floating-point types, 41–42

Flow layout manager, 369

FlowLayout manager, 371, 372–373

FocusableComponent method, JComponent class, 452

FocusEvent, 359

focusGained method, 360

FocusListener interface, 360

focusLost method, 360

Font, 316–317

createFont method, 312

Font face name, 310–311

Font family name, 310

FontMetrics, 318

FontRenderContext class, 312, 314–316

for loop, 80–83, 83

Format specifiers, 66

Formattable interface, 66

Formatter superclass, 591

formatTo method, 66

and Formattable interface, 66

Frame class, 285, 293–294


creating, 285–288

defined, 285

frame size, determining, 290–292

positioning, 288–294

properties of, 290, 286, 292


collections, See Collections framework

defined, 689

Function object, 674

FutureTask wrapper, 774, 775–777


GB18030, 43, 433–435

General floating-point, conversion character, 66

General Public License, 12

Generic classes, 616

Generic code, and the virtual machine, 621–626

Generic collection interfaces, advantage of, 700

Generic expressions, translating, 622–623

Generic methods, 618–619

translating, 623

Generic programmers, 615

Generic programming, 613–648

ArrayList class, 614

defined, 614

generic types, inheritance rules for, 630–632

and inheritance, 614

reflection, 640–647

restrictions and limitations, 626–630

simple generic class, defined, 616–617

skill levels, 615

wildcard types, 632–640

GenericArrayType interface, 642, 647, 643–645


defined, 614

generic type information in the virtual machine, 641–643, 643–645

and reflection, 640–647

and type parameters, 614

using class<T> parameters for type matching, 641

GentleWare (software), 110

getActionCommand method, 357

getAddListenerMethod method, EventSetDescriptor class, 599

getAppletContext method, 531

getAvailableGraphicsEnvironment method, 310

getBalances method, 763

getClickCount method, 349

getCodeBase method, 530

getConstructor method, 641

getConstructors method, Class class, 221

getDeclaredConstructor method, 641

getDeclaredConstructors method, Class class, 221

getDeclaredFields method, Class class, 221

getDeclaredMethods method, Class class, 221, 235

getDelay method, 766

getDocumentBase method, 530

getEnumConstants method, 641

getField method, Class class, 235

getFields method, Class class, 221

getFontRenderContext method, Graphics2D class, 312

getListenerType method, EventSetDescriptor class, 599

getLocalGraphicsEnvironment method, 310

getMethod method, Class class, 235

getMethods method, Class class, 221

getModifiers method, 221

getModifiersEx method, 350

getPredefinedCursor method, Cursor class, 351

getSelectedItem method, 397

getSource method, 357

getStackTrace method, 566

getStringBounds method, 312–313

getTime and setTime methods, Calendar class, 183

getTotalBalance method, 744

getValue method, 342

Goetz, Brian, 716, 756

Gosling, James, 9–10

goto statements, 86

Graphical application, running, 28–31

Graphics class, 309, 321

drawImage method, 318

Graphics class, methods, 299

Graphics debugger, Swing, 594

Graphics programming, 281–322

Graphics2D class, 310, 317

GraphicsEnvironment class, 310, 606

Green project, 9

GregorianCalendar class, 114–115

Grid bag layout, 426–436

constraints, 430

defined, 426

external padding, 428

fill and anchor parameters, 428, 433–435, 431–432

gridx, gridy, gridwidth, and gridheight parameters, 427–428

alternative method to, 428–429

internal padding, 428

padding, 428

weight fields, 428

Grid layout, 373–377, 374–377

GridBagConstraints, 431–432, 431–432

GridLayout class, 370, 377

Group layout, 436–445, 441–444

GroupLayout class, 436, 444–445

Groups of tasks, controlling, 784–785



Handler class, 589–590

Hansen, Per Brinch, 755–756

Hash code, 196–198

conversion character, 66

defined, 668–669

Hash collision, 669–670

Hash map, 681

Hash set iterator, 670

Hash sets, 668–669

adding elements into, 672

Hash tables, 668–670

defined, 668

hashCode method, 196–198, 669, 689

Set interface, 691

HashMap class, 681, 708

as concrete collection type, 659

HashSet class, 670

Hashtable class, 626, 707–708

elements method, 708

Hashtable interface, 650, 709

as concrete collection type, 658

hasMoreElements method, Enumeration interface, 708–709

Height, 313

Hexadecimal floating-point, conversion character, 66

Hexadecimal integer, conversion character, 66

Hierarchies, inheritance, 179–180

Hoare, Tony, 755

Hold count, 744

HotJava browser, 10

HTML, 11


Identity hash maps, 688

Identity, objects, 108

IdentityHashMap, 668

as concrete collection type, 659

if/else statement, 73–75

if statement, 72

IllegalStateException, 655–656

Images, displaying, 318–322, 319–320, 29–31

Immutable classes, 132

implements keyword, 619

Implicit parameters, 127–128

inactiveCaption, 308

inactiveCaptionBorder, 308

inactiveCaptionText, 308

Increment operators, 47–48

Index, 69, 90

info, 309

Information hiding, 107

infoText, 309

Inheritance, 108, 109, 171–240

defined, 171

design hints, 238–240

dynamic binding, 181–182

and equality testing, 194–196

final classes and methods, 183–184

hash code, 196–198

hierarchies, 179–180

multiple, 179, 249

polymorphism, 179–180

preventing, 183–184

UML connector, 110

Inheritance chain, 179

Inheritance hierarchy, 369

for the Component class, 370

Inlining, 184

Inner classes, 242, 258–275, See also Anonymous inner classes

to access object state, 259

anonymous, 258–259, 269–271, 332

becoming comfortable with, 331–333

defined, 258, 262–263

local, 259, 266–267

need for, 264–266

special syntax rules for, 263–264

static, 259, 271–275

syntax, 264

usefulness of, 264–266

Input:, 64

reading, 63–65

Input errors, 552

Input maps:

JComponent class, 344–345

conditions, 345

InputEvent, 356

Insecure certificate, 507

Instance, 107

Instance fields, 107

int type, 40

Integer class, 213, 277

Integer types, 40–41

Integrated development environment, using, 25–28

Inter-applet communication, 523, 531

Interface inheritance, UML connector, 110

Interfaces, 242–249

and abstract classes, 248–249

and callbacks, 255–258

collections, 650–658

defined, 242

marker, 252

properties of, 247–248

tagging, 252

Internal padding, 428

Internationalization API, 498–499

InterruptedException, 760–761

Introduction to Algorithms (Cormen/Leiserson/Rivest/Stein), 672

Invocation handler, 275

InvocationHandler interface, 275

invokeAny method, 784

IOException, 560, 565

Is–a relationship, 109, 171, 238

isJavaIdentifierPart method, Character class, 44

isJavaIdentifierStart method, Character class, 44

ISO 8859-1, 43

isTraversable method, 477

ItemEvent, 359

ItemListener interface, 360

itemStateChanged method, 360

Iterator interface, 653–657, 661

“for each” loop, 654

generic utility methods, 656–657

methods, 653–655

remove method, 655–656

IzPack, 497


JApplet class, 520

JAR files, 160, 494–501

executable, 496–497

manifest, 495–496

and resources, 497–498

jar tool, 494

program options, 495

Java, 16–18

applets, 7–8, 13

building and running, 31–34

architecture-neutral object file format, 5–6

casting, 184–186

classes, 36–38

command-line tools, using, 21–25

comments, 39–40

common misconceptions about, 11–14

constants, 46

control flow, 71–88

Core Java program examples, installing, 20–21

data types, 40–44

development environment, choosing, 21–22

directories, navigating, 21

directory tree, navigating, 21

documentation, installing, 20

as a dynamic language, 7

evolution of (table), 11

fundamental programming structures in, 35–104

integer types, 40–41

interfaces, 234

and the Internet, 7–8

interpreter, 6

jargon (table), 17

libraries, 11, 21

library source files, installing, 20

methods, 37

multithreading, 7

network-savvy nature of, 4

object-oriented design, 3–4

operators, 46–53

performance, 6–7

portability of, 6, 47

as a programming platform, 2

robustness of, 4

security of, 5

security risk, 13

short history of, 9–11

simple Java program, 36–39

simplest form for a class definition in, 122

simplicity of, 3

strings, 53–63

syntax, 3

variables, initializing, 45–46

versions/editions, 10

White Paper buzzwords, 2–3

Java 2 (J2), 17

Java 2D library, 299

Java collections library, 689

Java Community Process, 12

Java Concurrency in Practice (Goetz), 716

Java Development Kit (JDK), 5, 16–18, 160

documentation, 346

downloading, 16–17

execution path, setting, 18–19

installation directory, 18

installing, 16

setup procedure, 18

Java FAQ, 14

Java Language Specification, 37

Java Memory Model and Thread Specification, 756

Java Micro Edition, 3

Java Plug-in, 32, 516

Java Runtime Environment (JRE), 17

Java virtual machine (JVM), 9, 497

Java Virtual Machine Specification, 37

Java Web Start, 501–515

application characteristics, 501

calculator application, 501–504

defined, 501

desktop integration warning, 504

launching, 502

sandbox, 504–505

security advisory, 508

security manager, 504–505

signed code, 505–507

java.applet.Applet, 520–521, 529, 530, 538–539

java.applet.AppletContext, 539

java.awt.Borderlayout, 373

java.awt.Color, 309

java.awt.Component, 293, 299, 310, 357, 379, 446

java.awt.Container, 331, 370

java.awt.event.ActionEvent, 333

java.awt.event.InputEvent, 356

java.awt.event.MouseEvent, 356, 411

java.awt.event.WindowEvent, 341

java.awt.event.WindowListener, 341

java.awt.event.WindowStateListener, 341

java.awt.FlowLayout, 371

java.awt.Font, 316–317

java.awt.font.LineMetrics, 317

java.awt.FontMetrics, 318

java.awt.Frame, 293–294

java.awt.geom.Ellipse2D.Double, 307

java.awt.geom.Line2D.Double, 307

java.awt.geom.Point2D.Double, 307

java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D.Double, 306

java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D.Float, 306

java.awt.geom.RectangularShape, 306

java.awt.Graphics, 309, 321

java.awt.Graphics2D, 310, 317

java.awt.GraphicsEnvironment, 606

java.awt.GridBagConstraints, 431–432

java.awt.GridLayout, 377

java.awt.LayoutManager, 450

java.awt.Toolkit, 294, 357

java.awt.Window, 293, 377

java.beans.EventHandler, 333

javac compiler, 161

javadoc utility, 162–166

class comments, 163

comment extraction, 166

comment insertion, 162–163

field comments, 164

general comments, 164–165

method comments, 164

on-line documentation, 166

package and overview comments, 165–166, 65, 71, 71

java.lang.Class, 204, 220, 225, 230, 500, 641, 646

java.lang.ClassLoader, 574–575

java.lang.Comparable, 246, 677

java.lang.Enum, 216–217

java.lang.Exception, 568

java.lang.Integer, 213

java.lang.Object, 108, 198, 203, 672, 753–754

java.lang.reflect.AccessibleObjec, 230

java.lang.reflect.Constructor, 220, 225, 641

java.lang.reflect.Field, 225, 230

java.lang.reflect.GenericArrayType, 647

java.lang.reflect.InvocationHandler, 280

java.lang.reflect.Method, 225, 238, 646

java.lang.reflect.Modifier, 225–226

java.lang.reflect.ParameterizedType, 646–647

java.lang.reflect.Proxy, 280

java.lang.reflect.TypeVariable, 646

java.lang.reflect.WildcardType, 646

java.lang.Runnable, 727

java.lang.StackTraceElement, 568

java.lang.System, 65, 99, 543–544, 689

java.lang.Thread, 727, 730, 733, 734

java.lang.ThreadGroup, 736

java.lang.Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler, 736

java.lang.Throwable, 221, 559, 567–568

java.math.BigDecimal, 90

java.math.BigInteger, 90

JavaScript, 13, 523–524

accessing an applet from, 523

JavaScript: The Definitive Guide (Flanagan), 523

JavaScript-to-Java communication, 523

java.text.DateFormatSymbols, 121

java.text.NumberFormat, 214

java.util.ArrayDeque, 679

java.util.ArrayList, 206, 210

java.util.Arrays, 97–98, 198, 246, 698

java.util.BitSet, 710–711

java.util.Collection, 657–658

java.util.Collections, 697–698, 703, 774

java.util.Comparator, 677

java.util.concurrent framework, 742

java.util.concurrent.ArrayBlockingQueue, 769

java.util.concurrent.BlockingDeque, 770–771

java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue, 770

java.util.concurrent.Callable, 778

java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap, 772

java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue, 772

java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentSkipListMap, 772

java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentSkipListSet, 772

java.util.concurrent.Delayed, 770

java.util.concurrent.DelayQueue, 770

java.util.concurrent.Executors, 783

java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService, 783

java.util.concurrent.FutureTask, 778

java.util.concurrent.Future, 778

java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingDeque, 769

java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue, 769

java.util.concurrent.locks.Condition, 750, 761

java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock, 745, 750, 761

java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock, 745

java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantRead WriteLock, 761–762

java.util.concurrent.PriorityBlockingQueue, 770

java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor, 783

java.util.Deque, 679

java.util.Enumeration, 708

java.util.EnumMap, 689

java.util.EnumSet, 689

java.util.EventObject, 324, 333

java.util.GregorianCalendar, 120–121

java.util.HashMap, 684

java.util.HashSet, 671

java.util.Hashtable, 709

java.util.IdentityHashMap, 689

java.util.Iterator, 658

java.util.LinkedHashMap, 688

java.util.LinkedHashSet, 688

java.util.LinkedList, 668

java.util.List, 667, 698

java.util.ListIterator, 667

java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler, 590

java.util.logging.FileHandler, 590

java.util.logging.Filter, 591

java.util.logging.Formatter, 591

java.util.logging.Handler, 589–590

java.util.logging.Logger, 588

java.util.logging.LogRecord, 590–591

java.util.Map, 684

java.util.Map.Entry, 684

java.util.NavigableMap, 699

java.util.NavigableSet, 677–678, 698

java.util.prefs.Preferences, 549–550

java.util.PriorityQueue, 680

java.util.Properties, 543

java.util.Queue, 678–679

java.util.Random, 152

java.util.Scanner, 64–65, 71

java.util.SortedMap, 685, 698

java.util.SortedSet, 677, 698

java.util.TreeMap, 685

java.util.TreeSet, 672, 678

java.util.Vector, 709

java.util.WeakHashMap, 688

javax.awt.Toolkit, 258

javax.imageio.ImageIO, 321

javax.jnlp.BasicService, 514

javax.jnlp.FileContents, 515

javax.jnlp.FileSaveService, 515

javax.jnlp.ServiceManager, 514

javax.swing.AbstractAction, 409

javax.swing.AbstractButton, 392, 408–409, 410, 414

javax.swing.Action, 348

javax.swing.BorderFactory, 394–395

javax.swing.border.LineBorder, 396

javax.swing.border.SoftBevelBorder, 396

javax.swing.ButtonGroup, 391

javax.swing.ButtonModel, 392

javax.swing.event package, 359

javax.swing.event.MenuListener, 415

javax.swing.filechooser package, 477

javax.swing.filechooser.FileFilter, 476, 484

javax.swing.filechooser.FileNameExtension Filter, 484

javax.swing.filechooser.FileView, 484

javax.swing.GroupLayout, 444–445

javax.swing.GroupLayout.Group, 445

javax.swing.GroupLayout.ParallelGroup, 445

javax.swing.GroupLayout.SequentialGroup, 445

javax.swing.ImageIcon, 331

javax.swing.JButton, 331, 474

javax.swing.JCheckBox, 387

javax.swing.JCheckBoxMenuItem, 410

javax.swing.JColorChooser, 490–491

javax.swing.JComboBox, 399

javax.swing.JComponent, 299, 318, 348, 379, 396, 412, 424, 474

javax.swing.JDialog, 467

javax.swing.JFileChooser, 483–484

javax.swing.JFrame, 298, 408

javax.swing.JLabel, 380

javax.swing.JMenu, 407

javax.swing.JMenuItem, 408, 414, 415

javax.swing.JOptionPane, 258, 460

javax.swing.JPasswordField, 381

javax.swing.JPopupMenu, 411

javax.swing.JRadioButton, 391

javax.swing.JRadioButtonMenuItem, 410

javax.swing.JRootPane, 474

javax.swing.JScrollPane, 384

javax.swing.JSlider, 405–406

javax.swing.JTextArea, 384

javax.swing.JTextField, 379

javax.swing.JToolBar, 424

javax.swing.KeyStroke, 348

javax.swing.SwingUtilities, 473

javax.swing.SwingWorker, 806

javax.swing.text.JTextComponent, 377

javax.swing.Timer, 258

javax.swing.UIManager, 338

javax.swing.UIManager.LookAndFeelInfo, 338

JButton class, 331, 368–369, 474

addActionListener method, 600

JCheckBox class, 387

JCheckBoxMenuItem class, 410

JColorChooser class, 490–491

JColorChooser dialog, 452, 485–491

JComboBox class, 396, 399

JComponent class, 295–297, 299, 318, 348, 368–369, 379, 392, 396, 412, 424, 474

input maps, 344–345

conditions, 345

Metrics method, 314

jconsole, 595–596, 758–759

JDialog class, 462, 467–468, 474

JDK, See Java Development Kit (JDK)

JFileChooser class, 479–484, 485

setFileFilter method, 476

JFileChooser dialogs, 474–475

JFrame class, 285–288, 294–295, 298, 369, 408

defined, 285

internal structure of, 295

methods, 288

JLabel class, 380

jmap utility, 596

JMenu class, 407, 408

JMenuBar class, 406

JMenuItem class, 408–409, 414, 415

Jmol applet, 8

JNLP API, 507–514

JOptionPane class, 258, 452, 453, 460–462

JPanel class, 369

JPasswordField class, 377, 381

JPopupMenu class, 411

JRadioButton class, 388, 391

JRadioButtonMenuItem class, 410

JRootPane class, 474

JScrollPane class, 384

JSlider class, 405–406

addChangeListener method, 600

JSmooth, 497

JTextArea class, 377, 381, 384

JTextComponent class, 377–379

JTextField class, 377–379

JToolBar class, 424

JUnit (unit testing framework), 592

JVM, See Java virtual machine (JVM)


Keyboard mnemonics, 412–413

KeyEvent, 359

KeyListener interface, 360

keyPressed method, 360

keyReleased method, 360

KeyStroke class, 348

keyTyped method, 360

Knuth, Donald, 86

KOI-8, 43


labeled break statement, 86–87

Labels and labeling components, 379–380

Langer, Angelika, 647

Layout management, 368–377

border layout manager, 371–373

custom, 446–450

defined, 369

flow layout manager, 369

grid bag layout, 426–436

grid layout, 373–377

group layout, 436–445

omission of use of, 445–446

sophisticated, 424–452

traversal order, 450–452

LayoutFocusTraversalPolicy, 452

LayoutManager class, 446, 450

Leading, 313

Legacy code, calling, 625–626

Legacy collections, 705–713

bit sets, 710–713

enumerations, 708–709

Hashtable class, 707–708

property maps, 709

stacks, 709–710

Legacy container classes, 693

Lexicographic order, 673

Library source files, installing, 20

Lightweight collection wrappers, 694

Line2D.Double, 307

LineBorder class, 392

Linefeed, escape sequence, 42

LineMetrics class, 313, 317

Linked hash map, 685–687

access order, 687

Linked hash sets, 685–687

Linked lists, 659–668

defined, 660–661

doubly linked, 660

LinkedBlockingDeque, 769

LinkedBlockingQueue, 765–766

LinkedHashMap class, 686–687

as concrete collection type, 659

LinkedHashSet class, 686–687

as concrete collection type, 658

LinkedList class, 664

AbstractCollection superclass, 664

as concrete collection type, 658

listIterator method, 661, 665–666

List interface, 690–691, 698

List wrapper, 694

Listener interface, 324

Listener object, 324–325

listener.actionPerformed(event), 325

Listeners, containing a single method call, 334

ListIterator interface, 661, 691

listIterator method, LinkedList class, 661

LiveScript, See JavaScript

Load factor, 670

Local inner classes, 259, 266–267

accessing final variables from outer methods, 267–269

Locale specific formatting rules, 69

Localization, 579

lock method, 760

Lock objects, 742–745

Lock testing and timeouts, 760–761

lockInterruptibly method, 760

Log file pattern variables, 581

Logger, 588–589

Logging, 575–582

advanced, 576–577

basic, 575

filters, 583

formatters, 583

handlers, 579–582

localization, 579

log manager configuration, changing, 578, 584–588

recipe, 583–584

resource bundles, 579

Logging proxy, 592, 584–588

Logical font names, mapping to physical font names, 311

LogRecord class, 590–591

long type, 40


Loops, 76–83

break statements, 86–87

continue statement, 87–88

labeled break statement, 86–87, 83, 79–80, 78–79

switch statement, 84–86, 104, 83

Low-level events, 357–358


main method, 122, 132–133, 135–138

body, 38, 136–138

Manager class, 173–174, 179, 253

getSalary method, 174–176, 177–178

Map classes, specialized, 685

Map interface, 566, 689–690, 693

Maps, 680–685, 681–685

data structure, 680

implementations for, 681, 682–683

property, 709

Marker interfaces, 252

Math class, 50

Mathematical functions and constants, 49–50

Menu, 309

MenuListener, 415

Menus, 406–419

accelerators, 413–414

building, 406–407

enabling/disabling menu items, 414–415

keyboard mnemonics, 412–413

menu bar, 406–407

menu items, 406 icons in, 408–409, 416–419

pop-up, 410–412

submenus, 406, 416–419

menuText, 309

Merge sort algorithm, 702

Method parameters, 138–144, 142–144

Method pointers, 234–235, 236–237

Method table, 182

Methods, 38–39, 107

body, 38

signature, 145

syntax, 38

with a variable number of parameters, 214–215

Metrics method, JComponent class, 314

Micro Edition (ME), 17

mnemonic property, ButtonModel interface, 367


Modal dialog box, 452, 463

Model-view-controller design pattern, 362–368

analysis of Swing buttons, 367–368

ButtonModel interface, properties of, 367

classes, 364

defined, 364

separate views of same model, 365

Modeless dialog box, 452, 463

Modulus, 46

Monitor concept, 755–756

Mosaic, 9–10

Mouse events, 349–357

mouse test program, 349–350

mouseClicked method, 349–350, 352, 360

mouseDragged method, 352, 360

mouseEntered method, 360

MouseEvent class, 356, 359, 411

mouseExited method, 352, 360

MouseHandler class, 352

MouseListener interface, 351, 360

MouseMotionHandler class, 352

MouseMotionListener interface, 351–352, 360

mouseMoved method, 352, 360

mousePressed method, 349–350, 360

mouseReleased method, 349, 360, 353–356

MouseWheelEvent method, 359

MouseWheelListener interface, 360

mouseWheelMoved method, 360


Multidimensional arrays, 99–102, 101–102

Multiple inheritance, 179, 249

Multitasking, 716

Multithreading, 715–807, 721–722, 720–721, 718–720, 725–727

defined, 716


NAME, 343

Name control, 259

Naughton, Patrick, 9–10

NavigableMap interface, 691, 699

NavigableSet interface, 691, 695, 698


Nested classes, 259

NetBeans, 17, 591

NetScape, 9–10

New threads, 731

newCachedThreadPool method, Executors class, 779

newCondition method, 746

newFixedThreadPool method, Executors class, 779

newInstance method, 219

newProxyInstance method of the, Proxy class, 276

newScheduledThreadPool method, Executors class, 779, 783

newSingleThreadExecutor method, Executors class, 779

newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor method, Executors class, 779, 783

nextElement method, Enumeration interface, 708–709

NoSuchElementException, 653, 297–298

notify method, Object class, 751

notifyAll method, Object class, 751


NumberFormat, 135

Numeric types, conversions between, 51



Oak language, 9

Object class, 108, 192, 198, 203, 672, 753–754

equals method in, 193–194

Object cloning, 249–255

Object comparison, 673–678

Object-oriented programming (OOP), 3–4, 106–107, 114, 133, 152, 172–173, 242, 256, 299

Object wrappers, 211–213, 228–230

Objects, 105–169

characteristics of, 108

construction, 144–153

overloading, 144–145

destruction, 152–153

finalize method, 152–153

Octal integer, conversion character, 66

offer method, 765

Opaque panel, 297

Operator hierarchy, 52–53


arithmetic, 46–47

bitwise, 49

casts, 51–52

conversions between numeric types, 51

increment/decrement, 47–48

mathematical functions and constants, 49–50

parentheses and operator hierarchy, 52–53

relational and boolean, 48–49

Option dialogs, 453–462, 455–460

Optional operations, 697–699

Ordered collection, 660, 690

Output, formatting, 65–69

Overloading, defined, 144

Overloading resolution, 144, 181


Packages, 153–159

addition of a class into, 155–156

class importation, 153–154

default, 155–156, 157–158, 157

scope, 158–159

static imports, 155

paintComponent method, 295–296, 357, 763, 806

Pair class, 616–622, 617, 620–621, 637–640

ParameterizedType interface, 642, 646–647

Parameters, 39, 142–144

Password fields, 381

Payne, Jonathan, 10

peek method, 765

Percent symbol, conversion character, 66

PersistenceService class, 509, 515, 189–191

Physical limitations, 553

PlafFrame class, 335, 336–337

Platform-dependent line separator, conversion character, 66

Point2D class, 302

Point2D.Double, 307

poll method, 765

Polymorphism, 179–180, 239

Pop-up menus, 410–412

Pop-up trigger, 411

Positioning frames, 288–294

PostScript Type 1 format, 312

Preconditions, 574

Predefined action table names, 343

Predefined classes, 111–121, 118–120

GregorianCalendar class, 114–115

mutator and accessor methods, 115–118

objects and object variables, 111–114

Preferences class, 544–546, 549–550

pressed property, ButtonModel interface, 367

Primitive types, 40, 192


conversions for (table), 66

flags for, 67

parameters, 214–215

printStackTrace method, Throwable class, 220, 566, 593

PrintWriter, 71

Priorities, threads, 733–734

Priority queues, 679–680, 680

PriorityBlockingQueue, 766, 770

PriorityQueue, as concrete collection type, 659

Procedural vs. OOP programming, 106–107

Producer threads, 764

Profiler, 596

Properties class, 707

Properties, frames, 290, 541–543

Protected fields, 238

Proxies, 275–280

defined, 275

proxy class methods, 275

proxy mechanism, 275

Proxy class:

newProxyInstance method of, 276, 278–279

Proxy classes, properties of, 279–280

public keyword, 242–243

Pure virtual function, 188

put method, 765

putIfAbsent method, 771

putValue method, 342


Queue interface, defined, 650

Queues and deques, 650, 678–679

priority queues, 679–680


Radio buttons, 388–392

event notification mechanism for, 388

JRadioButton, 388

menu items, 409–410, 389–391

Ragged arrays, 102–104, 104

RandomAccess interface, 691

Rational Rose (software), 110

Raw array lists, compatibility between typed array lists and, 210–211

Read/write locks, 761–762

Rectangle2D class, 300–301

Double, 306

Float, 306

methods, 301

RectangularShape class, 302, 306

Red-black tree, 672

Reentrant lock, defined, 744

ReentrantLock class, 742, 745

ReentrantReadWriteLock class, 761–762

Reflection, 171, 217–237

Class class, 217–218

and generics, 640–647, 228–230

overuse of, 239, 222–224, 264–265

using to analyze objects at runtime, 226–230

using to analyze the capabilities of classes, 221–226

using to write generic array code, 231–234

Reflection library, 217

Rehashing a table, 670

Relational operators, 48–49

Relative resource name, 498

remove method, 765

Iterator interface, 655–656

removeItem method, 397

removeItemAt method, 397

repaint method, 296, 717, 756

Resource bundles, 579

ResourceBundle class, 579


absolute resource name, 498

defined, 497

internationalization API, 498–499

and JAR files, 497–498

relative resource name, 498, 499–500, 79–80, 78–79

Retroweaver program, 621

Robot class, 603, 606–607, 604–606

rollover property, ButtonModel interface, 367

Rounding mode, 90

run method, TransferRunnable class, 759

Runnable threads, 731

RuntimeException, 553–555


Scanner class, 64–65, 71

Scheduled execution, 783–784

ScheduledExecutorService interface, 783–784

Scroll panes, 382–384

scrollbar, 309

Sealing, 500–501

Secure certificate, 506

selected property, ButtonModel interface, 367

Self-signed certificate, 507

Semantic events, 357–358

Semaphore class, 786

Semaphores, 786


Serialized applet object, 522

ServiceManager interface, 514

Set classes, specialized, 685–689

Set interface, 691

setAccelerator method, 413

setBackground method, 592

Component class, 308

setBorder method, JComponent class, 392

setBounds method:

Component class, 289–290

JFrame, 288–289

setDebugGraphicsOptions method, JComponent class, 594–595

setDefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler method, Thread class, 735

setEditable method, JComboBox class, 396

setFileFilter method, JFileChooser class, 476

setFileView method, 478

setIconImage method, JFrame, 288

setJMenuBar method, 406

setLocation method:

Component class, 290

JFrame, 288

setMultiSelectionEnabled method, 475

setPaint method, Graphics2D class, 307

setResizable method, JFrame, 288

Sets, 680

setSelectedFile method, 475, 671

setTitle method, JFrame, 288

Shallow copy, 250–251

Shape classes, relationships between, 302–303

Shell window, running programs in, 24–25

short type, 40


Show Java Console box, 597

showConfirmDialog method, 454

showDialog method, 468, 475

showDocument method, 532

showInputDialog method, 454

showMessageDialog method, 454

showOpenDialog method, 474–475

showOptionDialog method, 454

showSaveDialog method, 474–475

showStatus method, 531–532, 703

shutdownNow method, 784

“Sieve of Eratosthenes” benchmark, 711–713

Sieve.cpp, 712–713, 711–712

signal method, 748, 759–761

signalAll method, 747–748, 759–761

Signed code, 505–507

Signed JAR file, 505–506

Simple algorithms, 705–706

Simple Java program, 36–39

SimpleFrameTest class, 286–287, 286

Single quote, escape sequence, 43

Single-thread rule for Swing programming, 795–796, 292

Sliders, 400–406

constructors, 400, 402–405


SoftBevelBorder class, 392

Software Development Kit (SDK), 17

SortedMap interface, 691, 699

SortedSet interface, 691, 695, 698

Sorting, arrays, 95–97

Special characters, escape sequences, 42–43

Special fonts for text, 310–318

Special syntax rules for inner classes, 263–264

sqrt method, 49–50

src directory, 21 file, 20


Stack interface, 650

Stack trace, 758

defined, 566

StackTraceElement class, 566, 567

Stacks, 709–710

StackTraceElement, 568

Standard Edition (SE), 17

Standard Template Library (STL), 650, 654

State, objects, 107, 108

Static constants, 133–134

Static fields, 132–133, 135

Static inner classes, 259, 271–275, 273–275

static keyword, 135

Static methods, 134–135

static void, 38, 136–138

stop method, 762–764

StreamHandler class, 582

StrictMath class, 50

String class, 57–59

String type, conversion character, 66

StringBuilder class, 62–63

Strings, 53–63

building, 62–63

code points/code units, 56–57

concatenation, 54

defined, 53

file input and output, 69–71

formatting output, 65–69

immutability of, 54–55, 64

String class, 57–59

substrings, 54

testing for equality, 56

Strongly typed language, defined, 40

Subclasses, 171, 173–174

subList method, 694

Submenus, 406

Subranges, views, 694–695

Substrings, 54

Suffix, numbers of float type, 41

super keyword, 175

Superclasses, 171, 174–175

Supplementary characters, 43

Surrogates area, 43

suspend method, 762–764

suspendRequested variable, 763–764

Swing, 282–285

graphics debugger, 594

and the model-view-controller design pattern, 362–368

and threads, 794–807

running time-consuming tasks, 795–796

single-thread rule, 806–807, 796–799, 802–805

user interface components with, 361–492

SwingConstants interface, 380, 796–799

SwingUtilities class, 473

SwingUtilities.updateComponentTreeUI, 335

switch statement, 84–86


SynchBankTest program, 759

synchonized keyword, 750–754, 752–753

Synchronization, 736–764, 738–739

condition objects, 745–750

deadlocks, 757–760

lock objects, 742–745

lock testing and timeouts, 760–761

monitor concept, 755–756

race condition:

defined, 736

example of, 736–740

explained, 740–742

read/write locks, 761–762

stop method, 762–764

suspend method, 762–764

synchonized keyword, 750–754

synchronized blocks, 754–755, 740, 738

volatile fields, 756–757

Synchronization primitive, 786

Synchronization wrapper, 773

Synchronized blocks, 754–755

client-side locking, 754

Synchronized views, 696

synchronizedMap method, Collections class, 696

Synchronizers, 785–793

barriers, 787–788

countdown latches, 786–787

exchangers, 787

semaphores, 786

synchronous queues, 787–788

SynchronousQueue class, 786, 787

System class, 65, 71, 99, 543–544, 689

System colors, 308

System of Patterns, A (Buschmann et al.), 363

SystemColor class, 308

System.out object, 38


Tab, escape sequence, 42

Tagging interfaces, 252

take method, 765

TalkingClock class, 260

TalkingClock$1TimePrinter class, 267–268

Template code bloat, 622

text, 309

Text areas, 381–382

Text input, 377–384

labels and labeling components, 379–380

password fields, 381

scroll panes, 382–384

text areas, 381–382

text fields, 378–379, 382–384

Text, special fonts for, 310–318, 382–384


textHighlight, 309

textHighlightText, 309

textInactiveText, 309

textText, 309

Thread class, 727, 730, 733–736

setDefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler method, 735

Thread group, defined, 735

Thread pools, 779–784

purpose of, 778

ThreadPoolExecutor class, 780, 780–782

Thread priorities, 733–734

system dependence, 733

Thread-safe collections, 771–774

copy on write arrays, 773

efficient maps, sets, and queues, 771–773

synchronization wrapper, 773

Thread states, 730–733

blocked threads, 731–732

new threads, 731

runnable threads, 731

terminated threads, 733

timed waiting threads, 731–732

waiting threads, 731–732

ThreadDeath error, 733

ThreadDeath objects, 736, 763

ThreadGroup class, 735–736, 736

ThreadPoolExecutor class, 779, 780, 783

Threads, 7, 716–722

daemon threads, 734

defined, 716

handlers for uncaught exceptions, 735–736

interrupting, 728–730

priorities, 733–734

properties, 733–736

and Swing, 794–807

running time-consuming tasks, 795–796

single-thread rule, 806–807, 796–799

SwingWorker class, 799–806, 802–805

termination of, 728

thread states, 730–733

using to give other tasks a chance, 722–724

Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler, 736

Throwable class, 221, 553, 559, 567–568

printStackTrace method, 220, 566, 593

Throwing an exception, 557–558

use of term, 219

Timed waiting threads, 731–732

Timeless Way of Building, The (Alexander), 362

TimeoutException, 774

TimePrinter class, 260–261, 265, 267

Timer class, 255–257

constructor, 256, 257–258

TimeUnit, 760

Together (software), 110

Tomcat, 501

Toolbars, 419–421

defined, 419

detached, 420

dragging, 420

progamming, 421, 422–424

Toolkit-modal dialog, 463

Tooltips, 421–422

toString method, 200–203

and Formattable interface, 66

Total ordering, 675

TransferRunnable class, run method, 759, 740

Traversal order, 450–452

Tree sets, adding elements into, 672

TreeMap class, 681, 691

as concrete collection type, 659

TreeSet class, 691

addAll method, 674

as concrete collection type, 658, 675–677

TrueType, 312

tryLock method, 760

Two-dimensional array, 102

2D shapes, 299–307

complexity of, 300, 304–306

Type variables, bounds for, 619–621

Typesetting terms, 313

TypeVariable interface, 642, 646


UIManager.setLookAndFeel method, 335

UML (Unified Modeling Language) notation, 109–110

Uncaught exceptions, handlers for, 735–736

UncaughtExceptionHandler, 736

Unchecked exceptions, 219, 554

Unicode, 43–44

Unmodifiable views, 695–696

UnsupportedOperationException, 694, 697, 738

Update (u), 17


val$beep instance variable, TalkingClock$1TimePrinter class, 268

Variables, initializing, 45–46

Vector class, 691, 708–709, 755

Vector interface, 650

Views, 693–699

checked, 696–697

defined, 693–694

subranges, 694–695

synchronized, 696

unmodifiable, 695–696

Violet (software), 110

Virtual machines, 9

Visual Basic, 3–4

Volatile fields, 756–757

volatile keyword, 756–757


wait method, Object class, 751


Waiting threads, 731–732

Weak references, defined, 685

WeakHashMap class, 685

as concrete collection type, 659

WeakReference object, 685

WebStartCalculator application, 510, 511–514

WelcomeApplet.html, 32–33, 33–34, 23–24




while loop, 76–77

White Paper buzzwords, Java, 2–3

Wildcard types, 632–640


capture, 636–637, 637–640

subtype relationships with, 633

supertype bounds for, 634–636

unbounded, 636

WildcardType interface, 642

window, 308

windowActivated method, 360

WindowAdapter class, 339–341

windowBorder method, 308

windowClosed method, 360

windowClosing method, 338–339, 360

WindowEvent, 341, 359

objects, 324

WindowFocusListener interface, 360

windowGainedFocus method, 360

windowIconified method, 360

WindowListener, 341

WindowListener interface, 338, 360

windowLostFocus method, 360

windowOpened method, 360

windowStateChanged method, 360

WindowStateListener interface, 341, 360

windowText, 309

Wirth, Niklaus, 5, 9, 106

Wrappers, 694

defined, 211



XML, 11

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