• 90-minute rule, usage, 166
  • Accountability, 103
  • Achievement, goal, 183–184
  • Achor, Shawn, 196
  • Actions
    • leader bias, 78
    • plan, 220
    • proof, 103–104
  • Affective empathy, 63
  • Affluence (megatrend), 53–54
  • Ahrendt, Angela, 65–66, 70, 228
  • Alignment, absence, 117–120
  • All's Well That Ends Well (Shakespeare), 206
  • Amelio, Gilbert, 125
  • Analytical skills, 198
  • Angelou, Maya, 63
  • Apathy, creation, 8
  • Appreciation, culture (usage), 228
  • Audience
  • Audience response technology (ART), usage, 202–203
  • Authoritarian leadership, 150
  • Auto-notifications, cessation, 167, 219
  • Ballmer, Steve, 83–84
  • Basex report, 166
  • Benefits (satisfier), 161
  • Best practices, sharing, 162
  • Bias
    • impact, 119
    • negativity bias, 198
  • Bock, Laszlo, 194
  • Bodell, Lisa, 30, 211
  • Body, elements, 142
  • Body gestures, 142
  • Bradberry, Travis, 225
  • Brainstorming, skill (requirement), 44
  • Bridges/walls, construction, 9
  • Burke, James, 138
  • Business cycles, slowness, 37–38
  • Business models, usage, 54
  • Business school, scientific management (impact), 38–40
  • Campbell Soup Company, 104–105
  • Candidates, sourcing/recruiting, 193
  • Carlzon, Jan, 191
  • Carnegie, Dale, 20, 154
  • Cash bonus, usage, 152
  • Catastrophic communication, 114–117
  • CC email recipients, limitation, 221–222
  • Central message, usage, 129, 132–133
    • importance, 133
  • Chance, Michael R.A., 97
  • Chief curiosity officer, 83–84
  • Chief empathy officer, 65–66
  • Chief executive officer (CEO) presentation, design, 127
  • Chopra, Deepak, 175
  • Churchill, Winston, 132, 133
  • Climate Orbiter, 134
  • Clocks, removal, 2
  • Coaching, usage, 106
  • Coan, James, 64
  • Co-creativity, skill (requirement), 44
  • Cognitive bias, 23, 79
  • Cognitive empathy, 63
  • Cold states, 79
  • Collaboration, 21–22, 25, 147
    • equation, 22
    • leadership quality, 44
    • optimization, 169
  • Command and control
    • leadership
      • control, loss, 52
      • strategy, absence, 40
  • Command and control, continuation (reasons), 36–38
  • Commerce, characteristics, 33
  • Commitment, dividends, 19
  • Communication, 20–21, 25, 111. See Catastrophic communication
    • alignment, absence, 117–120
    • breakdowns, ownership/repair, 130, 136–138
    • code, cracking, 125
    • complication, 116
    • conclusions, 129, 130–132
    • conundrum, 113
    • effectiveness, 126f, 131
    • equation, 22
    • game, raising, 143
    • improving/stifling, 8
    • leadership quality, 44
    • method, 129–143
    • norms, establishment, 139
    • obstacles, 117–123
    • organizational communication, 193
    • overload, 122–123
    • problems, 127–129, 127f
    • results, 126f
    • shared context, absence, 121–122
  • Community (creation), connection (impact), 57
  • Company
    • appearances, value, 68
    • change, resistance, 30
    • high-potential programs, 40
    • origin story, telling, 177–178
    • top-down planning models, abandonment, 54
  • Compensation/benefits, 193
  • Competitive advantage, 33
  • Computerization (megatrend), 49–51, 53–54
  • Conant, Doug, 104–105
  • Concentration, requirement, 176
  • Confidence, 57
  • Confusion, clarity (impact), 132
  • Congratulations, impact, 106
  • Connected leader, becoming, 87–88
  • Connection, 25, 57, 73
  • Consistency, 104–105
  • Content-focused mind-set, 130
  • Conversation, value (creation), 20–21
  • Cost of goods metric, 9
  • Creativity, leadership quality, 44
  • Credibility
    • building, 91
    • creation, commitment (impact), 106–107
    • establishment, 94
    • failure, 29
    • term, origin, 96
  • Criticism, fear, 162
  • Cultural sensitivity, skill (requirement), 44
  • Culture
    • purpose-filled culture, 177
    • transformation, appearance, 151
  • Curiosity
  • Customers
    • clocks, removal, 2
    • experience, leadership (relationship), 192
    • issues, employee communication (fear), 140
    • satisfaction/loyalty, 95
    • satisfaction metric, 9
    • stories, sharing, 178
    • wow experience, 195–196
  • da Vinci, Leonardo, 211
  • de Angelis, Barbara, 136
  • Decision making
    • improvement, 184
    • process, clarity, 184–185
    • team member exclusion, 162
  • Decision tree model, 184, 184f
  • Default times, change, 215–216
  • Delight, creation, 200–207
  • Deliver WOW Through Service, 195
  • Dell, Michael, 177
  • Deming, W. Edwards, 26
  • Development Dimensions International (DDI) study, 59
  • Dialogue, honesty, 20
  • Diction/pronunciation (voice element), 142
  • Dilbert (cartoon), 165
  • Directness, avoidance, 162
  • Discussion, withdrawal, 162
  • Drive-thru wait times metric, 9
  • Drone delivery, 47–48
  • Drucker, Peter, 45
  • Duhigg, Charles, 102, 162
  • Easterlin, Richard, 46
  • Education, scarcity, 36
  • Effort-progress-reward cycle, 180, 180f
  • Ego, cost, 85
  • Eisenhower, Dwight, 149, 150
  • Emails
    • auto-notifications, cessation, 219
    • CC recipients, limitation, 221–222
    • delivery, delay, 220–221
    • draft version, saving, 220–221
    • email-free time zones, creation, 219–220
    • one-screen emails, utilization, 222–223
    • replying, avoidance, 221–222
    • response times, norms (creation), 220
    • sending, delay, 220–221
    • subject lines, clarity, 222
    • usage, 218–223
  • Emotional intelligence (EI), 20
    • self-awareness, foundation, 22
  • Emotional journey, 204
  • Emotional support, 62
  • Emotions, conveyance, 197
  • Empathic leaders, impact, 67, 70, 81
  • Empathy, 59, 73
    • building, challenges, 81–87
    • challenges, impact, 74–81
    • defining, 63–64
    • demonstration, 64
    • hot-cold empathy gap, 79–80
    • leadership benefits, 64–70
    • measurement, difficulty, 75
    • practice
      • absence, 75–76
      • commitment, 81
    • types, 63
  • Employees
    • appreciation, 170–171
    • choices, 192
    • collaboration, absence, 116
    • communication, ineffectiveness, 116
    • directions
      • confusion, 115–116
      • reduction, 167
    • email diary/questionnaire, usage, 180
    • engagement, improvement, 5
    • excellence, expectations, 182
    • experiences, creation, 189
    • facilitation, increase, 167
    • factory work, technical skill (absence), 37
    • management ability, skill (requirement), 44
    • movement, 169–170
    • questions, usage, 183, 200
    • retention metric, 9
    • satisfaction, 177
    • skills, requirement, 44
    • support/encouragement, 162
    • talking/listening, 203
    • turnover, levels (decrease), 5
  • Employment
  • Ends, focus, 183–184
  • Energy (human need), 159, 164–171
  • Energy crisis, impact, 165
  • Energy, low levels, 169
  • Engagement
    • creation, 8
    • dividends, 19
    • mandate, avoidance, 65
  • Environment creation, 155
  • Executive teams, strategy meetings, 140
  • Experience
    • conclusions, bang, 200, 206–207
    • customer experience, leadership (relationship), 192
    • employee experiences, creation, 189
    • humility, 18
    • identification, 191–192
    • mastery, 196–207
    • personalized experience, tailoring, 207–208
  • Experience Economy, The (Pine/Gilmore), 207
  • Facial expression, 142
  • Facilitation, increase, 167
  • Facilitator, usage, 214
  • Factory work, payment levels, 36–37
  • Fair compensation (satisfier), 161
  • Fatigue, feeling, 169
  • Fear mentality, 76–77
  • Feedback
  • Fillers (voice element), 142
  • Financial support, 62
  • Fiscal safety, 161
  • Flexibility, leadership quality, 44
  • Forbes, Malcolm, 134
  • Ford, Henry, 35–37
  • Ford Motor Company, 35–37
  • Fowler, Susan, 43–45, 48
  • Fundamentals, focus, 23–26
  • Furniture, ergonomic characteristic, 161
  • Gandhi, Mahatma, 141
  • Gates, Bill, 83–84
  • General Motors (GM), 114–115
  • Genius Bar, 70
  • Gestures, 142
  • Gilbert, Elizabeth, 91
  • Gilmore, James H., 207
  • Global affluence/choice (megatrend), 46–48
  • Global GDP, increase, 46
  • Godfather, The (movie), 77
  • Golden Rule, 153–154
  • Goldsmith, Marshall, 22
  • Google
    • analytics team, leadership attention, 194
    • data power, 162
  • Gossip, option, 162
  • Groundhog Day (movie), 86
  • Group
    • norms, attention, 162–163
    • polling, ART (usage), 202–203
  • Groupthink, prevention, 203
  • Habit patterns, breaking, 81, 86–88
  • Hand gestures, 142
  • Happiness Advantage, The (Achor), 196
  • Hard skills (technical skills), 45
  • Hewlett, Bill, 177
  • High performance/dysfunction, creation, 8
  • Hitchcock, Alfred, 149–150, 161
  • Holmes, Sherlock, 155
  • Honesty, 101–102
  • Hospitals (waste), communication inefficiency (impact), 116
  • Hot-cold empathy gap, 79–80
  • Hot states, 79
  • How to Win Friends and Influence People (Carnegie), 154
  • Human Capital Edge, The (Kay/Pfau), 48
  • Human commerce, 33
  • Human interaction, job dependence, 50
  • Human needs, 158–171
    • prioritization, 159
    • satisfier, selection/impact, 159
  • Human resource, power, 33
  • Humes, James, 130
  • Humor, inclusion, 168
  • Hump day (Wednesday), 181
  • Icebreaker
    • activity, usage, 201–202
    • example, 202f
  • Ideas
    • generation, 161
    • offering, assassination, 162
    • sharing, absence, 162
  • IKEA, mission statement, 179
  • Illusory superiority, 23
  • Impatience, 77–79
  • Implicit expectations, explicitness, 228
  • Implicit hints, explicitness, 130, 138–140
  • Inbox, checking, 219
  • Influence, expansion, 5
  • Information
    • access, reduction, 38
    • asymmetry/symmetry, switch, 51
    • sharing, team member exclusion, 162
    • speed, 77–78
    • transfer, 121
    • transformation, 125
    • vacuum, 38
  • Information technology, advancement, 32
  • Innovation (fostering), empathy (impact), 69–70
  • Insight (creation), empathy (impact), 66–69
  • Instant Messaging, 218
  • Intelligence quotient (IQ), 182
  • Intelligence/smarts, 20
  • Interruptions, cessation, 166–167
  • Interviews, 193
  • Intonation (voice element), 142
  • Inzlicht, Michael, 80
  • Jobs
    • postings, analysis, 38
    • scarcity, 36
    • security, satisfier, 161
  • Johnson & Johnson (J&J), 137–138
  • Kahneman, Daniel, 15
  • Kalanick, Travis, 44
  • Kay, Ira, 48
  • Kellerman, Mary (Tylenol death), 137–138
  • Keltner, Dacher, 80
  • Kennedy, John F., 229
  • Keswin, Erica, 178
  • Ketchum, Inc., interviews, 2–4
  • Killing Complexity workshops, 212
  • Kirby, Julia, 97
  • Knowledge workers, requirements, 50
  • Knowledge work, impact, 45, 49
  • Kouzes, James, 57, 96, 100
  • Labor-related violence, 35
  • Laurent, Sean, 163
  • Leader
    • assumptions, 120
    • becoming. See Connected leader.
    • being, core components, 19f
    • empathic leaders, impact, 67, 70
    • empathy, nonnecessity, 77
    • expectations, 139
    • future, 53–55
    • habits, cultivation, 98
    • improvement, basics, 15
    • leader-follower relationship, 96
    • methods, questioning, 31
    • role, challenge, 203
  • Leadership
    • authoritarian leadership, 150
    • command and control, continuation (reasons), 36–38
    • customer experience, relationship, 192
    • development
      • activity, 17
      • myth, 226–227
    • effectiveness, equation, 22
    • empathy, benefits, 64–70
    • excellence, expectations, 182
    • function, problem. See Old-school leadership.
    • fundamentals, focus, 23–26
    • future, problem, 3
    • gift, 92–94
    • history. See Organizations.
    • learning curve, shortening, 4
    • legacy, 29
      • dividend, cessation, 40
    • mentor, 203
    • motivation, 149
    • one-to-one relationship, 95–101
    • origin story, leading, 177–178
    • performing art, 141
    • qualities, 44
    • readiness, 229–231
    • relationship, 229
    • role models, identification, 96
    • skills, 45
    • strategy, absence, 40
    • Taylor approach, 35–36
  • Leadership Challenge, The (Kouzes/Posner), 96
  • Leadership code
    • context, 13
    • cracking, 9–11
      • purpose, 4–5
    • deciphering, 1
    • story, 7–9
  • Leading
    • complexities, 32
    • difficulty, 4
    • leading by design, 157, 175
    • leading by example, 165–166
    • vacuum, 21
  • LinkedIn, 52
  • Listening
    • purposefulness, 81, 82, 88
    • tour, usage, 228
  • Little Bets (Sims), 228
  • Lockheed Martin, 134
  • Loyalty, mandate (absence), 65
  • Lyft, customer stories (usage), 178
  • Managers
    • meetings, 140
    • skills, requirement, 44
  • McDonald's, 159
    • verification board, introduction, 136
  • Means, ignoring, 183–184
  • Mediocrity, problem, 2–4
  • Medium, mastery, 130, 140–143
  • Meeting
    • absence, scheduling, 217–218
    • absentees, acceptance, 214
    • agendas, requirement, 213
    • cessation, 217
    • default times, change, 215–216, 228
    • facilitator, usage, 214
    • follow-up, 217
    • initiation
      • promptness, 215
      • stretching, usage, 169
    • materials, pre-distribution, 216
    • motions, 214
    • multitasking, avoidance, 214
    • parking lot, usage, 216–217
    • stand-up meetings, usage, 215
    • timekeepers/scribes, appointment, 215
    • usage, 213–218
    • walking meeting, usage, 169
  • Mentoring, usage, 106, 193
  • Mere ownership effect, 185–186
  • Metrics, usage, 9
  • Miranda, Lin-Manuel, 21
  • Mirror neurons, activation, 168
  • Mission statement, 179
  • Mistakes, admission/learning, 161
  • Moments of truth, 191
  • Mood, identification, 180
  • Moorehead, Scott, 87
  • Motivation, 149
    • drivers, understanding, 151–155
    • identification, 180
    • secret, 155
  • Motivational design, 158
  • Motivators, selection, 152
  • Movement, 142
  • Multitasking, avoidance, 214
  • Nadella, Satya, 83–84
  • Need-satisfying process, 159, 160f
  • Negative script, flipping, 197–199
  • Negativity bias, 198
  • New hire, peer buddy (matching), 194
  • "New School" leaders, 54–55
  • Nietzsche, Friedrich, 19
  • Nonviolent Communication (Rosenberg), 84
  • Nordstrom, security problem, 53
  • Norms, creation, 213
  • Obhi, Sukhvinder, 80
  • Off-site location, team gathering, 163
  • Old-school leadership, function (problem), 43
  • Onboarding check-ins, setup, 194
  • One-click ordering, 47–48
  • One-on-one meetings, rescheduling, 105
  • One-screen emails, utilization, 222–223
  • One-way communication, change, 135
  • Open dialogue, encouragement, 194
  • Openness, 88
    • growth, 83
    • modeling, 163–164
    • practice, 81, 82–83
  • Organizational communication, 193
  • Organizational management, initiation, 34
  • Organizations
    • leadership history, 33–35
    • volunteers, usage, 18
    • wins, acknowledgment/celebration, 199–200
  • Overload, 122–123
  • Ownership
    • effect, 185–186
    • human need, 159
    • performance need, 181–186
  • Pace (voice element), 142
  • Packard, Dave, 177
  • Parking lot, usage, 216–217
  • Parkinson, Cyril, 216
  • Passion (voice element), 142
  • Patience, supply (problem), 78
  • Pausing (voice element), 142
  • Peak-end rule, 207
  • Peak moments, power, 192–195
  • People
  • Perceptions, identification, 180
  • Performance, 155
    • empathy, impact, 75–76
    • improvement, 185
    • maximization, 48
    • needs, 175–186
      • satisfaction, 186
    • satisfaction, 186
  • Personal background, 139
  • Personalized experience, tailoring, 207–208
  • Personnel networks, modeling, 39
  • Pfau, Bruce, 48
  • Phillips, Charles, 81
  • Physical building, security, 161
  • Physical safety satisfiers, 160–161
  • Physical signs, elements, 182
  • Pine II, B. Joseph, 207
  • Pink, Daniel H., 46, 51
  • Platinum Rule, 154
    • usage, 228
  • Porath, Christine, 75
  • Positive emotion, generation, 196–200
  • Positivity
    • modeling, 196–197
    • origin, 198
  • Posner, Barry, 57, 96, 100
  • Posture/stance, 142
  • Power
    • feelings, mirror neural activity (inverse correlation), 80
    • impact, 80–81
  • Power of Habit, The (Duhigg), 102
  • PowerPoint, usage, 122
  • Preboarding, 193
  • Presentation, design, 127
  • Primary needs, 157
    • meeting, 171–172
  • Principles of Scientific Management (Taylor), 34
  • Problem/challenge, framing, 49
  • Problem solving, 49
  • Productivity, 95
  • Profitability, 95
  • Progress
    • acknowledgment, 179–181
    • principle, usage, 180–181
  • Project Aristotle, 162–163
  • Project kickoffs, 193
  • Promotion, 193
  • Psychological rentership, 181
  • Psychological safety
    • absence, reactions, 162
    • team member psychological safety, 161–162
  • Purpose
    • communication, 175
    • human need, 159
    • performance need, 176–181
    • purpose-filled workplace, creation, 177
    • statement, co-creation, 178–179
  • Regional manager (RM) ritual, creation, 106
  • Regional review, 106
  • Relationship building, 158
    • skill, requirement, 44
  • Rental cars, treatment, 181
  • Resignation, 193
  • Results, creation
    • innovation, impact, 69–70
    • insight, impact, 66–69
  • Retirement, 193
  • Revenue per store metric, 9
  • Right-wrong mind-set, 76
  • Rituals, creation, 200, 205–206
  • Robinson, Ken, 141
  • Rohn, Jim, 23
  • Role and responsibilities discussion, 194
  • Roosevelt, Eleanor, 189
  • Rosenberg, Marshall, 84
  • Rosenthal, Robert, 182
  • Ruiz, Miguel, 22
  • Safety (human need), 159, 160–164
  • Sakaguchi, Matt, 163
  • Sandberg, Sheryl, 43
  • Santayana, George, 29
  • Satisfier
    • components, 161
    • physical safety satisfiers, 160–161
    • selection/impact, 159
  • Scandinavian Airline Systems (SAS), 191
  • Schwartz, Tony, 75
  • Schweitzer, Albert, 140
  • Scientific management, principles (Taylor), 38–40
  • Scribes, appointment, 215
  • Self-awareness
    • social awareness, interplay, 94
    • usage, 22–23
  • Self-esteem, possession, 158
  • Shared context, absence, 121–122
  • Shared Understanding, 126
  • Shaw, George Bernard, 113
  • Similarity attraction effect, 21
  • Simplicity, 211, 223–224
  • Sims, Peter, 228
  • Sinek, Simon, 175
  • Sizzle, usage, 200, 201–204
  • Skills, involvement, 49
  • Skype, usage, 49
  • Sleep, problem, 169
  • Small changes, power, 228–229
  • Smith, Fred, 177
  • Social awareness, self-awareness (interplay), 94
  • Social network, hiring, 194
  • Soft skills (people skills), 45
  • Solutions, implementation, 49
  • Spiderman (movie), 91
  • S.S. Rotterdam, 113, 114
  • Stairs, usage, 169
  • Stand-up meetings, usage, 215
  • Stand-Up Meeting, usage, 169
  • Starbucks, 228
  • Steinbeck, John, 59
  • Steinlauf, Avis, 51
  • Storytelling, 168, 178
  • Strangers, engagement, 81, 85–86, 88
  • Strategic transformation plan, 1
  • Strategy meetings, 140
  • Stress
    • decrease, 5
    • explanation, 32
  • Subject fishing, 222
  • Subject lines, clarity, 222
  • Subordinates, appreciation, 200
  • Success
    • foundation, 24
    • road, fallacy, 227f
  • Super-volunteer, role, 16
  • Surprise, usage, 200, 204–205
  • Taylor, Frederick Winslow, 34–35, 38, 44, 50
  • Taylorites, 35–36
  • Teaming, skill (requirement), 44
  • Team members
    • air time, 162
    • exclusions, 162
    • expectations, 139
    • feelings, attention skill, 163
    • psychological safety, impact, 161–162
  • Teams
    • communication norms, establishment, 139
    • executive teams, strategy meetings, 140
    • meeting, questions (usage), 199
    • negative script, flipping, 197–199
    • norms, 162–163
    • purpose statement, co-creation, 178–179
  • Technical skills, 20, 45
  • Technology, advantage, 212–213
  • Termination, 193
  • Text message, usage, 152
  • Thaler, Richard, 157
  • Timekeepers, appointment, 215
  • Top-down planning models, abandonment, 54
  • To Sell Is Human (Pink), 51
  • Transaction jobs, decrease, 50
  • Transparency (megatrend), 51–54
    • importance, 139
  • Trust
    • building, empathy (impact), 65
    • production/destruction, 8
  • Truth. See Moments of truth
  • Turnover, 95
  • Two-way communication, 135
  • Understanding
    • checks, creation, 130, 134–136
    • receipt, 135, 228
  • United Airlines, video (disaster), 52
  • United States, real GDP per capita, 46
  • Variety, creation, 167–168
  • Video, usage, 204
  • Vision, creation, 22
  • Voice, elements, 142
  • Volume (voice element), 142
  • Volunteers, usage, 18
  • Voting, expectations, 17
  • Vouchers, usage, 152
  • Walking meeting, usage, 169
  • Walton, Sam, 138
  • Washington, George, 226–227
  • Wellins, Richard S., 59
  • What Got You Here Won't Get You There (Goldsmith), 22–23
  • Whole New Mind, A (Pink), 46
  • Why Simple Wins (Bodell), 211
  • Winfrey, Oprah, 73
  • Wins, acknowledgment/celebration, 199–200
  • Wooden, John, 24–25
  • Work
    • environment, lighting/ventilation, 160
    • fulfillment/enjoyment, 48
    • static level, 37
  • Workday, email diary/questionnaire (usage), 180
  • Working style, 139
  • Work-life satisfaction, improvement, 5
  • Workplace, 95
    • appreciation, 170–171
    • communication, impact, 115
    • failures, collaboration/communication problems (impact), 116
    • geographic location, 161
    • hint/hope, examples, 140
    • injury, obstructions (absence), 160
    • nature, change, 31
    • purpose-filled workplace, creation, 177
  • Workplace, beliefs/words/behaviors, 39
  • Work Rules (Bock), 194
  • Wow experience, 195–196
  • Zappos, WOW experience, 195, 200
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