
This book would not have been possible without the help of many special people in my life. I can't list them all here, but I would like to thank my wife, Sarah Burton; my team at Whil, especially Mak Akhtar and Jenna Pascal for their research and support and Izzy Sanchez, Maya Edelman, and Eunice So for their beautiful design work; Chip and Shannon Wilson for investing in my dream and for showing me what commitment and integrity truly mean.

To Jeanenne Ray, Danielle Serpica, Barath Kumar Rajasekaran, and the rest of the Wiley team. Thank you for your interest in Whil and your belief in me. To Josh Bersin for his expertise, industry leadership and willingness to share the foreword to this book. To Dr. Tara Cousineau, Whil's Chief Science Officer, for her amazing commentary in the editing process. To the rest of our Science Advisory Board at Whil, Dr. Jeffrey Durmer, Dr. Paul Friga, and Dr. Robert Graham; our lead Whil teachers for your trust and ongoing commitment; Mark Coleman, Pascal Auclair, and Ali Smith; and Atman Smith and Andres Gonzalez from the Holistic Life Foundation (go Steelers!). Steve Morris, Greg Healy, and our partners at The Eventful Group and the American SAP Users' Group (ASUG), for giving me a platform as a keynote at so many of your excellent events; Jim Gimian Publisher of Mindful magazine for your mentorship, advice, and sarcasm; the Boys & Girls Clubs of America for giving a poor kid from Pittsburgh the hope, confidence, and pride to strive to “be great.” To my family: growing up wasn't perfect, but we had love and we had each other; my brother John and my sisters, Sue and Sherry; my sister Mary and my twin sister, Julie. Your deaths caused me to take a new direction in my life; and my mother, Shirley Burton. Mom, you're the original Mindful Leader in our lives. I love you every day.

I'd also like to thank the researchers, academics, authors and leaders that I drew inspiration and insights from, including Dr. Dan Goleman, Dr. Dan Siegel, Dr. Rick Hanson, Dr. Alia Crum, Jon Kabat‐Zinn, Josh Bersin, Daniel Pink, Tony Hsieh, Dr. Tara Cousineau, Martin Seligman, David DeStefano, Daniel Khaneman, B. J. Fogg, Gary Hamel, Peter Drucker, Fred Luskin, Rudy Wolfe, Dr. Jim Loehr, Jane McGonigal, Dr. Liz Stanley, Peter Salovey, John Mayer, Jenn Lim, John Eaton, Jack Zenger, Joseph Folman, Albert Einstein, Chris Bertish, Dr. Barbara Fredrickson, William James, Henry James, Andy Lee, Dr. Jeffrey Durmer, Victor Frankl, Mark Bertolini, Steve Zaffron, Dave Logan, Eileen Fisher, Bill Moyers, Donald Hebb, Ramon y Cajal, Richard Branson, Sigal Barsade, Olivia O'Neill, Raj Sisodia, David Wolfe, Jad Seth, Douglas Stone, Bruce Patton, Sheila Heen, Barry Schwartz, Charles Darwin, Bruce Feiler, Bill George, Christin Carter, Brene Brown, John Barth, Neel Doshi, Lindsay McGregor, and Les Brown.

Most importantly, thank you, Reader. May you find what I found.

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